Make the key-mode plugin interface a little nicer to use.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 62 additions and 20 deletions
@ -117,17 +117,46 @@
modify this make sure you reset `magit-key-mode-key-maps' to
(defun magit-key-mode-add-group (name)
"Add a new group to `magit-key-mode-key-maps'."
(unless (assoc name magit-key-mode-groups)
(push (list name '(actions)) magit-key-mode-groups)))
(defun magit-key-mode-delete-group (group)
"Add a new group (GROUP) to `magit-key-mode-key-maps'."
(let ((items (assoc group magit-key-mode-groups)))
(when items
;; reset the cache
(setq magit-key-mode-key-maps nil)
;; delete the whole group
(setq magit-key-mode-groups
(delq items magit-key-mode-groups))
;; unbind the defun
(magit-key-mode-de-generate group))
(defun magit-key-mode-add-group (group)
"Add a new group to `magit-key-mode-key-maps'. If there's
already a group of that name then this will completely remove it
and put in its place an empty one of the same name."
(when (assoc group magit-key-mode-groups)
(magit-key-mode-delete-group group))
(setq magit-key-mode-groups
(cons (list group '(actions)) magit-key-mode-groups)))
(defun magit-key-mode-key-defined-p (for-group key)
"If KEY is defined as any of switch, argument or action within
FOR-GROUP then return t"
(catch 'result
(let ((options (magit-key-mode-options-for-group for-group)))
(dolist (type '(actions switches arguments))
(when (assoc key (assoc type options))
(throw 'result t))))))
(defun magit-key-mode-update-group (for-group thing &rest args)
"Abstraction for setting values in `magit-key-mode-key-maps'."
(let* ((options (magit-key-mode-options-for-group for-group))
(things (assoc thing options)))
(things (assoc thing options))
(key (car args)))
(if (cdr things)
(setcdr (cdr things) (cons args (cddr things)))
(if (magit-key-mode-key-defined-p for-group key)
(error "%s is already defined in the %s group." key for-group)
(setcdr (cdr things) (cons args (cddr things))))
(setcdr things (list args)))
(setq magit-key-mode-key-maps nil)
@ -402,14 +431,19 @@ item on one line."
(magit-key-mode-draw-args arguments)
(magit-key-mode-draw-actions actions)))
(defun magit-key-mode-generate (sym)
"Generate the key-group menu for SYM"
(let ((opts (magit-key-mode-options-for-group sym)))
(defun magit-key-mode-de-generate (group)
"Unbind the function for GROUP."
(intern (concat "magit-key-mode-popup-" (symbol-name group)))))
(defun magit-key-mode-generate (group)
"Generate the key-group menu for GROUP"
(let ((opts (magit-key-mode-options-for-group group)))
`(defun ,(intern (concat "magit-key-mode-popup-" (symbol-name sym))) nil
,(concat "Key menu for " (symbol-name sym))
`(defun ,(intern (concat "magit-key-mode-popup-" (symbol-name group))) nil
,(concat "Key menu for " (symbol-name group))
(magit-key-mode (quote ,sym))))))
(magit-key-mode (quote ,group))))))
;; create the interactive functions for the key mode popups (which are
;; applied in the top-level key maps)
@ -163,24 +163,32 @@ If USE-CACHE is non nil, use the cached information."
["Rebase" magit-svn-rebase (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Fetch" magit-svn-remote-update (magit-svn-enabled)]
["Commit" magit-svn-dcommit (magit-svn-enabled)]))
(easy-menu-add-item 'magit-mode-menu '("Extensions") magit-svn-extension-menu)
(easy-menu-add-item 'magit-mode-menu
(add-hook 'magit-after-insert-unpulled-commits-hook
(lambda () (magit-insert-svn-unpulled t)))
(add-hook 'magit-after-insert-unpushed-commits-hook
(lambda () (magit-insert-svn-unpushed t)))
(add-hook 'magit-remote-string-hook 'magit-svn-remote-string)
;; add the group and its keys
(magit-key-mode-add-group 'svn)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "r" "Rebase" 'magit-svn-rebase)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "c" "DCommit" 'magit-svn-dcommit)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "f" "Fetch" 'magit-svn-remote-update)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "s" "Find rev" 'magit-svn-find-rev)
;; (re-)create the group
(magit-key-mode-add-group 'svn)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "r" "Rebase" 'magit-svn-rebase)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "c" "DCommit" 'magit-svn-dcommit)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "f" "Fetch" 'magit-svn-remote-update)
(magit-key-mode-insert-action 'svn "s" "Find rev" 'magit-svn-find-rev)
;; generate and bind the menu popup function
(magit-key-mode-generate 'svn))
;; generate and bind the menu popup function
(magit-key-mode-generate 'svn)
(define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "N") 'magit-key-mode-popup-svn)
(provide 'magit-svn)
Add table
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