#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hp48.h" #include "hp48emu.h" #include "resources.h" #include "x48.h" static int wire_fd; static int ir_fd; static int ttyp; extern int rece_instr; static char* wire_name = ( char* )0; static char* ir_name = ( char* )0; void update_connection_display( void ) { if ( wire_fd == -1 ) { if ( wire_name ) free( wire_name ); wire_name = ( char* )0; } if ( ir_fd == -1 ) { if ( ir_name ) free( ir_name ); ir_name = ( char* )0; } ShowConnections( wire_name, ir_name ); } int serial_init( void ) { int c; int n; char tty_dev_name[ 128 ]; struct termios ttybuf; wire_fd = -1; ttyp = -1; if ( useTerminal ) { /* Unix98 PTY (Preferred) */ if ( ( wire_fd = open( "/dev/ptmx", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0666 ) ) >= 0 ) { grantpt( wire_fd ); unlockpt( wire_fd ); if ( ptsname_r( wire_fd, tty_dev_name, 128 ) ) { perror( "Could not get the name of the wire device." ); exit( -1 ); } if ( ( ttyp = open( tty_dev_name, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY, 0666 ) ) >= 0 ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "wire connection on %s\n", tty_dev_name ); wire_name = strdup( tty_dev_name ); } } /* BSD PTY (Legacy) */ else { c = 'p'; do { for ( n = 0; n < 16; n++ ) { sprintf( tty_dev_name, "/dev/pty%c%x", c, n ); if ( ( wire_fd = open( tty_dev_name, O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_NDELAY, 0666 ) ) >= 0 ) { ttyp = wire_fd; sprintf( tty_dev_name, "/dev/tty%c%x", c, n ); if ( verbose ) printf( "wire connection on %s\n", tty_dev_name ); wire_name = strdup( tty_dev_name ); break; } } c++; } while ( ( wire_fd < 0 ) && ( errno != ENOENT ) ); } } if ( ttyp >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcgetattr( ttyp, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ttyp, TCGETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(wire, TCGETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); wire_fd = -1; ttyp = -1; } } ttybuf.c_lflag = 0; ttybuf.c_iflag = 0; ttybuf.c_oflag = 0; ttybuf.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; for ( n = 0; n < NCCS; n++ ) ttybuf.c_cc[ n ] = 0; ttybuf.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0; ttybuf.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1; if ( ttyp >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcsetattr( ttyp, TCSANOW, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ttyp, TCSETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(wire, TCSETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); wire_fd = -1; ttyp = -1; } } ir_fd = -1; if ( useSerial ) { sprintf( tty_dev_name, serialLine ); if ( ( ir_fd = open( tty_dev_name, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY ) ) >= 0 ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "IR connection on %s\n", tty_dev_name ); ir_name = strdup( tty_dev_name ); } } if ( ir_fd >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcgetattr( ir_fd, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ir_fd, TCGETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(IR, TCGETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); ir_fd = -1; } } ttybuf.c_lflag = 0; ttybuf.c_iflag = 0; ttybuf.c_oflag = 0; ttybuf.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; for ( n = 0; n < NCCS; n++ ) ttybuf.c_cc[ n ] = 0; ttybuf.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0; ttybuf.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1; if ( ir_fd >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcsetattr( ir_fd, TCSANOW, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ir_fd, TCSETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(IR, TCSETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); ir_fd = -1; } } update_connection_display(); return 1; } void serial_baud( int baud ) { int error = 0; struct termios ttybuf; if ( ir_fd >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcgetattr( ir_fd, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ir_fd, TCGETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(IR, TCGETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); ir_fd = -1; error = 1; } } #if defined( __APPLE__ ) baud &= 0x7; switch ( baud ) { case 0: /* 1200 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1200; break; case 1: /* 1920 */ #ifdef B1920 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1920; #endif break; case 2: /* 2400 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B2400; break; case 3: /* 3840 */ #ifdef B3840 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B3840; #endif break; case 4: /* 4800 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B4800; break; case 5: /* 7680 */ #ifdef B7680 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B7680; #endif break; case 6: /* 9600 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; break; case 7: /* 15360 */ #ifdef B15360 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B15360; #endif break; } if ( ( ir_fd >= 0 ) && ( ( ttybuf.c_ospeed ) == 0 ) ) { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "can\'t set baud rate, using 9600\n" ); ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; } #else ttybuf.