2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
* rpl.c
* This file is part of Emu48
* Copyright (C) 1995 Sebastien Carlier
#include "pch.h"
#include "Emu48.h"
#include "ops.h"
#include "io.h"
//| 38G | 39G | 40G | 48SX | 48GX | 49G | Name
//#F0688 #806E9 #806E9 #7056A #806E9 #806E9 =TEMPOB
//#F068D #806EE #806EE #7056F #806EE #806EE =TEMPTOP
//#F0692 #806F3 #806F3 #70574 #806F3 #806F3 =RSKTOP (B)
//#F0697 #806F8 #806F8 #70579 #806F8 #806F8 =DSKTOP (D1)
//#F069C #806FD #806FD #7057E #806FD #806FD =EDITLINE
//#F0DEA #80E9B #80E9B #7066E #807ED #80E9B =AVMEM (D)
//#F0705 #8076B #8076B #705B0 #8072F #8076B =INTRPPTR (D0)
//#F0E42 #80F02 #80F02 #706C5 #80843 #80F02 =SystemFlags
#define TEMPOB ((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x7056A:0x806E9)
#define TEMPTOP ((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x7056F:0x806EE)
#define RSKTOP ((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x70574:0x806F3)
#define DSKTOP ((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x70579:0x806F8)
#define EDITLINE ((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x7057E:0x806FD)
// CdB for HP: add apples
#define AVMEM ((cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q')?((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x7066E:0x807ED):0x80E9B)
#define INTRPPTR ((cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q')?((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x705B0:0x8072F):0x8076B)
#define SYSTEMFLAGS ((cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q')?((cCurrentRomType=='S')?0x706C5:0x80843):0x80F02)
#define DOINT 0x02614 // Precision Integer (HP49G)
#define DOLNGREAL 0x0263A // Precision Real (HP49G)
#define DOLNGCMP 0x02660 // Precision Complex (HP49G)
#define DOMATRIX 0x02686 // Symbolic matrix (HP49G)
#define DOFLASHP 0x026AC // Flash PTR (HP49G)
#define DOAPLET 0x026D5 // Aplet (HP49G)
#define DOMINIFONT 0x026FE // Mini Font (HP49G)
#define DOBINT 0x02911 // System Binary
#define DOREAL 0x02933 // Real
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#define DOEREL 0x02955 // Long Real
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#define DOCMP 0x02977 // Complex
#define DOECMP 0x0299D // Long Complex
#define DOCHAR 0x029BF // Character
#define DOARRY 0x029E8 // Array
#define DOLNKARRY 0x02A0A // Linked Array
#define DOCSTR 0x02A2C // String
#define DOHSTR 0x02A4E // Binary Integer
#define DOLIST 0x02A74 // List
#define DORRP 0x02A96 // Directory
#define DOSYMB 0x02AB8 // Algebraic
#define DOEXT 0x02ADA // Unit
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#define DOTAG 0x02AFC // Tagged
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
#define DOGROB 0x02B1E // Graphic
#define DOLIB 0x02B40 // Library
#define DOBAK 0x02B62 // Backup
#define DOEXT0 0x02B88 // Library Data
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
#define DOEXT1 0x02BAA // Reserved 1, ACcess PoinTeR (HP48GX and later)
#define DOEXT2 0x02BCC // Reserved 2, Font (HP49G)
#define DOEXT3 0x02BEE // Reserved 3
#define DOEXT4 0x02C10 // Reserved 4
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
#define DOCOL 0x02D9D // Program
#define DOCODE 0x02DCC // Code
#define DOIDNT 0x02E48 // Global Name
#define DOLAM 0x02E6D // Local Name
#define DOROMP 0x02E92 // XLIB Name
#define SEMI 0x0312B // ;
#define GARBAGECOL 0x0613E // =GARBAGECOL entry for HP48S/G/GII and HP49G(+)
// check for Metakernel version
#define METAKERNEL Metakernel()
// search for "MDGKER:MK2.30" or "MDGKER:PREVIE" in port1 of a HP48GX
static BOOL Metakernel(VOID)
BOOL bMkDetect = FALSE;
// card in slot1 of a HP48GX enabled
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
if (cCurrentRomType=='G' && Port1 && Chipset.cards_status & PORT1_PRESENT)
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
// check for Metakernel string "MDGKER:"
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
if (!strncmp(&Port1[12],"\xD\x4\x4\x4\x7\x4\xB\x4\x5\x4\x2\x5\xA\x3",14))
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
bMkDetect = TRUE; // Metakernel detected
// check for "MK"
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
if (!strncmp(&Port1[26],"\xD\x4\xB\x4",4))
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
// get version number
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
WORD wVersion = ((Port1[30] * 10) + Port1[34]) * 10
+ Port1[36];
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
// version newer then V2.30, then compatible with HP OS
bMkDetect = (wVersion <= 230);
return bMkDetect;
static DWORD RPL_GarbageCol(VOID) // RPL variables must be in system RAM
CHIPSET OrgChipset;
// only for HP48SX, HP48GX, HP49G, HP48GII and HP49G+
_ASSERT( cCurrentRomType == 'S' || cCurrentRomType == 'G' || cCurrentRomType == 'X'
|| cCurrentRomType == '2' || cCurrentRomType == 'Q');
OrgChipset = Chipset; // save original chipset
// entry for =GARBAGECOL
Chipset.P = 0; // P=0
Chipset.mode_dec = FALSE; // hex mode
Chipset.pc = GARBAGECOL; // =GARBAGECOL entry
rstkpush(0xFFFFF); // return address for stopping
