732 lines
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732 lines
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/* .+
.identifier : $Id: chf_init.c,v 2.2 2001/01/25 14:05:23 cibrario Exp $
.context : CHF, Condition Handling Facility
.title : $RCSfile: chf_init.c,v $, condition generation
.kind : C source
.author : Ivan Cibrario B.
.site : CSTV-CNR
.creation : 3-May-1996
.keywords : *
.description :
This module implements the CHF initialization function ChfInit()
.include : Chf.h
.notes :
$Log: chf_init.c,v $
Revision 2.2 2001/01/25 14:05:23 cibrario
Added partial Win32 support (Windows CE only).
Revision 2.1 2000/05/26 15:30:42 cibrario
- Renamed static context chf_context to _chf_context; it is now in
actual use only when mt support is not enabled, otherwise it is
used only as a prototype to prime the per-thread contexts on demand
- Conditional definition of mt support static variables
(context_mutex to access the static master context, fputs_mutex to
ensure the atomicity of DefaultHandler() while it is printing a
sequence of grouped condition messages) and functions (DestroyContext()
to destroy a per-thread context when the owning thread terminates)
- Deeply revised ChfInit() and ChfExit() to implement multithreading
- Implemented function _ChfGetContext() to return a pointer to the
per-thread Chf context, creating them on-demand.
Revision 1.6 1997/01/15 13:37:19 cibrario
The Chf condition handlers now have a third argument: the private handler
context pointer; the code has been updated accordingly.
Revision 1.4 1996/09/25 13:29:01 cibrario
Added static char[] variable rcs_lib_id; it contains the value of the
CHF_LIBRARY_ID macro. The header Chf.h sets that macro to its RCS Id,
that is also the Id of the whole Chf library.
Revision 1.1 1996/05/28 12:54:58 cibrario
Initial revision
.- */
#ifndef lint
static char rcs_id[] = "$Id: chf_init.c,v 2.2 2001/01/25 14:05:23 cibrario Exp $";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <errno.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <windows.h>
# include <tchar.h>
#include "Chf.h"
#include "ChfPriv.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global and static variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Chf Library Id */
#ifndef lint
static ChfChar rcs_lib_id[] = CHF_LIBRARY_ID;
/* CHF context */
ChfContext _chf_context;
/* Message separator and severity names for ChfBuildMessage() */
static const ChfChar separator[] = CHF_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR;
static const ChfChar* severity_name[] = CHF_SEVERITY_NAMES;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multithreading support
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
# include <pthread.h>
/* Mutex to access chf_context during initialization and exit;
mutex to puts condition messages on stderr (DefaultHandler)
static pthread_mutex_t context_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t fputs_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* Chf data key */
static pthread_key_t data_key;
/* This function is called to destroy a Chf context when the owning
thread terminated.
static void DestroyContext( void* context )
free( ( ( ChfContext* )context )->message_buffer );
free( ( ( ChfContext* )context )->handler_stack );
free( ( ( ChfContext* )context )->condition_stack );
free( context );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private functions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* .+
.title : DefaultHandler
.kind : C function
.creation : 17-May-1996
.description :
This function is the default condition handler of CHF. It's automatically
pushed into the condition handler stack by ChfInit() and performs the
following functions:
- if called during an unwind, it returns immediately to the caller,
requesting the action CHF_RESIGNAL, else
- if the severity of the condition being signalled is greater than
CHF_SUCCESS, it prints the messages associated with the entire
condition group on stderr using the standard function
ChfBuildMessage() to build the messages.
- if the severity of the condition being signalled is less than
CHF_FATAL, it returns to the caller requesting the action
- if the CHF_FATAL condition was NOT signalled during an unwind
operation, it returns to the caller requesting the action
CHF_UNWIND, otherwise it requests the action CHF_RESIGNAL.
- stderr stream is not available and modal MessageBox require the
parent's handle to work reliably; the default handler does not print
.call :
action = DefaultHandler(desc, state, context);
.input :
const ChfDescriptor *desc, condition descriptor
const ChfState state, current CHF state
.output :
ChfAction action, action requested by the handler
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 16-May-1996, creation
1.6, 15-Jan-1997, update:
- the Chf condition handlers now have a third argument: the private
handler context pointer.
2.1, 25-May-2000, update:
- added multithreading support
2.2, 22-Jan-2001, update:
- added Win32 support
.- */
static ChfAction DefaultHandler( const ChfDescriptor* desc, const ChfState state, ChfPointer handler_context )
ChfAction action;
const ChfDescriptor* d;
if ( state == CHF_UNWINDING )
/* If CHF is unwinding, do nothing */
action = CHF_RESIGNAL;
else {
/* Print the condition messages, if necessary. The sequence of fputs()
is done atomically if multithreading support is enabled.
