cleanup & minor fixes for lib mark v

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2024-07-04 13:29:02 -04:00
parent d4f6ef3451
commit 43baec6704
2 changed files with 61 additions and 436 deletions

View file

@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
(cond [(null? (cdr freq)) (alt)] [(null? (cddr freq)) (pp (cadr freq) con alt)]
[else (pp (cadr freq) con (lambda () (pp (cons (car freq) (cddr freq)) con alt)))])]
[(and (list2? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'not)) (pp (cadr freq) alt con)]
[else (x-error freq "invalid cond-expand feature requirement")]))
[else (x-error "invalid cond-expand feature requirement" freq)]))
(check-syntax sexp '(<id> (* * ...) ...) "invalid cond-expand syntax")
(let loop ([clauses (cdr sexp)])
(if (null? clauses) '()
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@
; Path and file name resolution
(define (path-strip-directory filename)
#;(define (path-strip-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) (list->string r)]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)]
@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string (reverse l))]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))
(define (path-strip-extension filename) ;; improved
#;(define (path-strip-extension filename) ;; improved
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(cond [(null? l) filename]
[(eqv? (car l) #\.) (list->string (reverse (cdr l)))]
@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@
(let ([p (listname->path libname (car l) ".sld")])
(if (and p (file-exists? p)) p (loop (cdr l)))))))
(define (resolve-input-file/lib-name name) ;=> path (or error is signalled)
#;(define (resolve-input-file/lib-name name) ;=> path (or error is signalled)
(define filepath
(if (string? name)
(file-resolve-relative-to-current name)
@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@
(reverse! sexps)
(loop (cons s sexps))))))))
(define (call-with-input-file/lib name ci? proc) ;=> (proc filepath port), called while name is current-file
#;(define (call-with-input-file/lib name ci? proc) ;=> (proc filepath port), called while name is current-file
(let ([filepath (resolve-input-file/lib-name name)])
(with-current-file filepath
(lambda ()
@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(proc filepath port)))))))
(define (call-with-file/lib-sexps name ci? proc) ;=> (proc sexps), called while name is current-file
#;(define (call-with-file/lib-sexps name ci? proc) ;=> (proc sexps), called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ([sexps '()])
@ -1473,13 +1473,19 @@
(proc (reverse! sexps))
(loop (cons s sexps))))))))
(define (for-each-file/lib-sexp proc name ci?) ; proc called while name is current-file
#;(define (for-each-file/lib-sexp proc name ci?) ; proc called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ()
(let ([s (read-code-sexp port)])
(unless (eof-object? s) (proc s) (loop)))))))
(define (library-available? lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *std-lib->alist-env*) #t] ; FIXME
[(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(and (pair? lib) (list? lib)) (find-library-path lib)]
[else #f]))
; name prefixes
(define (fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name lib id)
@ -1666,19 +1672,6 @@
(box?) (box) (unbox) (set-box!)
(define (std-lib->alist-env lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *std-lib->alist-env*) => cdr]
[else #f]))
(define (std-lib->env lib)
(cond [(std-lib->alist-env lib) =>
(lambda (al)
(lambda (id at)
(and (eq? at 'ref)
(let ([p (assq id al)])
(if p (cdr p) #f)))))]
[else #f]))
; add std libraries to root env as expand time mappings of library's symbolic name
; to an identifyer-syntax expanding into (quote (<init-code> . <eal>)) form
@ -1691,263 +1684,39 @@
(make-location libid-transformer) #t))))
; combine explicit finite env1 with finite or infinite env2
; env1 here is a proper alist of bindings ((<id> . <location>) ...)
; env2 can be any environment -- explicit or implicit, finite or not
(define (adjoin-env env1 env2) ;=> env12
(if (null? env1) env2
(let ([env2 (adjoin-env (cdr env1) env2)])
(cond [(env-lookup (caar env1) env2 'ref) =>
(lambda (loc) ; ? loc is not auto-mapped even when env2 supports it
(if (eq? (cdar env1) loc)
env2 ; repeat of same id with same binding is allowed
(c-error "multiple identifier bindings on import:"
(caar env1) (cdar env1) loc)))]
[else (cons (car env1) env2)]))))
; this variant is used in repl; it allows shadowing of old bindings with new ones
; todo: remove duplicates by starting ; with the env1 and appending non-duplicate parts of env2
(define (adjoin-env/shadow env1 env2) ;=> env12
(if (null? env1) env2
(let ([env2 (adjoin-env/shadow (cdr env1) env2)])
(cond [(env-lookup (caar env1) env2 'ref) =>
(lambda (loc) ; ? loc is not auto-mapped even when env2 supports it
(if (eq? (cdar env1) a)
env2 ; repeat of same id with same binding is allowed
(c-warning "old identifier binding shadowed on import:"
(caar env1) 'was: a 'now: (cdar env1))
(cons (car env1) env2))))]
[else (cons (car env1) env2)]))))
; local environment is made for expansion of thislib library's body forms
; it is made of explicit import environment followed by a view to lib-specific
; global locations in root environment, normally prefixed with library name
; NB: import-env is expected to be explicit and limited (just an alist)
(define (make-local-env esps thislib import-env) ;=> env (infinite)
(let loop ([esps esps] [env import-env])
(if (null? esps)
(if (lib-public? thislib)
; all non-exported definitions are public and in global namespace under their own names
(append env #t) ; unprefixed view into global namespace (limited use)
; otherwise they are in global namespace under mangled names
(append env (fully-qualified-library-prefix thislib)))
(loop (cdr esps) ; just for syntax checking
(sexp-case (car esps)
[<symbol> env]
[(rename <symbol> <symbol>) env]
[else (c-error "invalid export spec in export:" (car esps))])))))
; environment for import from thislib library into outside libs or programs
(define (make-export-env esps thislib import-env) ;=> env (finite, alist)
(define (extend-export lid eid env)
(cond [(assq eid env) (c-error "duplicate external id in export:" eid esps)]
[(assq lid import-env) => ; re-exported imported id, keep using imported binding under eid
(lambda (b) (cons (cons eid (cdr b)) env))]
