339 lines
11 KiB
339 lines
11 KiB
#ifndef _CPU_H
#define _CPU_H 1
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
saturn - A poor-man's emulator of some HP calculators
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the documentation of this program; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
For more information, please contact the author, preferably by email,
at the following address:
Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti
IRITI - National Research Council
c/o IEN "Galileo Ferraris"
Strada delle Cacce, 91
10135 - Torino (ITALY)
email: cibrario@iriti.cnr.it
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* +-+ */
/* .+
.identifier : $Id: cpu.h,v 4.1 2000/12/11 09:54:19 cibrario Rel $
.context : SATURN, Saturn CPU / HP48 emulator
.title : $RCSfile: cpu.h,v $
.kind : C header
.author : Ivan Cibrario B.
.site : CSTV-CNR
.creation : *
.keywords : *
.description :
Main header for the Saturn CPU emulation modules. References:
SASM.DOC by HP (HORN disk 4)
Guide to the Saturn Processor Rev. 0.00f by Matthew Mastracci
entries.srt by Mika Heiskanen (mheiskan@vipunen.hut.fi)
x48 source code by Eddie C. Dost (ecd@dressler.de)
.include : config.h machdep.h
.notes :
$Log: cpu.h,v $
Revision 4.1 2000/12/11 09:54:19 cibrario
Public release.
Revision 3.14 2000/11/13 11:31:16 cibrario
Implemented fast load/save; improved keyboard interface emulation at
high emulated CPU speed:
- Revision number bump with no changes
Revision 3.13 2000/11/09 11:27:14 cibrario
Revised to add file selection box GUI element, CPU halt/run
requests and emulator's extended functions:
- Added new fields:
struct CpuStatus.halt (number of pending halt requests)
struct CpuStatus.inner_loop_max (upper limit of inner_loop)
- New condition codes: CPU_I_HALT, CPU_I_RUN, CPU_E_NO_HALT
- New prototypes: CpuHaltRequest(), CpuRunRequest(), CpuHaltAllowed()
Revision 3.10 2000/10/24 16:14:31 cibrario
Added/Replaced GPL header
Revision 3.8 2000/10/23 13:13:08 cibrario
Bug fix:
Adjusted INNER_LOOP_MAX and INNER_LOOP_MED to get closer to
real CPU speed.
Revision 3.5 2000/10/02 09:43:37 cibrario
Linux support:
- Added definition of INNER_LOOP_MAX; it is used to give an upper limit
to the emulated CPU speed on fast machines, when REAL_CPU_SPEED is
Revision 3.1 2000/09/20 13:42:30 cibrario
Revised to implement passive CPU shutdown:
* Revision 2.4 2000/09/12 15:19:47 cibrario
* Added definition of XAddress (extended address) data type; it is
* required to implement emulation of Port 1 and 2.
* Revision 2.1 2000/09/08 14:48:52 cibrario
* - Declared prototypes of new functions EmulatorInit() and EmulatorExit()
* - Defined new 'enum ExitOption' data type, used by EmulatorExit()
* Revision 1.1 1998/02/18 11:50:43 cibrario
* Initial revision
.- */
Macro/Data type definitions - require machdep.h
N_SCRATCH_REGISTER_ALL, used during scratch register space allocation
is larger than necessary to avoid additional checks on the validity of
the R register index fields during emulation
#include "machdep.h"
/* General */
#define NIBBLE_VALUES 16
#define INT_HANDLER_PC ( ( Address )0x0000F )
#define CPU_RCS_INFO "$Revision: 4.1 $ $State: Rel $"
/* Instruction opcode access macros:
GetFS(f) returns the short field-selector value from the
given nibble (bits 2..0)
GetImmFS(f) returns the immediate-field-selector flag from the
given nibble (bit 3)
=0: regular field selector
!=0: immediate field selector
GetOC_1(o) returns the short operation code from the given
nibble (bits 3..2 >>2)
GetOC_2(f, o) returns the long operation code from the given
nibbles (f bit 3, o bits 3..2)
GetOC_3b(o) returns the long operation code from the given
nibble (bits 2..0)
GetRP(o) returns the register-pair identifier from the given
nibble (bits 1..0)
GetRn(r) returns the R register index from the given nibble
(bits 2..0)
GetAC(r) returns the A/C register flag from the given nibble
(bit 3)
=0: register A
!=0: register C
GetAS(r) returns the add/subtract flag from the given nibble
(bit 3)
=0: add
!=0: subtract
#define GetFS( f ) ( ( f ) & 0x7 )
#define GetImmFS( o ) ( ( o ) & 0x8 )
#define GetOC_1( o ) ( ( ( o ) & 0xC ) >> 2 )
#define GetOC_2( f, o ) ( ( ( ( f ) & 0x8 ) >> 1 ) | ( ( ( o ) & 0xC ) >> 2 ) )
#define GetOC_3b( o ) ( ( o ) & 0x7 )
#define GetRP( o ) ( ( o ) & 0x3 )
#define GetRn( r ) ( ( r ) & 0x7 )
