2024-03-26 15:51:15 +01:00

313 lines
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/* .+
.identifier : $Id: Chf.h,v 2.2 2001/01/25 11:56:44 cibrario Exp $
.context : CHF, Condition Handling Facility
.title : $RCSfile: Chf.h,v $, main header
.kind : C header
.author : Ivan Cibrario B.
.site : CSTV-CNR
.creation : 2-May-1996
.keywords : *
.description :
This is the main header of the Condition Handling Facility
.include : stdio.h setjmp.h (Win32: tchar.h)
.notes :
$Log: Chf.h,v $
Revision 2.2 2001/01/25 11:56:44 cibrario
Added partial Win32 support (Windows CE only).
Revision 2.1 2000/05/26 14:10:08 cibrario
- Revised unwind context passing mechanism; redefined CHF_NULL_CONTEXT
- New ChfAction value: CHF_UNWIND_KEEP; fixed spelling of ChfAction value:
- Added structured condition handling macros: ChfTry, ChfCatch, ChfEndTry
Revision 1.6 1997/01/15 13:41:20 cibrario
Defined the new data type ChfPointer, a generic (void *) pointer. Each
condition handler can have a private handler context pointer, of type
ChfPointer, that the function ChfPushHandler() stores and that is passed
to the handler when it's activated.
Fixed a wrong adjustment of the condition handlers stack pointer after
an unwind operation.
Revision 1.5 1996/10/04 09:45:30 cibrario
Updated the condition message format in the private header ChfPriv.h to
improve internationalization
Revision 1.4 1996/09/25 13:21:11 cibrario
Added macro CHF_LIBRARY_ID; it contains the current ID of the CHF library.
The module chf_init.o will contain it as a static char[] variable.
Revision 1.2 1996/06/11 13:02:10 cibrario
Added prototype for ChfGetTopCondition()
Revision 1.1 1996/05/28 12:56:47 cibrario
Initial revision
.- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Win32 & UNICODE support
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef _WIN32
# define ChfChar TCHAR
# define ChfText( x ) _T( x )
# define ChfSigjmp_buf jmp_buf
# define ChfSigsetjmp( x, y ) setjmp( x )
# define ChfSiglongjmp( x, y ) longjmp( x, y )
# define ChfChar char
# define ChfText( x ) x
# define ChfSigjmp_buf sigjmp_buf
# define ChfSigsetjmp( x, y ) sigsetjmp( x, y )
# define ChfSiglongjmp( x, y ) siglongjmp( x, y )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHF implementation limits and other symbolic constants
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define CHF_NULL_DESCRIPTOR ( ChfDescriptor* )NULL
#define CHF_NULL_CONTEXT ( void* )NULL
#define CHF_NULL_POINTER ( ChfPointer* )NULL
#define CHF_NULL_HANDLER ( ChfHandler ) NULL
#define CHF_LIBRARY_ID ChfText( "$Id: Chf.h,v 2.2 2001/01/25 11:56:44 cibrario Exp $" )
#define CHF_SET 2
#define CHF_ERRNO_SET 3
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Condition codes
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define CHF_S_OK 0
#define CHF_F_COND_STACK_FULL 1 /* Condition stack is full */
#define CHF_F_HDLR_STACK_FULL 2 /* Handler stack is full */
#define CHF_F_HDLR_STACK_EMPTY 3 /* Handler stack is empty */
#define CHF_F_BAD_STATE 4 /* Bad CHF state for req. operation */
#define CHF_F_INVALID_ACTION 5 /* Invalid action from handler: %d */
#define CHF_F_MALLOC 6 /* Dynamic memory allocation failed */
#define CHF_F_NOT_AVAILABLE 7 /* Function not available */
#define CHF_F_SETLOCALE 10 /* setlocale() failed */
#define CHF_F_CATOPEN 11 /* catopen() failed */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type definitions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef enum /* Condition severity codes */
CHF_FATAL } ChfSeverity;
typedef enum /* Condition handler action codes */
{ CHF_CONTINUE, /* Continue application */
CHF_RESIGNAL, /* Resignal to next handler */
CHF_UNWIND, /* Stack unwind */
CHF_UNWIND_KEEP /* Unwind, keep last cond. group */
} ChfAction;
typedef int /* CHF options */
#define CHF_DEFAULT 0x0000 /* default flags */
#define CHF_ABORT 0x0001 /* use abort() instead of exit() */
typedef enum /* Current CHF state */
typedef struct ChfDescriptor_S /* Condition descriptor */
int module_id; /* Module identifier */
int condition_code; /* Condition code */
ChfSeverity severity; /* Severity */
int line_number; /* Line # or CHF_UNK_LINE_NUMBER */
const ChfChar* file_name; /* File name or CHF_UNK_FILE_NAME */
ChfChar message[ CHF_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH ]; /* Partial message */
struct ChfDescriptor_S* next; /* Link to next descriptor */
} ChfDescriptor;
typedef struct ChfTable_S /* Standalone message table */
int module; /* Module identifier */
int code; /* Condition code */
ChfChar* msg_template; /* Message template */
} ChfTable;
