Christophe de Dinechin 3385ea4b3b doc: Replace references to EEX with ×10ⁿ
The actual label on the keyboard overlays is now `×10ⁿ`.
For completeness, mention in the original description that we have `E`
on the DM42, `EEX` on old overlays.

Also a minor fix regarding bitmap pictures of the stack and command

Fixes: #1123

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@dinechin.org>
2024-08-29 22:33:40 +02:00

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DB48X on DM42

The DB48X project intends to rebuild and improve the user experience of the legendary HP48 family of calculators, notably their "Reverse Polish Lisp" (RPL) language with its rich set of data types and built-in functions.

This project is presently targeting the SwissMicro DM42 calculator and leveraging its built-in software platform, known as DMCP. This is presumably the calculator you are currently running this software on. You can also try it in your browser.

Table of contents

State of the project

This is currently SEMI-STABLE software, meaning that the implemented features appear to work somewhat reliably, but that some features are still being added with each new release. This is NOT PRODUCTION READY and should not be used for any mission-critical computation.

At this point in time, you should only installing this if you are interested in contributing to the project, whether it is in the form of code, feedback or documentation changes. Please refer to the web site of the project on GitHub or GitLab for details and updates. The best way to report an issue, request an improvement or submit a proposed change is on the project's GitHub page.

The implementation status section categorizes all the RPL commands in the HP50G and in DB48X into "implemented", "not implemented" and "DB48X only" lists.

Design overview

The objective is to re-create an RPL-like experience, but to optimize it for the existing DM42 physical hardware.

Ideally, DB48X should be fully usable without a keyboard overlay. though one is being worked on.

Compared to the original HP48, the DM42 has a much larger screen, but no annunciators (it is a fully bitmap screen). It has a keyboard with dedicated soft-menu (function) keys, but only one shift key (whereas the HP48 has two), lacks a dedicated alpha key, does not provides left or right arrow keys (only up and down), and has no space key (SPC on the HP48).

The DM32 keyboard layout is really different compared to the DB48X expected layout. For example, the DM32 does not have unshifted arrow keys, and has two shift keys. For that reason, when running DB48X on a DM32, it is highly recommended to use a keyboard overlay.

Compared to the original HP48, the DM32 has a much larger screen, but no annunciators (it is a fully bitmap screen). It has a keyboard with dedicated soft-menu (function) keys, but no arrow keys (whereas the HP48 has four), lacks a dedicated alpha key, and has no space key (SPC on the HP48).

Keyboard interaction

The keyboard differences force us to revisit the user interaction with the calculator compared to the HP48:

  • When running DB48X on the DM42, the single yellow shift key cycles between three states, Shift (shown in the documentation as 🟨), Right Shift (shown in the documentation as 🟦), and no shift. This double-shift shortcut appears necessary because RPL calculators like the HP48 have a rather full keyboard even with two shift keys.
  • When running DB50X on the DM32, the blue shift key cycles between three states, Shift (shown in the documentation as 🟨), Right Shift (shown in the documentation as 🟦) and no shift. The physical yellow shift key is actually used as a down/right cursor key, and will be shown as ▶︎ in the rest of this document. Similarly, the XEQ key is used as an up/left cursor key, and will be shown as ◀︎ in the rest of this document. This remapping of keys appears necessary because RPL calculators like the HP48 are command-line oriented and absolutely need at least two unshifted cursor keys. Sacrificing a physical shift key while preserving two shifted function seems like the best compromise.
  • A first press on the shift key is shown as 🟨 in the documentation, and activates functions shown in yellow in the keyboard overlay. A second press is shown as 🟦 in the documentation, and activates functions shown in blue in the keyboard overlay. On the screen, the shift state is indicated in the header area. When a soft menu is visible on the screen, the selected row of functions is highlighed.

