include, cond-expand redone; minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2024-07-03 18:47:26 -04:00
parent 608fb8063a
commit d4f6ef3451
5 changed files with 78 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -1195,12 +1195,14 @@ define_instruction(memq) {
define_instruction(memv) {
ac = ismemv(ac, spop()); /* FIXME: ckp() */
obj l = spop(); ckl(l);
ac = ismemv(ac, l); /* FIXME: inline? */
define_instruction(meme) {
ac = ismember(ac, spop()); /* FIXME: ckp() */
obj l = spop(); ckl(l);
ac = ismember(ac, l); /* FIXME: inline? */
@ -1214,12 +1216,14 @@ define_instruction(assq) {
define_instruction(assv) {
ac = isassv(ac, spop()); /* FIXME: ckp() */
obj l = spop(); ckl(l);
ac = isassv(ac, l); /* FIXME: inline? */
define_instruction(asse) {
ac = isassoc(ac, spop()); /* FIXME: ckp() */
obj l = spop(); ckl(l);
ac = isassoc(ac, l); /* FIXME: inline? */
@ -3456,7 +3460,7 @@ define_instruction(vmclo) {
define_instruction(hshim) {
unsigned long long v = (unsigned long long)ac, base = 0; obj b = spop();
if (v && isaptr(v)) failtype(v, "immediate value");
if (v && isaptr(v)) { ac = fixnum_obj(0); gonexti(); }
if (b) { ckk(b); base = get_fixnum(b); }
if (!base) base = 1 + (unsigned long long)FIXNUM_MAX;
ac = fixnum_obj((fixnum_t)(v % base));

View file

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"S", "let",
"S", "let*",
@ -150,29 +150,6 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"S", "%if-expand",
"y;;y3:con;y3:alt;;l3:y12:syntax-error;s45:unrecognized cond-expand fea"
"ture requirement:;py1:x;y1:y;;;;l2:l4:y1:_;y1:f;y3:con;y3:alt;;l4:y20:"
"S", "cond-expand",
"C", 0,

View file

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
; (define-syntax kw form)
; (syntax-lambda (id ...) form ...)
; (syntax-rules (lit ...) [pat templ] ...)
; (syntax-rules ellipsis (lit ...) [pat templ] ...)
; (syntax-rules ellipsis (lit ...) [pat templ] ...)
; (cond-expand [ftest exp ...] ...)
(define-syntax let-syntax
(syntax-rules ()
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () . forms) (body . forms)]
[(_ ([var init] ...) . forms)
((lambda (var ...) . forms) init ...)]
[(_ name ([var init] ...) . forms)
@ -192,33 +194,6 @@
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ [args . forms] ...) (lambda* [args (lambda args . forms)] ...)]))
(define-syntax %if-expand
(syntax-rules (and or not library)
[(_ (and) con alt) con]
[(_ (and r) con alt) (%if-expand r con alt)]
[(_ (and r . r*) con alt) (%if-expand r (%if-expand (and . r*) con alt) alt)]
[(_ (or) con alt) alt]
[(_ (or r) con alt) (%if-expand r con alt)]
[(_ (or r . r*) con alt) (%if-expand r con (%if-expand (or . r*) con alt))]
[(_ (not r) con alt) (%if-expand r alt con)]
[(_ (library l) con alt)
(if-library-available l con alt)] ; macro defined later in t.scm
[(_ (x . y) con alt)
(syntax-error "unrecognized cond-expand feature requirement:" (x . y))]
[(_ f con alt)
(if-feature-available f con alt)])) ; macro defined later in t.scm
(define-syntax cond-expand
(syntax-rules (else)
[(_) (void)]
[(_ [else . exps])
(begin . exps)]
[(_ [x] . rest)
(%if-expand x (begin) (cond-expand . rest))]
[(_ [x . exps] . rest)
(%if-expand x (begin . exps) (cond-expand . rest))]))
; Delayed evaluation