[else (cons (cons eid (fully-qualified-library-location thislib lid)) env)]))
(if (lib-public? thislib)
(if (or esps (pair? import-env))
(c-error "module cannot be imported:" thislib)
(let loop ([esps esps] [env '()])
(if (null? esps)
(loop (cdr esps)
(sexp-case (car esps)
[<symbol> (extend-export (car esps) (car esps) env)]
[(rename <symbol> <symbol>) (extend-export (cadr (car esps)) (caddr (car esps)) env)]
[else (c-error "invalid export spec in export:" (car esps))]))))))
; Library processing info cache
; we have to cache loaded libraries, so stores are not hit on repeat loads/visits
; of/to the same library
(define *library-info-cache* '())
;; library info: #(used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(define (make-library-info) (make-vector 4 #f))
(define (library-available? lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *library-info-cache*) #t]
[(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(and (pair? lib) (list? lib)) (find-library-path lib)]
(define (std-lib->alist-env lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *std-lib->alist-env*) => cdr]
[else #f]))
(define (lookup-library-info lib) ;=> li (possibly non-inited)
(cond [(assoc lib *library-info-cache*) => cdr]
[(std-lib->alist lib) =>
(define (std-lib->env lib)
(cond [(std-lib->alist-env lib) =>
(lambda (al)
(define li (make-library-info))
(set! *library-info-cache*
(cons (cons lib li) *library-info-cache*))
(vector-set! li 0 '())
(vector-set! li 1 al)
(vector-set! li 2 (map car al))
(vector-set! li 3 '())
(let ([li (make-library-info)])
(set! *library-info-cache*
(cons (cons lib li) *library-info-cache*))
(lambda (id at)
(and (eq? at 'ref)
(let ([p (assq id al)])
(if p (cdr p) #f)))))]
[else #f]))
; Library processing
; main hub for library info -- calls process if library info is not inited
(define (get-library-info lib process return) ;=> (return used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(define li (lookup-library-info lib))
(define (update-li! used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(vector-set! li 0 used-libs)
(vector-set! li 1 import-env)
(vector-set! li 2 export-specs)
(vector-set! li 3 beg-forms))
(unless (vector-ref li 0) ; not inited?
(call-with-file/lib-sexps lib #f
(lambda (all-forms) ; need to split off header forms
(process lib all-forms update-li!))))
(return (vector-ref li 0)
(vector-ref li 1)
(vector-ref li 2)
(vector-ref li 3)))
; Evaluation
; transformation of top-level form should process begin, define, and define-syntax
; explicitly, so that they can produce and observe side effects on env
(define (visit-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(visit-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core)) ; modifies env!
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
(visit-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; no env effect possible here
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials: no env effect possible here (?? set! ??)
; regular call: no env effect possible here
; var refs and literals : xform for access check
(define (eval-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(eval-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(list 'set! (cadr (location-val loc)) (caddr core)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
(eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; integrable application
(xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials
(xform #f x env))]
; regular call
(xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))
; var refs and literals
(xform #f x env))))
(define *verbose* #f)
(define (compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(unless (pair? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(when *verbose* (write core) (newline))
(when (eq? (car core) 'define) (set-car! core 'set!))
(let ([code (compile-to-thunk-code core)])
(when *verbose* (write code) (newline))
(let* ([cl (closure (deserialize-code code))] [r (cl)])
(when *verbose* (write r) (newline)))))
(define (visit/v f)
(define p (open-input-file f))
(let loop ([x (read-code-sexp p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(when *verbose* (write x) (newline))
(visit-top-form x root-environment)
(when *verbose* (newline))
(loop (read-code-sexp p))))
(close-input-port p))
(define (visit/x f)
(define p (open-input-file f))
(let loop ([x (read-code-sexp p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(when *verbose* (write x) (newline))
(eval-top-form x root-environment)
(when *verbose* (newline))
(loop (read-code-sexp p))))
(close-input-port p))
(define *verbose* #f)
(define (repl-environment id at) ; FIXME: need to happen in a "repl." namespace
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
@ -1969,26 +1738,22 @@
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
[(eq? hval 'begin) ; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(repl-eval-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(and (eq? hval 'define) (null? (cadr x)))
; special idless define
[(and (eq? hval 'define) (null? (cadr x))) ; special idless define
(repl-eval-top-form (caddr x) env)]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
[(eq? hval 'define) ; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(list 'set! (cadr (location-val loc)) (caddr core)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as variable in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax) ; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
@ -1996,24 +1761,16 @@
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
(when *verbose* (display "SYNTAX INSTALLED: ") (write (cadr core)) (newline)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
[(procedure? hval) ; transformer: apply and loop
(repl-eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; integrable application
(xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials
(xform #f x env))]
; regular call
(xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable application
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval) ; other specials
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform #f x env))]
[else ; regular call
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))
; var refs and literals
(xform #f x env))))
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform #f x env))))
(define (repl-read iport prompt)
(when prompt (newline) (display prompt) (display " "))

