2 KiB
A simple FORTH interpreter (http://github.com/russolsen/rforth) ported to the Crystal programming language.
Note that CRForth is an experiment in porting a non-trivial application from Ruby to Crystal. The code is, as I write this, just barely working. This is probably not idiomatic Crystal -- I'm still figuring out what that means.
Some lessons so far:
Most of the effort of the port involved minor changes to make the static typing happy. For example, FORTH interpreter uses a lot of procs whose return values are ignored. Eventually I had all of them return nil to make the static typing happy. I'm not sure if this is really the correct thing, but it was expediant.
The original Ruby version used metaprogramming to look at the methods available in a module. I've done that by hand in CRForth because I don't see the equivalent in Crystal.
It is really cool to get a stand alone, binary executable from Rubyish code.
Add it to Projectfile
deps do
github "[your-github-name]/crforth"
require "crforth"
i = CRForth::Interpreter.new
Or just run the interpreter from source:
crystal src/main.cr
Right now CRForth doesn't have a great interface: It just silently prompts for some FORTH code and executes it. To add 2 + 2 you would do the following:
~/projects/crystal/crforth: make run
crystal src/main.cr
2 2 + . cr
There is a Makefile for convience. The targets are:
crforth: Build the executable. This is the default.
clean: Clean up any generated files.
run: Runs the interpeter from source.
- Fork it ( https://github.com/[your-github-name]/crforth/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- russolsen Russ Olsen (@russolsen) - creator, maintainer