2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
* disrpl.c
* This file is part of Emu48
* Copyright (C) 2008 Christoph Gie<EFBFBD>elink
#include "pch.h"
#include "Emu48.h"
#include "disrpl.h"
DWORD dwRplPlatform = RPL_P3; // current RPL platform
//# String Writing Helper Functions
#define ALLOCSIZE 256 // string allocation size
typedef struct
DWORD dwSize; // size of buffer
LPTSTR szBuffer; // buffer
DWORD dwPos; // position inside buffer
} String;
static VOID PutSn(String *str, LPCTSTR szVal, DWORD dwLen)
if (str != NULL) // with output
if (str->dwSize == 0) // no buffer allocated
str->dwSize = ALLOCSIZE; // buffer size
VERIFY(str->szBuffer = (LPTSTR) malloc(str->dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)));
str->dwPos = 0;
_ASSERT(str->szBuffer != NULL);
if (dwLen > 0) // actual string length
// string buffer to small
if (str->dwPos + dwLen > str->dwSize)
DWORD dwMinSize;
dwMinSize = dwLen + str->dwSize - str->dwPos;
dwMinSize = (dwMinSize + ALLOCSIZE - 1) / ALLOCSIZE;
dwMinSize *= ALLOCSIZE;
str->dwSize += dwMinSize; // new buffer size
VERIFY(str->szBuffer = (LPTSTR) realloc(str->szBuffer,str->dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)));
CopyMemory(&str->szBuffer[str->dwPos],szVal,dwLen * sizeof(TCHAR));
str->dwPos += dwLen;
static VOID PutC(String *str, TCHAR cVal)
static VOID PutS(String *str, LPCTSTR szVal)
static VOID __cdecl PutFS(String *str, LPCTSTR lpFormat, ...)
if (str != NULL) // with output
TCHAR cOutput[1024];
va_list arglist;
static VOID PutCondSpc(String *str)
if (str != NULL) // with output
// write space when not at beginning and prior character isn't a whitespace
if ( str->dwPos > 0
&& _tcschr(_T(" \t\n\r"),str->szBuffer[str->dwPos-1]) == NULL)
PutC(str,_T(' '));
//# RPL Object Decoding
static LPCTSTR cHex = _T("0123456789ABCDEF");
// function prototypes
static BOOL (*Getfp(LPCTSTR lpszObject))(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel);
static BOOL FetchObj(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel);
static DWORD Readx(DWORD *pdwAddr,DWORD n)
DWORD i, t;
for (i = 0, t = 0; i < n; ++i)
t |= RplReadNibble(pdwAddr) << (i * 4);
return t;
static BOOL BCDx(BYTE CONST *pbyNum,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,String *str)
BYTE byNib;
LONG v,lExp;
BOOL bPflag,bExpflag;
DWORD dwStart;
INT i;
if (str == NULL) return FALSE; // no output
dwStart = str->dwPos; // starting pos inside string
lExp = 0;
for (v = 1; nExpLen--; v *= 10) // fetch exponent
lExp += (LONG) *pbyNum++ * v; // calc. exponent
if (lExp > v / 2) lExp -= v; // negative exponent
lExp -= nMantLen - 1; // set decimal point to end of mantissa
bPflag = FALSE; // show no decimal point
bExpflag = FALSE; // show no exponent
// scan mantissa
for (v = (LONG) nMantLen - 1; v >= 0 || bPflag; v--)
if (v >= 0L) // still mantissa digits left
byNib = *pbyNum++;
byNib = 0; // zero for negative exponent
if (dwStart == str->dwPos) // still delete zeros at end
if (byNib == 0 && lExp && v > 0) // delete zeros
lExp++; // adjust exponent
// TRUE at x.E
bExpflag = v + lExp >= nMantLen || lExp < -nMantLen;
bPflag = !bExpflag && v < -lExp; // decimal point flag at neg. exponent
// set decimal point
if ((bExpflag && v == 0) || (!lExp && (dwStart != str->dwPos)))
PutC(str,_T('.')); // write decimal point
if (v < 0) // no mantissa digits any more
// PutC(str,_T('0')); // write heading zero
bPflag = FALSE; // finished with negative exponents
if (v >= 0 || bPflag)
TCHAR cVal = (TCHAR) byNib + _T('0');
PutC(str,cVal); // write character
lExp++; // next position
if (*pbyNum == 9) // negative number
PutC(str,_T('-')); // write sign
i = (str->dwPos - dwStart) / 2;
for (v = 0; v < i; v++) // reverse string
// swap chars
TCHAR cNib = str->szBuffer[dwStart+v];
str->szBuffer[dwStart+v] = str->szBuffer[str->dwPos-v-1];
str->szBuffer[str->dwPos-v-1] = cNib;
// write number with exponent
if (bExpflag)
PutFS(str,_T("E%d"),lExp-1); // write exponent
return FALSE;
static BOOL BINx(DWORD *pdwAddr,INT nBinLen,String *str)
LPBYTE pbyNumber;
INT i;
VERIFY(pbyNumber = (LPBYTE) malloc(nBinLen));
for (i = 0; i < nBinLen; ++i) // read data
pbyNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
// strip leading zeros
for (i = nBinLen - 1; pbyNumber[i] == 0 && i > 0; --i) { }
for (; i >= 0; --i) // write rest of bin
return FALSE;
static BOOL ASCIC(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str)
DWORD dwLength;