In Win32, the default handler does not print anything.
if ( ChfGetSeverity( desc ) > CHF_SUCCESS ) {
if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &fputs_mutex ) )
#ifndef _WIN32
for ( d = desc; d != CHF_NULL_DESCRIPTOR; d = ChfGetNextDescriptor( d ) )
fputs( ChfBuildMessage( d ), stderr );
if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &fputs_mutex ) )
/* Determine the handler action */
switch ( ChfGetSeverity( desc ) ) {
case CHF_INFO:
/* Continue execution if the severity is less than CHF_FATAL */
action = CHF_CONTINUE;
/* The severity of the condition is CHF_FATAL; appempt to unwind if
the fatal condition wasn't signalled during another unwind.
/* Return the action code to the Chf handler dispatcher */
return action;
/* .+
.title : scopy
.kind : C function
.creation : 16-May-1996
.description :
This function writes the NUL-terminated string pointed by 'q' starting
from 'p', including the NUL terminator and without trepassing 'p_end'.
The function returns a pointer to the NUL-terminator just written.
.call :
np = scopy(p, q, p_end);
.input :
char *p, starting position for the write
const char *q, pointer to the string to be copied
char *p_end, pointer to the end of the output area
.output :
char *np, pointer to the NUL-terminator just written
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 16-May-1996, creation
.- */
static ChfChar* scopy( ChfChar* p, const ChfChar* q, ChfChar* p_end )
size_t q_len = ChfStrlen( q );
size_t p_avail = p_end - p;
if ( q_len < p_avail ) {
ChfStrcpy( p, q );
p += q_len;
else if ( p_avail > 1 ) {
ChfStrncpy( p, q, p_avail - 2 );
p[ p_avail - 1 ] = '\0';
p = p_end;
return p;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public functions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* .+
.title : ChfGetMessage
.kind : C function
.creation : 17-May-1996
.description :
This function retrieves the message associated with the pair
('module_id', 'condition_code') and returns a pointer to it. The function
will return 'default_message' if it isn't able to retrieve the message.
If module_id==CHF_ERRNO_SET, the function will use strerror(), if
necessary, to retrieve the requested message.
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_INIT
if CHF hasn't been correctly initialized.
NOTE: The returned pointer points to per-thread static storage, which will be
overwritten by subsequent calls to this function.
- strerror() is not supported; the last-chance translation of condition
codes in CHF_ERRNO_SET is not performed
.call :
message = ChfGetMessage(module_id, condition_code,
.input :
const int module_id, module identifier
const int condition_code, condition code
const char *default_message, default message
.output :
const char *message, pointer to the retrieved message
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 17-May-1996, creation
2.2, 22-Jan-2001, update:
- added Win32 support
.- */
const ChfChar* ChfGetMessage( /* Retrieve a condition message */
const int module_id, const int condition_code, const ChfChar* default_message )
const ChfChar* message;
/* Check that CHF has been correctly initialized */
if ( chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN )
if ( ( message = chf_context.mrs_get( chf_context.mrs_data, module_id, condition_code, default_message ) ) == default_message &&
module_id == CHF_ERRNO_SET )
#ifdef _WIN32
message = default_message;
message = strerror( condition_code );
return ( message );
/* .+
.title : ChfBuildMessage
.kind : C function
.creation : 16-May-1996
.description :
This function builds the message associated with the given condition
descriptor and returns a pointer to a string containing it.
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_INIT
if CHF hasn't been correctly initialized.
NOTE: The returned pointer points to per-thread static storage, which will be
overwritten by subsequent calls to this function.
- to save space, the application's name and severity code are not
included in the message
.call :
msg = ChfBuildMessage(descriptor);
.input :
const ChfDescriptor *descriptor, condition descriptor
.output :
char *msg, pointer to the message associated with 'descriptor'
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 16-May-1996, creation
2.2, 22-Jan-2001, update:
- added Win32 support
.- */
ChfChar* ChfBuildMessage( /* Build a condition message */
const ChfDescriptor* descriptor )
ChfChar* tmp_p;
ChfChar* tmp_end;
ChfChar def_message[ CHF_DEF_MESSAGE_LENGTH ];
ChfSeverity severity;
/* Check that CHF has been correctly initialized */
if ( chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN )
/* Set appropriate pointers to the start/end of the message buffer */
tmp_p = chf_context.message_buffer;
tmp_end = tmp_p + CHF_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH;
#ifndef _WIN32
/* The message starts with "<app_name>: " if the condition is the first of
its condition group, with "\t" if not.
