#74: updated commands

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Louis Rubet 2017-05-25 18:52:16 +02:00
parent 79cbb77659
commit 2166de2d77

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@ -1,249 +1,144 @@
# Reverse Polish Notation language
- This project plans to create a clone of **Hewlett Packard RPN calculator language**, including at least STACK, STORE, BRANCH, TEST, TRIG and LOGS commands of HP28S RPL implementation.
- __rpn__ is a reverse polish notation mathematical language, which brings powerfull calculation facilities on floating point number with __arbitrary precision__
- Inspired by Hewlett-Packard RPL language. **HP28S** user manual is provided as a reference.
- The special feature of this language is to make no difference between keywords and functions, even user functions
- Following objects are managed: numbers, binaries, symbols, strings,
programs, plus keywords (ie langage commands and flow controls).
- Following objects are managed: floating numbers, symbols, strings, programs, plus language keywords (commands and flow controls)
- The special feature of this language is to make no difference between
keywords and functions, even user functions.
- Inspired by Hewlett-Packard RPL language (**HP28S** user manual is provided as a reference), it includes at least STACK, STORE, BRANCH, TEST, TRIG and LOGS commands of HP28S RPL implementation
- A GNU-readline-based interactive editor with autocompletion is provided.
- Language extensions will soon be included:
- file objects and functions,
- date and time objects and functions,
- shell-calling objects with return code, stdout and stderr treatment,
- loading and saving stack, variables, programs from / to filesystem
Multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding are ensured by __MPFR library__ under GNU LGPL v3 or later
Integer calculations are ensured by __GNU MP library__ (__GMP__) under GNU LGPL v3 and GNU GPL v2
- A __GNU-readline__-based interactive editor with autocompletion is provided.
Multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding are ensured by __MPFR library__ under LGPL v3
## Implemented commands
This commands list match HP28s reserved words. Commands marked as 'new' do not exist in HP28s.
|nop | no operation |
|help | (or h or ?) this help message
|quit | (or q or exit) quit software
|version | show rpn version
|uname | show rpn complete identification string
|type | show type of stack first entry
|default | set float representation and precision to default
|prec | get float precision in bits when first stack is not a number, set float precision in bits when first stack entry is a number. ex: ```256 prec```
|round| set float rounding mode. Authoerized values are: ```["nearest", "toward zero", "toward +inf", "toward -inf", "away from zero"] round```. ex: ```"nearest" round```
|+| addition
|-| substraction
|neg| negation
|*| multiplication
|/| division
|inv| inverse
|%| purcent
|%|CH inverse purcent
|^| (or pow) power
|sqrt| square root
|sq| (or sqr) square
|mod| modulo
|abs| absolute value
|dec| decimal representation
|hex| hexadecimal representation
|bin| binary representation
|std| standard floating numbers representation. ex: [25] std
|fix| fixed point representation. ex: 6 fix
|sci| scientific floating point representation. ex: 20 sci
|>| binary operator >
|>=| binary operator >=
|<| binary operator <
|<=| binary operator <=
|!=| binary operator != (different)
|==| binary operator == (equal)
|and| boolean operator and
|or| boolean operator or
|xor| boolean operator xor
|not| boolean operator not
|same| boolean operator same (equal)
|swap| swap 2 first stack entries
|drop| drop first stack entry
|drop2| drop 2 first stack entries
|erase| drop all stack entries
|rot| rotate 3 first stack entries
|dup| duplicate first stack entry
|dup2| duplicate 2 first stack entries
|pick| push a copy of the given stack level onto the stack