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,2); // fetch string length in bytes
for (; dwLength > 0; --dwLength)
PutC(str,(TCHAR) Readx(pdwAddr,2)); // write data byte
return FALSE;
static BOOL ASCIX(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str)
BOOL bErr = ASCIC(pdwAddr,str); // decode a ASCIC
Readx(pdwAddr,2); // skip length information at end
return bErr;
// simple HEX output of object
static BOOL DoHexStream(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwLength;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch code length in nibbles
if (dwLength < 5) // illegal object length
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
dwLength -= 5; // no. of DOCODE nibbles
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
PutFS(str,_T("%X"),dwLength); // write length information
if (dwLength > 0) // have data
PutC(str,_T(' '));
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
for (;dwLength > 0; --dwLength)
PutC(str,cHex[RplReadNibble(pdwAddr)]); // write digit
return FALSE;
// SEMI stream helper function
static BOOL DoSemiStream(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel,LPCTSTR lpszSemi)
DWORD dwObjStart;
BOOL bErr;
UINT nActLevel = *pnLevel; // save actual nesting level
(*pnLevel)++; // next level
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
// eval object
bErr = FetchObj(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
while (!bErr && *pnLevel != nActLevel);
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
// no blank because of prior SEMI
PutS(str,lpszSemi); // write semi replacement character
return bErr;
// DOINT stream helper function
static BOOL DoIntStream(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
LPBYTE pbyData;
DWORD dwObjStart,dwLength,i;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch zint length in nibbles
if (dwLength < 5) // illegal object length
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
dwLength -= 5; // object length
VERIFY(pbyData = (LPBYTE) malloc(dwLength));
for (i = 0; i < dwLength; ++i) // read data
pbyData[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
if (dwLength <= 1) // special implementation for zero
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
_ASSERT(dwLength == 0 || (dwLength == 1 && pbyData[0] == 0));
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
if (pbyData[--dwLength] == 9) // negative number
while (dwLength > 0) // write rest of zint
// use only decimal part for translation
return FALSE;
//# RPL Object Primitives
static BOOL DoBint(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("# "));
return BINx(pdwAddr,5,str); // BIN5
static BOOL DoReal(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BYTE byNumber[16];
PutS(str,_T("% "));
// get real object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
return BCDx(byNumber,12,3,str);
static BOOL DoERel(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BYTE byNumber[21];
PutS(str,_T("%% "));
// get extended real object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
return BCDx(byNumber,15,5,str);
static BOOL DoCmp(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BYTE byNumber[16];
PutS(str,_T("C% "));
// get real part of complex object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
PutC(str,_T(' '));
// get imaginary part of complex object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
return BCDx(byNumber,12,3,str);
static BOOL DoECmp(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BYTE byNumber[21];
PutS(str,_T("C%% "));
// get real part of extended complex object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
PutC(str,_T(' '));
// get imaginary part of extended complex object content
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber); ++i)
byNumber[i] = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
return BCDx(byNumber,15,5,str);
static BOOL DoChar(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwChar = Readx(pdwAddr,2); // character code
PutS(str,_T("CHR "));
if (dwChar == ' ') // special handling for space
PutS(str,_T("\" \"")); // write space
if (dwChar >= 0x80) // non ASCII character
// print as escape sequence
PutC(str,_T('\\')); // escape sequence prefix
PutC(str,cHex[dwChar >> 4]); // print higher nibble
dwChar = cHex[dwChar & 0xF]; // lower nibble
if (dwChar < ' ') // control character
PutC(str,_T('^')); // prefix
dwChar += '@'; // convert to control char
