fix curses build for 64bit compile and to use common layout (meaning

tray is now under the board unstead of to the right).  Works on 64-bit
system at least for non-networked games.
This commit is contained in:
Eric House 2014-01-05 13:04:59 -08:00
parent 3f67afaefb
commit b43855a313
8 changed files with 100 additions and 73 deletions

View file

@ -439,6 +439,9 @@ board_figureLayout( BoardCtxt* board, const CurGameInfo* gi,
// Scrolling's required if we use cell width sufficient to
// fill the screen. But perhaps we don't need to.
int cellWidth = 2 * (bHeight / ( 4 + 3 + (2*nCells)));
if ( cellWidth < fontWidth ) {
cellWidth = fontWidth;
if ( firstPass && cellWidth >= fontHt ) {
firstPass = XP_FALSE;
ldims.boardWidth = nCells * cellWidth;

View file

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
/* Figure out how many lines there are and how wide the widest is.
cursesask( CursesAppGlobals* globals, const char* question, short numButtons,
const char* button1, ... )
const char** buttons )
WINDOW* confWin;
int x, y, rows, row, nLines;
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ cursesask( CursesAppGlobals* globals, const char* question, short numButtons,
if ( newSelButton != curSelButton ) {
drawButtons( confWin, rows+1, spacePerButton, numButtons,
curSelButton=newSelButton, &button1 );
curSelButton=newSelButton, buttons );
ch = wgetch( confWin );

View file

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
#include "cursesmain.h"
short cursesask( CursesAppGlobals* globals, const char* question,
short numButtons, const char* button1, ... );
int cursesask( CursesAppGlobals* globals, const char* question,
short numButtons, const char** buttons );

