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Raw Normal View History

* apple.c
* This file is part of Emu48
* Copyright (C) 2005 CdB for HP
* Copyright (C) 2006 Christoph Gie<EFBFBD>elink
#include "pch.h"
#include "Emu48.h"
#include "Opcodes.h"
#include "apple.h"
#include "io.h" // I/O register definitions
#include "i28f160.h"
#define w Chipset
#define _KB(s) ((s) * 1024 * 2)
#pragma intrinsic(memset,memcpy)
#include "Ops.h"
static CONST LPBYTE ppReg[] = { w.A, w.B, w.C, w.D };
static QWORD DecodeReg64(LPBYTE R, BYTE byNF)
QWORD qwVal = Npack64(R,16); // generate 64bit number from register
switch (byNF) // field selector
case 0: return (qwVal >> (w.P*4)) & 0xf; // P
case 1: return qwVal & ~((QWORD)~0 << ((w.P+1)*4));// WP
case 2: return (qwVal >> 8) & 0xf; // XS
case 3: return qwVal & 0xfff; // X
case 4: return (qwVal >> 60) & 0xf; // S
case 5: return (qwVal >> 12) & 0x0000ffffffffffff; // M
case 6: return qwVal & 0xff; // B
case 7: return qwVal; // W
case 15: return qwVal & 0xfffff; // A
// default: return qwVal & w.fld[byNF-8]; // F1-F7
default: return qwVal;
static void EncodeReg64(QWORD v, LPBYTE R, BYTE byNF)
if (byNF > 7 && byNF < 15) // user mask area F1-F7
// QWORD qwMask = w.fld[byNF-8]; // F1-F7
// QWORD qwVal = Npack64(R,16); // original content of register
// v = (v & qwMask) | (qwVal & ~qwMask); // mask operation
byNF = 7; // write W area
Nunpack64(R+F_s[byNF], v, F_l[byNF]);
static QWORD o80BReg164(LPBYTE I)
_ASSERT((I[5] & 3) < ARRAYSIZEOF(ppReg));
return DecodeReg64(ppReg[I[5] & 3], I[6]);
static QWORD o80BReg264(LPBYTE I)
_ASSERT((I[5] >> 2) < ARRAYSIZEOF(ppReg));
return DecodeReg64(ppReg[I[5] >> 2], I[6]);
static void o80BRegWrite(QWORD v, LPBYTE I)
_ASSERT((I[5] & 3) < ARRAYSIZEOF(ppReg));
EncodeReg64(v, ppReg[I[5] & 3], I[6]);
QWORD qwVal;
_ASSERT(FALSE); // not tested so far
w.pc+=1; // skip x nibble
qwVal = Npack64(w.C,16); // generate 64bit number from C register
w.carry = (qwVal == 0) // set carry if field mask = 0
|| (I[5] < 8) || (I[5] > 14); // or x argument not in range 8..15
if (!w.carry) // field mask and argument are valid
_ASSERT(I[5] >= 8 && I[5] <= 14);
// w.fld[I[5]-8] = qwVal;
// RPL2 (normal LOOP with preserving Carry)
BYTE p[5];
Nread(w.A, w.d0, 5); // A=DAT0 A
w.d0 = (w.d0 + 5) & 0xFFFFF; // D0=D0+ 5
Nread(p, Npack(w.A,5), 5); // PC=(A)
w.pc = Npack(p,5);
// FALSE +5
Ndec(w.D, 5, 0); // D=D-1 A
if (w.carry) w.pc = 0x03A9B; // memerr?
