As discussed in http://groups.google.com/group/magit/t/6a302dc5cdc05d42, this remodels the extension API with an eye towards using existing Emacs extension points (such as hooks and keymaps) directly, rather than abstracting them through an additional layer. This will also hopefully make it easier for users to do their own customization without making a full-fledged extension.
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;;; magit-svn.el --- git-svn plug-in for Magit
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Marius Vollmer
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Linh Dang
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Alex Ott
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Marcin Bachry
;; Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Voinov
;; Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiegley
;; Copyright (C) 2010 Yann Hodique
;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Magit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This plug-in provides git-svn functionality as a separate component of Magit
;;; Code:
(require 'magit)
;; git svn commands
(defun magit-svn-find-rev (rev &optional branch)
(list (read-string "SVN revision: ")
(if current-prefix-arg
(read-string "In branch: "))))
(let* ((sha (apply 'magit-git-string
,(concat "r" rev)
,@(when branch (list branch))))))
(if sha
(magit-with-section sha 'commit
(magit-set-section-info sha)
(error "Revision %s could not be mapped to a commit" rev))))
(defun magit-svn-rebase ()
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "rebase"))
(defun magit-svn-dcommit ()
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "dcommit"))
(defun magit-svn-enabled ()
(not (null (magit-svn-get-ref-info))))
(defun magit-svn-get-local-ref (url)
(let ((branches (cons (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "fetch")
(magit-get-all "svn-remote" "svn" "branches")))
(base-url (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "url"))
(result nil))
(while branches
(let* ((pats (split-string (pop branches) ":"))
(src (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "\\\\(.*\\\\)" (car pats)))
(dst (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "\\\\1" (cadr pats)))
(base-url (replace-regexp-in-string "\\+" "\\\\+" base-url))
(pat1 (concat "^" src "$"))
(pat2 (cond ((equal src "") (concat "^" base-url "$"))
(t (concat "^" base-url "/" src "$")))))
(cond ((string-match pat1 url)
(setq result (replace-match dst nil nil url))
(setq branches nil))
((string-match pat2 url)
(setq result (replace-match dst nil nil url))
(setq branches nil)))))
(defvar magit-svn-get-ref-info-cache nil
"A cache for svn-ref-info.
As `magit-get-svn-ref-info' might be considered a quite
expensive operation a cache is taken so that `magit-status'
doesn't repeatedly call it.")
(defun magit-svn-get-ref-info (&optional use-cache)
"Gather details about the current git-svn repository.
Return nil if there isn't one. Keys of the alist are ref-path,
trunk-ref-name and local-ref-name.
If USE-CACHE is non-nil then return the value of `magit-get-svn-ref-info-cache'."
(if use-cache
(let* ((fetch (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "fetch"))
(when fetch
(let* ((ref (cadr (split-string fetch ":")))
(ref-path (file-name-directory ref))
(trunk-ref-name (file-name-nondirectory ref)))
(setq magit-svn-get-ref-info-cache
(cons 'ref-path ref-path)
(cons 'trunk-ref-name trunk-ref-name)
;; get the local ref from the log. This is actually
;; the way that git-svn does it.
(cons 'local-ref
(insert (or (magit-git-string "log" "--first-parent")
(goto-char (point-min))
(cond ((re-search-forward "git-svn-id: \\(.+/.+?\\)@\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
(setq url (match-string 1)
revision (match-string 2))
(magit-svn-get-local-ref url))
(setq url (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "url"))
(cons 'revision revision)
(cons 'url url))))))))
(defun magit-svn-get-ref (&optional use-cache)
"Get the best guess remote ref for the current git-svn based branch.
If USE-CACHE is non nil, use the cached information."
(let ((info (magit-svn-get-ref-info use-cache)))
(cdr (assoc 'local-ref info))))
(magit-define-inserter svn-unpulled (&optional use-cache)
(when (magit-svn-get-ref-info)
(magit-git-section 'svn-unpulled
"Unpulled commits (SVN):" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "HEAD..%s" (magit-svn-get-ref use-cache)))))
(magit-define-inserter svn-unpushed (&optional use-cache)
(when (magit-svn-get-ref-info)
(magit-git-section 'svn-unpushed
"Unpushed commits (SVN):" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "%s..HEAD" (magit-svn-get-ref use-cache)))))
(magit-define-section-jumper svn-unpushed "Unpushed commits (SVN)")
(defun magit-svn-remote-string ()
(let ((svn-info (magit-svn-get-ref-info)))
(when svn-info
(concat (cdr (assoc 'url svn-info))
" @ "
(cdr (assoc 'revision svn-info))))))
(defun magit-svn-remote-update ()
(when (magit-svn-enabled)
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "fetch")))
(define-prefix-command 'magit-svn-prefix 'magit-svn-map)
(define-key magit-svn-map (kbd "r") 'magit-svn-rebase)
(define-key magit-svn-map (kbd "c") 'magit-svn-dcommit)
(define-key magit-svn-map (kbd "f") 'magit-svn-remote-update)
(define-key magit-svn-map (kbd "s") 'magit-svn-find-rev)))
(define-key magit-map (kbd "N") 'magit-svn-prefix)
(easy-menu-define magit-svn-extension-menu
"Git SVN extension menu"
'("Git SVN"
["Rebase" magit-svn-rebase (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Fetch" magit-svn-remote-update (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Commit" magit-svn-dcommit (magit-svn-enabled)]))
(easy-menu-add-item 'magit-mode-menu '("Extensions") magit-svn-extension-menu)
(add-hook magit-after-insert-unpulled-commits
(lambda () (magit-insert-svn-unpulled t)))
(add-hook magit-after-insert-unpushed-commits
(lambda () (magit-insert-svn-unpushed t)))
(add-hook 'magit-remote-string-hook 'magit-svn-remote-string)
(provide 'magit-svn)
;;; magit-svn.el ends here