In the rest of this document, the shift key is referred to as 🟨, and pressing it twice is referred to as 🟦, irrespective of the appearance of the physical shift key on your particular hardware. While running the firmware, this will display in the annunciator area as follows:


Other aspects of the keyboard interaction are fine-tuned for RPL usage:

  • Since RPL uses alphabetic entry (also called Alpha mode) a lot more frequently than on RPN models like the HP41 or HP42, making it quickly accessible seems important, so there are three distinct ways to activate it.
  • The and keys move the cursor left and right while editing instead of up and down. These cursor movements are much more useful for a text-based program editing as found in RPL. In the rest of this document, they are described as ◀︎ and ▶︎ respectively.
  • Using 🟨 ◀︎ and 🟨 ▶︎ moves the cursor up and down. When not editing, ◀︎ and ▶︎ behave like and on the HP48, i.e. ◀︎ enters the interactive stack (not yet implemented) and ▶︎ edits the object on the first level of the stack.

  • Long-pressing arrow keys, the (also known as Backspace) or text entry keys in Alpha mode activates auto-repeat.

  • Long-pressing keys that would directly trigger a function (e.g. SIN), including function keys associated with a soft-menu, will show up the built-in help for the corresponding function.

Alpha mode

Entering alphabetic characters is done using Alpha mode. These alphabetic characters are labeled on the right of each key on the DM42's keyboard.

When Alpha mode is active, an ABC indicator shows up in the annunciator area at the top of the screen. For lowercase entry, the indicator changes to abc.

There are three ways to enter Alpha mode:

  • The first method is to use 🟨 ENTER as indicated by the ALPHA yellow label on the DM42 ENTER key. This cycles between Alpha ABC, Lowercase abc and Normal entry modes.

  • The second method is to hold 🟨 for more than half a second. This cycles between Alpha ABC and Normal entry modes, and cannot be used to type lowercase characters.

  • The third method is to hold one of the arrow keys ◀︎ or ▶︎ while typing on the keyboard. This is called transient alpha mode because Alpha mode ends as soon as the arrow key is released. Using ◀︎ enters uppercase characters, while ▶︎ uses lowercase characters.

There is no equivalent of the HP48's "single-Alpha" mode. Alpha mode is either transient (when you hold one of the arrow keys) or sticky (with 🟨 ENTER or by holding 🟨).

Alpha mode is cancelled when pressing ENTER or EXIT.

Since the DM42's alphabetic keys overlap with the numeric keys (unlike the HP48), as well as with operations such as × and ÷, using 🟨 in Alpha mode brings back numbers. This means 🟨 cannot be used for lowercase, but as indicated above, there are two other methods to enter lowercase characters.

Using 🟨 or 🟦 in combination with keys other than the numeric keypad gives a variety of special characters.

Key mapping

The layout of keys on DB48X was carefully chosen to offer a good compromise between immediate applicability for calculations and giving access to numerous advanced functions through menus.

DB48X keyboard overlays for DM-42 and DM-32 SwissMicros calculators are already available.

DB48X keyboard layout

In the rest of this document, keys bindings will usually be described using the alphabetic key, to make it easier to locate on the keyboard, followed by the standard label on the DB48X layout. For example, the assignment for the sin function will be described as J (SIN). The shifted functions of the same key will be described as 🟨 J (SIN⁻¹) or 🟦 J (HYP) respectively.

In some cases, the label between parentheses may refer to another calculator model, which will be indicated as follows. For example, the A key can be described as A (⚙️, DM-42 Σ+, DM-32 √x).

However, if you are using DB48X on a DM42, it is possible to do it without a keyboard overlay, because great care was taken to have the DB48X keboard layout remain close to that of the DM42, in order to preserve muscle memory. New features were positioned on the keyboard at positions that are close to what is familiar in the original DM42 firmware.

A few keys that have little use in RPL are reassigned to features that you should be able to quickly remember. For example, the DM-42 RCL key is used for the DB48X VAR key, which invokes the VariablesMenu.

Note that the LOG and e^x keys are swapped relative to the DM-42. The HP42 has LOG and LN with shifted 10^x and e^x. DB48X has e^x and LN with shifted 10^X and LOG, so that the more frequently used mathematical functions are available without shifting. Note that in the future, full keyboard remapping similar to the HP41 or HP48 will allow you to change that if you prefer.

Using DB50X with the DM32 is quite difficult without a keyboard overlay.

In particular, an unfortunate difference between the DM32 and the keyboard layout used by DB50X is that the placement of all letters after M is shifted by one position on the keyboard, and the first row of scientific functions (starting with square root and ending with Σ+) is inconsistent. The reason is that the layout for DB50X is heavily based on the DM-42 model.

