# For more information about using CMake with Android Studio, read the # documentation: https://d.android.com/studio/projects/add-native-code.html # Sets the minimum version of CMake required to build the native library. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) # Creates and names a library, sets it as either STATIC # or SHARED, and provides the relative paths to its source code. # You can define multiple libraries, and CMake builds them for you. # Gradle automatically packages shared libraries with your APK. add_library( # Sets the name of the library. native-lib # Sets the library as a shared library. SHARED # Provides a relative path to your source file(s). #src/main/cpp/native-lib.cpp src/main/cpp/apple.c # src/main/cpp/cursor.c # src/main/cpp/ddeserv.c # src/main/cpp/debugger.c # src/main/cpp/disasm.c src/main/cpp/dismem.c # src/main/cpp/display.c #-> To rewrite src/main/cpp/disrpl.c # src/main/cpp/Emu48.c #-> To rewrite src/main/cpp/engine.c src/main/cpp/external.c src/main/cpp/fetch.c src/main/cpp/files.c src/main/cpp/i28f160.c src/main/cpp/keyboard.c # src/main/cpp/keymacro.c src/main/cpp/kml.c src/main/cpp/lodepng.c src/main/cpp/lowbat.c src/main/cpp/mops.c # src/main/cpp/mru.c src/main/cpp/opcodes.c src/main/cpp/pch.c # src/main/cpp/redeye.c src/main/cpp/rpl.c # src/main/cpp/serial.c src/main/cpp/settings.c # src/main/cpp/sndenum.c # src/main/cpp/sound.c src/main/cpp/stack.c src/main/cpp/symbfile.c src/main/cpp/timer.c # src/main/cpp/udp.c src/main/cpp/win32-layer.c src/main/cpp/android-layer.c src/main/cpp/android-display.c # display.c rewrite src/main/cpp/android-emu48.c # Emu48.c rewrite src/main/cpp/emu48-jni.c ) #_makepath OK #bActFollowsMouse #bAlwaysDisplayLog #bAlwaysOnTop #bAutoSave #bAutoSaveOnExit #bClientWinMove #bGrayscale #bLoadObjectWarning #bMacroRealSpeed #bSaveDefConfirm #bShowMenu #bShowTitle #bSingleInstance #bStartupBackup #CheckBreakpoint #CreateBackupBreakpointList #csDbgLock #csIOLock #csKeyLock #csSlowLock #csT1Lock #csT2Lock #DisableDebugger #disassemble #disassembler_mode #disassembler_symb #DisplayChooseKml #dwMacroMinDelay #dwTColor #dwWakeupDelay #ExtCreateRegion #GetLineCounter #hEventShutdn #hOldPalette #hPalette #hThread #hWindowDC #InitKML #KeyMacroRecord #KillKML #lAppStart #lFreq #LoadBreakpointList #nArgc #nMacroTimeout #NotifyDebugger #OnToolMacroStop #ppArgv #RefreshDisp0 #ReloadButtons #RestoreBackupBreakpointList #RGB #SaveBreakpointList #SetWindowPlacement #SetWindowTitle #StartDisplay #StopDisplay #szUdpServer #UpdateAnnunciators #UpdateContrast #UpdateDbgCycleCounter #UpdateDisplayPointers #UpdateMainDisplay #UpdateMenuDisplay #uWaveDevId #WriteToMainDisplay #WriteToMenuDisplay #wUdpPort # Searches for a specified prebuilt library and stores the path as a # variable. Because CMake includes system libraries in the search path by # default, you only need to specify the name of the public NDK library # you want to add. CMake verifies that the library exists before # completing its build. find_library( # Sets the name of the path variable. log-lib # Specifies the name of the NDK library that # you want CMake to locate. log) # Specifies libraries CMake should link to your target library. You # can link multiple libraries, such as libraries you define in this # build script, prebuilt third-party libraries, or system libraries. target_link_libraries( # Specifies the target library. native-lib # Links the target library to the log library # included in the NDK. ${log-lib})