'commit exchange' button when there's nothing to commit, and get rid
of error message used when committing nothing since it's now
impossible (on Android).
summaries DB list of dicts in the game and a method that queries that.
Pick delete-confirmation message based on the language of dict,
whether there are others in the same language, and whether games are
using that language or that dict.
correctly with having the same dict stored in more than one place.
Added DictAndLoc with members name and loc to support this, and used
in a bunch of places in place of mere strings, including
DictsActivity. Also removed code warning when you're deleting a dict
that's not the last in its lang, which incorrectly warned that the
dict was in use when in fact I can't tell that. The warning "might be
in use" sounds dumb so it's gone for now.
stuff. In java, respond to util_playerScoreHeld() and
util_bonusSquareHeld() by putting up toasts with existing strings.
For util_setInTrade(), fix exchange mode. Add two buttons at bottom
that replace toolbar (and corresponding buttons on menu). Redraw
scoreboard and board with high transparency to make it clear they're
disabled. Still to do: deal with case where ability to switch which
player's tray is visible is enabled.
figure out how to get that so I ignore it and am killed then
relaunched if I have a dict file open on the SD. On relauch, don't
crash. Instead, check if any dicts used by the game is unreachable
and put up an alert with only one choice: Close game. Thought about
using the missing-dicts stuff from GamesList, but this is a special
case that should be seen only when user umounts while a BoardActivity
instance is frontmost.
If not, give a chance to set it and a welcome message. Whatever
happens, wind up with some sort of default name so the query isn't
repeated unless user clears all defaults.
if it's not installed (because SMS apps confuses with the way it
presents multiple URLs.) Will try to do the same thing with the
redirect .php script whose output will stick around if the redirect
fails. Also, use URI.Builder instead of a format string to build the
redirect URL. It's cleaner. Still need to have a space in the format
string to keep sentence-finishing period from becoming part of the
room name. Not sure how to fix that without moving to html messages
which I assume don't work in SMS.
google's crash report site, when I try to launch something to handle
http and nothing can. Maybe people are installing Crosswords on
devices that don't have browsers.
someone. Factor out code from create-and-invite path to support this.
Move invite-related strings into resources. Still untested with
networked device (to send email.)