|depth| give stack depth
|->str| convert an object into a string
|str->| convert a string into an object
|if| <test-instructions>
|then| <true-instructions>
|else| <false-instructions>
|end| (end of if structure)
|start| repeat instructions several times
|for| repeat instructions several times with variable
|next| ex: ```1 10 start <instructions> next```
|step| ex: ```1 100 start <instructions> 4 step```
|sto| store a variable. ex: ```1 'name' sto```
|rcl| recall a variable. ex: ```'name' rcl```
|purge| delete a variable. ex: ```'name' purge```
|vars| list all variables
|edit| edit a variable content
|eval| evaluate (run) a program, or recall a variable. ex: ```'my_prog' eval```
-> load program local variables. ex: ```<< -> n m << 0 n m for i i + next >> >>```
|pi| PI constant
|sin| sinus
|asin| arg sinus
|cos| cosinus
|acos| arg cosinus
|tan| tangent
|atan| arg tangent
|d|->r convert degrees to radians
|r|->d convert radians to degrees
|e| exp(0) constant
|log| logarithm base 10
|alog| (or exp10) exponential base 10
|log2| logarithm base 2
|alog2| (or exp2) exponential base 2
|ln| logarithm base e
|exp| exponential
|sinh| hyperbolic sine
|asinh| inverse hyperbolic sine
|cosh| hyperbolic cosine
|acosh| inverse hyperbolic cosine
|tanh| hyperbolic tangent
|atanh| inverse hyperbolic tangent
| category | command | new | implemented | tested |
| -------- | ------- | --- | ----------- | ------ |
| GENERAL | nop |yes| yes| yes|
| GENERAL | help/h/? | yes | yes| |
| GENERAL | quit/exit/q| yes| yes| |
| GENERAL | verbose | yes | yes| |
| GENERAL | std | | yes| |
| GENERAL | fix | | yes| |
| GENERAL | sci | | yes| |
| GENERAL | version | yes | yes| |
| GENERAL | uname | yes | yes| |
| GENERAL | edit | | yes| |
| GENERAL | type | yes | yes| yes |
| GENERAL | default | yes | yes| yes |
| TEST | test | yes | yes| yes |
| REAL | + | | yes| |
| REAL | - | | yes| |
| REAL | neg | | yes| |
| REAL | * | | yes| |
| REAL | / | | yes| |
| REAL | inv | | yes| |
| REAL | % | | yes| |
| REAL | %CH | | yes| |
| REAL | ^ | | yes| |
| REAL | pow (_alias for_ ^) | | yes| yes |
| REAL | sqrt | yes | yes| |
| REAL | sq | yes | yes| |
| REAL | sqr (_alias for_ sq) | yes | yes| yes |
| REAL | mod |yes| yes| |
| STACK | drop | | yes| |
| STACK | swap | | yes| |
| STACK | roll | | | |
| STACK | dup | | yes| |
| STACK | over | | | |
| STACK | dup2 | | yes| |
| STACK | drop2 | | yes| |
| STACK | rot | | yes| |
| STACK | list-> | | | |
| STACK | rolld | | | |
| STACK | pick | | yes| |
| STACK | dupn | | | |
| STACK | dropn | | | |
| STACK | depth | | yes| |
| STACK | ->list | | | |
| STACK | load_store | yes | yes| |
| STACK | save_store | yes | yes| |
| STORE | sto | | yes | |
| STORE | rcl | | yes | |
| STORE | purge | | yes | |
| STORE | sto+ | | | |
| STORE | sto- | | | |
| STORE | sto* | | | |
| STORE | sto/ | | | |
| STORE | sneg | | | |
| STORE | sinv | | | |
| STORE | sconj | | | |
| STORE | erase | | yes | yes |
| STORE | vars | | yes | yes |
| STORE | include | | | |
| STORE | load_vars | yes | | |
| STORE | save_vars | yes | | |
| PROGRAM | eval | | yes | |
| PROGRAM | load_prog | yes | | |
| PROGRAM | save_prog | yes | | |
| ALGEBRA | neg | | yes | yes |
| ALGEBRA | colct | | | |
| ALGEBRA | expan | | | |
| ALGEBRA | size | | | |
| ALGEBRA | form | | | |
| ALGEBRA | obsub | | | |
| ALGEBRA | exsub | | | |
| ALGEBRA | taylr | | | |
| ALGEBRA | isol | | | |
| ALGEBRA | quad | | | |
| ALGEBRA | show | | | |
| ALGEBRA | obget | | | |
| ALGEBRA | exget | | | |
| BINARY | + | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | - | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | * | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | / | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | dec | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | hex | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | oct | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | bin | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | stws | | | |
