Dimitris Zlatanidis b0a5fba6a5 Updated for version 5.1.0
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Zlatanidis <>
2024-06-07 17:11:29 +03:00

2.5 KiB


slpkg - version 5.1.0

  slpkg [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] <packages>

  Package manager utility for Slackware.

  -u, update                Synchronizes the repositories database
                            with your local database.
  -U, upgrade               Upgrade the installed packages with
  -I, repo-info             Display the repositories information.
  -g, configs               Edit the configuration file with dialog
  -T, clean-tmp             Remove old downloaded packages and scripts.
  -b, build <packages>      Build SBo scripts with dependencies without
                            install it.
  -i, install <packages>    Build SBo scripts and install it with their
                            dependencies or install binary packages.
  -R, remove <packages>     Remove installed packages with dependencies.
  -d, download <packages>   Download only the packages without build
                            or install.
  -f, find <packages>       Find and display the installed packages.
  -w, view <packages>       Display package information by the repository.
  -s, search <packages>     This will match each package by the repository.
  -e, dependees <packages>  Display packages that depend on other packages.
  -t, tracking <packages>   Display and tracking the packages dependencies.

  -y, --yes                 Answer Yes to all questions.
  -c, --check               Check a procedure before you run it, to be
                            used with update or upgrade commands.
  -O, --resolve-off         Turns off dependency resolving.
  -r, --reinstall           Upgrade packages of the same version.
  -k, --skip-installed      Skip installed packages during the building
                            or installation progress.
  -E, --full-reverse        Display the full reverse dependency.
  -S, --search              Search and load packages using the dialog.
  -B, --progress-bar        Display static progress bar instead of
                            process execute.
  -p, --pkg-version         Print the repository package version.
  -P, --parallel            Enable download files in parallel.
  -m, --no-case             Case-insensitive pattern matching.
  -o, --repository=NAME     Change repository you want to work.
  -z, --directory=PATH      Download files to a specific path.

  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.
  -v, --version             Print version and exit.