Forces emacs to use pipes for communication with git subprocess. Although default PTY method should work too, there is probably something broken in cygwin causing that resulting process never receives any input and hangs forever. In any case, setting communication to 'pipe' is recommended by start-process docs anyway for background processes, as it is usually faster and more efficient.
3353 lines
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3353 lines
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;;; Magit -- control Git from Emacs.
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Marius Vollmer
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Linh Dang
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Alex Ott
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Marcin Bachry
;; Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Voinov
;; Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiegley
;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Magit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary
;; Invoking the magit-status function will show a buffer with the
;; status of the current git repository and its working tree. That
;; buffer offers key bindings for manipulating the status in simple
;; ways.
;; The status buffer mainly shows the difference between the working
;; tree and the index, and the difference between the index and the
;; current HEAD. You can add individual hunks from the working tree
;; to the index, and you can commit the index.
;; See the Magit User Manual for more information.
;;; TODO
;; For 0.8:
;; - Fix display of unmerged files.
;; - Fix performance problems with large status buffers.
;; - Handle the case where remote and local branches have different names.
;; Later:
;; - Queuing of asynchronous commands.
;; - Good email integration.
;; - Showing tags.
;; - Visiting from staged hunks doesn't always work since the line
;; numbers don't refer to the working tree. Fix that somehow.
;; - Figure out how to discard staged changes for files that also have
;; unstaged changes.
;; - Get current defun from removed lines in a diff
;; - Amending commits other than HEAD.
;; - 'Subsetting', only looking at a subset of all files.
(require 'cl)
(require 'parse-time)
(require 'log-edit)
(require 'easymenu)
(require 'diff-mode)
(defgroup magit nil
"Controlling Git from Emacs."
:prefix "magit-"
:group 'tools)
(defcustom magit-git-executable "git"
"The name of the Git executable."
:group 'magit
:type 'string)
(defcustom magit-git-standard-options '("--no-pager")
"Standard options when running Git."
:group 'magit
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom magit-repo-dirs nil
"Directories containing Git repositories.
Magit will look into these directories for Git repositories and offers them as choices for magit-status."
:group 'magit
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom magit-repo-dirs-depth 3
"When looking for Git repositors below the directories in magit-repo-dirs, Magit will only descend this many levels deep."
:group 'magit
:type 'integer)
(defcustom magit-save-some-buffers t
"Non-nil means that \\[magit-status] will save modified buffers before running.
Setting this to t will ask which buffers to save, setting it to 'dontask will
save all modified buffers without asking."
:group 'magit
:type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
(const :tag "Ask" t)
(const :tag "Save without asking" dontask)))
(defcustom magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged 'ask
"Determines what \\[magit-log-edit] does when nothing is staged.
Setting this to nil will make it do nothing, setting it to t will arrange things so that the actual commit command will use the \"--all\" option, setting it to 'ask will first ask for confirmation whether to do this, and setting it to 'ask-stage will cause all changes to be staged, after a confirmation."
:group 'magit
:type '(choice (const :tag "No" nil)
(const :tag "Always" t)
(const :tag "Ask" ask)
(const :tag "Ask to stage everything" ask-stage)))
(defcustom magit-commit-signoff nil
"When performing git commit adds --signoff"
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom magit-log-cutoff-length 100
"The maximum number of commits to show in the log and whazzup buffers"
:group 'magit
:type 'integer)
(defcustom magit-process-popup-time -1
"Popup the process buffer if a command takes longer than this many seconds."
:group 'magit
:type '(choice (const :tag "Never" -1)
(const :tag "Immediately" 0)
(integer :tag "After this many seconds")))
(defcustom magit-log-edit-confirm-cancellation nil
"Require acknowledgement before cancelling the log edit buffer."
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defface magit-header
"Face for generic header lines.
Many Magit faces inherit from this one by default."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-section-title
'((t :weight bold :inherit magit-header))
"Face for section titles."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-branch
'((t :weight bold :inherit magit-header))
"Face for the current branch."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-diff-file-header
'((t :inherit magit-header))
"Face for diff file header lines."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-diff-hunk-header
'((t :slant italic :inherit magit-header))
"Face for diff hunk header lines."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-diff-add
'((((class color) (background light))
:foreground "blue1")
(((class color) (background dark))
:foreground "white"))
"Face for lines in a diff that have been added."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-diff-none
"Face for lines in a diff that are unchanged."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-diff-del
'((((class color) (background light))
:foreground "red")
(((class color) (background dark))
:foreground "OrangeRed"))
"Face for lines in a diff that have been deleted."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-item-highlight
'((((class color) (background light))
:background "gray95")
(((class color) (background dark))
:background "dim gray"))
"Face for highlighting the current item."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-item-mark
'((((class color) (background light))
:foreground "red")
(((class color) (background dark))
:foreground "orange"))
"Face for highlighting marked item."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-log-tag-label
'((((class color) (background light))
:background "LightGoldenRod")
(((class color) (background dark))
:background "DarkGoldenRod"))
"Face for git tag labels shown in log buffer."
:group 'magit)
(defface magit-log-head-label
'((((class color) (background light))
:background "spring green")
(((class color) (background dark))
:background "DarkGreen"))
"Face for branch head labels shown in log buffer."
:group 'magit)
(defvar magit-completing-read 'completing-read
"Function to be called when requesting input from the user.")
(defvar magit-omit-untracked-dir-contents nil
"When non-nil magit will only list an untracked directory, not
its contents.")
;;; Macros
(defmacro magit-with-refresh (&rest body)
(declare (indent 0))
`(magit-refresh-wrapper (lambda () ,@body)))
;;; Utilities
(defun magit-use-region-p ()
(if (fboundp 'use-region-p)
(and transient-mark-mode mark-active)))
(defun magit-goto-line (line)
;; Like goto-line but doesn't set the mark.
(goto-char 1)
(forward-line (1- line))))
(defun magit-trim-line (str)
(if (string= str "")
(if (equal (elt str (- (length str) 1)) ?\n)
(substring str 0 (- (length str) 1))
(defun magit-split-lines (str)
(if (string= str "")
(let ((lines (nreverse (split-string str "\n"))))
(if (string= (car lines) "")
(setq lines (cdr lines)))
(nreverse lines))))
(defun magit-git-insert (args)
(apply #'process-file
nil (list t nil) nil
(append magit-git-standard-options args)))
(defun magit-git-output (args)
(magit-git-insert args))))
(defun magit-git-string (&rest args)
(magit-trim-line (magit-git-output args)))
(defun magit-git-lines (&rest args)
(magit-split-lines (magit-git-output args)))
(defun magit-git-exit-code (&rest args)
(apply #'process-file magit-git-executable nil nil nil
(append magit-git-standard-options args)))
(defun magit-file-lines (file)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((rev (nreverse (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))))
(nreverse (if (equal (car rev) "")
(cdr rev)
(defun magit-write-file-lines (file lines)
(dolist (l lines)
(insert l "\n"))
(write-file file)))
(defun magit-concat-with-delim (delim seqs)
(cond ((null seqs)
((null (cdr seqs))
(car seqs))
(concat (car seqs) delim (magit-concat-with-delim delim (cdr seqs))))))
(defun magit-get (&rest keys)
(magit-git-string "config" (magit-concat-with-delim "." keys)))
(defun magit-get-all (&rest keys)
(magit-git-lines "config" "--get-all" (magit-concat-with-delim "." keys)))
(defun magit-set (val &rest keys)
(if val
(magit-git-string "config" (magit-concat-with-delim "." keys) val)
(magit-git-string "config" "--unset" (magit-concat-with-delim "." keys))))
(defun magit-remove-conflicts (alist)
(let ((dict (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(result nil))
(dolist (a alist)
(puthash (car a) (cons (cdr a) (gethash (car a) dict))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(if (= (length value) 1)
(push (cons key (car value)) result)
(let ((sub (magit-remove-conflicts
(mapcar (lambda (entry)
(let ((dir (directory-file-name
(subseq entry 0 (- (length key))))))
(cons (concat (file-name-nondirectory dir) "/" key)
(setq result (append result sub)))))
(defun magit-git-repo-p (dir)
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir)))
(defun magit-list-repos* (dir level)
(if (magit-git-repo-p dir)
(list dir)
(apply #'append
(mapcar (lambda (entry)
(unless (or (string= (substring entry -3) "/..")
(string= (substring entry -2) "/."))
(magit-list-repos* entry (+ level 1))))
(and (file-directory-p dir)
(< level magit-repo-dirs-depth)
(directory-files dir t nil t))))))
(defun magit-list-repos (dirs)
(apply #'append
(mapcar (lambda (dir)
(mapcar #'(lambda (repo)
(cons (file-name-nondirectory repo)
(magit-list-repos* dir 0)))
(defun magit-get-top-dir (cwd)
(let ((cwd (expand-file-name cwd)))
(and (file-directory-p cwd)
(let* ((default-directory cwd)
(magit-git-string "rev-parse" "--git-dir")))
(and magit-dir
(or (file-name-directory magit-dir) cwd)))))))
(defun magit-get-ref (ref)
(magit-git-string "symbolic-ref" "-q" ref))
(defun magit-get-current-branch ()
(let* ((head (magit-get-ref "HEAD"))
(pos (and head (string-match "^refs/heads/" head))))
(if pos
(substring head 11)
(defun magit-ref-exists-p (ref)
(= (magit-git-exit-code "show-ref" "--verify" ref) 0))
(defun magit-read-top-dir (rawp)
(if (and (not rawp) magit-repo-dirs)
(let* ((repos (magit-list-repos magit-repo-dirs))
(reply (funcall magit-completing-read "Git repository: "
(magit-list-repos magit-repo-dirs))))
(cdr (assoc reply repos))))
(read-directory-name "Git repository: "
(or (magit-get-top-dir default-directory)
(defun magit-name-rev (rev)
(and rev
(let ((name (magit-git-string "name-rev" "--name-only" rev)))
(if (or (not name) (string= name "undefined"))
(defun magit-put-line-property (prop val)
(put-text-property (line-beginning-position) (line-beginning-position 2)
prop val))
(defun magit-format-commit (commit format)
(magit-git-string "log" "--max-count=1"
(concat "--pretty=format:" format)
(defun magit-current-line ()
(buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
(defun magit-insert-region (beg end buf)
(let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(insert text))))
(defun magit-insert-current-line (buf)
(let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (line-beginning-position 2))))
(with-current-buffer buf
(insert text))))
(defun magit-file-uptodate-p (file)
(eq (magit-git-exit-code "diff" "--quiet" "--" file) 0))
(defun magit-anything-staged-p ()
(not (eq (magit-git-exit-code "diff" "--quiet" "--cached") 0)))
(defun magit-everything-clean-p ()
(and (not (magit-anything-staged-p))
(eq (magit-git-exit-code "diff" "--quiet") 0)))
(defun magit-commit-parents (commit)
(cdr (split-string (magit-git-string "rev-list" "-1" "--parents" commit))))
;; XXX - let the user choose the parent
(defun magit-choose-parent-id (commit op)
(let* ((parents (magit-commit-parents commit)))
(if (> (length parents) 1)
(error "Can't %s merge commits." op)
;;; Revisions and ranges
(defun magit-list-interesting-refs ()
(let ((refs ()))
(dolist (line (magit-git-lines "show-ref"))
(if (string-match "[^ ]+ +\\(.*\\)" line)
(let ((ref (match-string 1 line)))
(cond ((string-match "refs/heads/\\(.*\\)" ref)
(let ((branch (match-string 1 ref)))
(push (cons branch branch) refs)))
((string-match "refs/tags/\\(.*\\)" ref)
(push (cons (format "%s (tag)" (match-string 1 ref)) ref)
((string-match "refs/remotes/\\([^/]+\\)/\\(.+\\)" ref)
(push (cons (format "%s (%s)"
(match-string 2 ref)
(match-string 1 ref))
(defun magit-read-rev (prompt &optional def)
(let* ((prompt (if def
(format "%s (default %s): " prompt def)
(format "%s: " prompt)))
(interesting-refs (magit-list-interesting-refs))
(reply (funcall magit-completing-read prompt interesting-refs
nil nil nil nil def))
(rev (or (cdr (assoc reply interesting-refs)) reply)))
(if (string= rev "")
(defun magit-read-rev-range (op &optional def-beg def-end)
(let ((beg (magit-read-rev (format "%s start" op)
(if (not beg)
(let ((end (magit-read-rev (format "%s end" op) def-end)))
(cons beg end)))))
(defun magit-rev-to-git (rev)
(or rev
(error "No revision specified"))
(if (string= rev ".")