Also, while the DM32 has two shift keys, a blue and a yellow one, it lacks dedicated cursor movement arrow keys, a limitation that is visible in the calculator's firmware menus. While the two arrow shift keys would be welcome, not having arrow keys for cursor movement is just not an option. As a result, only the blue shift key is kept as a shift key, and the yellow shift key is converted to an arrow key, along with the DM32 XEQ key.

Here are a few of the interesting RPL-specific key mappings:

  • A (⚙️, DM-42 Σ+, DM-32 √x) is used to invoke a context-sensitive ToolsMenu, which select a softkey menu based on what is on the stack and other context.

  • 🟨 A (←MENU, DM-42 Σ-, DM-32 ) selects the LastMenu command, which displays the previously selected menu.

  • 🟦 A (MAIN, DM-32 PARTS) selects the MainMenu, a top-level menu giving indicrect access to all other menus and features in DB48X (see also the Catalog feature).

  • F (' (), DM-42 XEQ, DM-32 Σ+) opens an algebraic expression, i.e. it shows '' on the command-line and switches to equation entry. If already inside an equation, it inserts a pair of parentheses. This can be used to evaluate expressions in algebraic mode instead of RPN.

  • 🟨 G (CPLX, DM-42 COMPLEX, DM-32 CMPLX) lets you work with complex numbers. It opens the ComplexMenu, which can be used to enter complex numbers in rectangular or polar form, and perform common operations on these numbers. The same menu can be accessed without shift using A (⚙️) when there is a complex number on the stack.

  • H (VAR, DM-42 and DM-32 RCL) opens the VariablesMenu showing user variables in the current directory.

  • I (STK, DM-42 and DM-32 R↓) will open the StackMenu, giving access to stack operations.

  • 🟨 I (CONST, DM-42 π, DM-32 HYP) shows a ConstantsMenu giving access to various constants. You can provide your own constants in a config/constants.csv file on disk.

  • M (X⇆Y) executes the RPL Swap function

  • 🟨 M (LAST, DM-42 LAST x, DM-32 MEM) is LastArg, which recalls the arguments of the last command.

  • 🟦 M (Undo, DM-32 X⇆) restores the previous state of the stack. This is like Last Stack on the HP48, but on DB48X, it is a real command that can be used in programs.

  • N (+/-) executes the equivalent RPL Negate function. While editing, it changes the sign of the current number on the command-line.

  • O (×10ⁿ, EEX or E depending on keyboard labeling, referred to as ×10ⁿ in the rest of this document) is used to enter the exponent of a number in scientific notation. However, when not entering or editing values, it invokes the Cycle command, which cycles between various representations of a number, for example polar and rectangular for a complex number, or fraction and decimal for a decimal number.

  • EXIT (DM-32 ON) corresponds to what the HP48 manual calls Attn, and typically cancels the current activity. It can also be used to interrupt a running program.

  • 🟨 EXIT (OFF) shuts down the calculator. The state of the calculator is preserved.

  • 🟦 EXIT (SAVE) saves the current state of the calculator to disk. This state can be transferred to another machine, and survives system reset or firmware upgrades.

  • 🟨 0 (SETUP) shows the firmware's SystemMenu, for example to load the original DM-42 or DM-32 program, activate USB disk, and to access some calculator preferences.

  • The R/S keys inserts a space in the editor, an = sign inside equations, and maps to Evaluate otherwise.

  • 🟨 R/S («PROG», DM-42 and DM-32 PRGM) inserts the delimiters for an RPL program, « and », while 🟦 R/S ({LIST}) inserts the list delimiters, { and }.

  • 🟨 + (CAT, DM-42 CATALOG, DM-32 LBL) shows a complete context-sensitive catalog of all available functions, and enables auto-completion using the soft-menu keys. Note that the + key alone (without shift) activates the catalog while in Alpha mode. When inside text, the catalog presents alternates for the character at the left of the cursor, providing a convenient way to select diacritics and accents..

  • 🟦 + (HELP, DM-32 RTN) activates the context-sensitive help system.

Soft menus

The DM42 has 6 dedicated soft-menu keys at the top of the keyboard. Most of the advanced features of DB48X can be accessed through these soft menus. Soft menu keys have no label on the physical calculator, but in this documentation, they may sometimes be referred to as F1 through F6.