PutC(str,(TCHAR) dwChar); // print character
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoArry(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BOOL (*pObjHandler)(DWORD *,String *,UINT *pnLevel);
LPCTSTR lpszName;
DWORD i,dwObjStart,dwLength,dwObject,dwDims,dwDimI;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch object length in nibbles
// look for object handler
dwObject = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch object
lpszName = RplGetName(dwObject); // name of object
if (lpszName == NULL) // unknown type
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
pObjHandler = Getfp(lpszName); // search for object handler
if (pObjHandler == NULL) // unknown object handler
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
dwDims = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // number of array dimensions
dwDimI = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // 1st dimension
PutS(str,_T("ARRY "));
if (dwDims > 1) // more than 1 dimension
PutFS(str,_T("%u "),dwDimI); // 1st dimension
// check other dimensions
for (--dwDims; dwDims > 0; --dwDims)
dwDimJ = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // other dimensions
PutFS(str,_T("%u "),dwDimJ); // write other dimension
dwDimI *= dwDimJ; // no. of elements
for (i = 0; i < dwDimI; ++i)
PutC(str,_T(' '));
pObjHandler(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel); // decode object
PutS(str,_T(" ]"));
// this assert also fail on illegal objects
_ASSERT(dwObjStart + dwLength == *pdwAddr);
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoLnkArry(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
BOOL (*pObjHandler)(DWORD *,String *,UINT *pnLevel);
LPCTSTR lpszName;
DWORD i,dwAddr,dwLength,dwObject,dwDims,dwDimI,dwObjAddr;
dwAddr = *pdwAddr; // address of array start
dwLength = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // fetch object length in nibbles
// look for object handler
dwObject = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // fetch object
lpszName = RplGetName(dwObject); // name of object
if (lpszName == NULL) // unknown type
return TRUE; // continue decoding behind prolog
pObjHandler = Getfp(lpszName); // search for object handler
if (pObjHandler == NULL) // unknown object handler
return TRUE; // continue decoding behind prolog
dwDims = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // number of array dimensions
dwDimI = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // 1st dimension
PutS(str,_T("LNKARRY "));
if (dwDims > 1) // more than 1 dimension
PutFS(str,_T("%u "),dwDimI); // 1st dimension
// check other dimensions
for (--dwDims; dwDims > 0; --dwDims)
dwDimJ = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // other dimensions
PutFS(str,_T("%u "),dwDimJ); // write other dimension
dwDimI *= dwDimJ; // no. of elements
for (i = 0; i < dwDimI; ++i)
PutC(str,_T(' '));
dwObjAddr = dwAddr; // actual address
dwObject = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // relative link to object
if (dwObject == 0) // empty link
Readx(&dwObjAddr,dwObject); // absolute address
pObjHandler(&dwObjAddr,str,pnLevel); // decode object
PutS(str,_T(" ]"));
Readx(pdwAddr,dwLength); // goto end of link array
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoCStr(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD i,dwObjStart,dwLength,dwC;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch object length in nibbles
if (dwLength < 5) // illegal object length
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
dwLength = (dwLength - 5) / 2; // string length
PutS(str,_T("$ \""));
for (i = 0; i < dwLength; ++i)
dwC = Readx(pdwAddr,2); // character code
if (dwC == '\t') // tab
if (dwC == '\n') // newline
if (dwC == '\r') // return
if (dwC < ' ' || dwC >= 0x80) // non ASCII character
PutC(str,_T('\\')); // escape sequence prefix
PutC(str,cHex[dwC >> 4]); // print higher nibble
PutC(str,cHex[dwC & 0xF]); // print lower nibble
if (dwC == '"' || dwC == '\\') // double " or \ symbol
PutC(str,(TCHAR) dwC);
PutC(str,(TCHAR) dwC); // print character
while (FALSE);
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoHxs(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD i,dwObjStart,dwLength;
BOOL bRemove;
BYTE byVal;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwLength = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch object length in nibbles
if (dwLength < 5) // illegal object length