(defun magit-rev-range-to-git (range)
(or range
(error "No revision range specified"))
(if (stringp range)
(if (cdr range)
(format "%s..%s"
(magit-rev-to-git (car range))
(magit-rev-to-git (cdr range)))
(format "%s" (magit-rev-to-git (car range))))))
(defun magit-rev-describe (rev)
(or rev
(error "No revision specified"))
(if (string= rev ".")
(magit-name-rev rev)))
(defun magit-rev-range-describe (range things)
(or range
(error "No revision range specified"))
(if (stringp range)
(format "%s in %s" things range)
(if (cdr range)
(format "%s from %s to %s" things
(magit-rev-describe (car range))
(magit-rev-describe (cdr range)))
(format "%s at %s" things (magit-rev-describe (car range))))))
(defun magit-default-rev ()
(magit-name-rev (magit-commit-at-point t)))
;;; Sections
;; A buffer in magit-mode is organized into hierarchical sections.
;; These sections are used for navigation and for hiding parts of the
;; buffer.
;; Most sections also represent the objects that Magit works with,
;; such as files, diffs, hunks, commits, etc. The 'type' of a section
;; identifies what kind of object it represents (if any), and the
;; parent and grand-parent, etc provide the context.
(defstruct magit-section
parent title beginning end children hidden type info
(defvar magit-top-section nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-top-section)
(put 'magit-top-section 'permanent-local t)
(defvar magit-old-top-section nil)
(defvar magit-section-hidden-default nil)
(defun magit-new-section (title type)
(let* ((s (make-magit-section :parent magit-top-section
:title title
:type type
:hidden magit-section-hidden-default))
(old (and magit-old-top-section
(magit-find-section (magit-section-path s)
(if magit-top-section
(setf (magit-section-children magit-top-section)
(cons s (magit-section-children magit-top-section)))
(setq magit-top-section s))
(if old
(setf (magit-section-hidden s) (magit-section-hidden old)))
(defun magit-cancel-section (section)
(delete-region (magit-section-beginning section)
(magit-section-end section))
(let ((parent (magit-section-parent section)))
(if parent
(setf (magit-section-children parent)
(delq section (magit-section-children parent)))
(setq magit-top-section nil))))
(defmacro magit-with-section (title type &rest body)
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((s (gensym)))
`(let* ((,s (magit-new-section ,title ,type))
(magit-top-section ,s))
(setf (magit-section-beginning ,s) (point))
(setf (magit-section-end ,s) (point))
(setf (magit-section-children ,s)
(nreverse (magit-section-children ,s)))
(defun magit-set-section-info (info &optional section)
(setf (magit-section-info (or section magit-top-section)) info))
(defun magit-set-section-needs-refresh-on-show (flag &optional section)
(setf (magit-section-needs-refresh-on-show
(or section magit-top-section))
(defmacro magit-create-buffer-sections (&rest body)
(declare (indent 0))
`(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(let ((magit-old-top-section magit-top-section))
(setq magit-top-section nil)
(when (null magit-top-section)
(magit-with-section 'top nil
(insert "(empty)\n")))
(magit-propertize-section magit-top-section)
(magit-section-set-hidden magit-top-section
(magit-section-hidden magit-top-section)))))
(defun magit-propertize-section (section)
(put-text-property (magit-section-beginning section)
(magit-section-end section)
'magit-section section)
(dolist (s (magit-section-children section))
(magit-propertize-section s)))
(defun magit-find-section (path top)
(if (null path)
(let ((sec (find-if (lambda (s) (equal (car path)
(magit-section-title s)))
(magit-section-children top))))
(if sec
(magit-find-section (cdr path) sec)
(defun magit-section-path (section)
(if (not (magit-section-parent section))
(append (magit-section-path (magit-section-parent section))
(list (magit-section-title section)))))
(defun magit-find-section-at (pos secs)
(while (and secs
(not (and (<= (magit-section-beginning (car secs)) pos)
(< pos (magit-section-end (car secs))))))
(setq secs (cdr secs)))
(if secs
(or (magit-find-section-at pos (magit-section-children (car secs)))
(car secs))
(defun magit-find-section-after (pos secs)
(while (and secs
(not (> (magit-section-beginning (car secs)) pos)))
(setq secs (cdr secs)))
(car secs))
(defun magit-find-section-before (pos secs)
(let ((prev nil))
(while (and secs
(not (> (magit-section-beginning (car secs)) pos)))
(setq prev (car secs))
(setq secs (cdr secs)))
(defun magit-current-section ()
(or (get-text-property (point) 'magit-section)
(defun magit-insert-section (section-title-and-type
buffer-title washer cmd &rest args)
(let* ((body-beg nil)
(section-title (if (consp section-title-and-type)
(car section-title-and-type)
(section-type (if (consp section-title-and-type)
(cdr section-title-and-type)
(magit-with-section section-title section-type
(if buffer-title
(insert (propertize buffer-title 'face 'magit-section-title)
(setq body-beg (point))
(apply 'process-file cmd nil t nil (append magit-git-standard-options args))
(if (not (eq (char-before) ?\n))
(insert "\n"))
(if washer
(narrow-to-region body-beg (point))
(goto-char (point-min))
(funcall washer)
(goto-char (point-max)))))))
(if (= body-beg (point))
(magit-cancel-section section)
(insert "\n"))
(defun magit-git-section (section-title-and-type
buffer-title washer &rest args)
(apply #'magit-insert-section
(append magit-git-standard-options args)))
(defun magit-next-section (section)
(let ((parent (magit-section-parent section)))
(if parent
(let ((next (cadr (memq section
(magit-section-children parent)))))
(or next
(magit-next-section parent))))))
(defun magit-goto-next-section ()
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(next (or (and (not (magit-section-hidden section))
(magit-section-children section)
(magit-find-section-after (point)
(magit-next-section section))))
(if next
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning next))
(if (memq magit-submode '(log reflog))
(magit-show-commit next))
(if (not (magit-section-hidden next))
(let ((offset (- (line-number-at-pos
(magit-section-beginning next))
(magit-section-end next)))))
(if (< offset (window-height))
(recenter offset)))))
(message "No next section"))))
(defun magit-prev-section (section)
(let ((parent (magit-section-parent section)))
(if parent
(let ((prev (cadr (memq section
(reverse (magit-section-children parent))))))
(cond (prev
(while (and (not (magit-section-hidden prev))
(magit-section-children prev))
(setq prev (car (reverse (magit-section-children prev)))))
(defun magit-goto-previous-section ()
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(cond ((= (point) (magit-section-beginning section))
(let ((prev (magit-prev-section (magit-current-section))))
(if prev
(if (memq magit-submode '(log reflog))
(magit-show-commit (or prev section)))
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning prev)))
(message "No previous section"))))
(let ((prev (magit-find-section-before (point)
(if (memq magit-submode '(log reflog))
(magit-show-commit (or prev section)))
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning (or prev section))))))))
(defun magit-goto-section (path)
(let ((sec (magit-find-section path magit-top-section)))
(if sec
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning sec))
(message "No such section"))))
(defun magit-for-all-sections (func &optional top)
(let ((section (or top magit-top-section)))
(when section
(funcall func section)
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(magit-for-all-sections func c)))))
(defun magit-section-set-hidden (section hidden)
(setf (magit-section-hidden section) hidden)
(if (and (not hidden)
(magit-section-needs-refresh-on-show section))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(beg (save-excursion
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning section))
(end (magit-section-end section)))
(put-text-property beg end 'invisible hidden))
(if (not hidden)
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(magit-section-set-hidden c (magit-section-hidden c))))))
(defun magit-section-any-hidden (section)
(or (magit-section-hidden section)
(some #'magit-section-any-hidden (magit-section-children section))))
(defun magit-section-collapse (section)
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(setf (magit-section-hidden c) t))
(magit-section-set-hidden section nil))
(defun magit-section-expand (section)
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(setf (magit-section-hidden c) nil))
(magit-section-set-hidden section nil))
(defun magit-section-expand-all-aux (section)
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(setf (magit-section-hidden c) nil)
(magit-section-expand-all-aux c)))
(defun magit-section-expand-all (section)
(magit-section-expand-all-aux section)
(magit-section-set-hidden section nil))
(defun magit-section-hideshow (flag-or-func)
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(cond ((magit-section-parent section)
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning section))
(if (functionp flag-or-func)
(funcall flag-or-func section)
(magit-section-set-hidden section flag-or-func))))))
(defun magit-show-section ()
(magit-section-hideshow nil))
(defun magit-hide-section ()
(magit-section-hideshow t))
(defun magit-collapse-section ()
(magit-section-hideshow #'magit-section-collapse))
(defun magit-expand-section ()
(magit-section-hideshow #'magit-section-expand))
(defun magit-toggle-section ()
(lambda (s)
(magit-section-set-hidden s (not (magit-section-hidden s))))))
(defun magit-expand-collapse-section ()
(lambda (s)
(cond ((magit-section-any-hidden s)
(magit-section-expand-all s))
(magit-section-collapse s))))))
(defun magit-cycle-section ()
(lambda (s)
(cond ((magit-section-hidden s)
(magit-section-collapse s))
((notany #'magit-section-hidden (magit-section-children s))
(magit-section-set-hidden s t))
(magit-section-expand s))))))
(defun magit-section-lineage (s)
(and s (cons s (magit-section-lineage (magit-section-parent s)))))
(defun magit-section-show-level (section level threshold path)
(magit-section-set-hidden section (>= level threshold))
(when (< level threshold)
(if path
(magit-section-show-level (car path) (1+ level) threshold (cdr path))
(dolist (c (magit-section-children section))
(magit-section-show-level c (1+ level) threshold nil)))))
(defun magit-show-level (level all)
(if all
(magit-section-show-level magit-top-section 0 level nil)
(let ((path (reverse (magit-section-lineage (magit-current-section)))))
(magit-section-show-level (car path) 0 level (cdr path))))))
(defun magit-show-only-files ()
(if (eq magit-submode 'status)
(call-interactively 'magit-show-level-2)
(call-interactively 'magit-show-level-1)))
(defun magit-show-only-files-all ()
(if (eq magit-submode 'status)
(call-interactively 'magit-show-level-2-all)
(call-interactively 'magit-show-level-1-all)))
(defmacro magit-define-level-shower-1 (level all)
(let ((fun (intern (format "magit-show-level-%s%s"
level (if all "-all" ""))))
(doc (format "Show sections on level %s." level)))
`(defun ,fun ()
(magit-show-level ,level ,all))))
(defmacro magit-define-level-shower (level)
(magit-define-level-shower-1 ,level nil)
(magit-define-level-shower-1 ,level t)))
(defmacro magit-define-section-jumper (sym title)
(let ((fun (intern (format "magit-jump-to-%s" sym)))
(doc (format "Jump to section `%s'." title)))
`(defun ,fun ()
(magit-goto-section '(,sym)))))
(defvar magit-highlight-overlay nil)
(defvar magit-highlighted-section nil)
(defun magit-highlight-section ()
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(when (not (eq section magit-highlighted-section))
(setq magit-highlighted-section section)
(if (not magit-highlight-overlay)
(let ((ov (make-overlay 1 1)))
(overlay-put ov 'face 'magit-item-highlight)
(setq magit-highlight-overlay ov)))
(if (and section (magit-section-type section))
(move-overlay magit-highlight-overlay
(magit-section-beginning section)
(magit-section-end section)
(delete-overlay magit-highlight-overlay)))))
(defun magit-section-context-type (section)
(if (null section)
(let ((c (or (magit-section-type section)
(if (symbolp (magit-section-title section))
(magit-section-title section)))))
(if c
(cons c (magit-section-context-type
(magit-section-parent section)))
(defun magit-prefix-p (prefix list)
;;; Very schemish...
