2015-02-04 16:08:32 +01:00

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* Angular Material Design
* https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT
* v0.7.0-rc3
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.bottomSheet
* @description
* BottomSheet
angular.module('material.components.bottomSheet', [
.directive('mdBottomSheet', MdBottomSheetDirective)
.provider('$mdBottomSheet', MdBottomSheetProvider);
function MdBottomSheetDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E'
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdBottomSheet
* @module material.components.bottomSheet
* @description
* `$mdBottomSheet` opens a bottom sheet over the app and provides a simple promise API.
* ### Restrictions
* - The bottom sheet's template must have an outer `<md-bottom-sheet>` element.
* - Add the `md-grid` class to the bottom sheet for a grid layout.
* - Add the `md-list` class to the bottom sheet for a list layout.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <div ng-controller="MyController">
* <md-button ng-click="openBottomSheet()">
* Open a Bottom Sheet!
* </md-button>
* </div>
* </hljs>
* <hljs lang="js">
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ngMaterial']);
* app.controller('MyController', function($scope, $mdBottomSheet) {
* $scope.openBottomSheet = function() {
* $mdBottomSheet.show({
* template: '<md-bottom-sheet>Hello!</md-bottom-sheet>'
* });
* };
* });
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#show
* @description
* Show a bottom sheet with the specified options.
* @param {object} options An options object, with the following properties:
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The url of an html template file that will
* be used as the content of the bottom sheet. Restrictions: the template must
* have an outer `md-bottom-sheet` element.
* - `template` - `{string=}`: Same as templateUrl, except this is an actual
* template string.
* - `controller` - `{string=}`: The controller to associate with this bottom sheet.
* - `locals` - `{string=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys will
* be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For example,
* `locals: {three: 3}` would inject `three` into the controller with the value
* of 3.
* - `targetEvent` - `{DOMClickEvent=}`: A click's event object. When passed in as an option,
* the location of the click will be used as the starting point for the opening animation
* of the the dialog.
* - `resolve` - `{object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as values
* and the bottom sheet will not open until the promises resolve.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on the scope.
* - `parent` - `{element=}`: The element to append the bottom sheet to. Defaults to appending
* to the root element of the application.
* @returns {promise} A promise that can be resolved with `$mdBottomSheet.hide()` or
* rejected with `$mdBottomSheet.cancel()`.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#hide
* @description
* Hide the existing bottom sheet and resolve the promise returned from
* `$mdBottomSheet.show()`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the resolved promise.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdBottomSheet#cancel
* @description
* Hide the existing bottom sheet and reject the promise returned from
* `$mdBottomSheet.show()`.
* @param {*=} response An argument for the rejected promise.
function MdBottomSheetProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
bottomSheetDefaults.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdConstant", "$timeout", "$$rAF", "$compile", "$mdTheming", "$mdBottomSheet", "$rootElement"];
return $$interimElementProvider('$mdBottomSheet')
options: bottomSheetDefaults
/* @ngInject */
function bottomSheetDefaults($animate, $mdConstant, $timeout, $$rAF, $compile, $mdTheming, $mdBottomSheet, $rootElement) {
var backdrop;
return {
themable: true,
targetEvent: null,
onShow: onShow,
onRemove: onRemove,
escapeToClose: true
function onShow(scope, element, options) {
// Add a backdrop that will close on click
backdrop = $compile('<md-backdrop class="md-opaque md-bottom-sheet-backdrop">')(scope);
backdrop.on('click touchstart', function() {
$mdTheming.inherit(backdrop, options.parent);
$animate.enter(backdrop, options.parent, null);
var bottomSheet = new BottomSheet(element);
options.bottomSheet = bottomSheet;
// Give up focus on calling item
options.targetEvent && angular.element(options.targetEvent.target).blur();
$mdTheming.inherit(bottomSheet.element, options.parent);
return $animate.enter(bottomSheet.element, options.parent)
.then(function() {
var focusable = angular.element(
element[0].querySelector('button') ||
element[0].querySelector('a') ||
if (options.escapeToClose) {
options.rootElementKeyupCallback = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE) {
$rootElement.on('keyup', options.rootElementKeyupCallback);
function onRemove(scope, element, options) {
var bottomSheet = options.bottomSheet;
return $animate.leave(bottomSheet.element).then(function() {
// Restore focus
options.targetEvent && angular.element(options.targetEvent.target).focus();
* BottomSheet class to apply bottom-sheet behavior to an element
function BottomSheet(element) {
var MAX_OFFSET = 80; // amount past the bottom of the element that we can drag down, this is same as in _bottomSheet.scss
var WIGGLE_AMOUNT = 20; // point where it starts to get "harder" to drag
var CLOSING_VELOCITY = 10; // how fast we need to flick down to close the sheet
var startY, lastY, velocity, transitionDelay, startTarget;
// coercion incase $mdCompiler returns multiple elements
element = element.eq(0);
element.on('touchstart', onTouchStart)
.on('touchmove', onTouchMove)
.on('touchend', onTouchEnd);
return {
element: element,
cleanup: function cleanup() {
element.off('touchstart', onTouchStart)
.off('touchmove', onTouchMove)
.off('touchend', onTouchEnd);
function onTouchStart(e) {
startTarget = e.target;
startY = getY(e);
// Disable transitions on transform so that it feels fast
transitionDelay = element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION);
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, '0s');
function onTouchEnd(e) {
// Re-enable the transitions on transforms
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, transitionDelay);
var currentY = getY(e);
// If we didn't scroll much, and we didn't change targets, assume its a click
if ( Math.abs(currentY - startY) < 5 && e.target == startTarget) {
} else {
// If they went fast enough, trigger a close.
if (velocity > CLOSING_VELOCITY) {
// Otherwise, untransform so that we go back to our normal position
} else {
function onTouchMove(e) {
var currentY = getY(e);
var delta = currentY - startY;
velocity = currentY - lastY;
lastY = currentY;
// Do some conversion on delta to get a friction-like effect
delta = adjustedDelta(delta);
setTransformY(delta + MAX_OFFSET);
* Helper function to find the Y aspect of various touch events.
function getY(e) {
var touch = e.touches && e.touches.length ? e.touches[0] : e.changedTouches[0];
return touch.clientY;
* Transform the element along the y-axis
function setTransformY(amt) {
if (amt === null || amt === undefined) {
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, '');
} else {
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, 'translate3d(0, ' + amt + 'px, 0)');
// Returns a new value for delta that will never exceed MAX_OFFSET_AMOUNT
// Will get harder to exceed it as you get closer to it
function adjustedDelta(delta) {
if ( delta < 0 && delta < -MAX_OFFSET + WIGGLE_AMOUNT) {
delta = -delta;
delta = Math.max(-MAX_OFFSET, -Math.min(MAX_OFFSET - 5, base + ( WIGGLE_AMOUNT * (delta - base)) / MAX_OFFSET) - delta / 50);
return delta;
MdBottomSheetProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];