#define GetAC( r ) ( ( r ) & 0x8 )
#define GetAS( r ) ( ( r ) & 0x8 )
/* Field selector codes */
#define FS_P 0
#define FS_WP 1
#define FS_XS 2
#define FS_X 3
#define FS_S 4
#define FS_M 5
#define FS_B 6
#define FS_W 7
#define FS_A 15
#define N_FS 16 /* Total # of FS codes */
/* Register pair codes */
#define RP_AB 0
#define RP_BC 1
#define RP_CA 2
#define RP_DC 3
#define N_RP 4 /* Total # of RP codes */
/* Masks */
#define NIBBLE_MASK ( ( Nibble )0xF )
#define ADDRESS_MASK ( ( Address )0xFFFFF )
#define CLRST_MASK ( ( ProgramStatusRegister )0xF000 )
#define D_S_MASK ( ( Address )0xF0000 )
#define RETURN_SP_MASK 0x7
typedef int1 Bit;
typedef int4 Nibble;
typedef int20 Address;
typedef int12 OutputRegister;
typedef int16 InputRegister;
typedef int16 ProgramStatusRegister;
typedef Nibble DataRegister[ NIBBLE_PER_REGISTER ];
/* The XAddress data type holds extended addresses used to access Port 2 */
typedef int32 XAddress;
struct CpuStatus {
DataRegister work[ N_WORKING_REGISTER ];
#define A work[ 0 ]
#define B work[ 1 ]
#define C work[ 2 ]
#define D work[ 3 ]
#define R0 R[ 0 ]
#define R1 R[ 1 ]
#define R2 R[ 2 ]
#define R3 R[ 3 ]
#define R4 R[ 4 ]
#define D0 DAT[ 0 ]
#define D1 DAT[ 1 ]
Nibble P;
Address PC;
InputRegister IN;
OutputRegister OUT;
ProgramStatusRegister ST;
Nibble HST;
#define HST_MP_MASK 0x08
#define HST_SR_MASK 0x04
#define HST_SB_MASK 0x02
#define HST_XM_MASK 0x01
Address return_stack[ RETURN_STACK_SIZE ];
int return_sp;
int fs_idx_lo[ N_FS ];
int fs_idx_hi[ N_FS ];
int hexmode; /* DEC/HEX mode, 1=HEX */
int carry; /* Carry bit 1=set */
int shutdn; /* SHUTDN flag, 1=executed */
int halt; /* 3.13: # of pending Halt */
int int_enable; /* Int. enable, 1=enabled */
int int_service; /* Int. service, 1=service */
enum IntRequest int_pending; /* Pending interrupt request */
/* 3.13: inner_loop_max gives the upper limit of the CPU speed if the
compile-time option REAL_CPU_SPEED is defined. When the CPU is reset
it has the default value INNER_LOOP_MAX, that should be close to the
real cpu speed (~4MHz).
int inner_loop; /* Inner loop multiplier */
int inner_loop_max; /* Max value of inner_loop */
#define INNER_LOOP_MAX 26
#define INNER_LOOP_MED 13
#define INNER_LOOP_MIN 2
enum ExitOption /* 2.1: EmulatorExit() option */
Global variables
extern struct CpuStatus cpu_status;
Chf condition codes
#define CPU_I_CALLED 101 /* Function %s called */
#define CPU_I_EXECUTING 102 /* Executing @PC %X */
#define CPU_I_SHUTDN 103 /* Shutdown */
#define CPU_I_WAKE 104 /* Wake */
#define CPU_I_INT 105 /* %s request accepted */
#define CPU_I_INT_PENDING 106 /* %s request pending */
#define CPU_I_RTI_LOOP 107 /* RTI loop to service %s */
#define CPU_I_RTI_END 108 /* RTI returning */
#define CPU_I_INTON 109 /* INTON servicing %s */
#define CPU_I_REVISION 110 /* CPU emulation revision: %s */
#define CPU_I_TIMER1_EX 111 /* Timer 1 expired; ctrl=%x */
#define CPU_I_TIMER2_EX 112 /* Timer 1 expired; ctrl=%x */
#define CPU_I_EMULATOR_INT 113 /* Emulator interrupt req. detected */
#define CPU_I_TIMER_ST 114 /* 3.1: Timer %s st: ctrl %x, val %x */
#define CPU_I_TIMER_EXP 115 /* 3.1: Timer %s expiration %d ms */
#define CPU_I_IDLE_X_LOOP 116 /* 3.1: Start idle loop, t/out %d ms */
#define CPU_I_ELAPSED 117 /* 3.1: Spent %d us in idle loop */
#define CPU_I_HALT 118 /* 3.13: CPU halted */
#define CPU_I_RUN 119 /* 3.13: CPU running */
#define CPU_W_RESETTING 201 /* Resetting CPU */
#define CPU_W_BAD_MONITOR_CMD 202 /* Bad monitor command: %s */
#define CPU_E_BAD_OPCODE 301 /* Bad opc. pc=%x, value=%x */
#define CPU_E_SAVE 302 /* Can't save CPU status */
#define CPU_E_NO_HALT 303 /* 3.13: Halt/Run not allowed */
#define CPU_F_INTERR 401 /* Internal error %s */
#define CPU_F_BAD_SHUTDN 402 /* Unexpected CPU shutdown */
Function prototypes
void CpuInit( void );
void CpuReset( void );
void CpuSave( void );
void OneStep( void );
void CpuIntRequest( enum IntRequest ireq );
void CpuWake( void );
void Emulator( void );
void EmulatorIntRequest( void );
void EmulatorInit( void ); /* 2.1 */
void EmulatorExit( enum ExitOption opt ); /* 2.1 */
int CpuHaltRequest( void ); /* 3.13 */
int CpuRunRequest( void ); /* 3.13 */
int CpuHaltAllowed( void ); /* 3.13 */
Address Disassemble( Address pc, char ob[ DISASSEMBLE_OB_SIZE ] ); /* dis.c */
void DumpCpuStatus( char ob[ DUMP_CPU_STATUS_OB_SIZE ] );
#endif /*!_CPU_H*/