(or (null prefix)
(if (eq (car prefix) '*)
(or (magit-prefix-p (cdr prefix) list)
(and (not (null list))
(magit-prefix-p prefix (cdr list))))
(and (not (null list))
(equal (car prefix) (car list))
(magit-prefix-p (cdr prefix) (cdr list))))))
(defmacro magit-section-case (head &rest clauses)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((section (car head))
(info (cadr head))
(type (gensym))
(context (gensym))
(opname (caddr head)))
`(let* ((,section (magit-current-section))
(,info (magit-section-info ,section))
(,type (magit-section-type ,section))
(,context (magit-section-context-type ,section)))
(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
(if (eq (car clause) t)
(let ((prefix (reverse (car clause)))
(body (cdr clause)))
`((magit-prefix-p ',prefix ,context)
,@(if opname
`(((not ,type)
(error "Nothing to %s here." ,opname))
(error "Can't %s a %s."
(or (get ,type 'magit-description)
(defmacro magit-section-action (head &rest clauses)
(declare (indent 1))
(magit-section-case ,head ,@clauses)))
(defun magit-wash-sequence (func)
(while (and (not (eobp))
(funcall func))))
;;; Running commands
(defun magit-set-mode-line-process (str)
(let ((pr (if str (concat " " str) "")))
(magit-for-all-buffers (lambda ()
(setq mode-line-process pr))))))
(defun magit-process-indicator-from-command (comps)
(if (magit-prefix-p (cons magit-git-executable magit-git-standard-options)
(setq comps (nthcdr (+ (length magit-git-standard-options) 1) comps)))
(cond ((or (null (cdr comps))
(not (member (car comps) '("remote"))))
(car comps))
(concat (car comps) " " (cadr comps)))))
(defvar magit-process nil)
(defvar magit-process-client-buffer nil)
(defun magit-run* (cmd-and-args
&optional logline noerase noerror nowait input)
(if (and magit-process
(get-buffer "*magit-process*"))
(error "Git is already running."))
(let ((cmd (car cmd-and-args))
(args (cdr cmd-and-args))
(dir default-directory)
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-process*"))
(successp nil))
(magit-process-indicator-from-command cmd-and-args))
(setq magit-process-client-buffer (current-buffer))
(set-buffer buf)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(setq default-directory dir)
(if noerase
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "$ " (or logline
(magit-concat-with-delim " " cmd-and-args))
(cond (nowait
(setq magit-process
(let ((process-connection-type nil))
(apply 'start-file-process cmd buf cmd args)))
(set-process-sentinel magit-process 'magit-process-sentinel)
(set-process-filter magit-process 'magit-process-filter)
(when input
(with-current-buffer input
(process-send-region magit-process
(point-min) (point-max)))
(process-send-eof magit-process)
(sit-for 0.1 t))
(cond ((= magit-process-popup-time 0)
(pop-to-buffer (process-buffer magit-process)))
((> magit-process-popup-time 0)
magit-process-popup-time nil
(lambda (buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(when magit-process
(display-buffer (process-buffer magit-process))
(goto-char (point-max))))))
(setq successp t))
(with-current-buffer input
(setq default-directory dir)
(setq successp
(equal (apply 'call-process-region
(point-min) (point-max)
cmd nil buf nil args) 0)))
(magit-set-mode-line-process nil)
(magit-need-refresh magit-process-client-buffer))
(setq successp
(equal (apply 'process-file cmd nil buf nil args) 0))
(magit-set-mode-line-process nil)
(magit-need-refresh magit-process-client-buffer))))
(or successp
(error "Git failed."))
(defun magit-process-sentinel (process event)
(let ((msg (format "Git %s." (substring event 0 -1)))
(successp (string-match "^finished" event)))
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert msg "\n")
(message msg)))
(setq magit-process nil)
(magit-set-mode-line-process nil)
(magit-refresh-buffer magit-process-client-buffer)))
(defun magit-password (proc string)
"Checks if git/ssh asks for a password and ask the user for it."
(when (string-match "^Enter passphrase for key '\\\(.*\\\)': $" string)
(process-send-string proc
(concat (read-passwd
(format "Password for '%s': " (match-string 1 string))
nil) "\n"))))
(defun magit-process-filter (proc string)
(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(magit-password proc string)
(goto-char (process-mark proc))
;; Find last ^M in string. If one was found, ignore everything
;; before it and delete the current line.
(let ((ret-pos (position ?\r string :from-end t)))
(cond (ret-pos
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
(insert (substring string (+ ret-pos 1))))
(insert string))))
(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))))
(defun magit-run (cmd &rest args)
(magit-run* (cons cmd args))))
(defun magit-run-git (&rest args)
(magit-run* (append (cons magit-git-executable
(defun magit-run-with-input (input cmd &rest args)
(magit-run* (cons cmd args) nil nil nil nil input)))
(defun magit-run-git-with-input (input &rest args)
(magit-run* (append (cons magit-git-executable
nil nil nil nil input)))
(defun magit-run-git-async (&rest args)
(magit-run* (append (cons magit-git-executable
nil nil nil t))
(defun magit-run-async-with-input (input cmd &rest args)
(magit-run* (cons cmd args) nil nil nil t input))
(defun magit-display-process ()
(display-buffer "*magit-process*"))
;;; Mode
;; We define individual functions (instead of using lambda etc) so
;; that the online help can show something meaningful.
(magit-define-section-jumper untracked "Untracked files")
(magit-define-section-jumper unstaged "Unstaged changes")
(magit-define-section-jumper staged "Staged changes")
(magit-define-section-jumper unpushed "Unpushed commits")
(magit-define-section-jumper svn-unpushed "Unpushed commits (SVN)")
(magit-define-level-shower 1)
(magit-define-level-shower 2)
(magit-define-level-shower 3)
(magit-define-level-shower 4)
(defvar magit-mode-map
(let ((map (make-keymap)))
(suppress-keymap map t)
(define-key map (kbd "n") 'magit-goto-next-section)
(define-key map (kbd "p") 'magit-goto-previous-section)
(define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'magit-toggle-section)
(define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") 'magit-expand-collapse-section)
(define-key map (kbd "1") 'magit-show-level-1)
(define-key map (kbd "2") 'magit-show-level-2)
(define-key map (kbd "3") 'magit-show-level-3)
(define-key map (kbd "4") 'magit-show-level-4)
(define-key map (kbd "M-1") 'magit-show-level-1-all)
(define-key map (kbd "M-2") 'magit-show-level-2-all)
(define-key map (kbd "M-3") 'magit-show-level-3-all)
(define-key map (kbd "M-4") 'magit-show-level-4-all)
(define-key map (kbd "M-h") 'magit-show-only-files)
(define-key map (kbd "M-H") 'magit-show-only-files-all)
(define-key map (kbd "M-s") 'magit-show-level-4)
(define-key map (kbd "M-S") 'magit-show-level-4-all)
(define-key map (kbd "g") 'magit-refresh)
(define-key map (kbd "G") 'magit-refresh-all)
(define-key map (kbd "s") 'magit-stage-item)
(define-key map (kbd "S") 'magit-stage-all)
(define-key map (kbd "u") 'magit-unstage-item)
(define-key map (kbd "U") 'magit-unstage-all)
(define-key map (kbd "i") 'magit-ignore-item)
(define-key map (kbd "I") 'magit-ignore-item-locally)
(define-key map (kbd "?") 'magit-describe-item)
(define-key map (kbd ".") 'magit-mark-item)
(define-key map (kbd "=") 'magit-diff-with-mark)
(define-key map (kbd "-") 'magit-diff-smaller-hunks)
(define-key map (kbd "+") 'magit-diff-larger-hunks)
(define-key map (kbd "0") 'magit-diff-default-hunks)
(define-key map (kbd "l") 'magit-log)
(define-key map (kbd "L") 'magit-log-long)
(define-key map (kbd "h") 'magit-reflog-head)
(define-key map (kbd "H") 'magit-reflog)
(define-key map (kbd "d") 'magit-diff-working-tree)
(define-key map (kbd "D") 'magit-diff)
(define-key map (kbd "a") 'magit-apply-item)
(define-key map (kbd "A") 'magit-cherry-pick-item)
(define-key map (kbd "v") 'magit-revert-item)
(define-key map (kbd "x") 'magit-reset-head)
(define-key map (kbd "X") 'magit-reset-working-tree)
(define-key map (kbd "k") 'magit-discard-item)
(define-key map (kbd "!") 'magit-shell-command)
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'magit-visit-item)
(define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'magit-show-item-or-scroll-up)
(define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'magit-show-item-or-scroll-down)
(define-key map (kbd "C-w") 'magit-copy-item-as-kill)
(define-key map (kbd "b") 'magit-checkout)
(define-key map (kbd "B") 'magit-create-branch)
(define-key map (kbd "m") 'magit-manual-merge)
(define-key map (kbd "M") 'magit-automatic-merge)
(define-key map (kbd "e") 'magit-interactive-resolve-item)
(define-key map (kbd "N r") 'magit-svn-rebase)
(define-key map (kbd "N c") 'magit-svn-dcommit)
(define-key map (kbd "R") 'magit-rebase-step)
(define-key map (kbd "r s") 'magit-rewrite-start)
(define-key map (kbd "r t") 'magit-rewrite-stop)
(define-key map (kbd "r a") 'magit-rewrite-abort)
(define-key map (kbd "r f") 'magit-rewrite-finish)
(define-key map (kbd "r *") 'magit-rewrite-set-unused)
(define-key map (kbd "r .") 'magit-rewrite-set-used)
(define-key map (kbd "P") 'magit-push)
(define-key map (kbd "f") 'magit-remote-update)
(define-key map (kbd "F") 'magit-pull)
(define-key map (kbd "c") 'magit-log-edit)
(define-key map (kbd "C") 'magit-add-log)
(define-key map (kbd "t") 'magit-tag)
(define-key map (kbd "T") 'magit-annotated-tag)
(define-key map (kbd "z") 'magit-stash)
(define-key map (kbd "Z") 'magit-stash-snapshot)
(define-key map (kbd "w") 'magit-wazzup)
(define-key map (kbd "$") 'magit-display-process)
(define-key map (kbd "E") 'magit-interactive-rebase)
(define-key map (kbd "V") 'magit-show-branches)
(define-key map (kbd "q") 'quit-window)
(easy-menu-define magit-mode-menu magit-mode-map
"Magit menu"
["Refresh" magit-refresh t]
["Refresh all" magit-refresh-all t]
["Stage" magit-stage-item t]
["Stage all" magit-stage-all t]
["Unstage" magit-unstage-item t]
["Unstage all" magit-unstage-all t]
["Commit" magit-log-edit t]
["Add log entry" magit-add-log t]
["Tag" magit-tag t]
["Annotated tag" magit-annotated-tag t]
["Diff working tree" magit-diff-working-tree t]
["Diff" magit-diff t]
["Log" magit-log t]
["Long Log" magit-log-long t]
["Reflog head" magit-reflog-head t]
["Reflog" magit-reflog t]
["Cherry pick" magit-cherry-pick-item t]
["Apply" magit-apply-item t]
["Revert" magit-revert-item t]
["Ignore" magit-ignore-item t]
["Ignore locally" magit-ignore-item-locally t]
["Discard" magit-discard-item t]
["Reset head" magit-reset-head t]
["Reset working tree" magit-reset-working-tree t]
["Stash" magit-stash t]
["Snapshot" magit-stash-snapshot t]
["Switch branch" magit-checkout t]
["Create branch" magit-create-branch t]
["Merge" magit-automatic-merge t]
["Merge (no commit)" magit-manual-merge t]
["Interactive resolve" magit-interactive-resolve-item t]
["Rebase" magit-rebase-step t]
("Git SVN"
["Rebase" magit-svn-rebase (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Commit" magit-svn-dcommit (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Start" magit-rewrite-start t]
["Stop" magit-rewrite-stop t]
["Finish" magit-rewrite-finish t]
["Abort" magit-rewrite-abort t]
["Set used" magit-rewrite-set-used t]
["Set unused" magit-rewrite-set-unused t])
["Push" magit-push t]
["Pull" magit-pull t]
["Remote update" magit-remote-update t]
["Display Git output" magit-display-process t]
["Quit Magit" quit-window t]))
(defvar magit-mode-hook nil)
(put 'magit-mode 'mode-class 'special)
(defvar magit-submode nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-submode)
(put 'magit-submode 'permanent-local t)
(defvar magit-refresh-function nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-refresh-function)
(put 'magit-refresh-function 'permanent-local t)
(defvar magit-refresh-args nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-refresh-args)
(put 'magit-refresh-args 'permanent-local t)
(defvar last-point)
(defun magit-remember-point ()
(setq last-point (point)))
(defun magit-invisible-region-end (pos)
(while (and (not (= pos (point-max))) (invisible-p pos))
(setq pos (next-char-property-change pos)))
(defun magit-invisible-region-start (pos)
(while (and (not (= pos (point-min))) (invisible-p pos))
(setq pos (1- (previous-char-property-change pos))))
(defun magit-correct-point-after-command ()
;; Emacs often leaves point in invisible regions, it seems. To fix
;; this, we move point ourselves and never let Emacs do its own
;; adjustements.