while (Chipset.pc != 0xFFFFF) // wait for stop address
EvalOpcode(FASTPTR(Chipset.pc)); // execute opcode
dwAVMEM = Npack(Chipset.C,5); // available AVMEM
Chipset = OrgChipset; // restore original chipset
return dwAVMEM;
BOOL RPL_GetSystemFlag(INT nFlag)
DWORD dwAddr;
BYTE byMask,byFlag;
_ASSERT(nFlag > 0); // first flag is 1
// calculate memory address and bit mask
dwAddr = SYSTEMFLAGS + (nFlag - 1) / 4;
byMask = 1 << ((nFlag - 1) & 0x3);
return (byFlag & byMask) != 0;
BYTE X[8];
DWORD n, l;
n = Npack(X, 5); // read prolog
switch (n)
case DOFLASHP: l = (cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q') ? 5 : 12; break; // Flash PTR (HP49G) // CdB for HP: add apples
case DOBINT: l = 10; break; // System Binary
case DOREAL: l = 21; break; // Real
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case DOEREL: l = 26; break; // Long Real
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case DOCMP: l = 37; break; // Complex
case DOECMP: l = 47; break; // Long Complex
case DOCHAR: l = 7; break; // Character
case DOROMP: l = 11; break; // XLIB Name
case DOMATRIX: // Symbolic matrix (HP49G)
if (cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q') // CdB for HP: add apples
l = 5;
case DOLIST: // List
case DOSYMB: // Algebraic
case DOEXT: // Unit
case DOCOL: // Program
d=n; n=RPL_SkipOb(d);
} while (d!=n);
return n+5;
case SEMI: return d; // SEMI
case DOIDNT: // Global Name
case DOLAM: // Local Name
case DOTAG: // Tagged
Npeek(X,d+5,2); n = 7 + Npack(X,2)*2;
return RPL_SkipOb(d+n);
case DORRP: // Directory
n = Read5(d);
if (n==0)
return d+5;
n = Npack(X,2)*2 + 4;
return RPL_SkipOb(d+n);
case DOINT: // Precision Integer (HP49G)
case DOAPLET: // Aplet (HP49G)
case DOMINIFONT: // Mini Font (HP49G)
if (cCurrentRomType!='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q') // CdB for HP: add apples
l = 5;
case DOARRY: // Array
case DOLNKARRY: // Linked Array
case DOCSTR: // String
case DOHSTR: // Binary Integer
case DOGROB: // Graphic
case DOLIB: // Library
case DOBAK: // Backup
case DOEXT0: // Library Data
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
case DOEXT1: // Reserved 1
if (n == DOEXT1 && cCurrentRomType != 'S')
// on HP48G series and later interpreted as DOACPTR
l = 15; break; // ACcess PoinTeR
case DOEXT2: // Reserved 2, Font (HP49G)
case DOEXT3: // Reserved 3
case DOEXT4: // Reserved 4
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
case DOCODE: // Code
l = 5+Read5(d+5);
case DOLNGREAL: // Precision Real (HP49G)
l = 5;
if (cCurrentRomType=='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q') // CdB for HP: add apples
l += Read5(d+l);
l += Read5(d+l);
case DOLNGCMP: // Precision Complex (HP49G)
l = 5;
if (cCurrentRomType=='X' && cCurrentRomType!='2' && cCurrentRomType!='Q') // CdB for HP: add apples
l += Read5(d+l);
l += Read5(d+l);
l += Read5(d+l);
l += Read5(d+l);
default: return d+5;
return d+l;
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2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
#define SERIES49 (cCurrentRomType=='X' || cCurrentRomType=='2' || cCurrentRomType=='Q')
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
DWORD n, l = 0;
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < 5) return BAD_OB; // size too small for prolog
n = Npack(o,5); // read prolog
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
switch (n)
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
case DOFLASHP: l = (SERIES49) ? 12 : 5; break; // Flash PTR (HP49G)
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case DOBINT: l = 10; break; // System Binary
case DOREAL: l = 21; break; // Real
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case DOEREL: l = 26; break; // Long Real
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case DOCMP: l = 37; break; // Complex
case DOECMP: l = 47; break; // Long Complex
case DOCHAR: l = 7; break; // Character
case DOROMP: l = 11; break; // XLIB Name
case DOMATRIX: // Symbolic matrix (HP49G)
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (!SERIES49)
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l = 5;
case DOLIST: // List
case DOSYMB: // Algebraic
case DOEXT: // Unit
case DOCOL: // Program
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
n = 5; // prolog length
l += n;
if (l > s) return BAD_OB; // prevent negative size argument
n = RPL_ObjectSize(o+l,s-l); // get new object
if (n == BAD_OB) return BAD_OB; // buffer overflow
while (n);
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l += 5;
case SEMI: l = 0; break; // SEMI
case DOIDNT: // Global Name
case DOLAM: // Local Name
case DOTAG: // Tagged
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < 5 + 2) return BAD_OB;
l = 7 + Npack(o+5,2) * 2; // prolog + name length
if (l > s) return BAD_OB; // prevent negative size argument
n = RPL_ObjectSize(o+l,s-l); // get new object
if (n == BAD_OB) return BAD_OB; // buffer overflow
l += n;
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case DORRP: // Directory
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if (s < 8 + 5) return BAD_OB;
