Christophe de Dinechin 20a34135da doc: Document differences in behavior for vector and matrices
Document the various differences in behavior between operations on vector and
matrices on DB48X and on HP's RPL implementations.

Fixes: #192

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@dinechin.org>
2023-07-25 19:10:33 +02:00

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Introduction to RPL

The original RPL (Reverse Polish Lisp) programming language was designed and implemented by Hewlett Packard for their calculators from the mid-1980s until 2015 (the year the HP50g was discontinued). It is based on older calculators that used RPN (Reverse Polish Notation). Whereas RPN had a limited stack size of 4, RPL has a stack size only limited by memory and also incorporates programmatic concepts from the Lisp programming language.

The first implementation of RPL accessible by the user was on the HP28C, circa 1987, which had an HP Saturn processor. More recent implementations (e.g., HP49, HP50g) run through a Saturn emulation layer on an ARM based processor. These ARM-based HP calculators would be good targets for a long-term port of DB48X.

DB48X is a fresh implementation of RPL on ARM, initially targetting the SwissMicros DM42 calculator. This has implications on the design of this particular implementation of RPL.

The RPL stack

The RPL stack can grow arbitrarily in size.

By convention, and following RPN usage, this document gives the names X, Y, Z and T to the first four levels of the stack. This is used to describe the operations on the stack with synthetic stack diagrams showing the state of the stack before and after the operation.

For example, the addition of two objects in levels 1 and 2 with the result deposited in stack level 1 can be described in synthetic form using the following stack diagram:


The duplication

Algebraic mode

Unlike earlier RPN calculators, RPL includes complete support for algebraic objects written using the standard precedence rules in mathematics. In RPL, algebraic expressions are placed between ticks. For example, '2+3×5' will evaluate as 17: the multiplication 3×5, giving 15, is performed before the addition 2+15, which gives 17.

Algebraic expressions are not evaluated automatically. The R/S key (bound to the Evaluate function) will compute their value.


The DB48X version of RPL distinguishes between integer values, like 123, and decimal values, like 123. Integer values are represented internally in a compact and efficient format, saving memory and making computations faster. All values between -127 and 127 can be stored in two bytes. All values between -16383 and 16383 in three bytes.

Integers can be as large as memory permits.

Big integers

The DB48X version of RPL can perform computations on arbitrarily large integers, limited only by available memory, enabling for example the exact computation of 100! and making it possible to address problems that require exact integer computations, like exploring the Syracuse conjecture.

Decimal numbers

Decimal numbers are used to represent values with a fractional part. DB48X supports three decimal numbers, using the 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit binary decimal representation. In memory, all decimal numbers use one additional byte: a 32-bit decimal number uses 5 bytes, a 128-bit binary decimal number uses 17 bytes.

The 32-bit format offers a 7 digits mantissa and has a maximum exponent of 96. The 64-bit format offers a 16 digits mantissa and has a maximum exponent of 384. The 128-bit format offers a 34 digits mantissa and a maximum exponent of 6144.

The Precision command selects the default precision.

Note that a future implementation of DB48X is expected to feature variable-precision decimal numbers similar to newRPL.

Based numbers

Based numbers are used to perform computations in any base. The most common bases used in computer science, 2, 8, 10 and 16, have special shortcuts. The Bases Menu list operations on based numbers.

Like integers, based numbers can be arbitrary large. However, operations on based numbers can be truncated to a specific number of bits using the STWS command. This makes it possible to perform computations simulating a 16-bit or 256-bit processor.

Complex numbers

Complex numbers can be represented in rectangular form or polar form. The rectangular form will show as something like 2+3 on the display, where 2 is the real part and 3 is the imaginary part. The polar form will show as something like 1∡90° on the display, where 1 is the modulus and 90° is the argument. The two forms can be mixed and matched in operations. The calculator typically selects the most efficient form for a given operation.

Available operations on complex numbers include basic arithmetic, trigonometric, logarithms, exponential and hyperbolic functions, as well as a few specific functions such as conj or arg. These functions are available in the Complex Menu.


Algebraic expressions and equations are represented between quotes, for example X+1 or A+B=C. Many functions such as circular functions, exponential, logs or hyperbolic functions can apply to algebraic expressions.


Lists are sequence of items between curly braces, such as { 1 'A' "Hello" }. They can contain an arbitrary number of elements, and can be nested.

Operations such as sin apply to all elements on a list.

Vectors and matrices

Vector and matrices represent tables of numbers, and are represented between square brackets, for example [1 2 3] for a vector and [[1 2] [3 4] for a 2x2 matrix.

Vector and matrices follow their own arithmetic rules. Vectors are one-dimensional, matrices are two-dimensional. DB48X also supports tables with a higher number of dimensions, but only offers limited operations on them.

DB48X implements vector addition, subtraction, multipplication and division, which apply component-wise. Multiplication and division are an extension compared to the HP48.

DB48X also implements matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Like on the HP48, the division of matrix A by matrix B is interpreted as left-multiplying A by the inverse of B.

As another extension, algebraic functions such as sin apply to all elements in a vector or matrix in turn.