;; When point has to be moved out of an invisible region, it can be
;; moved to its end or its beginning. We usually move it to its
;; end, except when that would move point back to where it was
;; before the last command.
(if (invisible-p (point))
(let ((end (magit-invisible-region-end (point))))
(goto-char (if (= end last-point)
(magit-invisible-region-start (point))
(setq disable-point-adjustment t))
(defun magit-post-command-hook ()
(defun magit-mode ()
"Review the status of a git repository and act on it.
Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(make-local-variable 'line-move-visual)
(setq major-mode 'magit-mode
mode-name "Magit"
mode-line-process ""
truncate-lines t
line-move-visual nil)
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'magit-remember-point nil t)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'magit-post-command-hook t t)
(use-local-map magit-mode-map)
(run-mode-hooks 'magit-mode-hook))
(defun magit-mode-init (dir submode refresh-func &rest refresh-args)
(setq default-directory dir
magit-submode submode
magit-refresh-function refresh-func
magit-refresh-args refresh-args)
(defun magit-find-buffer (submode &optional dir)
(let ((topdir (magit-get-top-dir (or dir default-directory))))
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(if (save-excursion
(set-buffer buf)
(and default-directory
(equal (expand-file-name default-directory) topdir)
(eq major-mode 'magit-mode)
(eq magit-submode submode)))
(return buf)))))
(defun magit-find-status-buffer (&optional dir)
(magit-find-buffer 'status dir))
(defun magit-for-all-buffers (func &optional dir)
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(set-buffer buf)
(if (and (eq major-mode 'magit-mode)
(or (null dir)
(equal default-directory dir)))
(funcall func)))))
(defun magit-refresh-buffer (&optional buffer)
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(let* ((old-line (line-number-at-pos))
(old-section (magit-current-section))
(old-path (and old-section
(magit-section-path (magit-current-section))))
(section-line (and old-section
(magit-section-beginning old-section)
(if magit-refresh-function
(apply magit-refresh-function
(let ((s (and old-path (magit-find-section old-path magit-top-section))))
(cond (s
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning s))
(forward-line section-line))
(magit-goto-line old-line)))
(dolist (w (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer)))
(set-window-point w (point)))
(defun magit-string-has-prefix-p (string prefix)
(eq (compare-strings string nil (length prefix) prefix nil nil) t))
(defun magit-revert-buffers (dir)
(dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
(when (and buffer
(buffer-file-name buffer)
(magit-string-has-prefix-p (buffer-file-name buffer) dir)
(not (verify-visited-file-modtime buffer))
(not (buffer-modified-p buffer)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(revert-buffer t t nil))))))
(defvar magit-refresh-needing-buffers nil)
(defvar magit-refresh-pending nil)
(defun magit-refresh-wrapper (func)
(if magit-refresh-pending
(funcall func)
(let* ((dir default-directory)
(status-buffer (magit-find-buffer 'status dir))
(magit-refresh-needing-buffers nil)
(magit-refresh-pending t))
(funcall func)
(when magit-refresh-needing-buffers
(magit-revert-buffers dir)
(dolist (b (adjoin status-buffer
(magit-refresh-buffer b)))))))
(defun magit-need-refresh (&optional buffer)
(let ((buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))))
(when (not (memq buffer magit-refresh-needing-buffers))
(setq magit-refresh-needing-buffers
(cons buffer magit-refresh-needing-buffers)))))
(defun magit-refresh ()
(defun magit-refresh-all ()
(magit-for-all-buffers #'magit-refresh-buffer default-directory))
;;; Untracked files
(defun magit-wash-untracked-file ()
(if (looking-at "^? \\(.*\\)$")
(let ((file (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(delete-region (point) (+ (line-end-position) 1))
(magit-with-section file 'file
(magit-set-section-info file)
(insert "\t" file "\n"))
(defun magit-wash-untracked-files ()
;; Setting magit-old-top-section to nil speeds up washing: no time
;; is wasted looking up the old visibility, which doesn't matter for
;; untracked files.
;; XXX - speed this up in a more general way.
(let ((magit-old-top-section nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-untracked-file)))
(defun magit-insert-untracked-files ()
(apply 'magit-git-section
"Untracked files:"
"ls-files" "-t" "--others" "--exclude-standard"
,@(when magit-omit-untracked-dir-contents
;;; Diffs and Hunks
(defvar magit-diff-context-lines 3)
(defun magit-diff-U-arg ()
(format "-U%d" magit-diff-context-lines))
(defun magit-diff-smaller-hunks (&optional count)
(interactive "p")
(setq magit-diff-context-lines (max 0 (- magit-diff-context-lines count)))
(defun magit-diff-larger-hunks (&optional count)
(interactive "p")
(setq magit-diff-context-lines (+ magit-diff-context-lines count))
(defun magit-diff-default-hunks ()
(interactive "")
(setq magit-diff-context-lines 3)
(defun magit-diff-line-file ()
(cond ((looking-at "^diff --git ./\\(.*\\) ./\\(.*\\)$")
(match-string-no-properties 2))
((looking-at "^diff --cc +\\(.*\\)$")
(match-string-no-properties 1))
(defun magit-wash-diffs ()
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-diff-or-other-file))
(defun magit-wash-diff-or-other-file ()
(or (magit-wash-diff)
(defun magit-wash-other-file ()
(if (looking-at "^? \\(.*\\)$")
(let ((file (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(delete-region (point) (+ (line-end-position) 1))
(magit-with-section file 'file
(magit-set-section-info file)
(insert "\tNew " file "\n"))
(defvar magit-hide-diffs nil)
(defun magit-insert-diff-title (status file file2)
(let ((status-text (case status
(format "Unmerged %s" file))
(format "New %s" file))
(format "Deleted %s" file))
(format "Renamed %s (from %s)"
file file2))
(format "Modified %s" file))
(format "? %s" file)))))
(insert "\t" status-text "\n")))
(defun magit-wash-diff-section ()
(cond ((looking-at "^\\* Unmerged path \\(.*\\)")
(let ((file (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
(insert "\tUnmerged " file "\n")
(magit-set-section-info (list 'unmerged file nil))
((looking-at "^diff")
(let ((file (magit-diff-line-file))
(end (save-excursion
(forward-line) ;; skip over "diff" line
(if (search-forward-regexp "^diff\\|^@@" nil t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(goto-char (point-max)))
(let* ((status (cond
((looking-at "^diff --cc")
(search-forward-regexp "^new file" end t))
(search-forward-regexp "^deleted" end t))
(search-forward-regexp "^rename" end t))
(file2 (cond
(search-forward-regexp "^rename from \\(.*\\)"
end t))
(match-string-no-properties 1)))))
(magit-set-section-info (list status file file2))
(magit-insert-diff-title status file file2)
(goto-char end)
(let ((magit-section-hidden-default nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-hunk))))
(defun magit-wash-diff ()
(let ((magit-section-hidden-default magit-hide-diffs))
(magit-with-section (magit-current-line) 'diff
(defun magit-diff-item-kind (diff)
(car (magit-section-info diff)))
(defun magit-diff-item-file (diff)
(cadr (magit-section-info diff)))
(defun magit-diff-item-file2 (diff)
(caddr (magit-section-info diff)))
(defun magit-wash-hunk ()
(cond ((looking-at "\\(^@+\\)[^@]*@+")
(let ((n-columns (1- (length (match-string 1))))
(head (match-string 0)))
(magit-with-section head 'hunk
(add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
'(face magit-diff-hunk-header))
(while (not (or (eobp)
(looking-at "^diff\\|^@@")))
(let ((prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties
(point) (min (+ (point) n-columns) (point-max)))))
(cond ((string-match "\\+" prefix)
(magit-put-line-property 'face 'magit-diff-add))
((string-match "-" prefix)
(magit-put-line-property 'face 'magit-diff-del))
(magit-put-line-property 'face 'magit-diff-none))))
(defvar magit-diff-options nil)
(defun magit-insert-diff (file)
(let ((cmd magit-git-executable)
(args (append (list "diff")
(list (magit-diff-U-arg))
(list "--" file))))
(let ((p (point)))
(magit-git-insert args)
(if (not (eq (char-before) ?\n))
(insert "\n"))
(narrow-to-region p (point))
(goto-char p)
(goto-char (point-max))))))
(defvar magit-last-raw-diff nil)
(defvar magit-ignore-unmerged-raw-diffs nil)
(defun magit-wash-raw-diffs ()
(let ((magit-last-raw-diff nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-raw-diff)))
(defun magit-wash-raw-diff ()
(if (looking-at
":\\([0-7]+\\) \\([0-7]+\\) [0-9a-f]+ [0-9a-f]+ \\(.\\)[0-9]*\t\\([^\t\n]+\\)$")
(let ((old-perm (match-string-no-properties 1))
(new-perm (match-string-no-properties 2))
(status (case (string-to-char (match-string-no-properties 3))
(?A 'new)
(?D 'deleted)
(?M 'modified)
(?U 'unmerged)
(?T 'new-type)
(t nil)))
(file (match-string-no-properties 4)))
;; If this is for the same file as the last diff, ignore it.
;; Unmerged files seem to get two entries.
;; We also ignore unmerged files when told so.
(if (or (equal file magit-last-raw-diff)
(and magit-ignore-unmerged-raw-diffs (eq status 'unmerged)))
(delete-region (point) (+ (line-end-position) 1))
(setq magit-last-raw-diff file)
;; The 'diff' section that is created here will not work with
;; magit-insert-diff-item-patch etc when we leave it empty.
;; Luckily, raw diffs are only produced for staged and
;; unstaged changes, and we never call
;; magit-insert-diff-item-patch on them. This is a bit
;; brittle, of course.
(let ((magit-section-hidden-default magit-hide-diffs))
(magit-with-section file 'diff
(delete-region (point) (+ (line-end-position) 1))
(if (not (magit-section-hidden magit-top-section))
(magit-insert-diff file)
(magit-set-section-info (list status file nil))
(magit-set-section-needs-refresh-on-show t)
(magit-insert-diff-title status file nil)))))
(defun magit-hunk-item-diff (hunk)
(let ((diff (magit-section-parent hunk)))
(or (eq (magit-section-type diff) 'diff)
(error "Huh? Parent of hunk not a diff."))
