#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* stringRGBA(); */ #include "romio.h" /* opt_gx */ #include "config.h" #include "ui.h" #include "ui_inner.h" #define KEYBOARD_HEIGHT ( BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].y + BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].h ) #define KEYBOARD_WIDTH ( BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].x + BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].w ) #define TOP_SKIP 65 #define SIDE_SKIP 20 #define BOTTOM_SKIP 25 #define DISP_KBD_SKIP 65 #define KBD_UPLINE 25 #define DISPLAY_WIDTH ( 264 + 8 ) #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT ( 128 + 16 + 8 ) #define DISPLAY_OFFSET_X ( SIDE_SKIP + ( 286 - DISPLAY_WIDTH ) / 2 ) #define DISPLAY_OFFSET_Y TOP_SKIP #define DISP_FRAME 8 #define KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X SIDE_SKIP #define KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y ( TOP_SKIP + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + DISP_KBD_SKIP ) /***********/ /* typedef */ /***********/ typedef struct on_off_sdl_textures_struct_t { SDL_Texture* up; SDL_Texture* down; } on_off_sdl_textures_struct_t; /*************/ /* variables */ /*************/ static int display_offset_x, display_offset_y; color_t colors[ NB_COLORS ]; static on_off_sdl_textures_struct_t buttons_textures[ NB_KEYS ]; static on_off_sdl_textures_struct_t annunciators_textures[ NB_ANNUNCIATORS ]; // State to displayed zoomed last pressed key /* static SDL_Texture* showkeylast_texture = 0; */ static int showkeylastx, showkeylasty, showkeylastkey; static SDL_Window* window; static SDL_Renderer* renderer; static SDL_Texture* main_texture; /****************************/ /* functions implementation */ /****************************/ /* static inline unsigned color2argb( int color ) */ /* { */ /* return 0x000000ff | ( colors[ color ].r << 24 ) | ( colors[ color ].g << 16 ) | ( colors[ color ].b << 8 ); */ /* } */ static inline unsigned color2bgra( int color ) { return 0xff000000 | ( colors[ color ].r << 16 ) | ( colors[ color ].g << 8 ) | colors[ color ].b; } /* Create a SDL_Texture from binary bitmap data */ static SDL_Texture* bitmap_to_texture( unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned char* data, int color_fg, int color_bg ) { SDL_Surface* surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 ); SDL_LockSurface( surf ); unsigned char* pixels = ( unsigned char* )surf->pixels; unsigned int pitch = surf->pitch; unsigned byteperline = w / 8; if ( byteperline * 8 != w ) byteperline++; for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) { unsigned int* lineptr = ( unsigned int* )( pixels + y * pitch ); for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) { // Address the correct byte char c = data[ y * byteperline + ( x >> 3 ) ]; // Look for the bit in that byte char b = c & ( 1 << ( x & 7 ) ); lineptr[ x ] = color2bgra( b ? color_fg : color_bg ); } } SDL_UnlockSurface( surf ); SDL_Texture* tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( renderer, surf ); SDL_FreeSurface( surf ); return tex; } static void __draw_pixel( int x, int y, int color ) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( renderer, colors[ color ].r, colors[ color ].g, colors[ color ].b, colors[ color ].a ); SDL_RenderDrawPoint( renderer, x, y ); } static void __draw_line( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color ) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( renderer, colors[ color ].r, colors[ color ].g, colors[ color ].b, colors[ color ].a ); SDL_RenderDrawLine( renderer, x1, y1, x2, y2 ); } static void __draw_rect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int color ) { SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.w = w; rect.h = h; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( renderer, colors[ color ].r, colors[ color ].g, colors[ color ].b, colors[ color ].a ); SDL_RenderFillRect( renderer, &rect ); } static void __draw_texture( int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, SDL_Texture* texture ) { SDL_Rect drect; drect.x = x; drect.y = y; drect.w = w; drect.h = h; SDL_RenderCopy( renderer, texture, NULL, &drect ); } static void __draw_bitmap( int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned char* data, int color_fg, int color_bg ) { __draw_texture( x, y, w, h, bitmap_to_texture( w, h, data, color_fg, color_bg ) ); } static void write_text( int x, int y, const char* string, int color_fg, int color_bg ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen( string ); i++ ) { if ( small_font[ ( int )string[ i ] ].h != 0 ) __draw_bitmap( x, ( int )( y - small_font[ ( int )string[ i ] ].h ), small_font[ ( int )string[ i ] ].w, small_font[ ( int )string[ i ] ].h, small_font[ ( int )string[ i ] ].bits, color_fg, color_bg ); x += SmallTextWidth( &string[ i ], 1 ); } } static void colors_setup( void ) { // Adjust the LCD color according to the contrast int contrast = display.contrast; if ( contrast < 0x3 ) contrast = 0x3; if ( contrast > 0x13 ) contrast = 0x13; for ( unsigned i = FIRST_COLOR; i < LAST_COLOR; i++ ) { colors[ i ] = COLORS[ i ]; if ( config.mono ) { colors[ i ].r = colors[ i ].mono_rgb; colors[ i ].g = colors[ i ].mono_rgb; colors[ i ].b = colors[ i ].mono_rgb; } else if ( config.gray ) { colors[ i ].r = colors[ i ].gray_rgb; colors[ i ].g = colors[ i ].gray_rgb; colors[ i ].b = colors[ i ].gray_rgb; } if ( !config.mono && i == PIXEL ) { colors[ i ].r = ( 0x13 - contrast ) * ( colors[ LCD ].r / 0x10 ); colors[ i ].g = ( 0x13 - contrast ) * ( colors[ LCD ].g / 0x10 ); colors[ i ].b = 128 - ( ( 0x13 - contrast ) * ( ( 128 - colors[ LCD ].b ) / 0x10 ) ); } } } // This should be called once to setup the surfaces. Calling it multiple // times is fine, it won't do anything on subsequent calls. static void create_annunciators_textures( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NB_ANNUNCIATORS; i++ ) { annunciators_textures[ i ].up = bitmap_to_texture( ann_tbl[ i ].width, ann_tbl[ i ].height, ann_tbl[ i ].bits, PIXEL, LCD ); annunciators_textures[ i ].down = bitmap_to_texture( ann_tbl[ i ].width, ann_tbl[ i ].height, ann_tbl[ i ].bits, LCD, LCD ); } } // Find which key is pressed, if any. // Returns -1 is no key is pressed static int mouse_click_to_hpkey( unsigned int x, unsigned int y ) { /* return immediatly if the click isn't even in the keyboard area */ if ( y < KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y ) return -1; int row = ( y - KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y ) / ( KEYBOARD_HEIGHT / 9 ); int column; switch ( row ) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: column = ( x - KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X ) / ( KEYBOARD_WIDTH / 6 ); return ( row * 6 ) + column; case 4: /* with [ENTER] key */ column = ( ( x - KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X ) / ( KEYBOARD_WIDTH / 5 ) ) - 1; if ( column < 0 ) column = 0; return ( 4 * 6 ) + column; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: column = ( x - KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X ) / ( KEYBOARD_WIDTH / 5 ); return ( 4 * 6 ) + 5 + ( ( row - 5 ) * 5 ) + column; default: return -1; } return -1; } // Map the keyboard keys to the HP keys // Returns -1 if there is no mapping static int sdlkey_to_hpkey( SDL_Keycode k ) { switch ( k ) { case SDLK_0: return HPKEY_0; case SDLK_1: return HPKEY_1; case SDLK_2: return HPKEY_2; case SDLK_3: return HPKEY_3; case SDLK_4: return HPKEY_4; case SDLK_5: return HPKEY_5; case SDLK_6: return HPKEY_6; case SDLK_7: return HPKEY_7; case SDLK_8: return HPKEY_8; case SDLK_9: return HPKEY_9; case SDLK_KP_0: return HPKEY_0; case SDLK_KP_1: return HPKEY_1; case SDLK_KP_2: return HPKEY_2; case SDLK_KP_3: return HPKEY_3; case SDLK_KP_4: return HPKEY_4; case SDLK_KP_5: return HPKEY_5; case SDLK_KP_6: return HPKEY_6; case SDLK_KP_7: return HPKEY_7; case SDLK_KP_8: return HPKEY_8; case SDLK_KP_9: return HPKEY_9; case SDLK_a: return HPKEY_A; case SDLK_b: return HPKEY_B; case SDLK_c: return HPKEY_C; case SDLK_d: return HPKEY_D; case SDLK_e: return HPKEY_E; case SDLK_f: return HPKEY_F; case SDLK_g: return HPKEY_MTH; case SDLK_h: return HPKEY_PRG; case SDLK_i: return HPKEY_CST; case SDLK_j: return HPKEY_VAR; case SDLK_k: return HPKEY_UP; case SDLK_UP: return HPKEY_UP; case SDLK_l: return HPKEY_NXT; case SDLK_m: return HPKEY_COLON; case SDLK_n: return HPKEY_STO; case SDLK_o: return HPKEY_EVAL; case SDLK_p: return HPKEY_LEFT; case SDLK_LEFT: return HPKEY_LEFT; case SDLK_q: return HPKEY_DOWN; case SDLK_DOWN: return HPKEY_DOWN; case SDLK_r: return HPKEY_RIGHT; case SDLK_RIGHT: return HPKEY_RIGHT; case SDLK_s: return HPKEY_SIN; case SDLK_t: return HPKEY_COS; case SDLK_u: return HPKEY_TAN; case SDLK_v: return HPKEY_SQRT; case SDLK_w: return HPKEY_POWER; case SDLK_x: return HPKEY_INV; case SDLK_y: return HPKEY_NEG; case SDLK_z: return HPKEY_EEX; case SDLK_SPACE: return HPKEY_SPC; case SDLK_F1: case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: return HPKEY_ENTER; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: return HPKEY_BS; case SDLK_DELETE: return HPKEY_DEL; case SDLK_PERIOD: return HPKEY_PERIOD; case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: return HPKEY_PERIOD; case SDLK_PLUS: return HPKEY_PLUS; case SDLK_KP_PLUS: return HPKEY_PLUS; case SDLK_MINUS: return HPKEY_MINUS; case SDLK_KP_MINUS: return HPKEY_MINUS; case SDLK_ASTERISK: return HPKEY_MUL; case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: return HPKEY_MUL; case SDLK_SLASH: return HPKEY_DIV; case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: return HPKEY_DIV; case SDLK_F5: case SDLK_ESCAPE: return HPKEY_ON; case SDLK_LSHIFT: if ( !config.leave_shift_keys ) return HPKEY_SHL; break; case SDLK_RSHIFT: if ( !config.leave_shift_keys ) return HPKEY_SHR; break; case SDLK_F2: case SDLK_RCTRL: return HPKEY_SHL; case SDLK_F3: case SDLK_LCTRL: return HPKEY_SHR; case SDLK_F4: case SDLK_LALT: case SDLK_RALT: return HPKEY_ALPHA; case SDLK_F7: case SDLK_F10: // please_exit = true; close_and_exit(); return -1; default: return -1; } return -1; } static void _draw_bezel( unsigned int cut, unsigned int offset_y, int keypad_width, int keypad_height ) { // bottom lines __draw_line( 1, keypad_height - 1, keypad_width - 1, keypad_height - 1, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 2, keypad_height - 2, keypad_width - 2, keypad_height - 2, PAD_TOP ); // right lines __draw_line( keypad_width - 1, keypad_height - 1, keypad_width - 1, cut, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 2, keypad_height - 2, keypad_width - 2, cut, PAD_TOP ); // right lines __draw_line( keypad_width - 1, cut - 1, keypad_width - 1, 1, DISP_PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 2, cut - 1, keypad_width - 2, 2, DISP_PAD_TOP ); // top lines __draw_line( 0, 0, keypad_width - 2, 0, DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 1, 1, keypad_width - 3, 1, DISP_PAD_BOT ); // left lines __draw_line( 0, cut - 1, 0, 0, DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 1, cut - 1, 1, 1, DISP_PAD_BOT ); // left lines __draw_line( 0, keypad_height - 2, 0, cut, PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 1, keypad_height - 3, 1, cut, PAD_BOT ); // lower the menu BUTTONS // bottom lines __draw_line( 3, keypad_height - 3, keypad_width - 3, keypad_height - 3, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 4, keypad_height - 4, keypad_width - 4, keypad_height - 4, PAD_TOP ); // right lines __draw_line( keypad_width - 3, keypad_height - 3, keypad_width - 3, cut, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 4, keypad_height - 4, keypad_width - 4, cut, PAD_TOP ); // right lines __draw_line( keypad_width - 3, cut - 1, keypad_width - 3, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 1 ), DISP_PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 4, cut - 1, keypad_width - 4, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 2 ), DISP_PAD_TOP ); // top lines __draw_line( 2, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 0 ), keypad_width - 4, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 0 ), DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 3, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 1 ), keypad_width - 5, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 1 ), DISP_PAD_BOT ); // left lines __draw_line( 2, cut - 1, 2, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 1 ), DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 3, cut - 1, 3, offset_y - ( KBD_UPLINE - 2 ), DISP_PAD_BOT ); // left lines __draw_line( 2, keypad_height - 4, 2, cut, PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 3, keypad_height - 5, 3, cut, PAD_BOT ); // lower the keyboard // bottom lines __draw_line( 5, keypad_height - 5, keypad_width - 3, keypad_height - 5, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 6, keypad_height - 6, keypad_width - 4, keypad_height - 6, PAD_TOP ); // right lines __draw_line( keypad_width - 5, keypad_height - 5, keypad_width - 5, cut + 1, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 6, keypad_height - 6, keypad_width - 6, cut + 2, PAD_TOP ); // top lines __draw_line( 4, cut, keypad_width - 6, cut, DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 5, cut + 1, keypad_width - 7, cut + 1, DISP_PAD_BOT ); // left lines __draw_line( 4, keypad_height - 6, 4, cut + 1, PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 5, keypad_height - 7, 5, cut + 2, PAD_BOT ); // round off the bottom edge __draw_line( keypad_width - 7, keypad_height - 7, keypad_width - 7, keypad_height - 14, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 8, keypad_height - 8, keypad_width - 8, keypad_height - 11, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 7, keypad_height - 7, keypad_width - 14, keypad_height - 7, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( keypad_width - 7, keypad_height - 8, keypad_width - 11, keypad_height - 8, PAD_TOP ); __draw_pixel( keypad_width - 9, keypad_height - 9, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 7, keypad_height - 7, 13, keypad_height - 7, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 8, keypad_height - 8, 10, keypad_height - 8, PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( 6, keypad_height - 8, 6, keypad_height - 14, PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( 7, keypad_height - 9, 7, keypad_height - 11, PAD_BOT ); } static void _draw_header( void ) { int x = display_offset_x; int y; // insert the HP Logo if ( opt_gx ) x -= 6; __draw_bitmap( x, 10, hp_width, hp_height, hp_bitmap, LOGO, LOGO_BACK ); if ( !opt_gx ) { __draw_line( display_offset_x, 9, display_offset_x + hp_width - 1, 9, FRAME ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - 1, 10, display_offset_x - 1, 10 + hp_height - 1, FRAME ); __draw_line( display_offset_x, 10 + hp_height, display_offset_x + hp_width - 1, 10 + hp_height, FRAME ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + hp_width, 10, display_offset_x + hp_width, 10 + hp_height - 1, FRAME ); } // write the name of it if ( opt_gx ) { x = display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - gx_128K_ram_width + gx_128K_ram_x_hot + 2; y = 10 + gx_128K_ram_y_hot; __draw_bitmap( x, y, gx_128K_ram_width, gx_128K_ram_height, gx_128K_ram_bitmap, LABEL, DISP_PAD ); x = display_offset_x + hp_width; y = hp_height + 8 - hp48gx_height; __draw_bitmap( x, y, hp48gx_width, hp48gx_height, hp48gx_bitmap, LOGO, DISP_PAD ); x = display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - gx_128K_ram_width + gx_silver_x_hot + 2; y = 10 + gx_silver_y_hot; __draw_bitmap( x, y, gx_silver_width, gx_silver_height, gx_silver_bitmap, LOGO, 0 ); // Background transparent: draw only silver line x = display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - gx_128K_ram_width + gx_green_x_hot + 2; y = 10 + gx_green_y_hot; __draw_bitmap( x, y, gx_green_width, gx_green_height, gx_green_bitmap, RIGHT, 0 ); // Background transparent: draw only green menu } else { x = display_offset_x; y = TOP_SKIP - DISP_FRAME - hp48sx_height - 3; __draw_bitmap( x, y, hp48sx_width, hp48sx_height, hp48sx_bitmap, RIGHT, 0 ); // Background transparent: draw only green menu x = display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - 1 - science_width; y = TOP_SKIP - DISP_FRAME - science_height - 4; __draw_bitmap( x, y, science_width, science_height, science_bitmap, RIGHT, 0 ); // Background transparent: draw only green menu } } static void create_buttons_textures( void ) { unsigned x, y; for ( int i = FIRST_HPKEY; i <= LAST_HPKEY; i++ ) { // Create surfaces for each button // UP {{{ /* if ( !buttons_textures[ i ].up ) */ buttons_textures[ i ].up = SDL_CreateTexture( renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, BUTTONS[ i ].w, BUTTONS[ i ].h ); SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, buttons_textures[ i ].up ); // Fill the button and outline __draw_rect( 0, 0, BUTTONS[ i ].w, BUTTONS[ i ].h, TRANSPARENT ); __draw_rect( 1, 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, BUTTON ); // draw edge of button __draw_line( 1, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, 1, 1, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, 2, 2, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, 3, 3, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 1, 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 1, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 2, 2, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 2, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, 3, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 4, 4, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 5, 4, BUT_TOP ); __draw_pixel( 4, 5, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( 4, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 3, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 4, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, 5, BUT_BOT ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 5, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, BUT_BOT ); // draw frame around button __draw_line( 0, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, 0, 2, FRAME ); __draw_line( 2, 0, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 0, FRAME ); __draw_line( 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 1, FRAME ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 1, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 1, 2, FRAME ); if ( i == HPKEY_ON ) { __draw_line( 1, 1, BUTTONS[ 1 ].w - 2, 1, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( 1, 2, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 2, FRAME ); } else { __draw_pixel( 1, 1, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 1, FRAME ); } __draw_pixel( 1, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, FRAME ); if ( BUTTONS[ i ].label != ( char* )0 ) { /* Button has a text label */ x = ( BUTTONS[ i ].w - strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].label ) * 8 ) / 2; y = ( BUTTONS[ i ].h + 1 ) / 2 - 4; stringRGBA( renderer, x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].label, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } else if ( BUTTONS[ i ].lw != 0 ) { /* Button has a texture */ x = ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - BUTTONS[ i ].lw ) / 2; y = ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].h - BUTTONS[ i ].lh ) / 2 + 1; __draw_bitmap( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].lw, BUTTONS[ i ].lh, BUTTONS[ i ].lb, BUTTONS[ i ].lc, BUTTON ); } // }}} // DOWN {{{ /* if ( !buttons_textures[ i ].down ) */ buttons_textures[ i ].down = SDL_CreateTexture( renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, BUTTONS[ i ].w, BUTTONS[ i ].h ); SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, buttons_textures[ i ].down ); // Fill the button and outline __draw_rect( 0, 0, BUTTONS[ i ].w, BUTTONS[ i ].h, TRANSPARENT ); __draw_rect( 1, 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, BUTTON ); // draw edge of button __draw_line( 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, 2, 2, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 5, 3, 3, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 2, 2, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, 2, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 5, 3, BUT_TOP ); __draw_pixel( 4, 4, BUT_TOP ); __draw_line( 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( 4, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 3, BUT_BOT ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 4, 4, BUT_BOT ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 5, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 5, BUT_BOT ); // draw frame around button __draw_line( 0, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, 0, 2, FRAME ); __draw_line( 2, 0, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 0, FRAME ); __draw_line( 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 1, FRAME ); __draw_line( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 1, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 1, 2, FRAME ); if ( i == HPKEY_ON ) { __draw_line( 1, 1, BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 1, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( 1, 2, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 2, FRAME ); } else { __draw_pixel( 1, 1, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, 1, FRAME ); } __draw_pixel( 1, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 2, FRAME ); if ( i == HPKEY_ON ) { __draw_rect( 1, 2, 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 2 + BUTTONS[ i ].h - 4, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( 2, 3, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 3, FRAME ); } else { __draw_rect( 1, 1, 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( 2, 2, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, 2, FRAME ); } __draw_pixel( 2, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, FRAME ); __draw_pixel( BUTTONS[ i ].w - 3, BUTTONS[ i ].h - 3, FRAME ); /* Same as .up texture */ if ( BUTTONS[ i ].label != ( char* )0 ) { /* Button has a text label */ x = ( BUTTONS[ i ].w - strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].label ) * 8 ) / 2; y = ( BUTTONS[ i ].h + 1 ) / 2 - 4; y += 2; stringRGBA( renderer, x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].label, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } else if ( BUTTONS[ i ].lw != 0 ) { /* Button has a texture */ x = ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - BUTTONS[ i ].lw ) / 2; y = ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].h - BUTTONS[ i ].lh ) / 2 + 1; y += 2; __draw_bitmap( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].lw, BUTTONS[ i ].lh, BUTTONS[ i ].lb, BUTTONS[ i ].lc, BUTTON ); } // }}} } // Give back to renderer as it was SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, main_texture ); } static void _draw_key( int hpkey ) { __draw_texture( KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ hpkey ].x, KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ hpkey ].y, BUTTONS[ hpkey ].w, BUTTONS[ hpkey ].h, keyboard[ hpkey ].pressed ? buttons_textures[ hpkey ].down : buttons_textures[ hpkey ].up ); } static void _draw_keys( void ) { for ( int i = FIRST_HPKEY; i <= LAST_HPKEY; i++ ) _draw_key( i ); } static void _draw_keypad( void ) { int x, y; int pw = opt_gx ? 58 : 44; int ph = opt_gx ? 48 : 9; int left_label_width, right_label_width; int space_char_width = SmallTextWidth( " ", 1 ); int total_top_labels_width; for ( int i = FIRST_HPKEY; i <= LAST_HPKEY; i++ ) { total_top_labels_width = 0; // Background if ( BUTTONS[ i ].is_menu ) { x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ i ].x; y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ i ].y - small_ascent - small_descent; if ( opt_gx ) { x -= 6; y -= 6; } else x += ( BUTTONS[ i ].w - pw ) / 2; __draw_rect( x, y, pw, ph, UNDERLAY ); } // Letter (small character bottom right of key) if ( BUTTONS[ i ].letter != ( char* )0 ) { x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ i ].x + BUTTONS[ i ].w; y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ i ].y + BUTTONS[ i ].h; if ( opt_gx ) { x += 3; y += 1; } else { x -= SmallTextWidth( BUTTONS[ i ].letter, 1 ) / 2 + 5; y -= 2; } write_text( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].letter, WHITE, ( i < HPKEY_MTH ) ? DISP_PAD : PAD ); } // Bottom label: the only one is the cancel button if ( BUTTONS[ i ].sub != ( char* )0 ) { x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ i ].x + ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - SmallTextWidth( BUTTONS[ i ].sub, strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].sub ) ) ) / 2; y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ i ].y + BUTTONS[ i ].h + small_ascent + 