typedef /* Generic pointer */
void* ChfPointer;
typedef /* Condition handler */
ChfAction ( *ChfHandler )( const ChfDescriptor*, const ChfState, ChfPointer );
typedef /* Message retrieval 'get_message' function */
const ChfChar* ( *ChfMrsGet )( void*, const int, const int, const ChfChar* default_message );
typedef /* Message retrieval 'exit' function */
void ( *ChfMrsExit )( void* );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Condition generation macros
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined( CHF_EXTENDED_INFO )
# define ChfCondition \
ChfGenerate( \
ChfText(__FILE__), __LINE__,
# ifdef _WIN32
# define ChfErrnoCondition
# else
# define ChfErrnoCondition ChfGenerate( CHF_ERRNO_SET, ChfText( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, errno, CHF_ERROR )
# endif
# define ChfCondition \
ChfGenerate( \
# ifdef _WIN32
# define ChfErrnoCondition
# else
# endif
#define ChfEnd \
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structured condition handling
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define ChfTry \
{ \
ChfSigjmp_buf _chf_sigjmp_buf; \
if ( ChfSigsetjmp( _chf_sigjmp_buf, 1 ) == 0 ) { \
ChfPushHandler( CHF_NULL_HANDLER, _chf_sigjmp_buf, CHF_NULL_POINTER );
#define ChfCatch \
ChfPopHandler(); \
} \
else \
#define ChfEndTry \
ChfDiscard(); \
} \
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other macros
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define ChfGetNextDescriptor( d ) ( d )->next
#define ChfGetModuleId( d ) ( d )->module_id
#define ChfGetConditionCode( d ) ( d )->condition_code
#define ChfGetSeverity( d ) ( d )->severity
#define ChfGetLineNumber( d ) ( d )->line_number
#define ChfGetFileName( d ) ( d )->file_name
#define ChfGetPartialMessage( d ) ( d )->message
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function prototypes
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ChfInit( /* Generic initialization */
const ChfChar* app_name, /* Application's name */
const ChfOptions options, /* Options */
void* mrs_data, /* Message retrieval private data */
ChfMrsGet mrs_get, /* 'GetMessage' function */
ChfMrsExit mrs_exit, /* 'Exit' function */
const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */
const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */
const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */
int ChfMsgcatInit( /* Initialization with msgcat subsystem */
const ChfChar* app_name, /* Application's name */
const ChfOptions options, /* Options */
const ChfChar* msgcat_name, /* Name of the message catalog */
const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */
const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */
const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */
int ChfStaticInit( /* Initialization with static message tables */
const ChfChar* app_name, /* Application's name */
const ChfOptions options, /* Options */
const ChfTable* table, /* Static message table */
const size_t table_size, /* Size of the message table */
const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */
const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */
const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */
int ChfWin32Init( /* Initialization within _WIN32 */
const ChfChar* app_name, /* Application's name */
const ChfOptions options, /* Options */
#ifndef _WIN32
void* instance, /* Fake arguments */
HINSTANCE instance, /* App. instance handle */
const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */
const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */
const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */
void ChfExit( /* Exit */
void );
void ChfAbort( /* Abort application */
const int abort_code );
void ChfPushHandler( /* Push a new handler into the stack */
ChfHandler new_handler, /* Handler to be added */
void* unwind_context, /* Unwind context */
ChfPointer handler_context /* Private handler context */
void ChfPopHandler( /* Pop a handler */
void );
ChfChar* ChfBuildMessage( /* Build a condition message */
const ChfDescriptor* descriptor );
void ChfSignal( /* Signal the current conditions */
void );
void ChfDiscard( /* Discard the current conditions */
void );
void ChfGenerate( /* Generate a condition into the stack */
const int module_id, const ChfChar* file_name, const int line_number, const int condition_code,
const ChfSeverity severity, ... );
const ChfChar* ChfGetMessage( /* Retrieve a condition message */
const int module_id, const int condition_code, const ChfChar* default_message );
const ChfDescriptor* ChfGetTopCondition( /* Retrieve top condition */
void );