We don't need the magit-tmp buffer to stay between its used.

This first rename the buffer to a hidden buffer, and also remove it
after it have been used.
This commit is contained in:
Rémi Vanicat 2010-06-13 15:16:28 +02:00
parent 29a1b34947
commit ba0705cf9f

View file

@ -2156,26 +2156,32 @@ in the corresponding directories."
(defvar magit-tmp-buffer-name " *magit-tmp*")
(defmacro with-magit-tmp-buffer (var &rest body)
(declare (indent 1)
(debug (symbolp &rest form)))
`(let ((,var (generate-new-buffer magit-tmp-buffer-name)))
(progn ,@body)
(kill-buffer ,var))))
(defun magit-apply-diff-item (diff &rest args)
(when (zerop magit-diff-context-lines)
(setq args (cons "--unidiff-zero" args)))
(let ((tmp (get-buffer-create "*magit-tmp*")))
(with-current-buffer tmp
(magit-insert-diff-item-patch diff "*magit-tmp*")
(with-magit-tmp-buffer tmp
(magit-insert-diff-item-patch diff tmp)
(apply #'magit-run-git-with-input tmp
"apply" (append args (list "-")))))
(defun magit-apply-hunk-item* (hunk reverse &rest args)
(when (zerop magit-diff-context-lines)
(setq args (cons "--unidiff-zero" args)))
(let ((tmp (get-buffer-create "*magit-tmp*")))
(with-current-buffer tmp
(with-magit-tmp-buffer tmp
(if (magit-use-region-p)
hunk reverse (region-beginning) (region-end) tmp)
(magit-insert-hunk-item-patch hunk tmp))
(magit-insert-hunk-item-patch hunk tmp))
(apply #'magit-run-git-with-input tmp
"apply" (append args (list "-")))))