Synchronous execution of most commands.
* magit.el (magit-execute*, magit-execute-shell, magit-execute): New. Use them in a ton of places instead of magit-run, etc.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 75 additions and 40 deletions
@ -639,6 +639,46 @@ Many Magit faces inherit from this one by default."
(while (and (not (eobp))
(funcall func))))
;;; Synchronous commands
(defun magit-execute* (cmd-and-args
&optional logline noerase norefresh noerror)
(let ((cmd (car cmd-and-args))
(args (cdr cmd-and-args))
(dir default-directory)
(buf (get-buffer-create "*magit-process*")))
(or (not magit-process)
(error "Git is already running."))
(car cmd-and-args) (cdr cmd-and-args)))
(let ((successp
(set-buffer buf)
(setq default-directory dir)
(if noerase
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "$ " (or logline
(magit-concat-with-delim " " cmd-and-args))
(equal (apply 'call-process cmd nil buf nil args) 0))))
(when (not norefresh)
(or successp
(error "Git failed."))
(defun magit-execute-shell (fmt &rest args)
(let ((cmd (apply #'format fmt args)))
(magit-execute* (list shell-file-name shell-command-switch cmd)
(defun magit-execute (cmd &rest args)
(magit-execute* (cons cmd args)))
;;; Running asynchronous commands
(defun magit-set-mode-line-process (str)
@ -1052,11 +1092,11 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(defun magit-apply-diff-item (diff &rest args)
(magit-write-diff-item-patch diff ".git/magit-tmp")
(apply #'magit-run "git" "apply" (append args (list ".git/magit-tmp"))))
(apply #'magit-execute "git" "apply" (append args (list ".git/magit-tmp"))))
(defun magit-apply-hunk-item (hunk &rest args)
(magit-write-hunk-item-patch hunk ".git/magit-tmp")
(apply #'magit-run "git" "apply" (append args (list ".git/magit-tmp"))))
(apply #'magit-execute "git" "apply" (append args (list ".git/magit-tmp"))))
(defun magit-insert-unstaged-changes (title)
(let ((magit-hide-diffs t))
@ -1230,14 +1270,14 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(magit-section-case (item info "stage")
((unstaged file)
(magit-run "git" "add" info))
(magit-execute "git" "add" info))
((unstaged diff hunk)
(if (magit-hunk-item-is-conflict-p item)
(error (concat "Can't stage individual resolution hunks. "
"Please stage the whole file.")))
(magit-apply-hunk-item item "--cached"))
((unstaged diff)
(magit-run "git" "add" "-u" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
(magit-execute "git" "add" "-u" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
((staged *)
(error "Already staged"))
@ -1252,7 +1292,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
((staged diff hunk)
(magit-apply-hunk-item item "--cached" "--reverse"))
((staged diff)
(magit-run "git" "reset" "-q" "HEAD" "--" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "-q" "HEAD" "--" (magit-diff-item-file item)))
((unstaged *)
(error "Already unstaged"))
@ -1262,18 +1302,18 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(defun magit-stage-all ()
(magit-run "git" "add" "-u" "."))
(magit-execute "git" "add" "-u" "."))
(defun magit-unstage-all ()
(magit-run "git" "reset" "HEAD"))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "HEAD"))
;;; Branches
(defun magit-checkout (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Switch to" (magit-default-rev))))
(if rev
(magit-run "git" "checkout" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(magit-execute "git" "checkout" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(defun magit-read-create-branch-args ()
(let* ((cur-branch (magit-get-current-branch))
@ -1285,22 +1325,22 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(interactive (magit-read-create-branch-args))
(if (and branch (not (string= branch ""))
(magit-run "git" "checkout" "-b"
(magit-rev-to-git parent))))
(magit-execute "git" "checkout" "-b"
(magit-rev-to-git parent))))
;;; Merging
(defun magit-manual-merge (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Manually merge")))
(if rev
(magit-run "git" "merge" "--no-ff" "--no-commit"
(magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(magit-execute "git" "merge" "--no-ff" "--no-commit"
(magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(defun magit-automatic-merge (rev)
(interactive (list (magit-read-rev "Merge")))
(if rev
(magit-run "git" "merge" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(magit-execute "git" "merge" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
;;; Rebasing
@ -1342,12 +1382,12 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(or (magit-default-rev)
(if rev
(magit-run "git" "reset" "--soft" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "--soft" (magit-rev-to-git rev))))
(defun magit-reset-working-tree ()
(if (yes-or-no-p "Discard all uncommitted changes? ")
(magit-run "git" "reset" "--hard")))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "--hard")))
;;; Rewriting
@ -1426,7 +1466,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(pending (magit-shell-lines "git rev-list %s.." base)))
(magit-write-rewrite-info `((orig ,orig)
(pending ,@(mapcar #'list pending))))
(magit-run "git" "reset" "--hard" base)))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "--hard" base)))
(defun magit-rewrite-stop (&optional noconfirm)
@ -1448,7 +1488,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(error "You have uncommitted changes."))
