2022-02-20 18:53:00 +01:00

3.2 KiB


  • Better parser (now called lexer)
  • Use of mpreal instead of raw mpfr for calc on reals
  • Use of C++ complex class
  • Removing old memory management, efficient but poorly maintainable
  • Enhanced code quality and memory usage checks
  • Added CircleCI checks: passing functional tests and valgrind mem checks at each pull request
  • SonarCloud integration, Sonar way profile
  • clang-format now based on google style
  • google c++ style guide applied
  • Test files are now markdown (.md) files, tests result are slightly changed
  • Delivery as flatpak and snap
  • it seems cosh was giving sinh (!)

grosse perte en performances (!)


  • « and » are now valid as program delimiters. << and >> are still valid
  • added norm as a synonym of abs
  • test command can also take a symbol as a parameter ; if the symbol contains a valid
  • entering the sign after the base (ex: 0x-1e2) is allowed

Compatibility is broken on these points

  • << << input doesn't lead to ««»» but to «<< », preventing to eval the real program content
  • 1 2+ not allowed anymore, keep 1 2 +, this corrects bad behaviors like 3b114 pushing 3b11 and 4
  • complexes are written in the form (1,2) instead of (1, 2) (space is removed)
  • removed useless unti, repea, whil (prev.existing for HP28S compatibility)
  • removed sqr function, please use sq instead (prev.existing for HP28S compatibility)
  • the binary prefix is always 0b on display, but still can be 0b, 0B, 2b or 2B at input
  • the hex prefix is always 0x on display, but still can be 0x, 0X or 16B at input
  • mant and xpon now give binary significand and exponent, as it is the norm in standard libs (libC, standard C++, mpfr, gmp)
  • dupn, roll, rolld are not leaving anymore their argument in front of the stack in case of error
  • sub now only accepts boundaries between 1 and the string length
  • rpn is not delivered as deb and rpm anymore, since it is too much bound to particular OS
  • sto/ bug correction: 3 'a' sto/ now correctly does a/3 -> a (although it did 3/a -> a)
  • sto+ sto- sto* sto/ don't accept anymore the syntax 'varname' value stoX, but only value 'varname' stoX, ex: 3 'a' sto*
  • incomplete entry (1, not available anymore
  • signed zero is the sign of zero is subject to change compared to previous version, for example -3 sqrt now equals (0.000000,1.732051) instead of (-0.000000,1.732051)

missing tests / problems

  • nested loops / if / while / do + access to local variables
  • les arguments d'une fonction en erreur doivent ils êre consommés ? ex embettant : sto+
  • sto+ * - / : ajouter des cas de test avec type incorrects
  • 10 -> n << n >> plante
  • 1 'i' sto while i <= 2 repeat 0 'j' sto while j <= 1 repeat i (1,0) * j (0,1) * + 1 'j' sto+ end 1 'i' sto+ end plante
  • real: ln, lnp1, log, log10, log2, exp, expm, alog2, alog10, sinh, asinh, cosh, acosh, tanh, atanh