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
return TRUE;
PutS(str,_T("HXS "));
dwLength -= 5; // no. of HXS
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
PutFS(str,_T("%X"),dwLength); // write length information
if (dwLength > 0) // have data
PutC(str,_T(' '));
2024-03-20 07:46:28 +01:00
bRemove = TRUE; // remove leading zeros
for (i = 0; i < dwLength; ++i)
byVal = RplReadNibble(pdwAddr);
// remove leading zeros
if (byVal == 0 && bRemove && i + 1 < dwLength)
PutC(str,cHex[byVal]); // write digit
bRemove = FALSE; // got non zero digit
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoList(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
return DoSemiStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel,_T("}"));
static BOOL DoTag(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("TAG "));
ASCIC(pdwAddr,str); // name
PutC(str,_T(' '));
return FetchObj(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel); // object
static BOOL DoCol(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
if (*pnLevel > 0) // nested objects
bErr = DoSemiStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel,_T(";"));
return bErr;
static BOOL DoCode(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("CODE "));
return DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
static BOOL DoIdnt(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("ID "));
return ASCIC(pdwAddr,str);
static BOOL DoLam(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("LAM "));
return ASCIC(pdwAddr,str);
static BOOL DoRomp(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
PutS(str,_T("ROMPTR "));
BINx(pdwAddr,3,str); // BIN3
PutC(str,_T(' '));
BINx(pdwAddr,3,str); // BIN3
return FALSE;
static BOOL Semi(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
if (*pnLevel > 0) // nested objects
(*pnLevel)--; // signaling end, caller handles the semi
PutC(str,_T(';')); // write standard semi
return FALSE;
static BOOL DoRrp(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwOffset,dwObjStart,dwBufferPos,dwAddr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position of RRP
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
Readx(pdwAddr,3); // skip attachments field
dwAddr = *pdwAddr; // actual address
dwOffset = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // offset-1
if (dwOffset != 0) // directory not empty
DWORD dwOffsetAddr;
Readx(&dwAddr,dwOffset); // name-1
if (dwAddr < *pdwAddr) // address wrap around
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all DIR output
return TRUE;
*pdwAddr = 0; // unknown end
PutS(str,_T("VARNAME "));
// operation is safe because checked for address wrapping before
dwAddr -= 5; // address of next offset
dwOffsetAddr = dwAddr;
dwOffset = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // read next offset
bErr = ASCIX(&dwAddr,str); // read name
(*pnLevel)++; // treat object as whole
// eval object
bErr = bErr || FetchObj(&dwAddr,str,pnLevel);
if (*pdwAddr == 0) // first name
*pdwAddr = dwAddr; // end of dir
dwAddr = dwOffsetAddr; // address of next offset
// illegal offset
if (dwOffset >= dwAddr - dwObjStart)
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind illegal RRP prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all DIR output
return TRUE;
// operation is safe because checked for address wrapping before
dwAddr -= dwOffset; // address of next name
while (!bErr && dwOffset != 0);
return bErr;
// type specific handler
static BOOL DoExt(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
if (dwRplPlatform <= RPL_P2) // DOEXT
PutS(str,_T("EXT0 "));
bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
else // Unit
PutS(str,_T("UNIT "));
bErr = DoSemiStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel,_T(";"));
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoSymb(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("SYMBOL "));
if ((bErr = DoSemiStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel,_T(";"))))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoGrob(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("GROB "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoLib(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("LIB "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoBak(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("BAK "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoExt0(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("LIBDAT "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoExt1(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
