This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 160 additions and 194 deletions
@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ android {
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
cppFlags ""
//cppFlags ""
//abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
//abiFilters 'x86_64'
version "3.10.2"
@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:required="false" />
@ -26,56 +21,25 @@
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<!--<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />-->
<!--<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />-->
<!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />-->
<!--<data android:scheme="content"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="content"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="content"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="content"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="file"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="file"-->
<!--<data android:scheme="file"-->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="file" />
<data android:mimeType="*/*" />
<data android:pathPattern=".*\\.kml" />
<data android:host="*" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="content" />
<data android:mimeType="*/*" />
<data android:pathPattern=".*\\.kml" />
<data android:host="*" />
<!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />-->
<!--<data android:scheme="file" />-->
<!--<data android:mimeType="*/*" />-->
<!--<data android:pathPattern=".*\\.kml" />-->
<!--<data android:host="*" />-->
<!--<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />-->
<!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />-->
<!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />-->
<!--<data android:scheme="content" />-->
<!--<data android:mimeType="*/*" />-->
<!--<data android:pathPattern=".*\\.kml" />-->
<!--<data android:host="*" />-->
@ -100,12 +100,21 @@ void mainViewResizeCallback(int x, int y) {
// Must be called in the main thread
int openFileFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * url, int writeAccess) {
int openFileFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * fileURL, int writeAccess) {
JNIEnv *jniEnv = getJNIEnvironment();
jclass mainActivityClass = (*jniEnv)->GetObjectClass(jniEnv, mainActivity);
jmethodID midStr = (*jniEnv)->GetMethodID(jniEnv, mainActivityClass, "openFileFromContentResolver", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)I");
jstring utfUrl = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, url);
int result = (*jniEnv)->CallIntMethod(jniEnv, mainActivity, midStr, utfUrl, writeAccess);
jstring utfFileURL = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, fileURL);
int result = (*jniEnv)->CallIntMethod(jniEnv, mainActivity, midStr, utfFileURL, writeAccess);
return result;
int openFileInFolderFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * filename, const TCHAR * folderURL, int writeAccess) {
JNIEnv *jniEnv = getJNIEnvironment();
jclass mainActivityClass = (*jniEnv)->GetObjectClass(jniEnv, mainActivity);
jmethodID midStr = (*jniEnv)->GetMethodID(jniEnv, mainActivityClass, "openFileInFolderFromContentResolver", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)I");
jstring utfFilename = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, filename);
jstring utfFolderURL = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, folderURL);
int result = (*jniEnv)->CallIntMethod(jniEnv, mainActivity, midStr, utfFilename, utfFolderURL, writeAccess);
return result;
int closeFileFromContentResolver(int fd) {
@ -368,12 +377,11 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_emulator_forty_eight_NativeLib_onFileNew(JNIEnv
// *filename = _T('\0');
// }
// _tcscpy(szRomDirectory, szEmuDirectory);
TCHAR * fileScheme = _T("raw:");
TCHAR * urlContentSchemeFound = _tcsstr(szChosenCurrentKml, fileScheme);