(defun magit-diff-item-insert-header (diff buf)
(let ((beg (save-excursion
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning diff))
(end (if (magit-section-children diff)
(magit-section-beginning (car (magit-section-children diff)))
(magit-section-end diff))))
(magit-insert-region beg end buf)))
(defun magit-insert-diff-item-patch (diff buf)
(let ((beg (save-excursion
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning diff))
(end (magit-section-end diff)))
(magit-insert-region beg end buf)))
(defun magit-insert-hunk-item-patch (hunk buf)
(magit-diff-item-insert-header (magit-hunk-item-diff hunk) buf)
(magit-insert-region (magit-section-beginning hunk) (magit-section-end hunk)
(defun magit-insert-hunk-item-region-patch (hunk reverse beg end buf)
(magit-diff-item-insert-header (magit-hunk-item-diff hunk) buf)
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning hunk))
(magit-insert-current-line buf)
(let ((copy-op (if reverse "+" "-")))
(while (< (point) (magit-section-end hunk))
(if (and (<= beg (point)) (< (point) end))
(magit-insert-current-line buf)
(cond ((looking-at " ")
(magit-insert-current-line buf))
((looking-at copy-op)
(let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties
(+ (point) 1) (line-beginning-position 2))))
(with-current-buffer buf
(insert " " text))))))
(with-current-buffer buf
(diff-fixup-modifs (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun magit-hunk-item-is-conflict-p (hunk)
;;; XXX - Using the title is a bit too clever...
(string-match "^diff --cc"
(magit-section-title (magit-hunk-item-diff hunk))))
(defun magit-hunk-item-target-line (hunk)
(let ((line (line-number-at-pos)))
(if (looking-at "-")
(error "Can't visit removed lines."))
(goto-char (magit-section-beginning hunk))
(if (not (looking-at "@@+ .* \\+\\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ @@+"))
(error "Hunk header not found."))
(let ((target (parse-integer (match-string 1))))
(while (< (line-number-at-pos) line)
;; XXX - deal with combined diffs
(if (not (looking-at "-"))
(setq target (+ target 1)))
(defun magit-apply-diff-item (diff &rest args)
(when (zerop magit-diff-context-lines)
(setq args (cons "--unidiff-zero" args)))
(let ((tmp (get-buffer-create "*magit-tmp*")))
(with-current-buffer tmp
(magit-insert-diff-item-patch diff "*magit-tmp*")
(apply #'magit-run-git-with-input tmp
"apply" (append args (list "-")))))
(defun magit-apply-hunk-item* (hunk reverse &rest args)
(when (zerop magit-diff-context-lines)
(setq args (cons "--unidiff-zero" args)))
(let ((tmp (get-buffer-create "*magit-tmp*")))
(with-current-buffer tmp
(if (magit-use-region-p)
hunk reverse (region-beginning) (region-end) tmp)
(magit-insert-hunk-item-patch hunk tmp))
(apply #'magit-run-git-with-input tmp
"apply" (append args (list "-")))))
(defun magit-apply-hunk-item (hunk &rest args)
(apply #'magit-apply-hunk-item* hunk nil args))
(defun magit-apply-hunk-item-reverse (hunk &rest args)
(apply #'magit-apply-hunk-item* hunk t (cons "--reverse" args)))
(defun magit-insert-unstaged-changes (title)
(let ((magit-hide-diffs t))
(let ((magit-diff-options '()))
(magit-git-section 'unstaged title 'magit-wash-raw-diffs
(defun magit-insert-staged-changes (no-commit)
(let ((magit-hide-diffs t)
(base (if no-commit
(magit-git-string "mktree")
(let ((magit-diff-options '("--cached"))
(magit-ignore-unmerged-raw-diffs t))
(magit-git-section 'staged "Staged changes:" 'magit-wash-raw-diffs
"diff-index" "--cached"
;;; Logs and Commits
(defun magit-parse-log-ref (refname)
"Return shortened and propertized version of full REFNAME, like
(let ((face 'magit-log-head-label))
(cond ((string-match "^\\(tag: +\\)?refs/tags/\\(.+\\)" refname)
(setq refname (match-string 2 refname)
face 'magit-log-tag-label))
((string-match "^refs/remotes/\\(.+\\)" refname)
(setq refname (match-string 1 refname)))
((string-match "[^/]+$" refname)
(setq refname (match-string 0 refname))))
(propertize refname 'face face)))
(defun magit-parse-log-refs (refstring)
"Parse REFSTRING annotation from `git log --decorate'
output (for example: \"refs/remotes/origin/master,
refs/heads/master\") and return prettified string for displaying
in log buffer."
(mapconcat 'identity
(mapcar 'magit-parse-log-ref
(remove-if (lambda (refname)
(string-match "/HEAD$" refname))
(reverse (split-string refstring ", *" t))))
" - "))
(defun magit-wash-log-line ()
(if (and (search-forward-regexp "[0-9a-fA-F]\\{40\\}" (line-end-position) t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(not (looking-back "commit ")))
(let ((commit (match-string-no-properties 0)))
(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(when (search-forward-regexp "^[|*\\/ ]+\\((\\(tag:.+?\\|refs/.+?\\))\\)"
(line-end-position) t)
(let ((refstring (match-string-no-properties 2)))
(delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
(insert (magit-parse-log-refs refstring)))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position)))
(magit-with-section commit 'commit
(magit-set-section-info commit)
(defun magit-wash-log ()
(let ((magit-old-top-section nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-log-line)))
(defvar magit-currently-shown-commit nil)
(defun magit-wash-commit ()
(cond ((search-forward-regexp "^diff" nil t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(defun magit-refresh-commit-buffer (commit)
(magit-git-section nil nil
"log" "--max-count=1"
"--cc" "-p" commit)))
(defun magit-show-commit (commit &optional scroll)
(when (magit-section-p commit)
(setq commit (magit-section-info commit)))
(let ((dir default-directory)
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-commit*")))
(cond ((and (equal magit-currently-shown-commit commit)
;; if it's empty then the buffer was killed
(with-current-buffer buf
(> (length (buffer-string)) 1)))
(let ((win (get-buffer-window buf)))
(cond ((not win)
(display-buffer buf))
(with-selected-window win
(funcall scroll))))))
(setq magit-currently-shown-commit commit)
(display-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(set-buffer buf)
(goto-char (point-min))
(magit-mode-init dir 'commit
#'magit-refresh-commit-buffer commit))))))
(defvar magit-marked-commit nil)
(defvar magit-mark-overlay nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-mark-overlay)
(put 'magit-mark-overlay 'permanent-local t)
(defun magit-refresh-marked-commits ()
(magit-for-all-buffers #'magit-refresh-marked-commits-in-buffer))
(defun magit-refresh-marked-commits-in-buffer ()
(if (not magit-mark-overlay)
(let ((ov (make-overlay 1 1)))
(overlay-put ov 'face 'magit-item-mark)
(setq magit-mark-overlay ov)))
(delete-overlay magit-mark-overlay)
(lambda (section)
(when (and (eq (magit-section-type section) 'commit)
(equal (magit-section-info section)
(move-overlay magit-mark-overlay
(magit-section-beginning section)
(magit-section-end section)
(defun magit-set-marked-commit (commit)
(setq magit-marked-commit commit)
(defun magit-marked-commit ()
(or magit-marked-commit
(error "No commit marked")))
(defun magit-insert-unpulled-commits (remote branch)
(magit-git-section 'unpulled
"Unpulled commits:" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "HEAD..%s/%s" remote branch)))
(defun magit-insert-unpushed-commits (remote branch)
(magit-git-section 'unpushed
"Unpushed commits:" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "%s/%s..HEAD" remote branch)))
(defun magit-insert-unpulled-svn-commits (&optional use-cache)
(magit-git-section 'svn-unpulled
"Unpulled commits (SVN):" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "HEAD..%s" (magit-get-svn-ref use-cache))))
(defun magit-insert-unpushed-svn-commits (&optional use-cache)
(magit-git-section 'svn-unpushed
"Unpushed commits (SVN):" 'magit-wash-log
"log" "--pretty=format:* %H %s"
(format "%s..HEAD" (magit-get-svn-ref use-cache))))
;;; Status
(defun magit-remote-string (remote svn-info)
(if remote
(concat remote " " (magit-get "remote" remote "url"))
(when svn-info
(concat (cdr (assoc 'url svn-info))
" @ "
(cdr (assoc 'revision svn-info))))))
(defun magit-refresh-status ()
(magit-with-section 'status nil
(let* ((branch (magit-get-current-branch))
(remote (and branch (magit-get "branch" branch "remote")))
(svn-info (magit-get-svn-ref-info))
(remote-string (magit-remote-string remote svn-info))
(head (magit-git-string
"log" "--max-count=1" "--abbrev-commit" "--pretty=oneline"))
(no-commit (not head)))
(when remote-string
(insert "Remote: " remote-string "\n"))
(insert (format "Local: %s %s\n"
(propertize (or branch "(detached)")
'face 'magit-branch)
(abbreviate-file-name default-directory)))
(insert (format "Head: %s\n"
(if no-commit "nothing commited (yet)" head)))
(let ((merge-heads (magit-file-lines ".git/MERGE_HEAD")))
(if merge-heads
(insert (format "Merging: %s\n"
", "
(mapcar 'magit-name-rev merge-heads))))))
(let ((rebase (magit-rebase-info)))
(if rebase
(insert (apply 'format "Rebasing: %s (%s of %s)\n" rebase))))
(insert "\n")
(magit-git-exit-code "update-index" "--refresh")
(when remote
(magit-insert-unpulled-commits remote branch))
(when svn-info
(magit-insert-unpulled-svn-commits t))
(let ((staged (or no-commit (magit-anything-staged-p))))
(if staged "Unstaged changes:" "Changes:"))
(if staged
(magit-insert-staged-changes no-commit)))
(when remote
(magit-insert-unpushed-commits remote branch))
(when svn-info
(magit-insert-unpushed-svn-commits t))))))
(defun magit-init (dir)
"Initialize git repository in specified directory"
(interactive (list (read-directory-name "Directory for Git repository: ")))
(let ((topdir (magit-get-top-dir dir)))
(when (or (not topdir)
(if (string-equal topdir (expand-file-name dir))
"There is already a Git repository in %s. Reinitialize? "
"There is a Git repository in %s. Create another in %s? ")
topdir dir)))
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(and (y-or-n-p (format "Directory %s does not exists. Create it? " dir))
(make-directory dir)))
(let ((default-directory dir))
(magit-run* (list "git" "init"))))))
(defun magit-status (dir)
(interactive (list (or (and (not current-prefix-arg)
(magit-get-top-dir default-directory))
(magit-read-top-dir (and (consp current-prefix-arg)
(> (car current-prefix-arg) 4))))))
(if magit-save-some-buffers
(save-some-buffers (eq magit-save-some-buffers 'dontask)))
(let ((topdir (magit-get-top-dir dir)))
(unless topdir
(when (y-or-n-p (format "There is no Git repository in %S. Create one? "
(magit-init dir)
(setq topdir (magit-get-top-dir dir))))
(when topdir
(let ((buf (or (magit-find-buffer 'status topdir)
(concat "*magit: "
(directory-file-name topdir)) "*"))))))
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(magit-mode-init topdir 'status #'magit-refresh-status)))))
;;; Staging and Unstaging
(defun magit-stage-item ()
"Add the item at point to the staging area."
(magit-section-action (item info "stage")
((untracked file)
(magit-run-git "add" info))
(apply #'magit-run-git "add" "--"
(magit-git-lines "ls-files" "--other" "--exclude-standard")))
((unstaged diff hunk)
(if (magit-hunk-item-is-conflict-p item)
(error (concat "Can't stage individual resolution hunks. "
"Please stage the whole file.")))