All built-in soft-key menus are named, with names ending in Menu. For example, the VariablesMenu is the menu listing global variables in the current directory. Unlike HP RPL calculators, menus cannot be accessed by number, but they can be accessed by name. In a future version of the firmware, a Menu special variable will return the name of the current menu. The LastMenu command selects the previous menu.

Menus are organized internally as a hierarchy, where menus can refer to other menus. A special menu, MainMenu, accessible via the 🟦 A, contains all other menus.

Menus can contain up to 18 entries at once, 6 being directly accessible, 6 more being shown when using the 🟨 key, and 6 more with 🟦. Three rows of functions are shown on screen, with the active row highlighted.

A long press on a function key invokes the on-line help for the associated function.

When a menu contains more than 18 entries, then the F6 function key turns into a ▶︎, and 🟨 F6 turns into . These keys can be used to navigate across the available menu entries. This replaces the NXT and PREV keys on HP calculators.

The VariablesMenu is used to access global varibales. It is invoked using the H key, which is labeled RCL on SwissMicros hardware. This menu is special in the sense that:

  • Selecting an entry evaluates that menu entry, for example to run a program

  • The 🟨 function recalls its name without evaluating it.

  • The 🟦 function stores into the variable.

Differences with other RPLs

Multiple implementations of RPL exist, most of them from Hewlett-Packard. A good reference to understand the differences between the various existing implementations from HP is the HP50G Advanced User's Reference Manual.

There are a number of intentional differences in design between DB48X and the HP48, HP49 or HP50G's implementations of RPL. There are also a number of unintentional differences, since the implementation is completely new.

User interface

  • DB48X features an extensive built-in help system, which you are presently using. Information for that help system is stored using a regular markdown file named /help/db48x.md, stored in the calculator's flash storage.

  • DB48X features auto-completion for commands while typing, through the CAT key (a Catalog of all commands).

  • Many RPL words exist in short and long form, and a user preference selects how a program shows. For example, the Negate command, which the HP48 calls NEG, can display, based on user preferences, as NEG, neg, Neg or Negate. In the help, it will be shown as Negate (NEG).

  • The DB48X dialect of RPL is not case sensitive, but it is case-respecting. For example, if your preference is to display built-in functions in long form, typing inv or INV will show up as Invert in the resulting program. This means that the space of "reserved words" is larger in DB48X than in other RPL implementations. Notably, on HP's implementations, DUP is a keyword but you can use DuP as a valid variable name. This is not possible in DB48X.

  • The saving of the stack arguments for the LastArg command is controled independently by two distinct settings, SaveLastArg and SaveLastArgInPrograms. The first one controls if LastArg is saved for interactive operations, and is enabled by default. The second one controls if LastArg is saved before executing commands while running a program or evaluating an expression, and is disabled by default. This impacts commands that evaluate programs, such as ROOT. On the HP48, LastArg after running ROOT interactively gives arguments used by some operation within ROOT, whereas on DB48X with the default settings, it returns the arguments to ROOT.

  • When parsing the Σ (sum) function (as well as the (product) function which the HP calculators do not have), all arguments are separated by semi-colons like for all other functions. HP calculators have a special syntax in that case, where an = sign separates the index and its initial value. In other words, where an HP calculator would show Σ(i=1;10;i^2), which corresponds to the 4-argument sequence i 1 10 'i^2' Σ, the DB48X implementation shows and requires the Σ(i;1;10;i^2) syntax. Note that an = sign may appear inside an expression, but it always denotes equality.


  • Local names are evaluated on DB48X, unlike in the HP versions of RPL. This makes it easier to use local subprograms in larger programs as if they were normal operations. In the less frequent case where you do not want evaluation, you need to use RCL like for global variables.

  • Lists do not evaluate as programs by default, like on the HP28, but unlike on the HP48 and later HP models. This can be controlled using the ListEvaluation setting. Note that a list can be converted to a program using the Cycle command, which makes it easy to build programs from lists.

  • The case statement can contain when clauses as a shortcut for the frequent combination of duplicating the value and testing against a reference. For example, case dup "A" = then "Alpha" end can be replaced with case "A" when "Alpha" end.