View file

@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ curses_draw_drawRemText( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XP_S16 nTilesLeft,
static void
formatRemText( char* buf, int bufLen, XP_S16 nTilesLeft, int width )
formatRemText( char* buf, int bufLen, XP_S16 nTilesLeft, int XP_UNUSED(width) )
snprintf( buf, bufLen, "Tiles left in pool: %.3d", nTilesLeft );
if ( strlen(buf)+1 >= width ) {
/* int len = snprintf( buf, bufLen, "Tiles left in pool: %.3d", nTilesLeft ); */
/* if ( len > bufLen || strlen(buf)+1 >= width ) { */
snprintf( buf, bufLen, "Rem: %.3d", nTilesLeft );
/* } */
} /* formatRemText */
static XP_Bool
@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ curses_draw_measureRemText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx),
XP_S16 nTilesLeft,
XP_U16* width, XP_U16* height )
char buf[32];
char buf[64];
formatRemText( buf, sizeof(buf), nTilesLeft, r->width );
*width = strlen(buf);
*height = 1;
*height = r->height;
return XP_TRUE;
} /* curses_draw_measureRemText */
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ curses_draw_drawRemText( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner,
#if 0
static int
fitIn( char* buf, int len, int* rem, const char* str )
@ -177,41 +178,35 @@ fitIn( char* buf, int len, int* rem, const char* str )
memcpy( buf, str, slen );
return len;
} /* fitIn */
static void
formatScoreText( XP_UCHAR* out, int outLen, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi,
int width )
formatScoreText( XP_UCHAR* out, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi, const XP_Rect* rect,
char** lines )
/* Long and short formats. We'll try long first. If it fits, cool.
Otherwise we use short. Either way, we fill the whole rect so it can
overwrite anything that was there before.*/
char tmp[width+1];
char buf[width+1];
int scoreWidth = 4;
XP_ASSERT( width < outLen );
XP_MEMSET( buf, ' ', width );
buf[width] = '\0';
/* Status/role chars at start */
if ( dsi->isTurn ) {
buf[0] = 'T';
if ( dsi->selected ) {
buf[1] = 'S';
if ( dsi->isRobot) {
buf[2] = 'r';
if ( 2 <= rect->height ) {
sprintf( out, "%s", dsi->name );
*lines++ = out;
out += 1 + strlen(out);
/* Score always goes at end. Will overwrite status if width is really small */
snprintf( tmp, scoreWidth, "%.3d", dsi->totalScore );
memcpy( &buf[width-scoreWidth+1], tmp, scoreWidth-1 );
/* Status/role chars at start/top, if there's room */
if ( 3 <= rect->height ) {
out[0] = dsi->isTurn ? 'T': ' ';
out[1] = dsi->selected ? 'S' : ' ';
out[2] = dsi->isRobot ? 'r' : ' ';
out[3] = '\0';
*lines++ = out;
out += 4;
sprintf( out, "%.3d", dsi->totalScore );
*lines++ = out;
out += 1 + strlen(out);
#if 0
/* Now we want to fit name, rem tiles, last score, and last move, if
there's space. Allocate to each so they're in columns. */
width -= 8; /* status chars plus space; score plus space */
if ( width > 0 ) {
int pos = 4;
@ -243,20 +238,28 @@ formatScoreText( XP_UCHAR* out, int outLen, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi,
snprintf( out, outLen, "%s", buf );
} /* formatScoreText */
static void
curses_draw_measureScoreText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx),
const XP_Rect* r,
const XP_Rect* rect,
const DrawScoreInfo* dsi,
XP_U16* width, XP_U16* height )
XP_UCHAR buf[100];
formatScoreText( buf, sizeof(buf), dsi, r->width );
char* lines[3] = {0};
formatScoreText( buf, dsi, rect, lines );
*width = strlen( buf );
XP_ASSERT( *width <= r->width );
*height = 1; /* one line per player */
int ii;
int max = 0;
for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) {
max = XP_MAX( max, strlen( lines[ii] ) );
XP_ASSERT( ii <= rect->height );
*height = ii;
*width = max;
XP_ASSERT( *width <= rect->width );
} /* curses_draw_measureScoreText */
static void
@ -271,8 +274,12 @@ curses_draw_score_drawPlayer( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner,
curses_draw_clearRect( p_dctx, rOuter );
/* print the name and turn/remoteness indicator */
formatScoreText( buf, sizeof(buf), dsi, rInner->width );
mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, y, rOuter->left, buf );
char* lines[3] = {0};
formatScoreText( buf, dsi, rInner, lines );
int ii;
for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) {
mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, ii + y, rOuter->left, lines[ii] );
if ( (dsi->flags&CELL_ISCURSOR) != 0 ) {
cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rOuter );
@ -329,6 +336,10 @@ curses_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect,
XP_MEMCPY( loc, letter, strlen(letter) );
if ( highlight ) {
wstandout( dctx->boardWin );
/* in case it's not 1x1 */
eraseRect( dctx, rect );
@ -347,12 +358,7 @@ curses_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect,
} /* switch */
if ( highlight ) {
wstandout( dctx->boardWin );
mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left,
loc, rect->width );
mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left, loc, rect->width );
if ( highlight ) {
wstandend( dctx->boardWin );
@ -457,12 +463,16 @@ curses_draw_drawTileBack( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect,
static void
curses_draw_drawTrayDivider( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect,
CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) )
CellFlags flags )
CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx;
wmove( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left );
wvline( dctx->boardWin, '#', rect->height );
eraseRect( dctx, rect );
wmove( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left + (rect->width/2));
wvline( dctx->boardWin, '#', rect->height );
if ( 0 != (flags & CELL_ISCURSOR) ) {
cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rect );
} /* curses_draw_drawTrayDivider */
static void

