Line chart test cases - feel free to add more tests

Example of chart with many series', and new interactive guideline plus tooltip. A chunk of data was purposely removed to show how the chart handles it.
Chart with old tooltip style (with-transitions).
Chart with three data points.
Chart where two series have different number of points.
Chart with one point.
Chart with 1000 points.
Chart with no data.
All points random. No order.
Points do not increase linearly.
Chart with 15 series'
Data points go backwards
Duplicate X coordinate points.
Duplicate Y coordinate points.
Chart in a overflow div with scrolls (new tooltips)
Chart in a overflow div with scrolls (old tooltips)
What if there are null, Infinity and NaN values in points?
Chart with very small, 1e-10, points (old tooltips)
Chart with missing data (discontinuous lines). Check that all highlighted points have the same x, matching the guideline. Check that "N/A" appears in tooltip for points with undefined y.