  • There are no compiled local variables. The a program like → ←x « Prog » might perform incorrectly if Prog attempts to access ←x. Compiled local variables are a rather obscure feature with a very limited use, and might be replaced with true closures (which have a well-defined meaning) if there is enough demand.


  • DB48X has several separate representations for numbers: integers, fractions and decimal. Notably, it keeps integer values and fractions in exact form for as long as possible to optimize both performance and memory usage. This is closer to the HP50G in exact mode than to the HP48. Like the HP50G, DB48X will distinguish 1 (an integer) from 1. (a decimal value), and the TYPE command will return distinct values.

  • Integer and fraction arithmetic can be performed with arbitrary precision, similar to the HP50G. The MaxNumberBits setting controls how much memory can be used for integer arithmetic.

  • DB48X has true fractions. From a user's perspective, this is somewhat similar to fractions on the HP50G, except that fractions are first-class numbers, whereas the HP50G treats them like expressions. On the HP50G, 1 3 / TYPE returns 9., like for 'A + B'. On DB48X, the TYPE for fractions is different than for expressions. Fractions can be shown either as MixedFractions or ImproperFractions.

  • On HP50G, decimal numbers often outperform integers or fractions, and benchmark code will contain 1. instead of 1 for that reason. On DB48X, arithmetic on integers and fractions is generally faster.

  • Like the HP Prime, DB48X displays a leading zero for decimal values, whereas HP RPL calculators do not. For example, it will display 0.5 and not .5.

  • DB48X has two distinct representations for complex numbers, polar and rectangular, and transparently converts between the two formats as needed. The polar representation internally uses fractions of pi for the angle, which allows exact computations. By contrast, HP RPL implementations always represent complex numbers in rectangular form internally, possibly converting it to polar form at display time.

  • DB48X features arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point. The Precision command (in the DisplayModesMenu) can be used to select the precision for numerical operations. In addition, it supports 32-bit and 64-bit hardware-accelerated binary floating-point.

  • Based numbers with an explicit base, like #123h keep their base, which makes it possible to show on stack binary and decimal numbers side by side. Mixed operations convert to the base in stack level X, so that #10d #A0h + evaluates as #AAh. Based numbers without an explicit base change base depending on the Base setting, much like based numbers on the HP48, but with the option to any base between 2 and 36. In addition to the HP-compatible trailing letter syntax (e.g. #1Ah), the base can be given before the number (e.g. 16#1A), which works for all supported bases.

Representation of objects

  • The storage of data in memory uses a denser format than on the HP48. Therefore, objects will almost always use less space on DB48X. Notably, the most frequently used functions and data types consume only one byte on DB48X, as opposed to 5 nibbles (2.5 bytes) on the HP48. A number like 123 consumes 2 bytes on DB48X vs. 7 on the HP50 and 10.5 on the HP48.

  • Numerical equality can be tested with =, whereas object equality is tested using ==. For example, 0=0.0 is true, but 0==0.0 is false, because 0 is an integer whereas 0.0 is a floating-point.

  • Because of differences in internal representation that would require expensive computations to mimic the HP50G behaviour with limited benefit, Size returns 1 for integers, algebraic expressions and unit objects.

  • The Type command can return HP-compatible values that are sometimes imprecise (e.g. it cannot distinguish between polar and rectangular complex values), or numerical values that distinguish all the types in DB48X. This is controlled by the CompatibleTypes setting. The TypeName command is a DB48X-only extension that returns more precise textual information, and should be preferred both for readability and future compatibility.

  • DB48X has a dedicated data type to represent multi-variate polynomials, in addition to the classical RPL-based algebraic expressions.

Alignment with SwissMicros calculators

  • DB48X will borrow to the DM-42 the idea of special variables for settings, which are variables with a special meaning. For example, the Precision special variable is the current operating precision for floating point, in number of digits. While there is a Precision command that sets the value, it is also possible to use 'Precision' STO to set it, and 'Precision' RCL to fetch the current value. This does not imply that there is an internal Precision variable somewhere. This applies to all settings and flags. Additionally, binary settings can be set with SF and CF, and queried with SF? and CF?. For example, 'HideDate' CF will clear the HideDate flag, meaning that the date will show in the header.