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; baud &= 0x7; switch ( baud ) { case 0: /* 1200 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1200; break; case 1: /* 1920 */ #ifdef B1920 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1920; #endif break; case 2: /* 2400 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B2400; break; case 3: /* 3840 */ #ifdef B3840 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B3840; #endif break; case 4: /* 4800 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B4800; break; case 5: /* 7680 */ #ifdef B7680 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B7680; #endif break; case 6: /* 9600 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; break; case 7: /* 15360 */ #ifdef B15360 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B15360; #endif break; } if ( ( ir_fd >= 0 ) && ( ( ttybuf.c_cflag & CBAUD ) == 0 ) ) { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "can\'t set baud rate, using 9600\n" ); ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; } #endif if ( ir_fd >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcsetattr( ir_fd, TCSANOW, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ir_fd, TCSETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(IR, TCSETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); ir_fd = -1; error = 1; } } if ( ttyp >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcgetattr( ttyp, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ttyp, TCGETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(wire, TCGETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); wire_fd = -1; ttyp = -1; error = 1; } } #if defined( __APPLE__ ) #else ttybuf.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; baud &= 0x7; switch ( baud ) { case 0: /* 1200 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1200; break; case 1: /* 1920 */ #ifdef B1920 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B1920; #endif break; case 2: /* 2400 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B2400; break; case 3: /* 3840 */ #ifdef B3840 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B3840; #endif break; case 4: /* 4800 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B4800; break; case 5: /* 7680 */ #ifdef B7680 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B7680; #endif break; case 6: /* 9600 */ ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; break; case 7: /* 15360 */ #ifdef B15360 ttybuf.c_cflag |= B15360; #endif break; } if ( ( ttyp >= 0 ) && ( ( ttybuf.c_cflag & CBAUD ) == 0 ) ) { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "can\'t set baud rate, using 9600\n" ); ttybuf.c_cflag |= B9600; } #endif if ( ttyp >= 0 ) { #if defined( TCSANOW ) if ( tcsetattr( ttyp, TCSANOW, &ttybuf ) < 0 ) #else if ( ioctl( ttyp, TCSETS, ( char* )&ttybuf ) < 0 ) #endif { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "ioctl(wire, TCSETS) failed, errno = %d\n", errno ); wire_fd = -1; ttyp = -1; error = 1; } } if ( error ) update_connection_display(); } void transmit_char( void ) { if ( saturn.ir_ctrl & 0x04 ) { if ( ir_fd == -1 ) { saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } return; } } else { if ( wire_fd == -1 ) { saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } return; } } if ( saturn.ir_ctrl & 0x04 ) { if ( write( ir_fd, &saturn.tbr, 1 ) == 1 ) { saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } } else { if ( errno != EAGAIN ) { fprintf( stderr, "serial write error: %d\n", errno ); } saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } } } else { if ( write( wire_fd, &saturn.tbr, 1 ) == 1 ) { saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } } else { if ( errno != EAGAIN ) { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "serial write error: %d\n", errno ); } saturn.tcs &= 0x0e; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x04 ) { do_interupt(); } } } } #define NR_BUFFER 256 void receive_char( void ) { struct timeval tout; fd_set rfds; int nfd; static unsigned char buf[ NR_BUFFER + 1 ]; static int nrd = 0, bp = 0; rece_instr = 0; if ( saturn.ir_ctrl & 0x04 ) { if ( ir_fd == -1 ) return; } else { if ( wire_fd == -1 ) return; } if ( saturn.rcs & 0x01 ) { return; } if ( nrd == 0 ) { tout.tv_sec = 0; tout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO( &rfds ); if ( saturn.ir_ctrl & 0x04 ) { FD_SET( ir_fd, &rfds ); nfd = ir_fd + 1; } else { FD_SET( wire_fd, &rfds ); nfd = wire_fd + 1; } if ( ( nfd = select( nfd, &rfds, ( fd_set* )0, ( fd_set* )0, &tout ) ) > 0 ) { if ( saturn.ir_ctrl & 0x04 ) { if ( FD_ISSET( ir_fd, &rfds ) ) { nrd = read( ir_fd, buf, NR_BUFFER ); if ( nrd < 0 ) { nrd = 0; return; } bp = 0; } else { return; } } else { if ( FD_ISSET( wire_fd, &rfds ) ) { nrd = read( wire_fd, buf, NR_BUFFER ); if ( nrd < 0 ) { nrd = 0; return; } bp = 0; } else { return; } } } else { return; } } if ( nrd == 0 ) { return; } if ( !( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x08 ) ) { nrd = 0; return; } saturn.rbr = buf[ bp++ ]; nrd--; saturn.rcs |= 0x01; if ( saturn.io_ctrl & 0x02 ) { do_interupt(); } }