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rpn v2.3.1 - generation

For now rpn is proposed only for GNU/Linux

It can be generated following the steps below

version identification

rpn is dynamically linked against GNU MP and GNU MPFR

and embeds the source code of linenoise-ng as a submodule

It is necessary to get MPFR to generate rpn

install GNU MPFR headers

  • download GNU MPFR from http://www.mpfr.org
  • install it with usual autotools commands ./configure && make && make install

generate rpn

  • clone rpn project or download a zipped version from the release directory

    # git clone https://github.com/louisrubet/rpn.git
  • make

    CMake must be installed on the generation machine

    # cd rpn/
    # mkdir build
    # cd build && cmake .. && make
  • install

    # cd rpn/build
    # sudo make install
  • packages

    To build RPM package you should install CMake 2.6.0 or higher

    # cd rpn/build
    # sudo make package
    [100%] Built target rpn
    Run CPack packaging tool...
    CPack: Create package using DEB
    CPack: Create package using RPM
    CPack: Create package using TGZ