  • The DB48X also provides full-screen setup menus, taking advantage of the DM42 existing system menus. It is likely that the same menu objects used for softkey menus will be able to control system menus, with a different function to start the interaction.

  • The whole banking and flash access storage mechanism of the HP48 will be replaced with a system that works well with FAT USB storage. It should be possible to directly use a part of the flash storage to store RPL programs, either in source or compiled form. As an example, using a text argument to STO and RCL accesses files on the USB disk, e.g. 1 "FOO.TXT" STO stores the text representation of 1 in a file named DATA/FOO.TXT on the USB flash storage.

List operation differences

The application of a same operation on arrays or matrices has never been very consistent nor logical across RPL models from HP.

  • On HP48 and HP50, { 1 2 3 } 4 + gives {1 2 3 4}. However, { 1 2 3} 4 * gives a type error on the HP48 but applies the operation to list elements on the HP50, yielding { 4 8 12}.

  • For arrays, [ 1 2 3 ] 4 + fails on both the HP48 and HP50, but [ 1 2 3 ] 4 * works.

  • The HP50 has a MAP function, which works both for list and matrices. [ 1 2 3 ] « 3 + » will return [ 4 5 6 ], and { 1 2 3 } « 3 * » will return { 3 6 9 }. That function has no direct equivalent on the HP48.

DB48X considers lists as bags of items and treat them as a whole when it makes sense, whereas arrays are focusing more on the values they contain, and will operate on these items when it makes sense. Therefore:

  • { 1 2 3 } 4 + gives { 1 2 3 4 }, { 1 2 3 } 2 - gives { 1 3 } (not yet implemented), and { 1 2 3 } 3 × gives { 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 }. The ÷ operator is equivalent to the ListDivide function, and partitions a list in chunks of the given size and returns the number of partitions so generated (the last partition being possibly shorter), i.e. { 1 2 3 4 5 } 2 ÷ will generate {1 2} {3 4} {5} 3 on the stack (this is not yet implemented).

  • [ 1 2 3 ] 4 + gives [ 5 6 7 ], [ 1 2 3 ] 2 - gives [ -1 0 1 ], [ 1 2 3 ] 3 × gives [ 3 6 9 ] and [ 1 2 3 ] 5 ÷ gives [ 1/5 2/5 3/5 ].

  • Two lists can be compared using lexicographic order. This also applies to the Min and Max functions, which compares the entire lists, whereas on HP50G, it compares element by element (element-wise comparison applies to arrays).

Vectors and matrices differences

  • On DB48X, vectors like [ 1 2 3 ] are very similar to lists. The primary difference is the behavior in the presence of arithmetic operators. On lists, addition is concatenation, e.g. { 1 2 3} { 4 5 6} + is { 1 2 3 4 5 6 }, whereas on vectors represents vector addition, e.g. [1 2 3] [4 5 6] + is [5 7 9]. However, unlike on the HP original implementation, a vector can contain any type of object, so that you can do [ "ABC" "DEF" ] [ "GHI" "JKL" ] + and obtain [ "ABCGHI" "DEFJKL" ].

  • Size enforcement on vectors only happens during these operations, not while you enter vectors from the command line. It is legal in DB48X to have a non-rectangular array like [[1 2 3] [4 5]], or even an array with mixed objects like [ "ABC" 3 ]. Size or type errors on such objects may occur if/when arithmetic operations are performed.

  • In particular, a matrix is nothing but a vector of vectors. DB48X also supports arrays with dimensions higher than 2, like [[[1 2 3]]].

  • As a consequence, The GET and GETI functions work differently on matrices. Consider a matrix like [[ 7 8 9 ][ 4 5 6 ][ 1 2 3 ]]. On the HP48, running 1 GET on this object gives 7, and the valid range of index values is 1 through 9. On DB48X, that object is considered as an array of vectors, so 1 GET returns [7 8 9]. This is intentional. The behavior of { 1 1 } GET is identical on both platforms, and is extended to multi-dimensional arrays, so that [[[4 5 6]]] { 1 1 2 } GET returns 5.