(magit-apply-hunk-item item "--cached"))
((unstaged diff)
(magit-run-git "add" "-u" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
((staged *)
(error "Already staged"))
(error "Can't stage this hunk"))
(error "Can't stage this diff"))))
(defun magit-unstage-item ()
"Remove the item at point from the staging area."
(magit-section-action (item info "unstage")
((staged diff hunk)
(magit-apply-hunk-item-reverse item "--cached"))
((staged diff)
(if (eq (car info) 'unmerged)
(error "Can't unstage a unmerged file. Resolve it first."))
(magit-run-git "reset" "-q" "HEAD" "--" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
((unstaged *)
(error "Already unstaged"))
(error "Can't unstage this hunk"))
(error "Can't unstage this diff"))))
(defun magit-stage-all (&optional also-untracked-p)
(interactive "P")
(if also-untracked-p
(magit-run-git "add" ".")
(magit-run-git "add" "-u" ".")))
(defun magit-unstage-all ()
(magit-run-git "reset" "HEAD"))
;;; Branches
(defun magit-maybe-create-local-tracking-branch (rev)
(if (string-match "^refs/remotes/\\([^/]+\\)/\\(.+\\)" rev)
(let ((remote (match-string 1 rev))
(branch (match-string 2 rev)))
(when (and (not (magit-ref-exists-p (concat "refs/heads/" branch)))
(format "Create local tracking branch for %s? " branch)))
(magit-run-git "checkout" "-b" branch rev)
(defun magit-checkout (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Switch to" (magit-default-rev))))
(if rev
(if (not (magit-maybe-create-local-tracking-branch rev))
(magit-run-git "checkout" (magit-rev-to-git rev)))))
(defun magit-read-create-branch-args ()
(let* ((cur-branch (magit-get-current-branch))
(branch (read-string "Create branch: "))
(parent (magit-read-rev "Parent" cur-branch)))
(list branch parent)))
(defun magit-create-branch (branch parent)
(interactive (magit-read-create-branch-args))
(if (and branch (not (string= branch ""))
(magit-run-git "checkout" "-b"
(magit-rev-to-git parent))))
;;; Merging
(defun magit-guess-branch ()
(let ((sec (magit-current-section)))
(if (and sec (eq (magit-section-type sec) 'wazzup))
(magit-section-info sec))))
(defun magit-manual-merge (rev)
"Merge (without commiting) REV. Given a prefix-arg then the
merge will be squashed."
(list (magit-read-rev (concat "Manually merge"
(when current-prefix-arg
" (squashed)"))
(if rev
(magit-run-git "merge" "--no-commit"
(if current-prefix-arg
(magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(defun magit-automatic-merge (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Merge" (magit-guess-branch))))
(if rev
(magit-run-git "merge" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
;;; Rebasing
(defun magit-rebase-info ()
(cond ((file-exists-p ".git/rebase-apply")
(list (magit-name-rev
(car (magit-file-lines ".git/rebase-apply/onto")))
(car (magit-file-lines ".git/rebase-apply/next"))
(car (magit-file-lines ".git/rebase-apply/last"))))
((file-exists-p ".dotest")
(list (magit-name-rev (car (magit-file-lines ".dotest/onto")))
(car (magit-file-lines ".dotest/next"))
(car (magit-file-lines ".dotest/last"))))
((file-exists-p ".git/.dotest-merge")
(list (car (magit-file-lines ".git/.dotest-merge/onto_name"))
(car (magit-file-lines ".git/.dotest-merge/msgnum"))
(car (magit-file-lines ".git/.dotest-merge/end"))))
(defun magit-rebase-step ()
(let ((info (magit-rebase-info)))
(if (not info)
(let ((rev (magit-read-rev "Rebase to")))
(if rev
(magit-run-git "rebase" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(let ((cursor-in-echo-area t)
(message-log-max nil))
(message "Rebase in progress. Abort, Skip, or Continue? ")
(let ((reply (read-event)))
(case reply
((?A ?a)
(magit-run-git "rebase" "--abort"))
((?S ?s)
(magit-run-git "rebase" "--skip"))
((?C ?c)
(magit-run-git "rebase" "--continue"))))))))
;; git svn commands
(defun magit-svn-rebase ()
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "rebase"))
(defun magit-svn-dcommit ()
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "dcommit"))
(defun magit-svn-enabled ()
(not (null (magit-get-svn-ref-info))))
(defun magit-get-svn-local-ref (url)
(let ((branches (cons (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "fetch")
(magit-get-all "svn-remote" "svn" "branches")))
(base-url (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "url"))
(result nil))
(while branches
(let* ((pats (split-string (pop branches) ":"))
(src (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "\\\\(.*\\\\)" (car pats)))
(dst (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "\\\\1" (cadr pats)))
(base-url (replace-regexp-in-string "\\+" "\\\\+" base-url))
(pat1 (concat "^" src "$"))
(pat2 (cond ((equal src "") (concat "^" base-url "$"))
(t (concat "^" base-url "/" src "$")))))
(cond ((string-match pat1 url)
(setq result (replace-match dst nil nil url))
(setq branches nil))
((string-match pat2 url)
(setq result (replace-match dst nil nil url))
(setq branches nil)))))
(defvar magit-get-svn-ref-info-cache nil
"As `magit-get-svn-ref-info' might be considered a quite
expensive operation a cache is taken so that `magit-status'
doesn't repeatedly call it.")
(defun magit-get-svn-ref-info (&optional use-cache)
"Gather details about the current git-svn repository (nil if
there isn't one). Keys of the alist are ref-path, trunk-ref-name
and local-ref-name. If USE-CACHE is non-nil then return the value
of `magit-get-svn-ref-info-cache'."
(if use-cache
(let* ((fetch (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "fetch"))
(when fetch
(let* ((ref (cadr (split-string fetch ":")))
(ref-path (file-name-directory ref))
(trunk-ref-name (file-name-nondirectory ref)))
(setq magit-get-svn-ref-info-cache
(cons 'ref-path ref-path)
(cons 'trunk-ref-name trunk-ref-name)
;; get the local ref from the log. This is actually
;; the way that git-svn does it.
(cons 'local-ref
(insert (or (magit-git-string "log" "--first-parent")
(goto-char (point-min))
(cond ((re-search-forward "git-svn-id: \\(.+/.+?\\)@\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
(setq url (match-string 1)
revision (match-string 2))
(magit-get-svn-local-ref url))
(setq url (magit-get "svn-remote" "svn" "url"))
(cons 'revision revision)
(cons 'url url))))))))
(defun magit-get-svn-ref (&optional use-cache)
"Get the best guess remote ref for the current git-svn based
(let ((info (magit-get-svn-ref-info use-cache)))
(cdr (assoc 'local-ref info))))
;;; Resetting
(defun magit-reset-head (rev &optional hard)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev (format "%s head to"
(if current-prefix-arg
"Hard reset"
(or (magit-default-rev)
(if rev
(magit-run-git "reset" (if hard "--hard" "--soft")
(magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(defun magit-reset-working-tree ()
(if (yes-or-no-p "Discard all uncommitted changes? ")
(magit-run-git "reset" "--hard")))
;;; Rewriting
(defun magit-read-rewrite-info ()
(when (file-exists-p ".git/magit-rewrite-info")
(insert-file-contents ".git/magit-rewrite-info")
(goto-char (point-min))
(read (current-buffer)))))
(defun magit-write-rewrite-info (info)
(with-temp-file ".git/magit-rewrite-info"
(prin1 info (current-buffer))
(princ "\n" (current-buffer))))
(defun magit-insert-pending-commits ()
(let* ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info))
(pending (cdr (assq 'pending info))))
(when pending
(magit-with-section 'pending nil
(insert (propertize "Pending commits:\n"
'face 'magit-section-title))
(dolist (p pending)
(let* ((commit (car p))
(properties (cdr p))
(used (plist-get properties 'used)))
(magit-with-section commit 'commit
(magit-set-section-info commit)
(insert (magit-git-string
"log" "--max-count=1"
(if used
"--pretty=format:. %s"
"--pretty=format:* %s")
commit "--")
(insert "\n"))))
(defun magit-rewrite-set-commit-property (commit prop value)
(let* ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info))
(pending (cdr (assq 'pending info)))
(p (assoc commit pending)))
(when p
(setf (cdr p) (plist-put (cdr p) prop value))
(magit-write-rewrite-info info)
(defun magit-rewrite-set-used ()
(magit-section-action (item info)
((pending commit)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used t))))
(defun magit-rewrite-set-unused ()
(magit-section-action (item info)
((pending commit)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used nil))))
(defun magit-insert-pending-changes ()
(let* ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info))
(orig (cadr (assq 'orig info))))
(when orig
(let ((magit-hide-diffs t))
(magit-git-section 'pending-changes
"Pending changes"
"diff" (magit-diff-U-arg) "-R" orig)))))
(defun magit-rewrite-start (from &optional onto)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Rewrite from" (magit-default-rev))))
(or (magit-everything-clean-p)
(error "You have uncommitted changes."))
(or (not (magit-read-rewrite-info))
(error "Rewrite in progress."))
(let* ((orig (magit-git-string "rev-parse" "HEAD"))
(base (or (car (magit-commit-parents from))
(error "Can't rewrite a commit without a parent, sorry.")))
(pending (magit-git-lines "rev-list" (concat base ".."))))
(magit-write-rewrite-info `((orig ,orig)
(pending ,@(mapcar #'list pending))))
(magit-run-git "reset" "--hard" base)))
(defun magit-rewrite-stop (&optional noconfirm)
(let* ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info)))
(or info
(error "No rewrite in progress."))
(when (or noconfirm
(yes-or-no-p "Stop rewrite? "))
(magit-write-rewrite-info nil)
(defun magit-rewrite-abort ()
(let* ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info))
(orig (cadr (assq 'orig info))))
(or info
(error "No rewrite in progress."))
(or (magit-everything-clean-p)
(error "You have uncommitted changes."))
(when (yes-or-no-p "Abort rewrite? ")
(magit-write-rewrite-info nil)
(magit-run-git "reset" "--hard" orig))))
(defun magit-rewrite-finish ()
(magit-rewrite-finish-step t)))
(defun magit-rewrite-finish-step (first-p)
(let ((info (magit-read-rewrite-info)))
(or info
(error "No rewrite in progress."))
(let* ((pending (cdr (assq 'pending info)))
(first-unused (find-if (lambda (p)
(not (plist-get (cdr p) 'used)))
:from-end t))
(commit (car first-unused)))
(cond ((not first-unused)
(magit-rewrite-stop t))
((magit-apply-commit commit t (not first-p))
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property commit 'used t)
(magit-rewrite-finish-step nil))))))
;;; Updating, pull, and push
(defun magit-remote-update ()
(if (magit-svn-enabled)
(magit-run-git-async "svn" "fetch")
(magit-run-git-async "remote" "update")))
(defun magit-pull ()
(let* ((branch (magit-get-current-branch))
(config-branch (and branch (magit-get "branch" branch "merge")))
(merge-branch (or config-branch
(magit-read-rev (format "Pull from")))))
(if (and branch (not config-branch))
(magit-set merge-branch "branch" branch "merge"))
(magit-run-git-async "pull" "-v")))
(defun magit-shell-command (command)
(interactive "sCommand: ")
(require 'pcomplete)
(let ((args (car (with-temp-buffer
(insert command)
(magit-process-popup-time 0))
(magit-run* args nil nil nil t)))
(defun magit-read-remote (prompt def)
(funcall magit-completing-read (if def
(format "%s (default %s): " prompt def)
(format "%s: " prompt))
(magit-git-lines "remote")
nil nil nil nil def))
(defun magit-push ()
(let* ((branch (or (magit-get-current-branch)
(error "Don't push a detached head. That's gross.")))