if (dwRplPlatform <= RPL_P3) // DOEXT1
PutS(str,_T("EXT1 "));
bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
else // DOACPTR
PutS(str,_T("ACPTR "));
bErr = BINx(pdwAddr,5,str); // BIN5
PutC(str,_T(' '));
bErr = bErr || BINx(pdwAddr,5,str); // BIN5
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoExt2(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("EXT2 "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoExt3(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("EXT3 "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoExt4(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("EXT4 "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoZint(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("ZINT "));
if ((bErr = DoIntStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoLngReal(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos,dwExpLen,dwAddr;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
bErr = DoIntStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
dwAddr = *pdwAddr; // copy of address for Readx()
dwExpLen = Readx(&dwAddr,5); // length of exponent
if (dwExpLen > 6) // non zero exponent
bErr = bErr || DoIntStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
else // no exponent
Readx(pdwAddr,dwExpLen); // skip exponent
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr ;
static BOOL DoLngCmp(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
bErr = DoLngReal(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
bErr = bErr || DoLngReal(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel);
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoFlashPtr(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("FLASHPTR "));
bErr = BINx(pdwAddr,3,str); // BIN3
PutC(str,_T(' '));
bErr = bErr || BINx(pdwAddr,4,str); // BIN4
if (bErr) // decoding error
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoAplet(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("APLET "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoMinifont(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
PutS(str,_T("MINIFONT "));
if ((bErr = DoHexStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel)))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static BOOL DoMatrix(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
DWORD dwObjStart,dwBufferPos;
BOOL bErr;
dwObjStart = *pdwAddr; // remember start position
dwBufferPos = str->dwPos; // insert address of text
if ((bErr = DoSemiStream(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel,_T(";"))))
*pdwAddr = dwObjStart; // continue decoding behind prolog
str->dwPos = dwBufferPos; // throw out all output
return bErr;
static struct ObjHandler
LPCTSTR lpszName; // object name
// decode function
BOOL (*fp)(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel);
DWORD dwType; // calculator type (RPL_P1 = all)
} ObjDecode[] =
_T("DOBINT"), DoBint, RPL_P1, // System Binary
_T("DOREAL"), DoReal, RPL_P1, // Real
_T("DOEREL"), DoERel, RPL_P1, // Long Real
_T("DOCMP"), DoCmp, RPL_P1, // Complex
_T("DOECMP"), DoECmp, RPL_P1, // Long Complex
_T("DOCHAR"), DoChar, RPL_P1, // Character
_T("DOARRY"), DoArry, RPL_P1, // Array
_T("DOLNKARRY"), DoLnkArry, RPL_P1, // Linked Array
_T("DOCSTR"), DoCStr, RPL_P1, // String
_T("DOHSTR"), DoHxs, RPL_P1, // Binary Integer
_T("DOHXS"), DoHxs, RPL_P1, // Binary Integer
_T("DOLIST"), DoList, RPL_P1, // List
_T("DOSYMB"), DoSymb, RPL_P1, // Algebraic
_T("DOCOL"), DoCol, RPL_P1, // Program
_T("DOCODE"), DoCode, RPL_P1, // Code
_T("DOIDNT"), DoIdnt, RPL_P1, // Global Name
_T("DOLAM"), DoLam, RPL_P1, // Local Name
_T("DOROMP"), DoRomp, RPL_P1, // XLIB Name
_T("SEMI"), Semi, RPL_P1, // SEMI
_T("DORRP"), DoRrp, RPL_P2, // Directory
_T("DOEXT"), DoExt, RPL_P2, // Reserved or Unit (HP48 and later)
_T("DOTAG"), DoTag, RPL_P3, // Tagged
_T("DOGROB"), DoGrob, RPL_P3, // Graphic
_T("DOLIB"), DoLib, RPL_P3, // Library
_T("DOBAK"), DoBak, RPL_P3, // Backup
_T("DOEXT0"), DoExt0, RPL_P3, // Library Data
_T("DOEXT1"), DoExt1, RPL_P3, // Ext1 or ACcess PoinTeR
_T("DOACPTR"), DoExt1, RPL_P3, // Ext1 or ACcess PoinTeR
_T("DOEXT2"), DoExt2, RPL_P3, // Reserved 1, Font (HP49G)
_T("DOEXT3"), DoExt3, RPL_P3, // Reserved 2
_T("DOEXT4"), DoExt4, RPL_P3, // Reserved 3
_T("DOINT"), DoZint, RPL_P5, // Infinite Precision Integers