  • Matrices and vectors can contain integer values or fractions. This is closer to the HP50G implementation than the HP48's. In some cases, this leads to different results between the implementations. If you compute the inverse of [[1 2 3][4 5 6][7 8 9] on the HP48, you get a matrix with large values, and the HP48 finds a small, but non-zero determinant for that matrix. The HP50G produces a matrix with infinities. DB48X by default produces a Divide by zero error.

  • DB48X accept matrices and vectors as input to algebraic functions, and returns a matrix or vector with the function applied to all elements. For example, [a b c] sin returns [ 'sin a' 'sin b' 'sin c' ].

  • Similarly, DB48X accept operations between a constant and a vector or matrix. This applies the same binary operation to all components of the vector or matrix. [ a b c ] x + returns [ 'a+x' 'b+x' 'c+x' ]. Consistent with that logic, inv works on vectors, and inverts each component, so that [1 2 3] inv gives [1/1 1/2 1/3].

  • The Min and Max operations on arrays apply element by element, in a way similar to how these operations apply to lists on the HP50G (which seems to be undocumented).


  • The Σ operation behaves differently between the HP48 and the HP50. On the HP48, I A B 'I^3' Σ gives an expression, Σ(I=A;B;I^3), and an empty range like I 10 1 'I^3' Σ gives 0 as a value. On the HP50, this sum is simplified as a polynomial expression, so that you get a negative value if A>B. The HP50G behaviour seems surprising and undesirable. DB48X follows the HP48 approach.

  • The ↑Match and ↓Match operations return the number of replacement performed, not just a binary 0 or 1 value. In addition, the patterns can identify specific kinds of values based on the first letter of the pattern variable name, e.g. i or j for positive integers, or u and v for unique terms, i.e. terms that are only matched once in the expression.

Unicode support

DB48X has almost complete support for Unicode, and stores text internally using the UTF-8 encoding. The built-in font has minor deviations in appearance for a few RPL-specific glyphs.

Overall, a text file produced by DB48X should appear reliably in your favorite text editor, which should normally be GNU Emacs. This is notably the case for state files with extension .48S which you can find in the STATE directory on the calculator.

The Size operation when applying to text counts the number of Unicode characters, not the number of bytes. The number of bytes can be computed using the Bytes command.

The Num and Chr commands (also spelled Char→Code and Code→Char) deal with Unicode codepoints, and do not use the special HP characters codes. In addition, Num return -1 for an empty string, not 0. 0 is only returned for a string that begins with a NUL codepoint.

The Code→Char command can also be spelled as Code→Text, and take a list of Unicode codepoints as input. Conversely, Text→Code will generate a list of all the codepoints in a text.


The DB48X project includes an extensive built-in help, which you are presently reading. This help is stored as a help/db48x.md file on the calculator. You can also read it from a web browser directly on the GitHub page of the project.

The Help command makes it possible to access the built-in help in a contextual way. It is bound to 🟦 +. If the first level of the stack contains a text corresponding to a valid help topic, this topic will be shown in the help viewer. Otherwise, a help topic corresponding to the type of data in the stack will be selected.

The DB48X help viewer works roughly similarly to the DM42's, but with history tracking and the ability to directly access help about a given function by holding a key for more than half a second.

To navigate the help on the calculator, use the following keys:

  • The soft menu keys at the top of the keyboard, references as F1 through F6, correspond to the functions shown in the six labels at the bottom of the screen.

  • While the help is shown, the keys ◀︎ and ▶︎ on the keyboard scroll through the text.

  • The F1 key returns to the Home (overview).

  • The F2 and F3 keys (labels Page▲ and Page▼) scroll the text one full page at a time.

  • The F4 and F5 keys (labels Link▲ and Link▼) select the previous and next link respectively. The keys ÷ and 9 also select the previous link, while the keys × and 3 can also be used to select the next link.

  • The F6 key correspond to the ←Menu label, and returns one step back in the help history. The key achieves the same effect.

  • To follow a highlighted link, click on the ENTER key.

Acknowledgements and credits

DB48X is Free Software, see the LICENSE file for details. You can obtain the source code for this software at the following URL: https://github.com/c3d/db48x.


This software is (C) 2022-2023 Christophe de Dinechin and the DB48X team.