if(urlContentSchemeFound) {
_tcscpy(szChosenCurrentKml, szChosenCurrentKml + 4 * sizeof(TCHAR));
_tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, szChosenCurrentKml);
TCHAR * filename = _tcsrchr(szEmuDirectory, _T('/'));
TCHAR * fileScheme = _T("document:");
TCHAR * urlSchemeFound = _tcsstr(szChosenCurrentKml, fileScheme);
if(urlSchemeFound) {
_tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, szChosenCurrentKml + _tcslen(fileScheme) * sizeof(TCHAR));
TCHAR * filename = _tcschr(szEmuDirectory, _T('|'));
if(filename) {
*filename = _T('\0');
@ -408,22 +416,6 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_emulator_forty_eight_NativeLib_onFileOpen(JNIEnv
_tcscpy(szBufferFilename, stateFilenameUTF8);
chooseCurrentKmlMode = ChooseKmlMode_FILE_OPEN;
// TCHAR * fileScheme = _T("raw:");
// TCHAR * urlContentSchemeFound = _tcsstr(szChosenCurrentKml, fileScheme);
// if(urlContentSchemeFound) {
// _tcscpy(szChosenCurrentKml, szChosenCurrentKml + 4 * sizeof(TCHAR));
// _tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, szChosenCurrentKml);
// TCHAR * filename = _tcsrchr(szEmuDirectory, _T('/'));
// if(filename) {
// *filename = _T('\0');
// }
// _tcscpy(szRomDirectory, szEmuDirectory);
// } else {
// _tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, "assets/calculators/");
// _tcscpy(szRomDirectory, "assets/calculators/");
// }
BOOL result = OpenDocument(szBufferFilename);
if (result)
@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ extern AndroidBitmapInfo androidBitmapInfo;
LPTSTR szTitle;
LPTSTR szCurrentDirectorySet = NULL;
const TCHAR * assetsPrefix = _T("assets/"),
assetsPrefixLength = 7;
LPTSTR szCurrentAssetDirectory = NULL;
LPTSTR szCurrentContentDirectory = NULL;
AAssetManager * assetManager;
const TCHAR * assetsPrefix = _T("assets/");
size_t assetsPrefixLength;
const TCHAR * contentScheme = _T("content://");
size_t contentSchemeLength;
const TCHAR * documentScheme = _T("document:");
//static HDC mainPaintDC = NULL;
struct timerEvent {
BOOL valid;
@ -43,6 +47,9 @@ void win32Init() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_MAPPING_HANDLE; ++i) {
fileMappingHandles[i] = NULL;
assetsPrefixLength = _tcslen(assetsPrefix);
contentSchemeLength = _tcslen(contentScheme);
VOID OutputDebugString(LPCSTR lpOutputString) {
@ -58,16 +65,22 @@ DWORD GetCurrentDirectory(DWORD nBufferLength, LPTSTR lpBuffer) {
BOOL SetCurrentDirectory(LPCTSTR path)
szCurrentContentDirectory = NULL;
szCurrentAssetDirectory = NULL;
if(path == NULL)
return FALSE;
if(_tcsncmp(path, assetsPrefix, assetsPrefixLength / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0)
szCurrentDirectorySet = (LPTSTR) (path + assetsPrefixLength);
szCurrentDirectorySet = NULL;
if(_tcsncmp(path, contentScheme, contentSchemeLength) == 0) {
szCurrentContentDirectory = (LPTSTR) path;
return TRUE;
} else if(_tcsncmp(path, assetsPrefix, assetsPrefixLength) == 0) {
szCurrentAssetDirectory = (LPTSTR) (path + assetsPrefixLength * sizeof(TCHAR));
return TRUE;
} else {
return (BOOL) chdir(path);
extern BOOL settingsPort2en;
extern BOOL settingsPort2wr;
@ -81,31 +94,33 @@ HANDLE CreateFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode,
if(!settingsPort2wr && (dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE))
if(chooseCurrentKmlMode == ChooseKmlMode_FILE_OPEN && lpFileName[0] == '/') {
TCHAR * fileExtension = _tcsrchr(lpFileName, _T('.'));
if(fileExtension && ((fileExtension[1] == 'K' && fileExtension[2] == 'M' && fileExtension[3] == 'L') ||
(fileExtension[1] == 'k' && fileExtension[2] == 'm' && fileExtension[3] == 'l')
)) {
_tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, lpFileName);
TCHAR * filename = _tcsrchr(szEmuDirectory, _T('/'));
if(filename) {
*filename = _T('\0');
_tcscpy(szRomDirectory, szEmuDirectory);
// if(chooseCurrentKmlMode == ChooseKmlMode_FILE_OPEN && lpFileName[0] == '/') {
