ehouse 711046f94b move to using a formal table-driven state machine for each game (cref
object).  While it makes things more complex at this point, it should
make it easier in the long run to add error handling, timeouts, etc.
2005-07-05 22:05:37 +00:00

317 lines
9.2 KiB

/* -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */
* Copyright 2005 by Eric House (fixin@peak.org). All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// This program is a *very rough* cut at a message forwarding server that's
// meant to sit somewhere that cellphones can reach and forward packets across
// connections so that they can communicate. It exists to work around the
// fact that many cellular carriers prevent direct incoming connections from
// reaching devices on their networks. It's meant for Crosswords, but might
// be useful for other things. It also needs a lot of work, and I hacked it
// up before making an exhaustive search for other alternatives.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h> /* gethostbyname */
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "xwrelay.h"
#include "cref.h"
#include "ctrl.h"
#include "mlock.h"
#include "tpool.h"
#define MILLIS 1000000
logf( const char* format, ... )
FILE* where = stderr;
struct tm* timp;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday( &tv, &tz );
timp = localtime( &tv.tv_sec );
pthread_t me = pthread_self();
fprintf( where, "<%lx>%d:%d:%d: ", me, timp->tm_hour, timp->tm_min,
timp->tm_sec );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, format );
vfprintf( where, format, ap );
fprintf( where, "\n" );
} /* logf */
static unsigned short
getNetShort( unsigned char** bufpp )
unsigned short tmp;
memcpy( &tmp, *bufpp, 2 );
*bufpp += 2;
return ntohs( tmp );
static void
processHeartbeat( unsigned char* buf, int bufLen, int socket )
CookieID cookieID = getNetShort( &buf );
HostID hostID = getNetShort( &buf );
logf( "processHeartbeat: cookieID 0x%x, hostID 0x%x", cookieID, hostID );
CookieRef* cref = get_cookieRef( cookieID );
if ( cref != NULL ) {
cref->HandleHeartbeat( hostID, socket );
} else {
killSocket( socket, "no cref for socket" );
} /* processHeartbeat */
/* A CONNECT message from a device gives us the hostID and socket we'll
* associate with one participant in a relayed session. We'll store this
* information with the cookie where other participants can find it when they
* arrive.
* What to do if we already have a game going? In that case the connection ID
* passed in will be non-zero. If the device can be associated with an
* ongoing game, with its new socket, associate it and forward any messages
* outstanding. Otherwise close down the socket. And maybe the others in the
* game?
static CookieRef*
processConnect( unsigned char* bufp, int bufLen, int socket )
logf( "processConnect" );
CookieRef* cref = NULL;
unsigned char* end = bufp + bufLen;
unsigned char clen = *bufp++;
if ( bufp < end && clen < MAX_COOKIE_LEN ) {
char cookie[MAX_COOKIE_LEN+1];
memcpy( cookie, bufp, clen );
cookie[clen] = '\0';
logf( "got cookie: %s", cookie );
bufp += clen;
if ( bufp < end ) {
HostID srcID = getNetShort( &bufp );
CookieID connID = getNetShort( &bufp );
if ( bufp == end ) {
cref = get_make_cookieRef( cookie, connID );
assert( cref != NULL );
cref->Connect( socket, srcID );
return cref;
} /* processConnect */
killSocket( int socket, char* why )
logf( "killSocket(%d): %s", socket, why );
SocketMgr::RemoveSocketRefs( socket );
/* Might want to kill the thread it belongs to if we're not in it,
e.g. when unable to write to another socket. */
logf( "killSocket done" );
return (unsigned long)time(NULL);
/* forward the message. Need only change the command after looking up the
* socket and it's ready to go. */
static int
forwardMessage( unsigned char* buf, int buflen, int srcSocket )
int success = 0;
unsigned char* bufp = buf + 1; /* skip cmd */
unsigned short cookieID = getNetShort( &bufp );
logf( "cookieID = %d", cookieID );
CookieRef* cref = get_cookieRef( cookieID );
if ( cref != NULL ) {
HostID src = getNetShort( &bufp );
HostID dest = getNetShort( &bufp );
cref->Forward( src, dest, buf, buflen );
success = 1;
return success;
} /* forwardMessage */
static void
processMessage( unsigned char* buf, int bufLen, int socket )
CookieRef* cref;
XWRELAY_Cmd cmd = *buf;
switch( cmd ) {
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_CONNECT" );
cref = processConnect( buf+1, bufLen-1, socket );
logf( "bad: processMessage got XWRELAY_CONNECTRESP" );
logf( "bad: processMessage got XWRELAY_MSG_FROMRELAY" );
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_HEARTBEAT" );
processHeartbeat( buf + 1, bufLen - 1, socket );
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_MSG_TORELAY" );
if ( !forwardMessage( buf, bufLen, socket ) ) {
killSocket( socket, "couldn't forward message" );
} else {
} /* processMessage */
static int
make_socket( unsigned long addr, unsigned short port )
int sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
struct sockaddr_in sockAddr;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr);
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
int result = bind( sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr) );
if ( result != 0 ) {
logf( "exiting: unable to bind port %d: %d, errno = %d\n",
port, result, errno );
return -1;
logf( "bound socket %d on port %d", sock, port );
result = listen( sock, 5 );
if ( result != 0 ) {
logf( "exiting: unable to listen: %d, errno = %d\n", result, errno );
return -1;
return sock;
} /* make_socket */
static void
sighandler( int signal )
logf( "sighandler" );
vector<int> victims;
CheckHeartbeats( now(), &victims );
unsigned int i;
for ( i = 0; i < victims.size(); ++i ) {
killSocket( victims[i], "heartbeat check failed" );
logf( "sighandler done" );
} /* sighandler */
int main( int argc, char** argv )
int port = 10999;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
port = atoi( argv[1] );
/* Open a listening socket. For each received message, fork a thread into
which relevant stuff is passed. */
int listener = make_socket( INADDR_ANY, port );
if ( listener == -1 ) {
exit( 1 );
int control = make_socket( INADDR_LOOPBACK, port + 1 );
if ( control == -1 ) {
exit( 1 );
/* generate a signal after n milliseconds, then every m milliseconds */
(void)signal( SIGALRM, sighandler );
(void)ualarm( 2 * HEARTBEAT * MILLIS, 2 * HEARTBEAT* MILLIS );
XWThreadPool* tPool = XWThreadPool::GetTPool();
tPool->Setup( N_WORKER_THREADS, processMessage );
/* set up select call */
fd_set rfds;
for ( ; ; ) {
FD_SET( listener, &rfds );
FD_SET( control, &rfds );
int highest = listener;
if ( control > listener ) {
highest = control;
int retval = select( highest, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( retval < 0 ) {
logf( "errno: %d", errno );
} else {
if ( FD_ISSET( listener, &rfds ) ) {
struct sockaddr_in newaddr;
socklen_t siz = sizeof(newaddr);
int newSock = accept( listener, (sockaddr*)&newaddr, &siz );
unsigned long remoteIP = newaddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
logf( "accepting connection from 0x%lx", ntohl( remoteIP ) );
tPool->AddSocket( newSock );
if ( FD_ISSET( control, &rfds ) ) {
run_ctrl_thread( control );
assert( retval == 0 );
close( listener );
close( control );
return 0;
} // main