Gwenhael Le Moine d5d3e3c31c bower update
2015-08-30 19:52:32 +02:00

269 lines
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* Angular Material Design
* https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT
* v0.10.1
(function( window, angular, undefined ){
"use strict";
(function() {
'use strict';
// Declare our module
.module('material.components.fabSpeedDial', [
// Register our directive
.directive('mdFabSpeedDial', MdFabSpeedDialDirective)
// Register our custom animations
.animation('.md-fling', MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation)
.animation('.md-scale', MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation)
// Register a service for each animation so that we can easily inject them into unit tests
.service('mdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation', MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation)
.service('mdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation', MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name mdFabSpeedDial
* @module material.components.fabSpeedDial
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `<md-fab-speed-dial>` directive is used to present a series of popup elements (usually
* `<md-button>`s) for quick access to common actions.
* There are currently two animations available by applying one of the following classes to
* the component:
* - `md-fling` - The speed dial items appear from underneath the trigger and move into their
* appropriate positions.
* - `md-scale` - The speed dial items appear in their proper places by scaling from 0% to 100%.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="html">
* <md-fab-speed-dial direction="up" class="md-fling">
* <md-fab-trigger>
* <md-button aria-label="Add..."><md-icon icon="/img/icons/plus.svg"></md-icon></md-button>
* </md-fab-trigger>
* <md-fab-actions>
* <md-button aria-label="Add User">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/user.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* <md-button aria-label="Add Group">
* <md-icon icon="/img/icons/group.svg"></md-icon>
* </md-button>
* </md-fab-actions>
* </md-fab-speed-dial>
* </hljs>
* @param {string=} md-direction From which direction you would like the speed dial to appear
* relative to the trigger element.
* @param {expression=} md-open Programmatically control whether or not the speed-dial is visible.
function MdFabSpeedDialDirective() {
FabSpeedDialController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$animate", "$mdUtil"];
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
direction: '@?mdDirection',
isOpen: '=?mdOpen'
bindToController: true,
controller: FabSpeedDialController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
link: FabSpeedDialLink
function FabSpeedDialLink(scope, element) {
// Prepend an element to hold our CSS variables so we can use them in the animations below
element.prepend('<div class="md-css-variables"></div>');
function FabSpeedDialController($scope, $element, $animate, $mdUtil) {
var vm = this;
// Define our open/close functions
// Note: Used by fabTrigger and fabActions directives
vm.open = function() {
// Async eval to avoid conflicts with existing digest loops
$scope.$evalAsync("vm.isOpen = true");
vm.close = function() {
// Async eval to avoid conflicts with existing digest loops
// Only close if we do not currently have mouse focus (since child elements can call this)
!vm.moused && $scope.$evalAsync("vm.isOpen = false");
vm.mouseenter = function() {
vm.moused = true;
vm.mouseleave = function() {
vm.moused = false;
// Fire the animations once in a separate digest loop to initialize them
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() {
$animate.addClass($element, 'md-noop');
// Set our default variables
function setupDefaults() {
// Set the default direction to 'down' if none is specified
vm.direction = vm.direction || 'down';
// Set the default to be closed
vm.isOpen = vm.isOpen || false;
// Setup our event listeners
function setupListeners() {
$element.on('mouseenter', vm.mouseenter);
$element.on('mouseleave', vm.mouseleave);
// Setup our watchers
function setupWatchers() {
// Watch for changes to the direction and update classes/attributes
$scope.$watch('vm.direction', function(newDir, oldDir) {
// Add the appropriate classes so we can target the direction in the CSS
$animate.removeClass($element, 'md-' + oldDir);
$animate.addClass($element, 'md-' + newDir);
// Watch for changes to md-open
$scope.$watch('vm.isOpen', function(isOpen) {
var toAdd = isOpen ? 'md-is-open' : '';
var toRemove = isOpen ? '' : 'md-is-open';
$animate.setClass($element, toAdd, toRemove);
function MdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation() {
function runAnimation(element) {
var el = element[0];
var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabSpeedDial');
var items = el.querySelectorAll('.md-fab-action-item');
// Grab our element which stores CSS variables
var variablesElement = el.querySelector('.md-css-variables');
// Setup JS variables based on our CSS variables
var startZIndex = variablesElement.style.zIndex;
// Always reset the items to their natural position/state
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var styles = item.style;
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = '';
styles.transitionDelay = '';
styles.opacity = 1;
// Make the items closest to the trigger have the highest z-index
styles.zIndex = (items.length - index) + startZIndex;
// If the control is closed, hide the items behind the trigger
if (!ctrl.isOpen) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var newPosition, axis;
var styles = item.style;
switch (ctrl.direction) {
case 'up':
newPosition = item.scrollHeight * (index + 1);
axis = 'Y';
case 'down':
newPosition = -item.scrollHeight * (index + 1);
axis = 'Y';
case 'left':
newPosition = item.scrollWidth * (index + 1);
axis = 'X';
case 'right':
newPosition = -item.scrollWidth * (index + 1);
axis = 'X';
var newTranslate = 'translate' + axis + '(' + newPosition + 'px)';
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = newTranslate;
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
if (element.hasClass('md-fling')) {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
function MdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation() {
var delay = 65;
function runAnimation(element) {
var el = element[0];
var ctrl = element.controller('mdFabSpeedDial');
var items = el.querySelectorAll('.md-fab-action-item');
// Always reset the items to their natural position/state
angular.forEach(items, function(item, index) {
var styles = item.style,
offsetDelay = index * delay;
styles.opacity = ctrl.isOpen ? 1 : 0;
styles.transform = styles.webkitTransform = ctrl.isOpen ? 'scale(1)' : 'scale(0)';
styles.transitionDelay = (ctrl.isOpen ? offsetDelay : (items.length - offsetDelay)) + 'ms';
return {
addClass: function(element, className, done) {
removeClass: function(element, className, done) {
})(window, window.angular);