if ( descriptor == chf_context.condition_sp - 1 ) {
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, chf_context.app_name, tmp_end );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, separator, tmp_end );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, ChfText( "\t" ), tmp_end );
/* The message continues with the module name */
ChfSprintf( def_message, CHF_DEF_MID_MSG_FMT, ChfGetModuleId( descriptor ) );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, ChfGetMessage( CHF_MODULE_NAMES_SET, ChfGetModuleId( descriptor ), def_message ), tmp_end );
/* Add also the extended information, if any */
if ( ChfGetLineNumber( descriptor ) != CHF_UNKNOWN_LINE_NUMBER ) {
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, ChfText( " " ), tmp_end );
ChfSprintf( def_message, CHF_EXTENDED_INFO_FMT, ChfGetFileName( descriptor ), ChfGetLineNumber( descriptor ) );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, def_message, tmp_end );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, separator, tmp_end );
#ifndef _WIN32
/* Add the severity code of the message */
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p,
( ( severity = ChfGetSeverity( descriptor ) ) < CHF_SUCCESS || severity > CHF_FATAL ) ? CHF_UNKNOWN_SEVERITY
: severity_name[ severity ],
tmp_end );
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, separator, tmp_end );
/* The message ends with the partial message from the descriptor */
tmp_p = scopy( tmp_p, ChfGetPartialMessage( descriptor ), tmp_end );
( void )scopy( tmp_p, CHF_MESSAGE_TERMINATOR, tmp_end );
return chf_context.message_buffer;
/* .+
.title : ChfInit
.kind : C function
.creation : 13-May-1996
.description :
This function initializes CHF and returns to the caller a condition code;
that code will be either CHF_S_OK if the initialization was succesful,
or one of the other values listed below.
It's necessary to invoke succesfully ChfInit() before using any other CHF
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_DUP_INIT
if CHF has already been initialized before.
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_PTHREAD
if a pthread operation fails.
.call :
cc = ChfInit(app_name, options,
mrs_data, mrs_get, mrs_exit,
condition_stack_size, handler_stack_size,
.input :
const char *app_name, Application's name
const ChfOptions options, Options
void *mrs_data, Message retrieval private data
ChfMrsGet mrs_get, 'GetMessage' function
ChfMrsExit mrs_exit, 'Exit' function
const int condition_stack_size, Size of the condition stack
const int handler_stack_size, Size of the handler stack
const int exit_code, Abnormal exit code
.output :
int cc, condition code
.status_codes :
CHF_F_MALLOC, FATAL, dynamic memory allocation failed
.notes :
1.1, 13-May-1996, creation
1.6, 15-Jan-1997, update:
- updated the call to ChfPushHandler() to accomodate its new interface.
2.1, 19-May-2000, update:
- added multithreading support
2.2, 22-Jan-2001, update:
- added Win32 support; a malloc() call was not portable.
.- */
int ChfInit( /* Generic initialization */
const ChfChar* app_name, /* Application's name */
const ChfOptions options, /* Options */
void* mrs_data, /* Message retrieval private data */
ChfMrsGet mrs_get, /* 'GetMessage' function */
ChfMrsExit mrs_exit, /* 'Exit' function */
const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */
const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */
const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */
int cc;
/* Check that CHF has not been initialized yet */
#ifndef _REENTRANT
if ( _chf_context.state != CHF_UNKNOWN )
/* Reentrant check; lock context_mutex first */
if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &context_mutex ) )
if ( _chf_context.state != CHF_UNKNOWN ) {
if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &context_mutex ) )
#ifndef _REENTRANT
if ( ( _chf_context.condition_stack = ( ChfDescriptor* )malloc( ( size_t )( condition_stack_size + 1 ) * sizeof( ChfDescriptor ) ) ) ==
else if ( ( _chf_context.handler_stack = ( ChfHandlerDescriptor* )malloc(
( size_t )handler_stack_size * sizeof( ChfHandlerDescriptor ) ) ) == ( ChfHandlerDescriptor* )NULL ) {
free( _chf_context.condition_stack );
else if ( ( _chf_context.message_buffer = ( ChfChar* )malloc( ( size_t )( CHF_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH ) * sizeof( ChfChar ) ) ) ==
( ChfChar* )NULL ) {
free( _chf_context.condition_stack );
free( _chf_context.handler_stack );
/* Reentrant init: condition_stack, handler_stack, message_buffer
are not needed in the master Chf context.
Init the Chf data key instead.
_chf_context.condition_stack = CHF_NULL_DESCRIPTOR;
_chf_context.handler_stack = ( ChfHandlerDescriptor* )NULL;
_chf_context.message_buffer = ( char* )NULL;
if ( pthread_key_create( &data_key, DestroyContext ) )
/* Initialize the CHF context */
_chf_context.app_name = app_name;
_chf_context.options = options;
_chf_context.mrs_data = mrs_data;
_chf_context.mrs_get = mrs_get;
_chf_context.mrs_exit = mrs_exit;
_chf_context.condition_stack_size = condition_stack_size;
_chf_context.handler_stack_size = handler_stack_size;
_chf_context.exit_code = exit_code;
_chf_context.condition_base = _chf_context.condition_sp = _chf_context.condition_stack;
_chf_context.handler_sp = _chf_context.handler_stack;
_chf_context.state = CHF_IDLE;
#ifndef _REENTRANT
/* Push the default handler; in the reentrant case, this will be
done once per thread, when the thread-specific context is primed.