View file

@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"s39:invalid cond-expand feature requirement),.1,@(y7:x-error)[32}.!0${"
",'(s39:invalid cond-expand feature requirement),@(y7:x-error)[32}.!0${"
"'(s26:invalid cond-expand syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y1:*;y1:*;y3:...;;y3"
@ -676,18 +676,10 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "path-strip-directory",
"P", "path-directory",
"P", "path-strip-extension",
"P", "base-path-separator",
@ -767,32 +759,15 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "resolve-input-file/lib-name",
"7:find-library-path)[01}}.!0.0^~?{.1S0?{${.3,'(s35:cannot resolve file"
" name to a file:),@(y7:c-error)[02}}{${@(y19:*library-path-list*),'(y2"
":in),.5,'(s38:cannot resolve library name to a file:),@(y7:c-error)[04"
"}}}.0^F0~?{${.2^,'(y2:=>),.5,'(s56:cannot resolve file or library name"
" to an existing file:),@(y7:c-error)[04}}.0^]2",
"P", "read-file-sexps",
"P", "call-with-input-file/lib",
"P", "call-with-file/lib-sexps",
"P", "for-each-file/lib-sexp",
"P", "library-available?",
"P", "fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name",
@ -989,122 +964,15 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "std-lib->alist-env",
"P", "std-lib->env",
"C", 0,
"P", "adjoin-env",
"nv-lookup)[03},.0?{.0,.0,.4adq?{.2]5}.0,.4ad,.5aa,'(s39:multiple ident"
"ifier bindings on import:),@(y7:c-error)[54}.1,.3ac]4",
"P", "adjoin-env/shadow",
"1:a),'(y4:was:),.9aa,'(s42:old identifier binding shadowed on import:)"
"P", "make-local-env",
"bol>;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.2}{${.3a,'(s30:invalid export spec in "
"P", "make-export-env",
"%3,#0.3,.3,.3,&3{%3.2,.2A3?{:0,.2,'(s32:duplicate external id in expor"
"1}?{.1,.0?{.0}{.4p}_1?{.2,'(s26:module cannot be imported:),@(y7:c-err"
"3a,'(s30:invalid export spec in export:),@(y7:c-error)[02}}}_1,.1d,:0^"
"C", 0,
"P", "make-library-info",
"P", "library-available?",
"P", "lookup-library-info",
"P", "get-library-info",
"P", "visit-top-form",
"2}}{f}?{t]5}.4,.2da,'(s40:identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:),@("
"1dda,.1sz]5}.4,.2da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax i"
"n env:),@(y7:x-error)[53}.0K0?{.2,${.5,.5,.5[02},@(y14:visit-top-form)"
"P", "eval-top-form",
"4,.2da,'(s40:identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:),@(y7:x-error)[5"
"4,.2da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:),@(y7:"
"C", 0,
"P", "compile-and-run-core-expr",
"%1.0p~?{${.2,'(s29:unexpected transformed output),@(y7:x-error)[02}}@("
"P", "visit/v",
"P", "visit/x",
"P", "repl-environment",
@ -1123,17 +991,17 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"r)[51}.4,.2da,'(s40:identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:),@(y7:x-e"
"1sz}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env"
":),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INSTALLED: )W4Po"
"r)[51}.4,.2da,'(s52:identifier cannot be (re)defined as variable in en"
",.0?{.1dda,.1sz}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as s"
"yntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INST"
"ALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}.0K0?{.2,${.5,.5,.5[02},@(y18:repl-eval-t"
"P", "repl-read",
"%2.1?{PoW6Po,.2W4Po,'(s1: )W4}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp)[21",