2017-05-25 23:25:24 +02:00
# **rpn** - **R**everse **P**olish **N**otation language
2016-10-03 10:39:32 +02:00
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
- is a **math-oriented language** inspired by Hewlett-Packard **R**everse **P**olish **L**isp (**HP28S** user manual is provided as a reference), it includes at least **stack** , **store** , **branch** , **test** , **trig** and **logs** commands
- brings powerfull calculation facilities on floating point numbers with __arbitrary precision__ , provided by **GNU MPFR** library
- uses that so cool **reverse polish notation**
2016-10-03 10:39:32 +02:00
2017-05-25 23:25:24 +02:00
Quick examples:
2016-10-03 11:06:36 +02:00
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
- easy calculation with **stacked results**
rpn> 1 exp 3 *
rpn> 2 sqrt
2> 8.1548454853771357061
1> 1.4142135623730950488
- **programs** and **variables** , eg same example as in HP28S Quick Reference:
rpn> < < rot * swap 2 / chs dup sq rot - sqrt > > 'quadratic_solution' sto
rpn> 1 2 -3 quadratic_solution
2> -1
1> 2
rpn> vars
var 1: name 'quadratic_solution', type program, value < < rot * swap 2 / chs dup sq rot - sqrt > >
- **local variables**, always from the same reference:
rpn> < < - > x y < < x y + ln > > >> 'P' sto
rpn> 1 2 P
rpn> 1.0986122886681096914
- **arbitrary precision** (up to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF bits with GNU MPFR !)
rpn> 256 prec 200 std
rpn> pi 3 * 4 / cos
2016-10-03 10:39:32 +02:00
2017-05-25 23:25:24 +02:00
- Following objects are managed: **floating numbers** , **symbols** , **strings** , **programs** , plus language **keywords** (commands and flow controls)
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
4> 'symbol'
3> "string"
2> 12.3456
1> < < - > n < < 0 1 n for i i 2 * inv + next > > >>
2016-10-03 10:39:32 +02:00
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
- A __GNU-readline__ -based interactive editor with autocompletion is provided.
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
## keywords
#### general
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|nop | no operation |
|help | (or h or ?) this help message
|quit | (or q or exit) quit software
|version | show rpn version
|uname | show rpn complete identification string
|type | show type of stack first entry
|default | set float representation and precision to default
|prec | get float precision in bits when first stack is not a number, set float precision in bits when first stack entry is a number. ex: ```256 prec```
|round| set float rounding mode. Authoerized values are: ```["nearest", "toward zero", "toward +inf", "toward -inf", "away from zero"] round```. ex: ```"nearest" round```
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### real
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|+| addition
|-| substraction
|neg| negation
|*| multiplication
|/| division
|inv| inverse
|%| purcent
|%|CH inverse purcent
|^| (or pow) power
|sqrt| square root
|sq| (or sqr) square
|mod| modulo
|abs| absolute value
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### real representation
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|dec| decimal representation
|hex| hexadecimal representation
|bin| binary representation
|std| standard floating numbers representation. ex: [25] std
|fix| fixed point representation. ex: 6 fix
|sci| scientific floating point representation. ex: 20 sci
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### test
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|>| binary operator >
|>=| binary operator >=
|< | binary operator <
|< =| binary operator < =
|!=| binary operator != (different)
|==| binary operator == (equal)
|and| boolean operator and
|or| boolean operator or
|xor| boolean operator xor
|not| boolean operator not
|same| boolean operator same (equal)
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### stack
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|swap| swap 2 first stack entries
|drop| drop first stack entry
|drop2| drop 2 first stack entries
2017-05-27 14:08:09 +02:00
|dropn| drop n first stack entries
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|erase| drop all stack entries
|rot| rotate 3 first stack entries
|dup| duplicate first stack entry
|dup2| duplicate 2 first stack entries
2017-05-27 14:08:09 +02:00
|dupn| duplicate n first stack entries
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|pick| push a copy of the given stack level onto the stack
|depth| give stack depth
2017-05-27 14:08:09 +02:00
|roll| move a stack entry to the top of the stack
|rolld| move the element on top of the stack to a higher stack position
|over| push a copy of the element in stack level 2 onto the stack
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### string
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|->str| convert an object into a string
|str->| convert a string into an object
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### branch
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
2017-05-25 19:01:40 +02:00
|if| test-instructions
|then| true-instructions
|else| false-instructions
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|end| (end of if structure)
|start| repeat instructions several times
|for| repeat instructions several times with variable
|next| ex: ```1 10 start < instructions > next```
|step| ex: ```1 100 start < instructions > 4 step```
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### store
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|sto| store a variable. ex: ```1 'name' sto```
|rcl| recall a variable. ex: ```'name' rcl```
|purge| delete a variable. ex: ```'name' purge```
|vars| list all variables
|edit| edit a variable content
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### program
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|eval| evaluate (run) a program, or recall a variable. ex: ```'my_prog' eval```
2017-05-25 18:59:34 +02:00
|->| load program local variables. ex: ```< < - > n m < < 0 n m for i i + next > > >>```
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### trig
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
2017-05-25 18:59:34 +02:00
|pi| pi constant
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|sin| sinus
|asin| arg sinus
|cos| cosinus
|acos| arg cosinus
|tan| tangent
|atan| arg tangent
|d|->r convert degrees to radians
|r|->d convert radians to degrees
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### logs
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
2017-05-25 18:59:34 +02:00
|e| exp(1) constant
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
|log| logarithm base 10
|alog| (or exp10) exponential base 10
|log2| logarithm base 2
|alog2| (or exp2) exponential base 2
|ln| logarithm base e
|exp| exponential
|sinh| hyperbolic sine
|asinh| inverse hyperbolic sine
|cosh| hyperbolic cosine
|acosh| inverse hyperbolic cosine
|tanh| hyperbolic tangent
|atanh| inverse hyperbolic tangent
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
#### default
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
Default float mode is 'std' with 20 digits
Default floating point precision is 128 bits
Default rounding mode is 'nearest'
2016-10-03 10:39:32 +02:00
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
## Tests
Unit tests are given as txt files in the test subdirectory.
Use the command 'test' to run a test file, eg
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
# cd src_directory/
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
# rpn
2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
rpn> "test/01-all.txt"
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
rpn> test
# real decimal PASSED
# real hex PASSED
# real binary PASSED
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
Test output is done on stdout and is not stacked in rpn.
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
## generation and installation
2017-04-29 15:39:44 +02:00
2017-05-28 02:15:22 +02:00
At this time the software is proposed for **GNU/Linux** only and provided as a source code.
No binary package is provided, user must compile its version by following these 3 steps:
#### GNU GMP 6.1.2
- download and install **GNU GMP v6.1.2** at [https://gmplib.org/ ](https://gmplib.org/ )
#### GNU MPFR 3.1.5
- download and install **GNU MPFR v3.1.5** from [http://www.mpfr.org ](http://www.mpfr.org )
#### rpn
- clone this project or download a zipped version from [the release directory ](https://github.com/louisrubet/rpn/releases )
2017-05-27 22:30:58 +02:00
# git clone https://github.com/louisrubet/rpn.git
- configure and make
# cd rpn/
# ./configure & & make
- install
# sudo make install