ChfPushHandler( DefaultHandler, CHF_NULL_CONTEXT, CHF_NULL_POINTER );
cc = CHF_S_OK;
if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &context_mutex ) )
return cc;
/* .+
.title : ChfExit
.kind : C function
.creation : 24-May-1996
.description :
This function shuts down CHF and returns nothing to the caller; after
calling ChfExit() the application can continue, but any subsequent call
to any other CHF function, except the inizialization functions, will abort
the application using ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_INIT.
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_INIT
if CHF hasn't been initialized.
NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_PTHREAD
if a pthread operation fails.
.call :
.input :
.output :
.status_codes :
.notes :
1.1, 24-May-1996, creation
2.1, 19-May-2000, update:
- added multithreading support
.- */
void ChfExit( void )
/* Check that CHF has been correctly initialized */
#ifndef _REENTRANT
if ( _chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN )
/* Reentrant check; lock context_mutex first */
if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &context_mutex ) )
if ( _chf_context.state == CHF_UNKNOWN ) {
if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &context_mutex ) )
/* Destroy the context associated with this thread now; this is necessary
to ensure that the context is actually destroyed when a single-threaded
application links with the multithreaded version of Chf: in this case,
pthread_exit() is called *after* ChfExit(), the Chf data key no longer
exists when pthread_exit() is called and the destructor registered
with pthread_key_create() does not take place.
The data pointer associated with the Chf data key is set to NULL to
avoid any subsequent reactivation of the destructor.
DestroyContext( &chf_context );
if ( pthread_setspecific( data_key, ( void* )NULL ) ) {
( void )pthread_mutex_unlock( &context_mutex );
/* Shut down the message retrieval subsystem first */
_chf_context.mrs_exit( _chf_context.mrs_data );
#ifndef _REENTRANT
/* Free the dynamic memory previously allocated */
free( _chf_context.message_buffer );
free( _chf_context.handler_stack );
free( _chf_context.condition_stack );
/* Destroy the Chf data key */
if ( pthread_key_delete( data_key ) )
/* Reset CHF state to prevent subsequent calls to ChfExit() itself */
_chf_context.state = CHF_UNKNOWN;
if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &context_mutex ) )
/* .+
.title : _ChfGetContext
.kind : C function
.creation : 19-May-2000
.description :
This function dynamically primes a new Chf context for the calling
thread (if necessary), and returns a pointer to that context to
the caller. If something does wrong, it aborts the application
Results are unpredictable if this function is called before a
successful call to ChfInit().
.call :
context = _ChfGetContext(void);
.input :
.output :
ChfContext *context, per-thread Chf context
.status_codes :
.notes :
2.1, 19-May-2000, creation
.- */
ChfContext* _ChfGetContext( void )
ChfContext* context;
#ifndef _REENTRANT
/* This function is doomed to fail if _REENTRANT is not defined */
return ( ( ChfContext* )NULL );
/* Get the thread-specific context pointer associated with the
CHF data key */
if ( ( context = ( ChfContext* )pthread_getspecific( data_key ) ) == ( ChfContext* )NULL ) {
/* No context pointer; prime a new one, cloning the master context */
if ( ( context = ( ChfContext* )malloc( sizeof( ChfContext ) ) ) == ( ChfContext* )NULL )
memcpy( context, &_chf_context, sizeof( ChfContext ) );
/* Allocate per-thread stacks and message buffer */
if ( ( context->condition_stack = ( ChfDescriptor* )malloc( ( size_t )( context->condition_stack_size + 1 ) *
sizeof( ChfDescriptor ) ) ) == CHF_NULL_DESCRIPTOR )
if ( ( context->handler_stack = ( ChfHandlerDescriptor* )malloc(
( size_t )( context->handler_stack_size ) * sizeof( ChfHandlerDescriptor ) ) ) == ( ChfHandlerDescriptor* )NULL ) {
free( context->condition_stack );
if ( ( context->message_buffer = ( char* )malloc( ( size_t )( CHF_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH ) ) ) == ( char* )NULL ) {
free( context->condition_stack );
free( context->handler_stack );
/* Initialize stack pointers */
context->condition_base = context->condition_sp = context->condition_stack;
context->handler_sp = context->handler_stack;
/* Set the thread-specific context pointer; this must be done
before invoking any other function using the context,
including ChfPushHandler() below.
if ( pthread_setspecific( data_key, context ) )
/* Push the default handler */
ChfPushHandler( DefaultHandler, CHF_NULL_CONTEXT, CHF_NULL_POINTER );
return context;