#!/bin/bash CWD=$(pwd) TMP=${TMP:-/tmp/$TAG} PKG=$TMP/package-$PRGNAM OUTPUT=${OUTPUT:-/tmp} PRGNAM=$(basename "$CWD") ARCH=${ARCH:-$(uname -m | grep -q 64 && echo "x86_64" || echo "i386")} VERSION=${VERSION:-$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/tags | grep name | head -n1 | grep -o "v[0-9.]*" | tr -d v)} BUILD=${BUILD:-3} TAG=${TAG:-gwh} rm -rf "$PKG" mkdir -p "$PKG"/usr/bin "$PKG"/opt "$OUTPUT" cd "$PKG"/opt || exit 1 wget -c "https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/releases/download/v$VERSION/heroic-$VERSION.tar.xz" -O "heroic-$VERSION.tar.xz" tar xf "heroic-$VERSION.tar.xz" rm "heroic-$VERSION.tar.xz" cat < "$PKG"/usr/bin/heroic #!/bin/bash set -eu cd /opt/"heroic-$VERSION"/ ./heroic -- "$@" EOF chmod +x "$PKG"/usr/bin/heroic mkdir -p "$PKG"/usr/share/applications/ cat < "$PKG"/usr/share/applications/"$PRGNAM".desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Heroic-Games-Launcher TryExec=heroic Exec=heroic %U Icon=heroic Terminal=false Categories=Game; X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Comment=A games launcher for GOG, Amazon and Epic Games for Linux, Windows and macOS. EOF mkdir -p "$PKG"/install cat < "$PKG"/install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler----------------------------------------------------| $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM (A games launcher for GOG, Amazon and Epic Games) $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: Heroic is an Open Source Game Launcher for Linux, Windows and macOS. $PRGNAM: Right now it supports launching games from the Epic Games Store $PRGNAM: using Legendary, GOG Games using our custom implementation with $PRGNAM: gogdl and Amazon Games using Nile. $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: $PRGNAM: https://heroicgameslauncher.com/ $PRGNAM: EOF cd "$PKG" || exit 1 /sbin/makepkg --linkadd y --chown n --prepend "$OUTPUT/$PRGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD$TAG.txz"