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n = Npack(o+8,5);
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if (n == 0) // empty dir
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2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
l = 13;
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2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
l = 8 + n;
if (s < l + 2) return BAD_OB;
n = Npack(o+l,2) * 2 + 4;
l += n;
if (l > s) return BAD_OB; // prevent negative size argument
n = RPL_ObjectSize(o+l,s-l); // next rrp
if (n == BAD_OB) return BAD_OB; // buffer overflow
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l += n;
case DOINT: // Precision Integer (HP49G)
case DOAPLET: // Aplet (HP49G)
case DOMINIFONT: // Mini Font (HP49G)
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (!SERIES49)
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l = 5;
case DOARRY: // Array
case DOLNKARRY: // Linked Array
case DOCSTR: // String
case DOHSTR: // Binary Integer
case DOGROB: // Graphic
case DOLIB: // Library
case DOBAK: // Backup
case DOEXT0: // Library Data
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
case DOEXT1: // Reserved 1
if (n == DOEXT1 && cCurrentRomType != 'S')
// on HP48G series and later interpreted as DOACPTR
l = 15; break; // ACcess PoinTeR
case DOEXT2: // Reserved 2, Font (HP49G)
case DOEXT3: // Reserved 3
case DOEXT4: // Reserved 4
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
case DOCODE: // Code
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < 5 + 5) return BAD_OB;
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l = 5 + Npack(o+5,5);
case DOLNGREAL: // Precision Real (HP49G)
l = 5;
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (SERIES49)
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
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l += Npack(o+l,5);
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
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l += Npack(o+l,5);
case DOLNGCMP: // Precision Complex (HP49G)
l = 5;
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (SERIES49)
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l += Npack(o+l,5);
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l += Npack(o+l,5);
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l += Npack(o+l,5);
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if (s < l + 5) return BAD_OB;
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
l += Npack(o+l,5);
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
default: l = 5;
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
return (s >= l) ? l : BAD_OB;
#undef SERIES49
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2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
DWORD RPL_CreateTemp(DWORD l,BOOL bGarbageCol)
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
DWORD a, b, c;
BYTE *p;
l += 6; // memory for link field (5) + marker (1) and end
b = Read5(RSKTOP); // tail address of rtn stack
c = Read5(DSKTOP); // top of data stack
2024-03-20 07:46:27 +01:00
if ((b+l)>c && bGarbageCol) // there's not enough memory to move DSKTOP
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
RPL_GarbageCol(); // do a garbage collection
b = Read5(RSKTOP); // reload tail address of rtn stack
c = Read5(DSKTOP); // reload top of data stack
if ((b+l)>c) return 0; // check if now there's enough memory to move DSKTOP
a = Read5(TEMPTOP); // tail address of top object
Write5(TEMPTOP, a+l); // adjust new end of top object
Write5(RSKTOP, b+l); // adjust new end of rtn stack
Write5(AVMEM, (c-b-l)/5); // calculate free memory (*5 nibbles)
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
p = malloc(b-a); // move down rtn stack
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2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
Write5(a+l-5,l); // set object length field
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return a+1; // return base address of new object
2024-03-20 07:41:14 +01:00
return (Read5(EDITLINE) - Read5(DSKTOP)) / 5 - 1;
DWORD stkp;
_ASSERT(l > 0); // first stack element is one
if (l == 0) return 0;
if (METAKERNEL) ++l; // Metakernel support
if (RPL_Depth() < l) return 0; // not enough elements on stack
stkp = Read5(DSKTOP) + (l-1)*5;
return Read5(stkp); // return object address
DWORD stkp;
stkp = Read5(DSKTOP);
if (METAKERNEL) stkp+=5; // Metakernel support
DWORD stkp, avmem;
if (l > RPL_Depth() + 1) return; // invalid stack level
avmem = Read5(AVMEM); // amount of free memory
if (avmem == 0) return; // no memory free
avmem--; // fetch memory
Write5(AVMEM,avmem); // save new amount of free memory
if (METAKERNEL) ++l; // Metakernel, save MK object on stack level 1
stkp = Read5(DSKTOP) - 5; // get pointer of new stack level 1
Write5(DSKTOP,stkp); // save it
for (i = 1; i < l; ++i) // move down stack level entries before insert pos
Write5(stkp,Read5(stkp+5)); // move down stack level entry
stkp += 5; // next stack entry
Write5(stkp,n); // save pointer of new object on given stack level