#!/bin/sh CWD=$(pwd) PRGNAM=$(basename $CWD) VERSION=beta_0.5 BUILD=1 ARCH=$(uname -m) REPOSITORIES=/home/installs/SlackBuilds/repositories TAG=cyco TMP=/tmp/$TAG PKG=$TMP/pkg-$PRGNAM OUTPUT=/tmp PREFIX=/usr # cleaning rm -fr $PKG # get sources # [ ! -e $REPOSITORIES ] && mkdir -p $REPOSITORIES # ( cd $REPOSITORIES # if [ -e $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM ] ; then # ( cd $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM # git pull # ) # else # git clone https://github.com/bauhouse/fluid960gs.git $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM # fi # ) mkdir -p $PKG/srv/www/htdocs/$PRGNAM #cp -R $REPOSITORIES/$PRGNAM $PKG/srv/www/htdocs/ [ ! -e $CWD/${PRGNAM}_$VERSION.zip ] && ( cd $CWD ; wget -c http://52framework.com/download/${PRGNAM}_$VERSION.zip ) ( cd $PKG/srv/www/htdocs/$PRGNAM unzip $CWD/${PRGNAM}_$VERSION.zip ) #find $PKG/srv/www/htdocs -name \.git\* -exec rm -fr {} \; ( cd $PKG mkdir -p install cat < install/slack-desc $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM (HTML5 & CSS3 framework) $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: The 52framework was started by the enavu network as a way to expedite the process $PRGNAM: of the usage of the latest standards in web development, and the love of the $PRGNAM: number 52. The 52framework provides an easy way to get started using html5 and $PRGNAM: css3 while still supporting all modern browsers (including ie6). $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: http://52framework.com/ $PRGNAM: EOF chown -R root:root * makepkg -l y -c n $OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.txz )