diff --git a/app.rb b/app.rb
index c845f184..a5b7a065 100644
--- a/app.rb
+++ b/app.rb
@@ -66,6 +66,13 @@ class LedgerRbApp < Sinatra::Base
Ledger.budget( params[ :period ],
params[ :categories ] ).to_json
+ get '/api/ledger/graph_values/?' do
+ param :period, String, default: nil
+ param :categories, String, default: 'Expenses'
+ Ledger.graph_values( params[:period], params[:categories].split(' ') ).to_json
+ end
get '/api/ledger/version/?' do
diff --git a/public/app/js/controllers/DashboardCtrl.js b/public/app/js/controllers/DashboardCtrl.js
index df2a4b1e..eee92f01 100644
--- a/public/app/js/controllers/DashboardCtrl.js
+++ b/public/app/js/controllers/DashboardCtrl.js
@@ -132,41 +132,10 @@ app.controller( 'DashboardCtrl',
$scope.depth = 99;
- var retrieve_data = function () {
- var from, to, period;
- if ( $scope.period_offset === $scope.dates_salaries.length ) {
- $scope.from_date = moment( _($scope.dates_salaries).last() ).add( 1, 'month' ).toDate();
- from = moment( $scope.from_date );
- period = 'from ' + from.year() + '-' + ( from.month() + 1 ) + '-' + from.date();
- } else {
- $scope.from_date = new Date( $scope.dates_salaries[ $scope.period_offset ] );
- $scope.to_date = ( $scope.period_offset < $scope.dates_salaries.length - 1 ) ? new Date( $scope.dates_salaries[ $scope.period_offset + 1 ] ) : moment( $scope.from_date ).add( 1, 'month' ).toDate();
- from = moment( $scope.from_date );
- to = moment( $scope.to_date );
- period = 'from ' + from.year() + '-' + ( from.month() + 1 ) + '-' + from.date();
- period += ' to ' + to.year() + '-' + ( to.month() + 1 ) + '-' + to.date();
- }
- // API.budget( { period: period,
- // categories: 'Expenses' } )
- // .then( function( response ) {
- // $scope.budget = response.data;
- // $scope.total_budget = _.chain($scope.budget)
- // .pluck( 'amount' )
- // .reduce( function( acc, amount ) { return acc + amount; },
- // 0 )
- // .value();
- // $scope.total_unbudgeted = _($scope.budget).findWhere( { percentage: -1 } ).amount;
- // } );
+ var retrieve_period_detailed_data = function () {
$scope.balance = {
- buckets: [ new Bucket( 'Expenses Liabilities Equity Income', period ),
+ buckets: [ new Bucket( 'Expenses Liabilities Equity Income', $scope.period ),
new Bucket( 'Assets', null ) ],
details: {}
@@ -203,38 +172,59 @@ app.controller( 'DashboardCtrl',
$scope.dates_salaries = [];
$scope.period_offset = 0;
- $scope.after = function () {
- if ( $scope.period_offset < $scope.dates_salaries.length ) {
- $scope.period_offset++;
- }
- };
- $scope.before = function () {
- if ( $scope.period_offset > 0 ) {
- $scope.period_offset--;
- }
- };
- $scope.reset_offset = function () {
- $scope.period_offset = $scope.dates_salaries.length - 1;
- };
- API.accounts()
- .then( function ( response ) {
- $scope.accounts = response.data.map( function( account_ary ) {
- return account_ary.join( ':' );
+ var retrieve_dates_salaries = function() {
+ API.dates_salaries()
+ .then( function ( response ) {
+ $scope.dates_salaries = response.data;
+ $scope.periods= [];
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < ( $scope.dates_salaries.length - 1 ) ; i++ ) {
+ $scope.periods.push( 'from ' + $scope.dates_salaries[i] + ' to ' + $scope.dates_salaries[i+1] );
+ }
+ $scope.period = _($scope.periods).last();
+ $scope.periods.push( 'from ' + _($scope.dates_salaries).last() );
+ $scope.periods = _($scope.periods).reverse();
} );
- API.dates_salaries()
- .then( function ( response ) {
- $scope.dates_salaries = response.data;
- $scope.reset_offset();
- // retrieve_data() when the value of week_offset changes
- // n.b.: triggered when week_offset is initialized above
- $scope.$watch( 'period_offset', function () {
- retrieve_data();
- } );
+ };
+ $scope.$watch( 'period', function () {
+ retrieve_period_detailed_data();
+ } );
+ var retrieve_accounts = function() {
+ API.accounts()
+ .then( function ( response ) {
+ $scope.accounts = response.data.map( function( account_ary ) {
+ return account_ary.join( ':' );
} );
+ } );
+ };
+ var retrieve_graph_values = function( params ) {
+ API.graph_values( params ).then( function( response ) {
+ $scope.monthly_values = _.chain( response.data )
+ .keys()
+ .reverse()
+ .map( function( key ) {
+ var multiplicator = ( key == "Income" ) ? -1 : 1;
+ return { "key": key,
+ "values": _(response.data[ key ]).map( function( value ) {
+ var date = new Date( value.date );
+ return [ date.getFullYear() + '-' + ( date.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '' ) + ( date.getMonth() + 1 ),
+ parseInt( value.amount ) * multiplicator ];
+ } ) };
+ } )
+ .value();
} );
+ };
+ $scope.barGraphToolTipContentFunction = function () {
+ return function ( key, x, y, e, graph ) {
+ return '' + key + ' during ' + x + '
' + y + ' €
+ };
+ };
+ retrieve_accounts();
+ retrieve_dates_salaries();
+ retrieve_graph_values( { period: '',
+ categories: 'Expenses Income'} );
- ] );
+ ] );
diff --git a/public/app/js/services/API.js b/public/app/js/services/API.js
index 18452ba4..c3eede56 100644
--- a/public/app/js/services/API.js
+++ b/public/app/js/services/API.js
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ app.service( 'API',
} );
+ this.graph_values = function( params ) {
+ return $http.get( '/api/ledger/graph_values', {
+ params: {
+ period: params.period,
+ categories: params.categories
+ }
+ } );
+ };
this.budget = function( params ) {
return $http.get( '/api/ledger/budget', {
params: {
diff --git a/public/app/js/templates/dashboard.html b/public/app/js/templates/dashboard.html
index 4dd4c2c1..8597b74e 100644
--- a/public/app/js/templates/dashboard.html
+++ b/public/app/js/templates/dashboard.html
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
- From {{from_date | date:'longDate'}} to {{to_date | date:'longDate'}}
- prev
- Now
- next
+ {{period}}