Class Index



ActivityScreen A screen backed with an Android Activity. 
Android This class is deprecated. use the android.widget.Toast class instead  
Android This class is deprecated. use the android.widget.Toast class instead  
Array This class is deprecated. This collection isn't needed anymore and is kept for compatibility. Use plain JavaScript arrays instead.  
Array This class is deprecated. This collection isn't needed anymore and is kept for compatibility. Use plain JavaScript arrays instead.  


Binding A binding links a "target" (a property) with a "formula" (a value). 
Binding A binding links a "target" (a property) with a "formula" (a value). 
Box The Box object allows access to the corresponding item and folder window box properties. 
Box The Box object allows access to the corresponding item and folder window box properties. 


Configuration Access to some of the general launcher configuration data. 
Configuration Access to some of the general launcher configuration data. 
Container The container can be either a desktop, a folder or a panel. 
Container The container can be either a desktop, a folder or a panel. 


Desktop The desktop is a kind of container, and is typically displayed as the home screen. 
Desktop The desktop is a kind of container, and is typically displayed as the home screen. 


Event The event gather useful data dealing with the context of the event, such as which item caused the script to be executed, or what was the container at time of the event. 
Event The event gather useful data dealing with the context of the event, such as which item caused the script to be executed, or what was the container at time of the event. 
EventHandler Describe an event handler made of an action, some optional data and possibly a handler to execute after this one. 
EventHandler Describe an event handler made of an action, some optional data and possibly a handler to execute after this one. 


Folder The folder item extends the shortcut (because it have a label and an icon) and add folder specific services such as open/close. 
Folder The folder item extends the shortcut (because it have a label and an icon) and add folder specific services such as open/close. 


HomeScreen A specialized ActivityScreen used for the main home screen. 


Image Utility class to manipulate images (icons, backgrounds, etc.). 
Image Utility class to manipulate images (icons, backgrounds, etc.). 
ImageAnimation A kind of image which can play an animation (often loaded from GIF files). 
ImageAnimation A kind of image which can play an animation (often loaded from GIF files). 
ImageBitmap Wraps a static bitmap. 
ImageBitmap Wraps a static bitmap. 
ImageNinePatch Wraps a Nine Patch image. 
ImageNinePatch Wraps a Nine Patch image. 
ImageScript ImageScript is a way to draw images or animations without the need for intermediate bitmaps. 
ImageScript ImageScript is a way to draw images or animations without the need for intermediate bitmaps. 
ImageScript.DrawingContext The DrawingContext is the link between the drawing script and the drawing target. 
ImageScript.DrawingContext The DrawingContext is the link between the drawing script and the drawing target. 
ImageSvg An image backed by a SVG document  
ImageSvg An image backed by a SVG document  
Item The item is the base class for other objects that can be found in a container (shortcuts, folders, etc.). 
Item The item is the base class for other objects that can be found in a container (shortcuts, folders, etc.). 


Lightning Entry point for most Lightning Launcher scripted features. 
Lightning Entry point for most Lightning Launcher scripted features. 
LL This class is deprecated. use Lightning instead.  
LL This class is deprecated. use Lightning instead.  
LLPreference The base class for all other preferences. 
LLPreferenceCategory A preference category is a thin header element used to group preferences. 
LLPreferenceCheckBox This preference is used to manage a boolean value using a checkbox. 
LLPreferenceColor This preference is used to manage a color. 
LLPreferenceList This preference is used to select an item in a list. 
LLPreferenceListView A list view displaying preferences (instances of LLPreference). 
LLPreferenceSlider This preference is used to manage number settings, using a slider and -/+ buttons. 
LLPreferenceText This preference is used to store a text value  


Menu Provides an access to the popup menu, so that it can be customized. 
Menu Provides an access to the popup menu, so that it can be customized. 


Palette A helper class to extract prominent colors from an image. 
Palette.PaletteAsyncListener Listener to be used with generateAsync(, net.pierrox.lightning_launcher.script.api.palette.Palette.PaletteAsyncListener) or generateAsync(, int, net.pierrox.lightning_launcher.script.api.palette.Palette.PaletteAsyncListener)  
Palette.Swatch Represents a color swatch generated from an image's palette. 
Panel The panel is a special kind of item, providing access to items contained in this panel. 
Panel The panel is a special kind of item, providing access to items contained in this panel. 
PropertyEditor Utility to modify one or more configuration settings at once. 
PropertyEditor Utility to modify one or more configuration settings at once. 
PropertySet Access to container and item properties (aka settings). 
PropertySet Access to container and item properties (aka settings). 


RectL A rectangle class. 
RectL A rectangle class. 


Screen The screen is the surface where user interactions occur. 
Script This object is used to access script properties such as text, tag and menu attributes. 
Script This object is used to access script properties such as text, tag and menu attributes. 
Shortcut A shortcut is a label and an icon, tapping on it will usually launch an app. 
Shortcut A shortcut is a label and an icon, tapping on it will usually launch an app. 
StopPoint The StopPoint object allows getting and setting stop points values. 
StopPoint The StopPoint object allows getting and setting stop points values. 
SvgElement The base class for all SVG elements. 
SvgGroup A group of SVG elements (<g>). 
SvgPath SVG path (<path>). 
SvgSvg The root <svg> element. 


VariableEditor A VariableEditor is a tool to change the value of one or more variable. 
VariableEditor A VariableEditor is a tool to change the value of one or more variable. 
VariableSet A VariableSet object enumerates known variables with their type and value. 
VariableSet A VariableSet object enumerates known variables with their type and value.