(when (yes-or-no-p "Abort rewrite? ")
(magit-write-rewrite-info nil)
(magit-run "git" "reset" "--hard" orig))))
(magit-execute "git" "reset" "--hard" orig))))
(defun magit-rewrite-finish ()
@ -1462,23 +1502,18 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(first-unused (find-if (lambda (p)
(not (plist-get (cdr p) 'used)))
:from-end t)))
:from-end t))
(commit (car first-unused)))
(cond ((not first-unused)
(magit-rewrite-stop t))
((magit-execute* (list "git" "cherry-pick" commit)
nil (not first-p) t)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property commit 'used t)
(magit-rewrite-finish-step nil))
(magit-run-command nil first-p
(list "git" "cherry-pick" (car first-unused))
(list #'magit-rewrite-finish-continuation
(car first-unused))))))))
(defun magit-rewrite-finish-continuation (successp commit)
(cond (successp
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property commit 'used t)
(magit-rewrite-finish-step nil))
;;; Updating, pull, and push
@ -1597,7 +1632,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(write-region "(Empty description)" nil ".git/magit-log"))
(with-current-buffer (magit-find-buffer 'status default-directory)
(apply #'magit-run "git" "commit" "-F" ".git/magit-log"
(apply #'magit-execute "git" "commit" "-F" ".git/magit-log"
(append (if (not (magit-anything-staged-p)) '("--all") '())
(if amend '("--amend") '()))))
@ -1679,7 +1714,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(magit-format-commit commit "%an <%ae>, %ai"))
(magit-run-shell "git diff %s^ %s | git apply -" commit commit))
(magit-execute-shell "git diff %s^ %s | git apply -" commit commit))
(defun magit-apply-item ()
@ -1703,14 +1738,14 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(magit-section-case (item info "cherry-pick")
((pending commit)
(magit-rewrite-set-commit-property info 'used t)
(magit-run "git" "cherry-pick" info))
(magit-execute "git" "cherry-pick" info))
(magit-run "git" "cherry-pick" info))))
(magit-execute "git" "cherry-pick" info))))
(defun magit-revert-commit (commit)
(magit-format-commit commit "Reverting \"%s\""))
(magit-run-shell "git diff %s^ %s | git apply --reverse -" commit commit))
(magit-execute-shell "git diff %s^ %s | git apply --reverse -" commit commit))
(defun magit-revert-item ()
@ -1819,7 +1854,7 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(magit-section-case (item info "discard")
((unstaged file)
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s? " info))
(magit-run "rm" info)))
(magit-execute "rm" info)))
((unstaged diff hunk)
(when (yes-or-no-p "Discard hunk? ")
(magit-apply-hunk-item item "--reverse")))
@ -1836,13 +1871,13 @@ Please see the manual for a complete description of Magit.
(when (yes-or-no-p (format "Resurrect %s? " file))
(magit-shell "git reset -q -- %s"
(magit-escape-for-shell file))
(magit-run "git" "checkout" "--" file)))
(magit-execute "git" "checkout" "--" file)))
((eq kind 'new)
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s? " file))
(magit-run "git" "rm" "-f" "--" file)))
(magit-execute "git" "rm" "-f" "--" file)))
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Discard changes to %s? " file))
(magit-run "git" "checkout" "--" file))))))))
(magit-execute "git" "checkout" "--" file))))))))
(defun magit-visit-item ()
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