w.d1 -= 5; // D1=D1- 5 (don't care about carry here)
Nwrite(w.A, w.d1, 5); // DAT1=A A
o80B00(); // LOOP
w.P = 0; // P= 0
Nunpack(w.C,0x03AC0,5); // LC(5) =FALSE
memcpy(w.A, w.C, 5); // A=C A
o80B30(); // PC=(A) (call FALSE)
BYTE byData[16];
DWORD dwC,s;
for (dwC = Npack(w.C,5); dwC > 0; dwC -= s)
s = ARRAYSIZEOF(byData); // max size for data
if (dwC < s) s = dwC;
Npeek(byData,w.d0,s); // read source without CRC update
Nwrite(byData,w.d1,s); // write destination
w.d0 = (w.d0 + s) & 0xFFFFF;
w.d1 = (w.d1 + s) & 0xFFFFF;
w.P = 0;
w.carry = FALSE;
BYTE byData[16];
DWORD dwC,s;
for (dwC = Npack(w.C,5); dwC > 0; dwC -= s)
s = ARRAYSIZEOF(byData); // max size for data
if (dwC < s) s = dwC;
w.d0 = (w.d0 - s) & 0xFFFFF;
w.d1 = (w.d1 - s) & 0xFFFFF;
Npeek(byData,w.d0,s); // read source without CRC update
Nwrite(byData,w.d1,s); // write destination
w.P = 0;
w.carry = FALSE;
DWORD dwC,dwAddress;
dwC = Npack(w.C,5); // desired size of hole
dwAddress = RPL_CreateTemp(dwC,FALSE); // allocate memory
if (dwAddress)
w.d0 = dwAddress; // object position
w.d1 = (w.d0 + dwC) & 0xFFFFF; // link field of hole
w.carry = FALSE; // no error
w.carry = TRUE; // error
dwC += 6; // desired size + link field
Nunpack(w.B,dwC,5); // B[A] = size + 6
Nunpack(w.C,dwC,5); // C[A] = size + 6
// setup basic memory configuration
a = Npack(w.C,5); // save C[A]
Reset(); // unconfig all devices
Nunpack(w.C,0x100,5); // IO: 0x00100
Config(); // addr
Nunpack(w.C,0x80000,5); // RAM: 0x80000 size 256KB
Config(); // size
Config(); // addr
Nunpack(w.C,a,5); // restore C[A]
w.P = 0;
// erase flash bank
DWORD dwStart,dwStop;
BYTE byBank = w.C[15]; // C[S] = bank to erase
_ASSERT(FALSE); // not tested so far
// ROM is logically organized in 16 banks with 128KB
dwStart = byBank * _KB(128); // start address
dwStop = dwStart + _KB(128); // last address
if (byBank == 0) dwStart += _KB(64); // skip boot loader
// clear bank
w.carry = FALSE; // no error
// write bytes to flash
DWORD dwNib,dwAddr,dwSize;
dwNib = Npack(w.C,5) * 2; // no. of nibbles to copy
dwAddr = FlashROMAddr(w.d1); // linear addr in flash chip
dwSize = dwRomSize - dwAddr; // remaining memory size in flash
if (dwNib > dwSize) dwNib = dwSize; // prevent buffer overflow
Npeek(pbyRom+dwAddr,w.d0,dwNib); // copy data
w.d0 += dwNib; // update source register
w.d1 += dwNib; // update destination register
w.carry = FALSE; // no error
// CdB for HP: add apples BUSCC commands
VOID o80BExt(LPBYTE I) // Saturnator extentions
switch (I[3]+(I[4]<<4))
case 0x00: o80B00(); break; // RPL2 (preserve Carry)
case 0x03: o80B30(); break; // FALSE
case 0x04: o80B40(); break; // DOFALSE
case 0x05: External(&w); PCHANGED; break; // BEEP2 implemented using Emu48's beep
case 0x06: o80B60(); break; // MOVEDOWN
case 0x07: o80B70(); break; // MOVEUP
case 0x08: o80B80(); break; // CREATETEMP
case 0x09: RCKBp(&w); PCHANGED; break; // RCKBp
case 0x0A: break; // KEYDN not implemented
case 0x0B: break; // no doslow implemented
case 0x10: // simulate off function
BOOL bShutdn = TRUE; // shut down
// only shut down when no timer wake up
if (w.IORam[TIMER1_CTRL]&WKE) // WKE bit of timer1 is set
if (ReadT1()&0x08) // and MSB of timer1 is set
w.IORam[TIMER1_CTRL] &= ~WKE; // clear WKE
bShutdn = FALSE; // don't shut down
if (w.IORam[TIMER2_CTRL]&WKE) // WKE bit of timer2 is set
if (ReadT2()&0x80000000) // and MSB of timer2 is set
w.IORam[TIMER2_CTRL] &= ~WKE; // clear WKE
bShutdn = FALSE; // don't shut down
if (w.in==0 && bShutdn) // shut down only when enabled
w.Shutdn = TRUE; // set mode before exit emulation loop
bInterrupt = TRUE;
case 0x11: w.pc+=2; break; // do not do gettime, just skip the RTN after it to fall in the normal gettime function (only valid in untouched ROM)