(branch-remote (magit-get "branch" branch "remote"))
(push-remote (if (or current-prefix-arg
(not branch-remote))
(magit-read-remote (format "Push %s to" branch)
(if (and (not branch-remote)
(not current-prefix-arg))
(magit-set push-remote "branch" branch "remote"))
(magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" push-remote branch)))
;;; Log edit mode
(defvar magit-log-edit-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'magit-log-edit-commit)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a") 'magit-log-edit-toggle-amending)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-s") 'magit-log-edit-toggle-signoff)
(define-key map (kbd "M-p") 'log-edit-previous-comment)
(define-key map (kbd "M-n") 'log-edit-next-comment)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'magit-log-edit-cancel-log-message)
(defvar magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration nil)
(defun magit-log-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
"Fill the paragraph, but preserve open parentheses at beginning of lines.
Prefix arg means justify as well."
(interactive "P")
;; Add lines starting with a left paren or an asterisk.
(let ((paragraph-start (concat paragraph-start "\\|*\\|(")))
(let ((end (progn (forward-paragraph) (point)))
(beg (progn (backward-paragraph) (point)))
(adaptive-fill-mode nil))
(fill-region beg end justify)
(define-derived-mode magit-log-edit-mode text-mode "Magit Log Edit"
(set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function)
(use-local-map magit-log-edit-map))
(defun magit-log-edit-cleanup ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(flush-lines "^#")
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (re-search-forward "[ \t\n]*\\'" nil t)
(replace-match "\n" nil nil))))
(defun magit-log-edit-append (str)
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*magit-log-edit*"))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert str "\n")))
(defconst magit-log-header-end "-- End of Magit header --\n")
(defun magit-log-edit-get-fields ()
(let ((buf (get-buffer "*magit-log-edit*"))
(result nil))
(if buf
(set-buffer buf)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (looking-at "^\\([A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\): *\\(.*\\)$")
(setq result (acons (intern (downcase (match-string 1)))
(match-string 2)
(if (not (looking-at (regexp-quote magit-log-header-end)))
(setq result nil))))
(nreverse result)))
(defun magit-log-edit-set-fields (fields)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-log-edit*")))
(set-buffer buf)
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (search-forward-regexp (format "^\\([A-Za-z0-9-_]+:.*\n\\)+%s"
(regexp-quote magit-log-header-end))
nil t)
(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when fields
(while fields
(insert (capitalize (symbol-name (caar fields))) ": "
(cdar fields) "\n")
(setq fields (cdr fields)))
(insert magit-log-header-end)))))
(defun magit-log-edit-set-field (name value)
(let* ((fields (magit-log-edit-get-fields))
(cell (assq name fields)))
(cond (cell
(if value
(rplacd cell value)
(setq fields (delq cell fields))))
(if value
(setq fields (append fields (list (cons name value)))))))
(magit-log-edit-set-fields fields)))
(defun magit-log-edit-get-field (name)
(cdr (assq name (magit-log-edit-get-fields))))
(defun magit-log-edit-setup-author-env (author)
(cond (author
;; XXX - this is a bit strict, probably.
(or (string-match "\\(.*\\) <\\(.*\\)>, \\(.*\\)" author)
(error "Can't parse author string."))
;; Shucks, setenv destroys the match data.
(let ((name (match-string 1 author))
(email (match-string 2 author))
(date (match-string 3 author)))
(setenv "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" name)
(setenv "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" email)
(setenv "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" date)))
(setenv "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME")
(setenv "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE"))))
(defun magit-log-edit-push-to-comment-ring (comment)
(when (or (ring-empty-p log-edit-comment-ring)
(not (equal comment (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring 0))))
(ring-insert log-edit-comment-ring comment)))
(defun magit-log-edit-commit ()
(let* ((fields (magit-log-edit-get-fields))
(amend (equal (cdr (assq 'amend fields)) "yes"))
(commit-all (equal (cdr (assq 'commit-all fields)) "yes"))
(sign-off-field (assq 'sign-off fields))
(sign-off (if sign-off-field
(equal (cdr sign-off-field) "yes")
(tag (cdr (assq 'tag fields)))
(author (cdr (assq 'author fields))))
(magit-log-edit-push-to-comment-ring (buffer-string))
(magit-log-edit-setup-author-env author)
(magit-log-edit-set-fields nil)
(if (= (buffer-size) 0)
(insert "(Empty description)\n"))
(let ((commit-buf (current-buffer)))
(with-current-buffer (magit-find-buffer 'status default-directory)
(cond (tag
(magit-run-git-with-input commit-buf "tag" tag "-a" "-F" "-"))
(apply #'magit-run-async-with-input commit-buf
(append magit-git-standard-options
(list "commit" "-F" "-")
(if commit-all '("--all") '())
(if amend '("--amend") '())
(if sign-off '("--signoff") '())))))))
(when (file-exists-p ".git/MERGE_MSG")
(delete-file ".git/MERGE_MSG"))
(when magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration
(set-window-configuration magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration)
(setq magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration nil))))
(defun magit-log-edit-cancel-log-message ()
(when (or (not magit-log-edit-confirm-cancellation)
"Really cancel editing the log (any changes will be lost)?"))
(when magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration
(set-window-configuration magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration)
(setq magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration nil))))
(defun magit-log-edit-toggle-amending ()
(let* ((fields (magit-log-edit-get-fields))
(cell (assq 'amend fields)))
(if cell
(rplacd cell (if (equal (cdr cell) "yes") "no" "yes"))
(setq fields (acons 'amend "yes" fields))
(magit-format-commit "HEAD" "%s%n%n%b")))
(magit-log-edit-set-fields fields)))
(defun magit-log-edit-toggle-signoff ()
(let* ((fields (magit-log-edit-get-fields))
(cell (assq 'sign-off fields)))
(if cell
(rplacd cell (if (equal (cdr cell) "yes") "no" "yes"))
(setq fields (acons 'sign-off (if magit-commit-signoff "no" "yes")
(magit-log-edit-set-fields fields)))
(defun magit-pop-to-log-edit (operation)
(let ((dir default-directory)
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-log-edit*")))
(setq magit-pre-log-edit-window-configuration
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(when (file-exists-p ".git/MERGE_MSG")
(insert-file-contents ".git/MERGE_MSG"))
(setq default-directory dir)
(message "Type C-c C-c to %s (C-c C-k to cancel)." operation)))
(defun magit-log-edit ()
(cond ((magit-rebase-info)
(if (y-or-n-p "Rebase in progress. Continue it? ")
(magit-run-git "rebase" "--continue")))
(magit-log-edit-set-field 'tag nil)
(when (and magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged
(not (magit-anything-staged-p)))
(cond ((eq magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged 'ask-stage)
(if (and (not (magit-everything-clean-p))
(y-or-n-p "Nothing staged. Stage everything now? "))
((not (magit-log-edit-get-field 'commit-all))
(if (or (eq magit-commit-all-when-nothing-staged t)
"Nothing staged. Commit all unstaged changes? "))
"yes" "no")))))
(magit-pop-to-log-edit "commit"))))
(defun magit-add-log ()
(cond ((magit-rebase-info)
(if (y-or-n-p "Rebase in progress. Continue it? ")
(magit-run-git "rebase" "--continue")))
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(let ((fun (if (eq (magit-section-type section) 'hunk)
(file (magit-diff-item-file
(cond ((eq (magit-section-type section) 'hunk)
(magit-hunk-item-diff section))
((eq (magit-section-type section) 'diff)
(error "No change at point"))))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(cond ((not (search-forward-regexp
(format "^\\* %s" (regexp-quote file)) nil t))
;; No entry for file, create it.
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (format "\n* %s" file))
(if fun
(insert (format " (%s)" fun)))
(insert ": "))
;; found entry for file, look for fun
(let ((limit (or (save-excursion
(and (search-forward-regexp "^\\* "
nil t)
(match-beginning 0)))
(cond ((search-forward-regexp (format "(.*\\<%s\\>.*):"
(regexp-quote fun))
limit t)
;; found it, goto end of current entry
(if (search-forward-regexp "^(" limit t)
(backward-char 2)
(goto-char limit)))
;; not found, insert new entry
(goto-char limit)
(if (bolp)
(open-line 1)
(insert (format "(%s): " fun))))))))))))
;;; Tags
(defun magit-tag (name)
(interactive "sNew tag name: ")
(magit-run-git "tag" name))
(defun magit-annotated-tag (name)
(interactive "sNew tag name: ")
(magit-log-edit-set-field 'tag name)
(magit-pop-to-log-edit "tag"))
;;; Stashing
(defun magit-wash-stash ()
(if (search-forward-regexp "stash@{\\(.*\\)}" (line-end-position) t)
(let ((stash (match-string-no-properties 0))
(name (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(insert name)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(magit-with-section stash 'stash
(magit-set-section-info stash)
(defun magit-wash-stashes ()
(let ((magit-old-top-section nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-stash)))
(defun magit-insert-stashes ()
(magit-git-section 'stashes
"Stashes:" 'magit-wash-stashes
"stash" "list"))
(defun magit-stash (description)
(interactive "sStash description: ")
(apply 'magit-run-git `("stash"
,@(when current-prefix-arg '("--keep-index"))
(defun magit-stash-snapshot ()
(magit-run-git "stash" "save"
(format-time-string "Snapshot taken at %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
(magit-run-git "stash" "apply" "stash@{0}")))
(defvar magit-currently-shown-stash nil)
(defun magit-show-stash (stash &optional scroll)
(when (magit-section-p stash)
(setq stash (magit-section-info stash)))
(let ((dir default-directory)
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-stash*")))
(cond ((equal magit-currently-shown-stash stash)
(let ((win (get-buffer-window buf)))
(cond ((not win)
(display-buffer buf))
(with-selected-window win
(funcall scroll))))))
(setq magit-currently-shown-stash stash)
(display-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(set-buffer buf)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let* ((range (cons (concat stash "^2^") stash))
(args (magit-rev-range-to-git range)))
(magit-mode-init dir 'diff #'magit-refresh-diff-buffer
range args)))))))
;;; Topic branches (using topgit)
(defun magit-wash-topic ()
(if (search-forward-regexp "^..\\(t/\\S-+\\)\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)"
(line-end-position) t)
(let ((topic (match-string 1)))
(delete-region (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(delete-char 4)
(insert "\t")
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(magit-with-section topic 'topic
(magit-set-section-info topic)
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (1+ (line-end-position))))
(defun magit-wash-topics ()
(let ((magit-old-top-section nil))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-wash-topic)))
(defun magit-insert-topics ()
(magit-git-section 'topics
"Topics:" 'magit-wash-topics
"branch" "-v"))
;;; Commits
(defun magit-commit-at-point (&optional nil-ok-p)
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(commit (and (eq (magit-section-type section) 'commit)
(magit-section-info section))))
(if nil-ok-p
(or commit
(error "No commit at point.")))))