Additional contributors to the project include:

  • Camille Wormser (complex number fixes)
  • Jeff, aka spiff72 (keyboard overlay)
  • Conrado Seibel (help file fix)
  • Kjell Christenson (simulator fix)
  • Václav Kadlčík (documentation fix)
  • Franco Trimboli (WASM port)

The authors would like to acknowledge

This work was placed by Christophe de Dinechin under the patronage of Carlo Acutis

Hewlett and Packard

Hand-held scientific calculators changed forever when Hewlett and Packard asked their engineers to design and produce the HP35, then again when their company introduced the first programmable hand-held calculator with the HP65, and finally when they introduced the RPL programming language with the HP28.

Christophe de Dinechin, the primary author of DB48X, was lucky enough to meet both Hewlett and Packard in person, and this was a truly inspiring experience. Launching the Silicon Valley is certainly no small achievement, but this pales in comparison to bringing RPN and RPL to the world.

The Maubert Team

Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a team of young students with a passion for HP calculators began meeting on a regular basis at or around a particular electronics shop in Paris called "Maubert Electronique", exchanging tips about how to program the HP28 or HP48 in assembly language or where to get precious technical documentation.

It started with Paul Courbis, who carefully reverse-engineered and documented the internals of RPL calculators, encouraging his readers to boldly cut open these wonderful little machines to solder IR receivers acting as makeshift PC connection tools, or to waste countless hours debugging video games.

There were more serious efforts as well, notably the HP48 Metakernel, which completely reinvented the HP48 user interface, making it both much faster and better. It is fair to see DB48X as a distant descendent from such efforts. The Metakernel was the work of many now well-known names in the HP community, such as Cyrille de Brébisson, Jean-Yves Avenard, Gerald Squelart and Étienne de Foras. Many of these early heroes would go on to actually change the history of Hewlett-Packard calculators for the better.

The original author of DB48X, Christophe de Dinechin, was part of this loose team, focusing on cross-development tools, which he used at the time to write several games for the HP48, notably PacMan or Lemmings clones. If DB48X exists, it's largely because of that community.

HP Museum

The HP Museum not only extensively documents the history of RPN and RPL calculators, it also provides a very active forum for calculator enthusiasts all over the world.


Much of the work from early enthusiasts can still be found on hpcalc.org to this day.

Back in the 1990s, long before Internet was widely available, HP48 programs were busily swapped over floppy disks, or propagated from machine to machine using the built-in infrared ports. This may have been the first case of large-scale viral distribution of software. This is probably the reason why all this software. which originated from all over the world, can still be downloaded and used today.

newRPL project

newRPL is a project initiated by Claudio Lapilli to implement a native version of RPL, initially targeting ARM-based HP calculators such as the HP50G.

DB48X inherits many ideas from newRPL, including, but not limited to:

  • Implementing RPL natively for ARM CPUs
  • Adding indicators in the cursor to indicate current status
  • Integrating a catalog of functions to the command line

A first iteration of DB48X started as a branch of newRPL, although the current implementation had to restart from scratch due to heavy space constraints on the DM42.

WP43 and C47 projects

The DB48X took several ideas and some inspiration from the WP43 and C47 projects.

Walter Bonin initiated the WP43 firwmare for the DM42 as a "superset of the legendary HP42S RPN Scientific".

C47 (initially called C43) is a variant of that firmware initiated by Jaco Mostert, which focuses on compatibility with the existing DM42, notably with respect to keyboard layout.

DB48X borrowed at least the following from these projects:

  • The very idea of writing a new firmware for the DM42
  • The idea of converting standard Unicode TrueType fonts into bitmaps (with some additional contributions from newRPL)
  • How to recompute the CRC for QSPI images so that the DM42 loads them, thanks to Ben Titmus
  • At least some aspects of the double-shift logic and three-level menus
  • The original keyboard layout template and styling, with special thanks to DA MacDonald.

SwissMicros DMCP

SwissMicros offers a range of RPN calculators that emulate well-known models from Hewlett-Packard. This includes the DM42, which is currently the primary target for the DB48X firmware.

Special thanks and kudos to Michael Steinmann and his team for keeping the shining spirit of HP RPN calculators alive.

The DM42 version of the DB48X software relies on SwissMicro's DMCP SDK, which is released under the following BSD 3-Clause License:

Copyright (c) 2015-2022, SwissMicros All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  • Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.