_T("DOLNGREAL"), DoLngReal, RPL_P5, // Precision Real
_T("DOLNGCMP"), DoLngCmp, RPL_P5, // Precision Complex
_T("DOFLASHP"), DoFlashPtr, RPL_P5, // Flash Pointer
_T("DOAPLET"), DoAplet, RPL_P5, // Aplet
_T("DOMINIFONT"), DoMinifont, RPL_P5, // Mini Font
_T("DOMATRIX"), DoMatrix, RPL_P5, // Symbolic matrix
static BOOL (*Getfp(LPCTSTR lpszObject))(DWORD *,String *,UINT *)
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(ObjDecode); ++i)
if (lstrcmp(lpszObject,ObjDecode[i].lpszName) == 0)
// RPL platform type enabled
if ((ObjDecode[i].dwType & dwRplPlatform) == ObjDecode[i].dwType)
return ObjDecode[i].fp; // return object handler
return NULL; // not found
static BOOL FetchObj(DWORD *pdwAddr,String *str,UINT *pnLevel)
LPCTSTR lpszName;
DWORD dwObject;
BOOL bErr;
bErr = FALSE;
PutCondSpc(str); // write blank if necessary
dwObject = Readx(pdwAddr,5); // fetch object
lpszName = RplGetName(dwObject); // get name of object
if (lpszName != NULL)
// look for object type
BOOL (*fp)(DWORD *,String *,UINT *) = Getfp(lpszName);
if (fp != NULL) // found an object handler
bErr = fp(pdwAddr,str,pnLevel); // call the handler
PutS(str,lpszName); // named entry
if (lpszName == NULL || bErr) // no name or illegal object behind prolog
PutFS(str,_T("PTR %X"),dwObject); // unnamed entry
return bErr;
BYTE (*RplReadNibble)(DWORD *p) = NULL; // get nibble function pointer
DWORD RplSkipObject(DWORD dwAddr)
UINT nLevel = 1; // nest DOCOL objects
_ASSERT(RplReadNibble != NULL); // get nibble function defined
FetchObj(&dwAddr,NULL,&nLevel); // decode object without output
return dwAddr;
LPTSTR RplDecodeObject(DWORD dwAddr, DWORD *pdwNxtAddr)
String str = { 0 };
DWORD dwNxtAddr;
UINT nLevel = 0; // don't nest DOCOL objects
dwNxtAddr = dwAddr; // init next address
_ASSERT(RplReadNibble != NULL); // get nibble function defined
FetchObj(&dwNxtAddr,&str,&nLevel); // decode object
PutC(&str,0); // set EOS
// release unnecessary allocated buffer memory
VERIFY(str.szBuffer = (LPTSTR) realloc(str.szBuffer,str.dwPos * sizeof(str.szBuffer[0])));
// return address of next object
if (pdwNxtAddr != NULL) *pdwNxtAddr = dwNxtAddr;
return str.szBuffer;
//# RPL Object Viewer
BOOL bRplViewName = TRUE; // show entry point name
BOOL bRplViewAddr = TRUE; // show address
BOOL bRplViewBin = TRUE; // show binary data
BOOL bRplViewAsm = TRUE; // show ASM code instead of hex data
static VOID PrintHead(DWORD dwStartAddr, DWORD dwEndAddr, String *str)
if (bRplViewAddr) // show address for object
PutFS(str,_T("%05X "),dwStartAddr);
if (bRplViewBin) // show object binary data
DWORD dwIndex;
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < 5; ++dwIndex)
TCHAR c = _T(' ');
if (dwStartAddr < dwEndAddr) // still show hex nibble
c = cHex[RplReadNibble(&dwStartAddr)];
PutC(str,c); // write data content
PutS(str,_T(" "));
else // no binary data
if (bRplViewAddr) // missing whitespace
PutC(str,_T(' '));
static VOID PrintTail(DWORD dwStartAddr, DWORD dwEndAddr, String *str)
if (bRplViewBin) // show binary data
DWORD dwActAddr,dwRemain;
if (dwStartAddr < dwEndAddr) // remaining data to show
for (dwActAddr = dwStartAddr; dwActAddr < dwEndAddr;)
if (bRplViewAddr) // address is visible
// spaces instead of show address
PutS(str,_T(" "));
// address has 6 digit
if (dwActAddr >= 0x100000)
PutC(str,_T(' '));
dwRemain = dwEndAddr - dwActAddr;
if (dwRemain > 5) dwRemain = 5;
for (; dwRemain > 0; --dwRemain)
// write data content
static VOID PrintBlank(String *str)
if (bRplViewAddr) // address is visible
PutS(str,_T(" ")); // spaces instead of address
if (bRplViewBin) // show binary data
if (bRplViewAddr) // address is visible
PutC(str,_T(' ')); // need separator
PutS(str,_T(" ")); // spaces instead of binary
if (bRplViewAddr || bRplViewBin) // any prefix
PutS(str,_T(" ")); // need separator
static VOID PrintLevel(DWORD dwLevel, String *str)
for (; dwLevel > 0; --dwLevel) // level depending blanks
PutS(str,_T(" "));
#if defined HARDWARE // compiled inside emulator sources
static DWORD AssemblyOutput(DWORD dwAddr, DWORD dwEndAddr, DWORD dwLevel, String *str)
LPCTSTR lpszName;
TCHAR cBuffer[64];
DWORD dwNxtAddr;
PrintLevel(dwLevel,str); // level depending blanks
PutS(str,_T("CODE\r\n")); // code preamble
PrintTail(dwAddr+5,dwAddr+10,str); // write code length information
dwAddr += 10; // start of assembler code
for (; dwAddr < dwEndAddr; dwAddr = dwNxtAddr)
// entry name enabled and known entry?