| BINARY | rcws | | | |
| BINARY | rl | | | |
| BINARY | rr | | | |
| BINARY | rlb | | | |
| BINARY | rrb | | | |
| BINARY | r->b | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | b->r | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | sl | | | |
| BINARY | sr | | | |
| BINARY | slb | | | |
| BINARY | srb | | | |
| BINARY | asr | | | |
| BINARY | and | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | or | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | xor | | yes | yes |
| BINARY | not | | yes | yes |
| STRING | + | | yes | |
| STRING | ->str | | yes | |
| STRING | str-> | | yes | |
| STRING | chr | | | |
| STRING | num | | | |
| STRING | ->lcd | | | |
| STRING | lcd-> | | | |
| STRING | pos | | | |
| STRING | sub | | | |
| STRING | size | | | |
| STRING | disp | | | |
| BRANCH | if | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | then | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | else | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | end | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | start | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | for | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | next | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | step | | yes | yes |
| BRANCH | ift | | | |
| BRANCH | ifte | | | |
| BRANCH | do | | | |
| BRANCH | until | | | |
| BRANCH | end | | | |
| BRANCH | while | | | |
| BRANCH | repeat | | | |
| BRANCH | end | | | |
| TEST | != | | yes | |
| TEST | > | | yes | |
| TEST | >= | | yes | |
| TEST | < | | yes | |
| TEST | <= | | yes | |
| TEST | sf | | | |
| TEST | cf | | | |
| TEST | fs? | | | |
| TEST | fc? | | | |
| TEST | fs?c | | | |
| TEST | fc?c | | | |
| TEST | and | | yes | |
| TEST | or | | yes | |
| TEST | xor | | yes | |
| TEST | not | | yes | |
| TEST | same | | yes | |
| TEST | == | | yes | |
| TEST | stof | | | |
| TEST | rclf | | | |
| TEST | type | | | |
| TRIG | pi | | yes | yes |
| TRIG | sin | | yes | |
| TRIG | asin | | yes | |
| TRIG | cos | | yes | |
| TRIG | acos | | yes | |
| TRIG | tan | | yes | |
| TRIG | atan | | yes | |
| TRIG | p->r | | | |
| TRIG | r->p | | | |
| TRIG | r->c | | | |
| TRIG | c->r | | | |
| TRIG | arg | | | |
| TRIG | ->hms | | | |
| TRIG | hms-> | | | |
| TRIG | hms+ | | | |
| TRIG | hms- | | | |
| TRIG | d->r | | yes | |
| TRIG | r->d | | yes | |
| LOGS | log | | yes | |
| LOGS | alog | | yes | |
| LOGS | ln | | yes | |
| LOGS | exp | | yes | |
| LOGS | lnp1 | | | |
| LOGS | expm | | | |
| LOGS | sinh | | yes | |
| LOGS | asinh | | yes | |
| LOGS | cosh | | yes | |
| LOGS | acosh | | yes | |
| LOGS | tanh | | yes | |
| LOGS | atanh | | yes | | |
Default float mode is 'std' with 20 digits
## HP28s commands which are not (or won't be) implemented
Default floating point precision is 128 bits
mem, menu, order, path, home, crdir, clusr,
∑dat, ∑par, ∑+, ∑-, n∑, cl∑, sto∑, rcl∑, tot, mean, sdev, var, max∑,
min∑, col∑, corr, cov, lr, predev, utpc, utpf, utpn, utpt, comb, perm
pr1, prst, prvar, prlcd, cr, trac, prstc, prusr, prmd
steq, rceq, isol, quad, show, root,
ppar, steq, rceq, pmin, pmax, indep, draw, res, axes, centr, \*w, \*h,
sto∑, rcl∑, col∑, scl∑, drw∑, cllcd, digtiz
ins, del, ← → ↑ ↓, cmd, undo, last, ml, rdx, prmd
sst, halt, abort, kill, wait, key, bepp, cllcd, disp, clmf, errn,
next, prev, scan, use, fetch, quit
menu, custom
Default rounding mode is 'nearest'
## Tests
@ -251,21 +146,12 @@ Unit tests are given as txt files in the test subdirectory.
Use the command 'test' to run a test file, eg
# cd test_directory/
# cd src_directory/
# rpn
rpn> "entry.txt"
rpn> "test/01-all.txt"
rpn> test
# real decimal PASSED
# real hex PASSED
# real binary PASSED
# cd test_directory/
# rpn \"entry.txt\" test
# real decimal PASSED
# real hex PASSED
# real binary PASSED