(defun magit-apply-commit (commit &optional docommit noerase revert)
(let* ((parent-id (magit-choose-parent-id commit "cherry-pick"))
(success (magit-run* `(,magit-git-executable
,(if revert "revert" "cherry-pick")
,@(if parent-id
(list "-m" (number-to-string parent-id)))
,@(if (not docommit) (list "--no-commit"))
nil noerase)))
(when (or (not docommit) success)
(cond (revert
(magit-format-commit commit "Reverting \"%s\"")))
(magit-format-commit commit "%s%n%n%b"))
(magit-format-commit commit "%an <%ae>, %ai")))))
(defun magit-apply-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "apply")
((pending commit)
(magit-apply-commit info)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used t))
(magit-apply-commit info))
((unstaged *)
(error "Change is already in your working tree"))
((staged *)
(error "Change is already in your working tree"))
(magit-apply-hunk-item item))
(magit-apply-diff-item item))
(magit-run-git "stash" "apply" info))))
(defun magit-cherry-pick-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "cherry-pick")
((pending commit)
(magit-apply-commit info t)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used t))
(magit-apply-commit info t))
(magit-run-git "stash" "pop" info))))
(defun magit-revert-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "revert")
((pending commit)
(magit-apply-commit info nil nil t)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used nil))
(magit-apply-commit info nil nil t))
(magit-apply-hunk-item-reverse item))
(magit-apply-diff-item item "--reverse"))))
(defvar magit-have-graph 'unset)
(defvar magit-have-decorate 'unset)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-have-graph)
(put 'magit-have-graph 'permanent-local t)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-have-decorate)
(put 'magit-have-decorate 'permanent-local t)
(defun magit-configure-have-graph ()
(if (eq magit-have-graph 'unset)
(let ((res (magit-git-exit-code "log" "--graph" "--max-count=0")))
(setq magit-have-graph (eq res 0)))))
(defun magit-configure-have-decorate ()
(if (eq magit-have-decorate 'unset)
(let ((res (magit-git-exit-code "log" "--decorate=full" "--max-count=0")))
(setq magit-have-decorate (eq res 0)))))
(defun magit-refresh-log-buffer (range style args)
(apply #'magit-git-section nil
(magit-rev-range-describe range "Commits")
,(format "--max-count=%s" magit-log-cutoff-length)
,@(if magit-have-decorate (list "--decorate=full"))
,@(if magit-have-graph (list "--graph"))
,args "--"))))
(defun magit-log (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((range (if arg
(magit-read-rev-range "Log" "HEAD")
(topdir (magit-get-top-dir default-directory))
(args (magit-rev-range-to-git range)))
(switch-to-buffer "*magit-log*")
(magit-mode-init topdir 'log #'magit-refresh-log-buffer range
"--pretty=oneline" args)))
(defun magit-log-long (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((range (if arg
(magit-read-rev-range "Long log" "HEAD")
(topdir (magit-get-top-dir default-directory))
(args (magit-rev-range-to-git range)))
(switch-to-buffer "*magit-log*")
(magit-mode-init topdir 'log #'magit-refresh-log-buffer range
"--stat" args)))
;;; Reflog
(defun magit-refresh-reflog-buffer (head args)
(magit-git-section 'reflog
(format "Local history of head %s" head)
"log" "--walk-reflogs"
(format "--max-count=%s" magit-log-cutoff-length)
(defun magit-reflog (head)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Reflog of" "HEAD")))
(if head
(let* ((topdir (magit-get-top-dir default-directory))
(args (magit-rev-to-git head)))
(switch-to-buffer "*magit-reflog*")
(magit-mode-init topdir 'reflog
#'magit-refresh-reflog-buffer head args))))
(defun magit-reflog-head ()
(magit-reflog "HEAD"))
;;; Diffing
(defun magit-refresh-diff-buffer (range args)
(magit-git-section 'diffbuf
(magit-rev-range-describe range "Changes")
"diff" (magit-diff-U-arg) args)))
(defun magit-diff (range)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev-range "Diff")))
(if range
(let* ((dir default-directory)
(args (magit-rev-range-to-git range))
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-diff*")))
(display-buffer buf)
(set-buffer buf)
(magit-mode-init dir 'diff #'magit-refresh-diff-buffer range args)))))
(defun magit-diff-working-tree (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Diff with (default HEAD)")))
(magit-diff (or rev "HEAD")))
(defun magit-diff-with-mark ()
(magit-diff (cons (magit-marked-commit)
;;; Wazzup
(defun magit-wazzup-toggle-ignore (branch edit)
(let ((ignore-file ".git/info/wazzup-exclude"))
(if edit
(setq branch (read-string "Branch to ignore for wazzup: " branch)))
(let ((ignored (magit-file-lines ignore-file)))
(cond ((member branch ignored)
(when (or (not edit)
(y-or-n-p "Branch %s is already ignored. Unignore?"))
(setq ignored (delete branch ignored))))
(setq ignored (append ignored (list branch)))))
(magit-write-file-lines ignore-file ignored)
(defun magit-refresh-wazzup-buffer (head all)
(magit-with-section 'wazzupbuf nil
(insert (format "Wazzup, %s\n\n" head))
(let* ((excluded (magit-file-lines ".git/info/wazzup-exclude"))
(all-branches (magit-list-interesting-refs))
(branches (if all all-branches
(remove-if (lambda (b) (member (cdr b) excluded))
(reported (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (branch branches)
(let* ((name (car branch))
(ref (cdr branch))
(hash (magit-git-string "rev-parse" ref))
(reported-branch (gethash hash reported)))
(unless (or (and reported-branch
(string= (file-name-nondirectory ref)
(not (magit-git-string "merge-base" head ref)))
(puthash hash (file-name-nondirectory ref) reported)
(let* ((n (length (magit-git-lines "log" "--pretty=oneline"
(concat head ".." ref))))
(let ((magit-section-hidden-default t))
(cons ref 'wazzup)
(format "%s unmerged commits in %s%s"
n name
(if (member ref excluded)
" (normally ignored)"
(format "--max-count=%s" magit-log-cutoff-length)
(format "%s..%s" head ref)
(magit-set-section-info ref section)))))))))
(defun magit-wazzup (&optional all)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((topdir (magit-get-top-dir default-directory)))
(switch-to-buffer "*magit-wazzup*")
(magit-mode-init topdir 'wazzup
(magit-get-current-branch) all)))
;;; Miscellaneous
(defun magit-ignore-file (file edit local)
(let ((ignore-file (if local ".git/info/exclude" ".gitignore")))
(if edit
(setq file (read-string "File to ignore: " file)))
(append-to-file (concat "/" file "\n") nil ignore-file)
(defun magit-ignore-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "ignore")
((untracked file)
(magit-ignore-file info current-prefix-arg nil))
(magit-wazzup-toggle-ignore info current-prefix-arg))))
(defun magit-ignore-item-locally ()
(magit-section-action (item info "ignore")
((untracked file)
(magit-ignore-file info current-prefix-arg t))))
(defun magit-discard-diff (diff stagedp)
(let ((kind (magit-diff-item-kind diff))
(file (magit-diff-item-file diff)))
(cond ((eq kind 'deleted)
(when (yes-or-no-p (format "Resurrect %s? " file))
(magit-run-git "reset" "-q" "--" file)
(magit-run-git "checkout" "--" file)))
((eq kind 'new)
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s? " file))
(magit-run-git "rm" "-f" "--" file)))
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Discard changes to %s? " file))
(if stagedp
(magit-run-git "checkout" "HEAD" "--" file)
(magit-run-git "checkout" "--" file)))))))
(defun magit-discard-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "discard")
((untracked file)
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s? " info))
(magit-run "rm" info)))
(if (yes-or-no-p "Delete all untracked files and directories? ")
(magit-run "git" "clean" "-df")))
((unstaged diff hunk)
(when (yes-or-no-p (if (magit-use-region-p)
"Discard changes in region? "
"Discard hunk? "))
(magit-apply-hunk-item-reverse item)))
((staged diff hunk)
(if (magit-file-uptodate-p (magit-diff-item-file
(magit-hunk-item-diff item)))
(when (yes-or-no-p (if (magit-use-region-p)
"Discard changes in region? "
"Discard hunk? "))
(magit-apply-hunk-item-reverse item "--index"))
(error "Can't discard this hunk. Please unstage it first.")))
((unstaged diff)
(magit-discard-diff item nil))
((staged diff)
(if (magit-file-uptodate-p (magit-diff-item-file item))
(magit-discard-diff item t)
(error "Can't discard staged changes to this file. Please unstage it first.")))
(error "Can't discard this hunk"))
(error "Can't discard this diff"))
(when (yes-or-no-p "Discard stash? ")
(magit-run-git "stash" "drop" info)))))
(defun magit-visit-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "visit")
((untracked file)
(find-file info))
(find-file (magit-diff-item-file item)))
(let ((file (magit-diff-item-file (magit-hunk-item-diff item)))
(line (magit-hunk-item-target-line item)))
(find-file file)
(goto-line line)))
(magit-show-commit info)
(pop-to-buffer "*magit-commit*"))
(magit-show-stash info)
(pop-to-buffer "*magit-diff*"))
(magit-checkout info))))
(defun magit-show-item-or-scroll-up ()
(magit-section-action (item info)
(magit-show-commit info #'scroll-up))
(magit-show-stash info #'scroll-up))
(defun magit-show-item-or-scroll-down ()
(magit-section-action (item info)
(magit-show-commit info #'scroll-down))
(magit-show-stash info #'scroll-down))
(defun magit-mark-item (&optional unmark)
(interactive "P")
(if unmark
(magit-set-marked-commit nil)
(magit-section-action (item info "mark")
(magit-set-marked-commit (if (eq magit-marked-commit info)
(defun magit-describe-item ()
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(message "Section: %s %s-%s %S %S %S"
(magit-section-type section)
(magit-section-beginning section)
(magit-section-end section)
(magit-section-title section)
(magit-section-info section)
(magit-section-context-type section))))
(defun magit-copy-item-as-kill ()
"Copy sha1 of commit at point into kill ring."
(magit-section-action (item info "copy")
(kill-new info)
(message "%s" info))))
(defun magit-interactive-rebase ()
"Start a git rebase -i session, old school-style."
(let* ((section (get-text-property (point) 'magit-section))
(commit (and (member 'commit (magit-section-context-type section))
(magit-section-info section)))
(old-editor (getenv "GIT_EDITOR")))
(setenv "GIT_EDITOR" (expand-file-name "emacsclient" exec-directory))
(magit-run-git-async "rebase" "-i"
(or (and commit (concat commit "^"))
(read-string "Interactively rebase to: ")))
(if old-editor
(setenv "GIT_EDITOR" old-editor)))))
(defun magit-show-branches ()
"Show all of the current branches in other-window."
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*magit-branches*")
(insert (magit-git-string "branch" "-va"))
(insert "\n")))
(defvar magit-ediff-file)
(defvar magit-ediff-windows)
(defun magit-interactive-resolve (file)
(let ((merge-status (magit-git-string "ls-files" "-u" "--" file))
(base-buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat file ".base")))
(our-buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat file ".current")))
(their-buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat file ".merged")))
(windows (current-window-configuration)))
(if (null merge-status)
(error "Cannot resolve %s" file))
(with-current-buffer base-buffer
(if (string-match "^[0-9]+ [0-9a-f]+ 1" merge-status)
(insert (magit-git-string "cat-file" "blob"
(concat ":1:" file)))))
(with-current-buffer our-buffer
(if (string-match "^[0-9]+ [0-9a-f]+ 2" merge-status)
(insert (magit-git-string "cat-file" "blob"
(concat ":2:" file)))))
(with-current-buffer their-buffer
(if (string-match "^[0-9]+ [0-9a-f]+ 3" merge-status)
(insert (magit-git-string "cat-file" "blob"
(concat ":3:" file)))))
;; We have now created the 3 buffer with ours, theirs and the ancestor files
(with-current-buffer (ediff-merge-buffers-with-ancestor our-buffer their-buffer base-buffer)
(make-local-variable 'magit-ediff-file)
(setq magit-ediff-file file)
(make-local-variable 'magit-ediff-windows)
(setq magit-ediff-windows windows)
(make-local-variable 'ediff-quit-hook)
(add-hook 'ediff-quit-hook
(lambda ()
(let ((buffer-A ediff-buffer-A)
(buffer-B ediff-buffer-B)
(buffer-C ediff-buffer-C)
(buffer-Ancestor ediff-ancestor-buffer)
(file magit-ediff-file)
(windows magit-ediff-windows))
(find-file file)
(insert-buffer-substring buffer-C)
(kill-buffer buffer-A)
(kill-buffer buffer-B)
(kill-buffer buffer-C)
(when (bufferp buffer-Ancestor) (kill-buffer buffer-Ancestor))
(set-window-configuration windows)
(message "Conflict resolution finished; you may save the buffer")))))))
(defun magit-interactive-resolve-item ()
(magit-section-action (item info "resolv")
(magit-interactive-resolve (cadr info)))))
(provide 'magit)