#!/bin/bash CWD=$(pwd) PRGNAM=$(basename $CWD) VERSION=git$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M) BUILD=1 ARCH=$(uname -m) REPOSITORIES=/home/installs/SlackBuilds/repositories TAG=gwh TMP=/tmp/$TAG PKG=$TMP/pkg-$PRGNAM OUTPUT=/tmp PREFIX=/usr # cleaning rm -fr $PKG # get sources [ ! -e $REPOSITORIES ] && mkdir -p $REPOSITORIES ( cd $REPOSITORIES if [ -e $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM ] ; then ( cd $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM hg pull -u ) else hg clone https://iui.googlecode.com/hg/ $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM fi ) mkdir -p $PKG/srv/www/htdocs cp -R $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM $PKG/srv/www/htdocs/ find $PKG/srv/www/htdocs -name \.hg\* -exec rm -fr {} \; ( cd $PKG mkdir -p install cat < install/slack-desc $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM (iPhone User Interface Framework) $PRGNAM: iUI is a framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for $PRGNAM: developing iPhone webapps. $PRGNAM: Makes WebApps Look and Feel Like iPhone Native Apps $PRGNAM: iUI has the following features: $PRGNAM: * Create Navigational Menus and iPhone interfaces from standard HTML $PRGNAM: * Use or knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create basic iPhone pages $PRGNAM: * Ability to handle phone orientation changes $PRGNAM: * Provide a more "iPhone-like" experience to Web apps (on or off the iPhone) $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: http://code.google.com/p/iui/ EOF chown -R root:root * makepkg -l y -c n $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.txz )