182 lines
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182 lines
6 KiB
/* .+
.identifier : $Id: chf_abrt.c,v 2.2 2001/01/25 12:08:24 cibrario Exp $
.context : CHF, Condition Handling Facility
.title : $RCSfile: chf_abrt.c,v $, condition generation
.kind : C source
.author : Ivan Cibrario B.
.site : CSTV-CNR
.creation : 3-May-1996
.keywords : *
.description :
This module implements the CHF function ChfAbort()
.include : Chf.h
.notes :
$Log: chf_abrt.c,v $
Revision 2.2 2001/01/25 12:08:24 cibrario
Added partial Win32 support (Windows CE only).
Revision 2.1 2000/05/26 14:22:07 cibrario
- Conditional inclusion of pthread.h (mt support)
- Expanded abort message table with mt support messages
- ChfAbort() with CHF_ABORT flag clear and mt support enabled now
exits invoking thread only
Revision 1.1 1996/05/28 12:53:26 cibrario
Initial revision
.- */
#ifndef lint
static char rcs_id[] = "$Id: chf_abrt.c,v 2.2 2001/01/25 12:08:24 cibrario Exp $";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <errno.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <windows.h>
# include <tchar.h>
#include "Chf.h"
#include "ChfPriv.h"
# include <pthread.h>
/* Abort codes message table; the relative position of the messages must
match the numeric codes CHF_ABORT_xxxx defined in ChfPriv.h
static const ChfChar* message_table[] = { ( const ChfChar* )NULL,
ChfText( "Not initialized" ),
ChfText( "Temporary message buffer overflow" ),
ChfText( "Invalid action from last chance handler" ),
ChfText( "Already initialized" ),
ChfText( "Unwind request while unwinding" ),
ChfText( "Improperly handled condition" ),
ChfText( "Fatal condition while unwinding" ),
ChfText( "Condition stack overflow" ),
ChfText( "Can't prime a new Chf context" ),
ChfText( "Pthread interaction failed" ) };
#define MESSAGE_TABLE_SIZE ( sizeof( message_table ) / sizeof( const ChfChar* ) )
/* .+
.title : ChfAbort
.kind : C function
.creation : 13-May-1996
.description :
This function prints the message associated with 'abort_code' and then
immediately aborts either the application (when multithreading support not
enabled or CHF_ABORT set) or the invoking thread only (multithreading
support enabled and CHF_ABORT not set). The abort is performed either:
- using abort() if either CHF has not been correctly initialized or
the chf_context.options flag CHF_ABORT is set
- using exit(chf_context.exit_code) (multithreading support not enabled)
or pthread_exit(chf_context.exit_code) (multithreading support enabled)
if the flag is clear
No message is printed if the abort code is CHF_ABORT_SILENT; this code
is used, for example, by the default condition handler to terminate the
application when a CHF_FATAL condition occours.
NOTE: This function must be called only when either a serious internal CHF
failure occurs or it's necessary to abort the application.
- stderr stream is not supported; the abort message is displayed in a
message box only if Chf has been correctly initialized, otherwise the
abort will be done silently
- abort() is not supported and has been replaced by exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
.call :
.input :
const int abort_code, abort_code
.output :
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 13-May-1996, creation
2.1, 19-May-2000, update:
- added multithreading support
2.2, 22-Jan-2001, update:
- added Win32 support
.- */
void ChfAbort( /* Abort application */
const int abort_code )
#ifdef _WIN32
if ( abort_code != CHF_ABORT_SILENT ) {
HWND active_window;
/* stderr not available;
put complaint in a message box and display it
if ( abort_code < 0 || abort_code >= MESSAGE_TABLE_SIZE )
_stprintf( abort_msg, CHF_ABORT_BAD_CODE_FMT, abort_code );
_stprintf( abort_msg, CHF_ABORT_GOOD_CODE_FMT, message_table[ abort_code ] );
/* Return value of MessageBox() ignored, because there is only
one available choice (abort) here. Avoid using a NULL handle.
if ( chf_context.state != CHF_UNKNOWN && ( active_window = GetActiveWindow() ) != ( HWND )NULL )
( void )MessageBox( active_window, abort_msg, chf_context.app_name, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND );
/* Immediately exit the application with exit code EXIT_FAILURE
if CHF_ABORT option is set or if something is wrong with Chf state.
if ( chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN || chf_context.options & CHF_ABORT )
/* Else, exit the application anyway, but with the exit code
registered by the application. Don't use PostQuitMessage(),
because the contract is that ChfAbort() never returns to the caller.
# ifndef _REENTRANT
exit( chf_context.exit_code );
# else
# error "_REENTRANT not supported yet"
# endif
if ( abort_code != CHF_ABORT_SILENT ) {
fputs( CHF_ABORT_HEADER, stderr );
if ( abort_code < 0 || abort_code >= MESSAGE_TABLE_SIZE )
fprintf( stderr, CHF_ABORT_BAD_CODE_FMT, abort_code );
fprintf( stderr, CHF_ABORT_GOOD_CODE_FMT, message_table[ abort_code ] );
if ( chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN || chf_context.options & CHF_ABORT )
# ifndef _REENTRANT
exit( chf_context.exit_code );
# else
pthread_exit( ( void* )( chf_context.exit_code ) );
# endif