forked from Miroirs/x49gp
draw faceplate instead of loading png
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 86 additions and 50 deletions
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ static const cairo_path_data_t symbol_divisionslash_path_data[] = { SYMBOL_MOVE_
SYMBOL( divisionslash, 0.575, 0.000, 0.050, 0.000, 0.525, 0.739 );
static const cairo_path_data_t symbol_arrowup_path_data[] = { SYMBOL_MOVE_TO( 0.000, 0.000 ), SYMBOL_LINE_TO( 1.000, 0.000 ),
SYMBOL_LINE_TO( -0.500, 1.000 ), SYMBOL_CLOSE_PATH() };
SYMBOL( arrowup, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9, 0.693 );
@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ static const cairo_path_data_t symbol_arrowright_path_data[] = { SYMBOL_MOVE_TO(
SYMBOL_LINE_TO( 1.000, -0.500 ), SYMBOL_CLOSE_PATH() };
SYMBOL( arrowright, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9, 0.693 );
CONTROL( beginsuperscript, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.8 );
CONTROL( endsuperscript, 0.0, 0.5, 1.25, 1.0 );
@ -2198,18 +2198,19 @@ static int x49gp_ui_button_pixmaps_init( x49gp_t* x49gp, x49gp_ui_button_t* butt
GdkPixbuf* src;
cairo_t* cr;
GtkStyle* style = gtk_style_new();
int y;
x49gp_ui_style_init( style, button->button, &ui->colors[ button->key->color ], &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_BLACK ] );
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
style->bg_pixmap[ i ] = gdk_pixmap_new( gtk_widget_get_window( ui->window ), button->key->width, button->key->height, -1 );
y = ui->kb_y_offset + button->key->y;
if ( i == GTK_STATE_ACTIVE )
src = gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf( ui->bg_pixbuf, ui->kb_x_offset + button->key->x, ui->kb_y_offset + button->key->y + 1,
button->key->width, button->key->height );
src = gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf( ui->bg_pixbuf, ui->kb_x_offset + button->key->x, ui->kb_y_offset + button->key->y,
button->key->width, button->key->height );
y += 1;
src = gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf( ui->bg_pixbuf, ui->kb_x_offset + button->key->x, y, button->key->width, button->key->height );
cr = gdk_cairo_create( style->bg_pixmap[ i ] );
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf( cr, src, 0, 0 );
@ -3753,12 +3754,8 @@ static int gui_exit( x49gp_module_t* module ) { return 0; }
static int gui_reset( x49gp_module_t* module, x49gp_reset_t reset ) { return 0; }
static int gui_load( x49gp_module_t* module, GKeyFile* keyfile )
static void init_colors( x49gp_ui_t* ui )
x49gp_t* x49gp = module->x49gp;
x49gp_ui_t* ui = module->user_data;
/* create all colors */
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_BLACK ], 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ); /* #000000 */
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_WHITE ], 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ); /* #ffffff */
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_YELLOW ], 0xfa, 0xe8, 0x2c ); /* #fae82c */
@ -3783,6 +3780,69 @@ static int gui_load( x49gp_module_t* module, GKeyFile* keyfile )
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_GRAYSCALE_13 ], 0x17, 0x1c, 0x18 ); /* #171c18 */
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_GRAYSCALE_14 ], 0x0b, 0x03, 0x0c ); /* #0b030c */
x49gp_ui_color_init( &ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_GRAYSCALE_15 ], 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ); /* #000000 */
static inline unsigned color2rgba( x49gp_ui_t* ui, int color )
return 0x000000ff | ( ui->colors[ color ].red ) | ( ui->colors[ color ].green << 8 ) | ( ui->colors[ color ].blue << 16 );
static void setup_faceplate( x49gp_ui_t* ui )
/* Load faceplate base texture */
/* gerror* gerror = NULL; */
/* char* faceplate_texture_data; */
/* int fd = x49gp_module_open_rodata( module, */
/* ui->calculator == UI_CALCULATOR_HP49GP || ui->calculator == UI_CALCULATOR_HP49GP_NEWRPL */
/* ? "hp49g+-cropped.png" */
/* : "blank.png" /\* "hp50g-cropped.png" *\/, */
/* &faceplate_texture_data ); */
/* if ( fd < 0 ) */
/* return fd; */
/* ui->bg_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file( faceplate_texture_data, &gerror ); */
/* /\* set ui->width and ui->height based on faceplate_texture_data dimensions *\/ */
/* gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info( faceplate_texture_data, &ui->width, &ui->height ); */
/* close( fd ); */
ui->width = 302;
ui->height = 728;
/* set coordinates of LCD and keyboard */
ui->lcd_width = 131 * LCD_PIXEL_SCALE;
ui->lcd_annunciators_height = 16;
ui->lcd_height = ( 80 * LCD_PIXEL_SCALE ) + ui->lcd_annunciators_height;
ui->lcd_x_offset = ( ui->width - ui->lcd_width ) / 2;
ui->lcd_y_offset = 48; // 69;
ui->bg_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new( GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, ui->width, ui->height );
gdk_pixbuf_fill( ui->bg_pixbuf, color2rgba( ui, UI_COLOR_GRAYSCALE_12 ) );
/* cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, ui->width, ui->height); */
/* cairo_t* cr = cairo_create( surface ); */
/* /\* Draw the pixbuf *\/ */
/* gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, ui->bg_pixbuf, 0, 0); */
/* cairo_paint (cr); */
/* /\* Draw a red rectangle *\/ */
/* GdkColor color = ui->colors[ UI_COLOR_GRAYSCALE_0 ]; */
/* cairo_set_source_rgb( cr, / 65535.0, / 65535.0, / 65535.0 ); */
/* cairo_rectangle (cr, ui->lcd_x_offset - 2, ui->lcd_y_offset - 2, ui->lcd_width + 4, ui->lcd_height + 4 ); */
/* cairo_fill (cr); */
/* cairo_surface_destroy( surface ); */
/* cairo_destroy( cr ); */
static int gui_load( x49gp_module_t* module, GKeyFile* keyfile )
x49gp_t* x49gp = module->x49gp;
x49gp_ui_t* ui = module->user_data;
/* create all colors */
init_colors( ui );
/* set calculator type and name */
switch ( opt.model ) {
@ -3805,29 +3865,7 @@ static int gui_load( x49gp_module_t* module, GKeyFile* keyfile )
/* Load faceplate base texture */
GError* gerror = NULL;
char* faceplate_texture_data;
int fd = x49gp_module_open_rodata( module,
ui->calculator == UI_CALCULATOR_HP49GP || ui->calculator == UI_CALCULATOR_HP49GP_NEWRPL
? "hp49g+-cropped.png"
: "blank.png" /* "hp50g-cropped.png" */,
&faceplate_texture_data );
if ( fd < 0 )
return fd;
ui->bg_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file( faceplate_texture_data, &gerror );
/* set ui->width and ui->height based on faceplate_texture_data dimensions */
gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info( faceplate_texture_data, &ui->width, &ui->height );
close( fd );
/* set coordinates of LCD and keyboard */
ui->lcd_width = 131 * LCD_PIXEL_SCALE;
ui->lcd_annunciators_height = 16;
ui->lcd_height = ( 80 * LCD_PIXEL_SCALE ) + ui->lcd_annunciators_height;
ui->lcd_x_offset = ( ui->width - ui->lcd_width ) / 2;
ui->lcd_y_offset = 48; // 69;
setup_faceplate( ui );
ui->kb_x_offset = 10; // 36;
ui->kb_y_offset = ui->lcd_y_offset + ui->lcd_height + 56; // 280; // 301;
Reference in a new issue