ehouse 6b80b3c0bc Include output of svnversion in Palm version's About dialog. For
Catalan and Spanish as well as English.  There's also some character
conversion in the former two that may be linked to my local LANG
setting now being en_US.utf8.  May need to revisit if there are
2006-05-15 04:24:30 +00:00

138 lines
5.9 KiB

/* -*- mode: c; -*- */
* Copyright 1997 - 2002 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org) and others. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* This table is where English user-visible strings come from (all
* strings meant to wind up in a str# resource, actually. Each entry
* is a pair of strings, first the constant name and then the string
* itself. The build system creats a str# resource with the latter
* and generates a .h file of #defines using the former. */
{ "STR_COMMIT_CONFIRM", "¿Aceptas la jugada?\n\n" },
{ "STR_NOT_YOUR_TURN", "¡No puedes hacer eso; no es tu turno!" },
{ "STR_NO_PEEK_ROBOT_TILES", "¡No mires las fichas de la máquina!" },
{ "STR_NO_PEEK_REMOTE_TILES", "¡No mires las fichas de los demás!" },
{ "STR_SERVER_DICT_WINS", "Conflicto entre diccionarios: manda el del servidor." },
{ "STR_REG_UNEXPECTED_USER", "Jugador inesperado: no se acepta" },
{ "STR_RESEND_IR", "Error enviando el mensaje; ¿reenviar" },
{ "STR_TOO_FEW_TILES", "Ho quedan tantas fichas." },
{ "STR_CANT_UNDO_TILEASSIGN", "El reparto de fichas no puede deshacerse." },
{ "STR_VALUES_TITLE", "Counts and Values" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_REMAINS_TITLE","Remaining tiles" }, /* translate */
{ "STRS_VALUES_HEADER", "%s counts/values:\n" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_DOUBLE_LETTER", "Doble de letra" },
{ "STR_DOUBLE_WORD", "Doble de palabra" },
{ "STR_TRIPLE_LETTER", "Triple de letra" },
{ "STR_TRIPLE_WORD", "Triple de palabra" },
{ "STR_REMTILES", "Hay:%d" },
{ "STR_CANT_TRADE_MIDTURN", "Aún tienes fichas en el tablero."},
{ "STR_ASK_REPLACE_GAME", "¿Quieres sobreescribir la partida?" },
{ "STR_OK", "Ok" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_ABOUT_TITLE", "Acerca de Crosswords" },
{ "STR_DEFAULT_NAME", "Jugador %d" },
"Crosswords " XW_PALM_VERSION_STRING " (rev. " SVN_REV ").\n" \
"Copyright 1998-2004 by Eric House. "\
"Todos los derechos reservados.\n\n"\
"El manual está en xwords.sourceforge.net\n\n" \
"Este programa es postalware.\nSi lo usas " \
"manda una postal a:\n" \
"The Houses\n" \
"1610 NW 14th Place\n" \
"Corvallis, OR 97330 USA\n\n"
"Escrito sobre Debian GNU/Linux usando las prc-tools.\n\n"\
"Versión española por F. Xavier Gil\n(setimig@wanadooadsl.net)." \
{ "STR_CONFIRM_END_GAME", "¿Seguro que quieres terminar la partida?"},
{ "STR_CONFIRM_TRADE", "¿Seguro que quieres usar tu turno " \
"para cambiar fichas?" },
{ "STR_TRADING_REMINDER", "Pulsa D para terminar." },
{ "STR_NOT_UNREG_VERS", "Sólo funciona en la versión registrada." },
{ "STR_LOCAL_NAME", "%s" },
{ "STR_NONLOCAL_NAME", "%s (remoto)" },
{ "STRSD_SUMMARYSCORED", "%s: %d" },
{ "STRD_TRADED", "Cambiadas: %d" },
{ "STR_PASSED", "Ha pasado" },
{ "STR_LOSTTURN", "Turno perdido" },
{ "STR_HISTORY_TITLE", "Jugadas" },
{ "STRD_REMAINING_TILES_ADD", "+ %d [fichas sobrantes]" },
{ "STRD_UNUSED_TILES_SUB", "- %d [fichas no usadas]" },
{ "STR_BONUS_ALL", "Por usar las siete fichas: 50\n" },
{ "STRD_TURN_SCORE", "Parcial de la jugada: %d\n" },
{ "STR_ALL_IN_LINE_ERR", "Las fichas no están en línea." },
{ "STR_NO_EMPTIES_ERR", "Las fichas deben tocarse." },
{ "STR_FIRST_MOVE_ERR", "Debes usar dos o más fichas en " \
"la primera jugada." },
/* phony comment to get diff back in sync */
{ "STR_MUST_CONTACT_ERR", "Las fichas deben tocar otras (o el " \
"cuadrado central en la primera jugada)." },
{ "STR_PTS", "Puntos:" },
{ "STR_CONFIRM_DEL_GAME", "¿Seguro que quieres borrarla?" },
{ "STRD_TIME_PENALTY_SUB", " - %d [por tiempo]" },
{ "STR_NO_DICT_INSTALLED", "Crosswords necesita algún diccionario." },
{ "STR_ILLEGAL_WORD", "¡Ei!, %s no está en el diccionario." },
{ "STR_FINAL_SCORES_TITLE", "Puntuación final"},
/* another phony comment to get diff back in sync */
{ "STRD_CUMULATIVE_SCORE", "Acumulado: %d\n" },
{ "STRS_TRAY_AT_START", "Atril inicial: %s\n" },
{ "STRS_MOVE_ACROSS", "jugada (%s, horizontal)\n" },
{ "STRS_MOVE_DOWN", "jugada (%s, vertical)\n" },
{ "STRS_NEW_TILES", "Nuevas fichas: %s\n" },
{ "STRSS_TRADED_FOR", "Cambio de %s por %s." },
{ "STR_PASS", "pasa\n" },
{ "STR_PHONY_REJECTED", "Palabra incorrecta; ¡turno perdido!\n" },
{ "STR_ROBOT_MOVED", "El robot ha jugado:\n" },
{ "STR_REMOTE_MOVED", "Un jugador remoto ha jugado:\n" },
{ "STRD_ROBOT_TRADED", "%d fichas canviadas." },
{ "STR_ROBOT_TITLE", "Puntos del robot" },
/* The end of 4.0.5's strings */
{ "STR_PICK_BLANK", "Escoge una ficha para el comodín." },
{ "STRS_PICK_TILE", "Escoge una nueva ficha para %s." },
#ifdef NODE_CAN_4
{ "STR_CONFIRM_CONVERTDICT", "¿Quieres convertir los diccionarios de Crosswords " \
"al nuevo formato? " \
"El cambio no es reversible." },
{ "STRS_CONFIRM_ONEDICT", "¿Convertir el diccionario %s?" },
{ "STRS_CANNOT_FIND_DICT", "%s dictionary not found." }, /* translate */
{ "STR_DICT_COPY_EXPL", "Copying dictionary from card..." },/* translate */