2; write_text( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].sub, WHITE, PAD ); } // Draw the left labels if ( BUTTONS[ i ].left != ( char* )0 ) { x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ i ].x; y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ i ].y - small_descent; left_label_width = SmallTextWidth( BUTTONS[ i ].left, strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].left ) ); total_top_labels_width = left_label_width; if ( BUTTONS[ i ].right != ( char* )0 ) { // label to the left right_label_width = SmallTextWidth( BUTTONS[ i ].right, strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].right ) ); total_top_labels_width += space_char_width + right_label_width; } x += ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - total_top_labels_width ) / 2; write_text( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].left, LEFT, BUTTONS[ i ].is_menu ? UNDERLAY : PAD ); } // draw the right labels ( .is_menu never have one ) if ( BUTTONS[ i ].right != ( char* )0 ) { x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ i ].x; y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ i ].y - small_descent; if ( BUTTONS[ i ].left == ( char* )0 ) { right_label_width = SmallTextWidth( BUTTONS[ i ].right, strlen( BUTTONS[ i ].right ) ); total_top_labels_width = right_label_width; } else x += space_char_width + left_label_width; x += ( 1 + BUTTONS[ i ].w - total_top_labels_width ) / 2; write_text( x, y, BUTTONS[ i ].right, RIGHT, PAD ); } } _draw_keys(); } static void _draw_bezel_LCD( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < DISP_FRAME; i++ ) { __draw_line( display_offset_x - i, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + i, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i, DISP_PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - i, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i + 1, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + i, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i + 1, DISP_PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + i, display_offset_y - i, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + i, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i, DISP_PAD_TOP ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - i - 1, display_offset_y - i - 1, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + i - 1, display_offset_y - i - 1, DISP_PAD_BOT ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - i - 1, display_offset_y - i - 1, display_offset_x - i - 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * i - 1, DISP_PAD_BOT ); } // round off corners __draw_line( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME + 3, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME + 3, DISP_PAD ); __draw_pixel( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME + 1, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME + 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 4, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME + 3, DISP_PAD ); __draw_pixel( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 2, display_offset_y - DISP_FRAME + 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 4, display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME + 3, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_pixel( display_offset_x - DISP_FRAME + 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 2, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 4, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 4, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 1, DISP_PAD ); __draw_pixel( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH + DISP_FRAME - 2, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + 2 * DISP_FRAME - 2, DISP_PAD ); // simulate rounded lcd corners __draw_line( display_offset_x - 1, display_offset_y + 1, display_offset_x - 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 2, LCD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + 1, display_offset_y - 1, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - 2, display_offset_y - 1, LCD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + 1, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH - 2, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT, LCD ); __draw_line( display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH, display_offset_y + 1, display_offset_x + DISPLAY_WIDTH, display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 2, LCD ); } static void _draw_background( int width, int height, int w_top, int h_top ) { __draw_rect( 0, 0, w_top, h_top, PAD ); __draw_rect( 0, 0, width, height, DISP_PAD ); } static void _draw_background_LCD( void ) { __draw_rect( display_offset_x, display_offset_y, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, LCD ); } // Show the hp key which is being pressed static void _show_key( int hpkey ) { if ( config.hide_chrome || hpkey < 0 ) return; SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, main_texture ); _draw_key( hpkey ); SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, NULL ); SDL_RenderCopy( renderer, main_texture, NULL, NULL ); SDL_RenderPresent( renderer ); return; /* // If we're called with the same key as before, do nothing */ /* if ( showkeylastkey == hpkey ) */ /* return; */ /* showkeylastkey = hpkey; */ /* /\* SDL_Rect srect, drect; *\/ */ /* /\* SDL_Surface* ssurf; *\/ */ /* int x = 0; */ /* int y = 0; */ /* // Starts by hiding last */ /* if ( showkeylast_texture != 0 ) { */ /* drect.x = showkeylastx; */ /* drect.y = showkeylasty; */ /* SDL_BlitSurface( showkeylast_texture, 0, window, &drect ); */ /* // Update */ /* SDL_UpdateRect( window, showkeylastx, showkeylasty, showkeylast_texture->w, showkeylast_texture->h ); */ /* // Free */ /* SDL_FreeSurface( showkeylast_texture ); */ /* showkeylast_texture = 0; */ /* } */ /* // Which surface to show */ /* ssurf = ( keyboard[ hpkey ].pressed ) ? buttons_textures[ hpkey ].down : buttons_textures[ hpkey ].up; */ /* // Background backup */ /* showkeylast_texture = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, ssurf->w, ssurf->h, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 ); */ /* // Where to */ /* x = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_X + BUTTONS[ hpkey ].x - ( ssurf->w - ssurf->w + 1 ) / 2; */ /* y = KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y + BUTTONS[ hpkey ].y - ( ssurf->h - ssurf->h + 1 ) / 2; */ /* // blitting does not clip to screen, so if we are out of the screen we */ /* // shift the button to fit */ /* if ( x < 0 ) */ /* x = 0; */ /* if ( y < 0 ) */ /* y = 0; */ /* if ( x + ssurf->w > window->w ) */ /* x = window->w - ssurf->w; */ /* if ( y + ssurf->h > window->h ) */ /* y = window->h - ssurf->h; */ /* // Backup where to */ /* showkeylastx = x; */ /* showkeylasty = y; */ /* // Backup old surface */ /* srect.x = x; */ /* srect.y = y; */ /* srect.w = ssurf->w; */ /* srect.h = ssurf->h; */ /* drect.x = 0; */ /* drect.y = 0; */ /* SDL_BlitSurface( window, &srect, showkeylast_texture, &drect ); */ /* // Blit the button */ /* drect.x = x; */ /* drect.y = y; */ /* SDL_BlitSurface( ssurf, 0, window, &drect ); */ /* // Update */ /* SDL_UpdateRect( window, x, y, ssurf->w, ssurf->h ); */ } static void _draw_serial_devices_path( void ) { char text[ 1024 ] = ""; if ( config.verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "wire_name: %s\n", wire_name ); fprintf( stderr, "ir_name: %s\n", ir_name ); } if ( wire_name ) { strcat( text, "wire: " ); strcat( text, wire_name ); } if ( ir_name ) { if ( strlen( text ) > 0 ) strcat( text, " | " ); strcat( text, "ir: " ); strcat( text, ir_name ); } if ( strlen( text ) > 0 ) stringRGBA( renderer, 10, 240, text, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } static void sdl_draw_nibble( int nx, int ny, int val ) { SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, main_texture ); for ( int x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) { if ( nx + x >= 131 ) // Clip at 131 pixels break; char pixel = val & ( 1 << ( x & 3 ) ); __draw_rect( display_offset_x + 5 + ( 2 * ( nx + x ) ), display_offset_y + 20 + ( 2 * ny ), 2, 2, pixel ? PIXEL : LCD ); } SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, NULL ); SDL_RenderCopy( renderer, main_texture, NULL, NULL ); SDL_RenderPresent( renderer ); } static inline void draw_nibble( int col, int row, int val ) { val &= 0x0f; if ( val == lcd_nibbles_buffer[ row ][ col ] ) return; lcd_nibbles_buffer[ row ][ col ] = val; int y = row; int x = col * 4; if ( row <= display.lines ) x -= ( 2 * display.offset ); sdl_draw_nibble( x, y, val ); } /* Identical in all ui_*.c */ static inline void draw_row( long addr, int row ) { int line_length = NIBBLES_PER_ROW; if ( ( display.offset > 3 ) && ( row <= display.lines ) ) line_length += 2; for ( int i = 0; i < line_length; i++ ) draw_nibble( i, row, read_nibble( addr + i ) ); } static int sdl_press_key( int hpkey ) { if ( hpkey == -1 || keyboard[ hpkey ].pressed ) return -1; press_key( hpkey ); _show_key( hpkey ); return hpkey; } static int sdl_release_key( int hpkey ) { if ( hpkey == -1 || !keyboard[ hpkey ].pressed ) return -1; release_key( hpkey ); _show_key( hpkey ); return hpkey; } /**********/ /* public */ /**********/ void sdl_get_event( void ) { SDL_Event event; // Iterate as long as there are events while ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { switch ( event.type ) { case SDL_QUIT: // please_exit = true; close_and_exit(); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: sdl_press_key( mouse_click_to_hpkey( event.button.x, event.button.y ) ); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: sdl_release_key( mouse_click_to_hpkey( event.button.x, event.button.y ) ); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: sdl_press_key( sdlkey_to_hpkey( event.key.keysym.sym ) ); break; case SDL_KEYUP: sdl_release_key( sdlkey_to_hpkey( event.key.keysym.sym ) ); break; } } /* // Display button being pressed, if any */ /* if ( !config.hide_chrome && pressed_hpkey != 1 ) */ /* _show_key( pressed_hpkey ); */ } void sdl_update_LCD( void ) { if ( display.on ) { int i; long addr = display.disp_start; static int old_offset = -1; static int old_lines = -1; if ( display.offset != old_offset ) { memset( lcd_nibbles_buffer, 0xf0, ( size_t )( ( display.lines + 1 ) * NIBS_PER_BUFFER_ROW ) ); old_offset = display.offset; } if ( display.lines != old_lines ) { memset( &lcd_nibbles_buffer[ 56 ][ 0 ], 0xf0, ( size_t )( 8 * NIBS_PER_BUFFER_ROW ) ); old_lines = display.lines; } for ( i = 0; i <= display.lines; i++ ) { draw_row( addr, i ); addr += display.nibs_per_line; } if ( i < DISP_ROWS ) { addr = display.menu_start; for ( ; i < DISP_ROWS; i++ ) { draw_row( addr, i ); addr += NIBBLES_PER_ROW; } } } else ui_init_LCD(); } void sdl_refresh_LCD( void ) {} void sdl_disp_draw_nibble( word_20 addr, word_4 val ) { long offset = ( addr - display.disp_start ); int x = offset % display.nibs_per_line; if ( x < 0 || x > 35 ) return; if ( display.nibs_per_line != 0 ) { int y = offset / display.nibs_per_line; if ( y < 0 || y > 63 ) return; draw_nibble( x, y, val ); } else for ( int y = 0; y < display.lines; y++ ) draw_nibble( x, y, val ); } void sdl_menu_draw_nibble( word_20 addr, word_4 val ) { long offset = ( addr - display.menu_start ); int x = offset % NIBBLES_PER_ROW; int y = display.lines + ( offset / NIBBLES_PER_ROW ) + 1; draw_nibble( x, y, val ); } void sdl_draw_annunc( void ) { if ( saturn.annunc == last_annunc_state ) return; bool annunc_state; last_annunc_state = saturn.annunc; SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, main_texture ); for ( int i = 0; i < NB_ANNUNCIATORS; i++ ) { annunc_state = ( ( annunciators_bits[ i ] & saturn.annunc ) == annunciators_bits[ i ] ); __draw_texture( display_offset_x + ann_tbl[ i ].x, display_offset_y + ann_tbl[ i ].y, ann_tbl[ i ].width, ann_tbl[ i ].height, ( annunc_state ) ? annunciators_textures[ i ].up : annunciators_textures[ i ].down ); } // Always immediately update annunciators SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, NULL ); SDL_RenderCopy( renderer, main_texture, NULL, NULL ); SDL_RenderPresent( renderer ); } void sdl_adjust_contrast( void ) { colors_setup(); // redraw LCD ui_init_LCD(); sdl_update_LCD(); // redraw annunc last_annunc_state = -1; sdl_draw_annunc(); } void sdl2_ui_stop( void ) { SDL_DestroyTexture( main_texture ); SDL_DestroyRenderer( renderer ); SDL_DestroyWindow( window ); } void init_sdl2_ui( int argc, char** argv ) { if ( config.verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "UI is sdl2\n" ); /* Set public API to this UI's functions */ ui_disp_draw_nibble = sdl_disp_draw_nibble; ui_menu_draw_nibble = sdl_menu_draw_nibble; ui_get_event = sdl_get_event; ui_update_LCD = sdl_update_LCD; ui_refresh_LCD = sdl_refresh_LCD; ui_adjust_contrast = sdl_adjust_contrast; ui_draw_annunc = sdl_draw_annunc; // Initialize SDL if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) { printf( "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); exit( 1 ); } // On exit: clean SDL atexit( SDL_Quit ); unsigned int width, height; display_offset_x = DISPLAY_OFFSET_X; display_offset_y = DISPLAY_OFFSET_Y; width = ( BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].x + BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].w ) + 2 * SIDE_SKIP; height = display_offset_y + DISPLAY_HEIGHT + DISP_KBD_SKIP + BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].y + BUTTONS[ LAST_HPKEY ].h + BOTTOM_SKIP; if ( config.hide_chrome ) { display_offset_x = 0; display_offset_y = 0; width = DISPLAY_WIDTH; height = DISPLAY_HEIGHT; } uint32_t window_flags = SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; if ( config.show_ui_fullscreen ) window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; else window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; window = SDL_CreateWindow( config.progname, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, width, height, window_flags ); if ( window == NULL ) { printf( "Couldn't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); exit( 1 ); } renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer( window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE ); if ( renderer == NULL ) exit( 2 ); main_texture = SDL_CreateTexture( renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, width, height ); SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, main_texture ); colors_setup(); create_annunciators_textures(); if ( !config.hide_chrome ) { int cut = BUTTONS[ HPKEY_MTH ].y + KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y - 19; create_buttons_textures(); _draw_background( width, cut, width, height ); _draw_bezel( cut, KEYBOARD_OFFSET_Y, width, height ); _draw_header(); _draw_bezel_LCD(); _draw_keypad(); _draw_serial_devices_path(); } _draw_background_LCD(); SDL_SetRenderTarget( renderer, NULL ); SDL_RenderCopy( renderer, main_texture, NULL, NULL ); SDL_RenderPresent( renderer ); }