Changes in magit 0.7: * Tagging, on 't' and 'T'. * Stashing, on 'z'. * Wazzup, on 'w'. Wazzup gives you an overview over how other branches relate to the current one. * There is more control over pushing. 'P' now takes a prefix argument and pushing a branch without a default remote will ask for one. * Logs have changed a bit: 'l' shows the traditional brief log, and 'L' shows a more verbose log. Use the prefix arg to specify the range of the log. * M-x magit-status doesn't prompt anymore for a directory when invoked from within a Git repository. Use C-u to force a prompt. * The digit keys '1', '2', '3', and '4' now show sections on the respective level and hide everything below. With Meta, they work on all sections, without, they work only on sections that are a parent or child of the current section. * Magit works better with oldish Gits that don't understand "--graph" for example. Changes in magit 0.6: Almost everything has changed. Please read the manual again. Some highlights: * Magit now works with Git 1.6.0. (John Wiegley) * Support for interactive rewriting. * Sections can be shown and hidden. * Staging, unstaging, applying, reverting and discarding changes can now be done line-by-line, not only hunk-by-hunk.