case 0x12: break; // do not do settime, fall in the normal settime function (only valid in untouched ROM)
case 0x13: break; // RESETOS not implemented
case 0x14: break; // AUTOTEST not implemented
case 0x15: break; // NATIVE? not implemented
case 0x17: break; // SERIAL not implemented
case 0x28: w.HST |= I[5]; w.pc+=1; break; // HST=1.x
case 0x29: w.A[4]= w.A[3]= w.A[2]= w.A[0]= 0; if (cCurrentRomType=='Q') w.A[1]=5; else w.A[1]=4; break; // screen height = 0x50 = 80
case 0x2A: w.A[4]= w.A[3]= w.A[2]= 0; w.A[1]=8; w.A[0]=3; break; // screen width = 0x83 = 131
case 0x2B: w.carry = (cCurrentRomType == '2'); break; // it is medium apple
case 0x2C: w.carry = (cCurrentRomType == 'Q'); break; // it is big apple
case 0x2E: w.carry = (nCurrentClass == 50); break; // it is big apple V2
case 0x30: w.d0address= Npack(w.C,5)>>12; Map(0,0xff); break; //config_disp0 Ca:address 4K data
case 0x31: w.d0address=0; Map(0,0xff); RefreshDisp0(); break; //unconfig_disp0 does the refresh
case 0x32: RefreshDisp0(); break; //refresh_disp0 force refresh
case 0x33: a= Npack(w.C,2); if (a>(DWORD)SCREENHEIGHT) a= SCREENHEIGHT; /* w.lcounter = (SCREENHEIGHT-a) */; w.d0size= a; RefreshDisp0(); break; //set_lines_disp0 nb in Cb
case 0x34: w.d0offset= Npack(w.C,5); w.d0offset &= 0x7FF; break; //set_offset_disp0 offset to disp in disp0
case 0x35: Nunpack(w.C,w.d0offset,5); break; // native_get_line_disp0
case 0x38: w.HST |= I[5]; w.pc+=3; break; // ?HST=1.x not implemented
case 0x40: o80B04(); break; // setup basic memory configuration
// case 0x41: o80B14(); break; // erase flash bank
case 0x42: o80B24(); break; // write bytes into flash
// case 0x43: ??? // format flash bank
case 0x50: break; // REMON not implemented
case 0x51: break; // REMOFF not implemented
case 0x56: break; // OUTBYT not implemented
case 0x57: w.D[0]= w.D[1]= 0; break;
case 0x60: break; // ACCESSSD not implemented
case 0x61: break; // PORTTAG? not implemented
case 0x64: w.carry = FALSE; break; // no SD card inserted
case 0x66: w.carry = FALSE; break; // simulate format fail card inserted
case 0x7F: w.carry = TRUE; w.pc+=1; break; // SETFLDn not implemented, set carry for failed
case 0x80: { QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=s
case 0x81: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a+b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r+s
case 0x82: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a-b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r-s
case 0x83: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a*b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r*s
case 0x84: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a/b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r/s
case 0x85: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a%b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r%s
case 0x86: { QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(~b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=-r-1
case 0x87: { QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite((QWORD)(-(__int64)b), I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=-r
case 0x88: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a<<b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r<s
case 0x89: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a>>b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r>s
case 0x8A: { QWORD a = o80BReg164(I); QWORD b = o80BReg264(I); o80BRegWrite(a^b, I); w.pc+=2; break; } // r=r^s
case 0x90: break; // data streamer not implemented
case 0xEE: break; // ARMFLUSH not implemented
case 0xEF: break; // ARMSYS not implemented
case 0xFF: break; // ARMSAT not implemented
default: w.pc-= 2;