View file

@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ cursesUserError( CursesAppGlobals* globals, const char* format, ... )
vsprintf( buf, format, ap );
(void)cursesask( globals, buf, 1, "OK" );
const char* buttons[] = {"OK"};
(void)cursesask( globals, buf, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );
} /* cursesUserError */
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ curses_util_userQuery( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, UtilQueryID id, XWStreamCtxt* stream )
CursesAppGlobals* globals;
char* question;
char* answers[3] = {NULL};
const char* answers[3] = {NULL};
short numAnswers = 0;
XP_Bool freeMe = XP_FALSE;
XP_Bool result;
@ -312,8 +313,7 @@ curses_util_userQuery( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, UtilQueryID id, XWStreamCtxt* stream )
return 0;
globals = (CursesAppGlobals*)uc->closure;
result = cursesask( globals, question, numAnswers,
answers[0], answers[1], answers[2] ) == okIndex;
result = okIndex == cursesask( globals, question, numAnswers, answers );
if ( freeMe ) {
free( question );
@ -329,7 +329,8 @@ curses_util_confirmTrade( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, const XP_UCHAR** tiles,
CursesAppGlobals* globals = (CursesAppGlobals*)uc->closure;
char question[256];
formatConfirmTrade( tiles, nTiles, question, sizeof(question) );
return 1 == cursesask( globals, question, 2, "Cancel", "Ok" );
const char* buttons[] = { "Cancel", "Ok" };
return 1 == cursesask( globals, question, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );
static void
@ -353,7 +354,8 @@ cursesShowFinalScores( CursesAppGlobals* globals )
text = strFromStream( stream );
(void)cursesask( globals, text, 1, "Ok" );
const char* buttons[] = { "Ok" };
(void)cursesask( globals, text, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );
free( text );
stream_destroy( stream );
@ -365,7 +367,8 @@ curses_util_informMove( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWStreamCtxt* expl,
CursesAppGlobals* globals = (CursesAppGlobals*)uc->closure;
char* question = strFromStream( expl );
(void)cursesask( globals, question, 1, "Ok" );
const char* buttons[] = { "Ok" };
(void)cursesask( globals, question, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );
free( question );
@ -1524,7 +1527,8 @@ curses_util_remSelected( XW_UtilCtxt* uc )
text = strFromStream( stream );
(void)cursesask( globals, text, 1, "Ok" );
const char* buttons[] = { "Ok" };
(void)cursesask( globals, text, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );
free( text );
@ -1636,10 +1640,18 @@ passKeyToBoard( CursesAppGlobals* globals, char ch )
static void
positionSizeStuff( CursesAppGlobals* globals, int width, int height )
BoardCtxt* board = globals->;
CommonGlobals* cGlobals = &globals->cGlobals;
BoardCtxt* board = cGlobals->game.board;
XP_USE( width );
XP_USE( height );
BoardDims dims;
board_figureLayout( board, cGlobals->gi,
0, 0, width, height,
150, 200, /* percents */
width*100/75, 2, 1,
XP_FALSE, &dims );
board_applyLayout( board, &dims );
XP_U16 cellWidth, cellHt, scoreLeft, scoreWidth;
int remWidth = width;
@ -1852,7 +1864,8 @@ cursesErrorMsgRcvd( void* closure, const XP_UCHAR* msg )
} else {
g_free( globals->lastErr );
globals->lastErr = g_strdup( msg );
(void)cursesask( globals, msg, 1, "Ok" );
const char* buttons[] = { "Ok" };
(void)cursesask( globals, msg, VSIZE(buttons), buttons );

View file

@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ CookieRef::send_stored_messages( HostID dest, const AddrInfo* addr )
if ( !UDPAckTrack::setOnAck( onMsgAcked, packetID,
(void*)msg.msgID() ) ) {
(void*)(uintptr_t)msg.msgID() ) ) {
sentIDs.push_back( msg.msgID() );

View file

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ cmd_print( int socket, const char* cmd, int argc, gchar** argv )
static void
onAckProc( bool acked, DevIDRelay devid, uint32_t packetID, void* data )
int socket = (int)data;
int socket = (int)(uintptr_t)data;
if ( acked ) {
print_to_sock( socket, true, "got ack for packet %d from dev %d",
packetID, devid );
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ cmd_devs( int socket, const char* cmd, int argc, gchar** argv )
DevIDRelay devid = *iter;
if ( 0 != devid ) {
if ( post_message( devid, unesc, onAckProc,
(void*)socket ) ) {
(void*)(uintptr_t)socket ) ) {
result.catf( "posted message: %s\n", unesc );
} else {
result.catf( "unable to post; does dev %d exist\n",
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ static void*
ctrl_thread_main( void* arg )
int sock = (int)arg;
int sock = (int)(uintptr_t)arg;
MutexLock ml( &g_ctrlSocksMutex );
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ run_ctrl_thread( int ctrl_sock )
pthread_t thread;
int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL,
ctrl_thread_main, (void*)newSock );
ctrl_thread_main, (void*)(uintptr_t)newSock );
pthread_detach( thread );
assert( result == 0 );

View file

@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ onMsgAcked( bool acked, uint32_t packetID, void* data )
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(packetID=%d, acked=%s)", __func__, packetID,
acked?"true":"false" );
if ( acked ) {
int msgID = (int)data;
int msgID = (int)(uintptr_t)data;
DBMgr::Get()->RemoveStoredMessage( msgID );
@ -1587,7 +1587,8 @@ retrieveMessages( DevID& devID, const AddrInfo* addr )
__func__, devID.asRelayID() );
UDPAckTrack::setOnAck( onMsgAcked, packetID, (void*)msg.msgID() );
UDPAckTrack::setOnAck( onMsgAcked, packetID,
(void*)(uintptr_t)msg.msgID() );