if (bRplViewName && (lpszName = RplGetName(dwAddr)) != NULL)
PrintHead(dwAddr,dwAddr,str); // write head for assembly label
// disassemble line
dwNxtAddr = disassemble(dwAddr,cBuffer);
PrintHead(dwAddr,dwNxtAddr,str); // write head of assembly line
PrintLevel(dwLevel,str); // level depending blanks
PutS(str,cBuffer); // write disassembler text
// write additional binary data of opcode
PrintBlank(str); // skip address and binary part
PrintLevel(dwLevel,str); // level depending blanks
PutS(str,_T("ENDCODE")); // code postamble
return dwAddr;
LPTSTR RplCreateObjView(DWORD dwStartAddr, DWORD dwEndAddr, BOOL bSingleObj)
String str = { 0 };
LPCTSTR lpszName;
LPTSTR lpszObject;
DWORD dwLevel,dwAddr,dwNxtAddr;
_ASSERT(RplReadNibble != NULL); // get nibble function defined
lpszObject = NULL; // no memory allocated
dwLevel = 0; // nesting level
// decode object
for (dwAddr = dwStartAddr;dwAddr < dwEndAddr; dwAddr = dwNxtAddr)
lpszObject = RplDecodeObject(dwAddr,&dwNxtAddr);
if (dwLevel > 0 && lstrcmp(lpszObject,_T(";")) == 0)
// entry name enabled and known entry?
if (bRplViewName && (lpszName = RplGetName(dwAddr)) != NULL)
if (bRplViewAddr) // show address for entry
PutFS(&str,_T("%05X "),dwAddr);
PrintHead(dwAddr,dwAddr+5,&str); // write initial head
// check for special RRP handling
if (_tcsncmp(lpszObject,_T("DIR\n"),4) == 0)
LPCTSTR lpszStart,lpszEnd;
lpszStart = lpszEnd = lpszObject;
// decode lines
while (*lpszEnd != 0)
// separate lines
if ((lpszEnd = _tcschr(lpszStart,_T('\n'))) == NULL)
VERIFY(lpszEnd = _tcschr(lpszStart,0));
if (dwLevel > 0 && _tcsncmp(lpszStart,_T("ENDDIR"),lpszEnd-lpszStart) == 0)
// level depending blanks
// write line without LF
PutSn(&str,lpszStart,(DWORD) (lpszEnd-lpszStart));
if (_tcsncmp(lpszStart,_T("DIR"),lpszEnd-lpszStart) == 0)
if (*lpszEnd != 0) // more data?
PutS(&str,_T("\r\n")); // send CR LF
lpszStart = lpszEnd + 1; // next part
#if defined HARDWARE // compiled inside emulator sources
// check for special CODE handling
if (bRplViewAsm && _tcsncmp(lpszObject,_T("CODE "),5) == 0)
// replace object by a disassembler output
dwAddr = AssemblyOutput(dwAddr,dwNxtAddr,dwLevel,&str);
// default, show the object
PrintLevel(dwLevel,&str); // level depending blanks
PutS(&str,lpszObject); // the object
while (FALSE);
PrintTail(dwAddr+5,dwNxtAddr,&str); // write additional binary data
if (lstrcmp(lpszObject,_T("::")) == 0)
free(lpszObject); // free object string
lpszObject = NULL;
if ( (bSingleObj && dwLevel == 0) // single object decoding?
|| (dwNxtAddr < dwAddr)) // or address wrap around
break; // stop decoding
_ASSERT(lpszObject == NULL);
// remove CR LF at end
while ( str.dwPos > 0
&& ( str.szBuffer[str.dwPos-1] == _T('\r')
|| str.szBuffer[str.dwPos-1] == _T('\n')
PutC(&str,0); // set EOS
// release unnecessary allocated buffer memory
VERIFY(str.szBuffer = (LPTSTR) realloc(str.szBuffer,str.dwPos * sizeof(str.szBuffer[0])));
return str.szBuffer;