View file

@ -325,6 +325,9 @@
(define (x-error msg . args)
(error* (string-append "transformer: " msg) args))
(define (check-syntax sexp pat msg)
(unless (sexp-match? pat sexp) (x-error msg sexp)))
; xform receives Scheme s-expressions and returns either Core Scheme <core>
; (always a pair) or special-form, which is either a builtin (a symbol) or
; a transformer (a procedure). Appos? flag is true when the context can
@ -606,7 +609,6 @@
(apply x-error args)
(x-error "improper syntax-error form" (cons 'syntax-error tail)))))
; make transformer procedure from the rules
(define (syntax-rules* mac-env ellipsis pat-literals rules)
@ -748,22 +750,38 @@
(if (null? files)
(cons begin-id (apply append (reverse! exp-lists)))
(let* ([filepath (file-resolve-relative-to-current (car files))]
[fileok? (and (string? filepath) (file-exists? filepath))]
[test (if fileok? #t (x-error "cannot include" (car files) sexp))]
[sexps (read-file-sexps filepath ci?)]
[wrapped-sexps `((,push-cf-id ,filepath) ,@sexps (,pop-cf-id))])
(loop (cdr files) (cons wrapped-sexps exp-lists)))))))
; return the right ce branch using (lit=? id sym) for literal match
(define (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp) ;=> (sexp ...)
(define (pp freq con alt)
(cond [(lit=? freq 'else) (con)]
[(id? freq) (if (feature-available? (id->sym freq)) (con) (alt))]
[(and (list2? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'library))
(if (library-available? (xform-sexp->datum (cadr freq))) (con) (alt))]
[(and (list1+? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'and))
(cond [(null? (cdr freq)) (con)] [(null? (cddr freq)) (pp (cadr freq) con alt)]
[else (pp (cadr freq) (lambda () (pp (cons (car freq) (cddr freq)) con alt)) alt)])]
[(and (list1+? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'or))
(cond [(null? (cdr freq)) (alt)] [(null? (cddr freq)) (pp (cadr freq) con alt)]
[else (pp (cadr freq) con (lambda () (pp (cons (car freq) (cddr freq)) con alt)))])]
[(and (list2? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'not)) (pp (cadr freq) alt con)]
[else (x-error freq "invalid cond-expand feature requirement")]))
(check-syntax sexp '(<id> (* * ...) ...) "invalid cond-expand syntax")
(let loop ([clauses (cdr sexp)])
(if (null? clauses) '()
(pp (caar clauses) (lambda () (cdar clauses)) (lambda () (loop (cdr clauses)))))))
(define (if-feature-available-transformer sexp env)
(if (and (list? sexp) (= (length sexp) 4))
(let ([r (cadr sexp)] [con (caddr sexp)] [alt (cadddr sexp)])
(if (feature-available? (xform-sexp->datum r)) con alt))
(x-error "invalid syntax" sexp)))
(define (if-library-available-transformer sexp env)
(if (and (list? sexp) (= (length sexp) 4))
(let ([r (cadr sexp)] [con (caddr sexp)] [alt (cadddr sexp)])
(if (library-available? (xform-sexp->datum r)) con alt))
(x-error "invalid syntax" sexp)))
(define (make-cond-expand-transformer)
(define begin-id (new-id 'begin (make-location 'begin) #f))
(lambda (sexp env)
(define (lit=? id sym) ; match literal using free-id=? -like match
(and (id? id) (eq? (xenv-ref env id) (xenv-ref root-environment sym))))
(cons begin-id (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp))))
@ -1525,11 +1543,9 @@
(define-in-root-environment! 'include-ci
(make-location (make-include-transformer #t)) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'if-feature-available
(make-location if-feature-available-transformer) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'cond-expand
(make-location (make-cond-expand-transformer)) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'if-library-available
(make-location if-library-available-transformer) #t)
; now put the builtins (lazily) and others

View file

@ -187,6 +187,9 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "x-error",
"%!1.0,.2,'(s13:transformer: )S6,@(y6:error*)[22",
"P", "check-syntax",
"P", "xform",
@ -401,20 +404,32 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"2${.2,@(y7:list1+?)[01}~?{${.2,'(s14:invalid syntax),@(y7:x-error)[02}"
"1},.0S0?{.0F0}{f},.0?{t}{${:5,.5a,'(s14:cannot include),@(y7:x-error)["
"P", "if-feature-available-transformer",
"[01},@(y18:feature-available?)[01}?{.1]5}.2]5}.0,'(s14:invalid syntax)"
"P", "preprocess-cond-expand",
"s39:invalid cond-expand feature requirement),.1,@(y7:x-error)[32}.!0${"
"'(s26:invalid cond-expand syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y1:*;y1:*;y3:...;;y3"
"P", "if-library-available-transformer",
"[01},@(y18:library-available?)[01}?{.1]5}.2]5}.0,'(s14:invalid syntax)"
"P", "make-cond-expand-transformer",
"P", "write-serialized-char",
"%2'(c%25),.1C=,.0?{.0}{'(c%22),.2C=,.0?{.0}{'(c%5c),.3C=,.0?{.0}{'(c )"
@ -808,12 +823,8 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
"C", 0,