head 2.2; access; symbols V4_1_1_1:2.2 Rel_2_1:1.1; locks; strict; comment @ @; 2.2 date 2001.; author cibrario; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author cibrario; state Rel; branches; next ; desc @This module implements the CHF initialization function ChfStaticInit() @ 2.2 log @Added partial Win32 support (Windows CE only). @ text @/* .+ .identifier : $Id: chf_st.c,v 1.1 1996/05/28 12:56:14 cibrario Rel cibrario $ .context : CHF, Condition Handling Facility .title : $RCSfile: chf_st.c,v $, condition generation .kind : C source .author : Ivan Cibrario B. .site : CSTV-CNR .creation : 24-May-1996 .keywords : * .description : This module implements the CHF initialization function ChfStaticInit() .include : Chf.h .notes : $Log: chf_st.c,v $ Revision 1.1 1996/05/28 12:56:14 cibrario Initial revision .- */ #ifndef lint static char rcs_id[] = "$Id: chf_st.c,v 1.1 1996/05/28 12:56:14 cibrario Rel cibrario $"; #endif #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "Chf.h" #include "ChfPriv.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global and static variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private type definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { const ChfTable *table; size_t size; } ChfStaticContext; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* Win32 does not have bsearch(); provide a simple one from glibc here. */ static void *bsearch( const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *) ) { size_t l, u, idx; const void *p; int comparison; l = 0; u = nmemb; while (l < u) { idx = (l + u) / 2; p = (void *) (((const char *) base) + (idx * size)); comparison = (*compar) (key, p); if (comparison < 0) u = idx; else if (comparison > 0) l = idx + 1; else return (void *) p; } return NULL; } #endif #define GT 1 #define LT -1 #define EQ 0 static int Search( const void *l, const void *r ) { if(((ChfTable *)l)->module > ((ChfTable *)r)->module) return(GT); else if(((ChfTable *)l)->module < ((ChfTable *)r)->module) return(LT); else if(((ChfTable *)l)->code > ((ChfTable *)r)->code) return(GT); else if(((ChfTable *)l)->code < ((ChfTable *)r)->code) return(LT); return(EQ); } static const ChfChar *StGetMessage( void *private_context, const int module_id, const int condition_code, const ChfChar *default_message ) { ChfTable key; ChfTable *res; key.module = module_id; key.code = condition_code; if((res = bsearch(&key, ((ChfStaticContext *)private_context)->table, ((ChfStaticContext *)private_context)->size, sizeof(ChfTable), Search)) == (void *)NULL) return(default_message); return(((ChfTable *)res)->msg_template); } static void ExitMessage( void *private_context ) { } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* .+ .title : ChfStaticInit .kind : C function .creation : 24-May-1996 .description : This function initializes CHF and returns to the caller a condition code; that code will be either CHF_S_OK if the initialization was succesful, or one of the other values listed below. It's necessary to invoke succesfully either ChfStaticInit() or one of the other CHF initialization routines before using any other CHF function. NOTE: This function will call ChfAbort() with abort code CHF_ABORT_DUP_INIT if CHF has already been initialized before. .call : cc = ChfStaticInit(app_name, options, table, table_size, condition_stack_size, handler_stack_size, exit_code); .input : const char *app_name, Application's name const ChfOptions options, Options const ChfTable *table, pointer to the static message table const size_t table_size, size of the table (# of entries) const int condition_stack_size, Size of the condition stack const int handler_stack_size, Size of the handler stack const int exit_code, Abnormal exit code .output : int cc, condition code .status_codes : CHF_F_MALLOC, FATAL, memory allocation failed .notes : 1.1, 27-May-1996, creation .- */ int ChfStaticInit( /* Initialization with static message tables */ const ChfChar *app_name, /* Application's name */ const ChfOptions options, /* Options */ const ChfTable *table, /* Static message table */ const size_t table_size, /* Size of the message table */ const int condition_stack_size, /* Size of the condition stack */ const int handler_stack_size, /* Size of the handler stack */ const int exit_code /* Abnormal exit code */ ) { ChfStaticContext *private_context; int cc; if((private_context = (ChfStaticContext *)malloc(sizeof(ChfStaticContext))) == (ChfStaticContext *)NULL) cc = CHF_F_MALLOC; else if((cc = ChfInit(app_name, options, (void *)private_context, StGetMessage, ExitMessage, condition_stack_size, handler_stack_size, exit_code)) != CHF_S_OK) free(private_context); else { private_context->table = table; private_context->size = table_size; cc = CHF_S_OK; } return cc; } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 1 a3 1 .identifier : $Id$ d5 1 a5 1 .title : $RCSfile$, condition generation d17 3 a19 1 $Log$ d21 1 d25 1 a25 1 static char rcs_id[] = "$Id$"; d30 1 d32 1 d36 5 d65 35 d124 1 a124 1 static const char *GetMessage( d128 1 a128 1 const char *default_message d142 1 a142 1 return(((ChfTable *)res)->template); d194 1 a194 1 const char *app_name, /* Application's name */ d212 1 a212 1 GetMessage, ExitMessage, condition_stack_size, handler_stack_size, @