// TCHAR * fileExtension = _tcsrchr(lpFileName, _T('.'));
// if(fileExtension && ((fileExtension[1] == 'K' && fileExtension[2] == 'M' && fileExtension[3] == 'L') ||
// (fileExtension[1] == 'k' && fileExtension[2] == 'm' && fileExtension[3] == 'l')
// )) {
// _tcscpy(szEmuDirectory, lpFileName);
// TCHAR * filename = _tcsrchr(szEmuDirectory, _T('/'));
// if(filename) {
// *filename = _T('\0');
// }
// _tcscpy(szRomDirectory, szEmuDirectory);
// SetCurrentDirectory(szEmuDirectory);
// }
// }
TCHAR * foundDocumentScheme = _tcsstr(lpFileName, documentScheme);
if(!forceNormalFile && (szCurrentDirectorySet || _tcsncmp(lpFileName, assetsPrefix, assetsPrefixLength / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0)) {
if(!forceNormalFile && (szCurrentAssetDirectory || _tcsncmp(lpFileName, assetsPrefix, assetsPrefixLength) == 0) && foundDocumentScheme == NULL) {
// Asset file
AAsset * asset = NULL;
szFileName[0] = _T('\0');
if(szCurrentDirectorySet) {
_tcscpy(szFileName, szCurrentDirectorySet);
if(szCurrentAssetDirectory) {
_tcscpy(szFileName, szCurrentAssetDirectory);
_tcscat(szFileName, lpFileName);
asset = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, szFileName, AASSET_MODE_STREAMING);
} else {
asset = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, lpFileName + assetsPrefixLength, AASSET_MODE_STREAMING);
asset = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, lpFileName + assetsPrefixLength * sizeof(TCHAR), AASSET_MODE_STREAMING);
if(asset) {
HANDLE handle = malloc(sizeof(struct _HANDLE));
@ -115,7 +130,7 @@ HANDLE CreateFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode,
return handle;
} else {
// Normal file
BOOL useOpenFileFromContentResolver = FALSE;
int flags = O_RDWR;
int fd = -1;
@ -134,13 +149,27 @@ HANDLE CreateFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode,
flags |= O_CREAT;
TCHAR * urlContentSchemeFound = _tcsstr(lpFileName, _T("content://"));
if(foundDocumentScheme) {
TCHAR * filename = _tcsrchr(lpFileName, _T('|'));
lpFileName = filename + 1;
TCHAR * urlContentSchemeFound = _tcsstr(lpFileName, contentScheme);
if(urlContentSchemeFound) {
// Case of an absolute file with the scheme content://
fd = openFileFromContentResolver(lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess);
useOpenFileFromContentResolver = TRUE;
if(fd == -1) {
LOGD("openFileFromContentResolver() %d", errno);
} else if(szCurrentContentDirectory) {
// Case of a relative file to a folder with the scheme content://
fd = openFileInFolderFromContentResolver(lpFileName, szCurrentContentDirectory, dwDesiredAccess);
useOpenFileFromContentResolver = TRUE;
if(fd == -1) {
LOGD("openFileFromContentResolver() %d", errno);
} else {
TCHAR * urlFileSchemeFound = _tcsstr(lpFileName, _T("file://"));
@ -1118,7 +1118,8 @@ extern int lstrcmpi(LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2);
extern void mainViewUpdateCallback();
extern void mainViewResizeCallback(int x, int y);
extern int openFileFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * url, int writeAccess);
extern int openFileFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * fileURL, int writeAccess);
extern int openFileInFolderFromContentResolver(const TCHAR * filename, const TCHAR * folderURL, int writeAccess);
extern int closeFileFromContentResolver(int fd);
extern int showAlert(const TCHAR * messageText, int flags);
extern void sendMenuItemCommand(int menuItem);
@ -108,15 +108,6 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
final Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;
// FloatingActionButton fab = findViewById(;
// fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
// @Override
// public void onClick(View view) {
// Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
// .setAction("Action", null).show();
// }
// });
drawer = findViewById(;
ActionBarDrawerToggle toggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawer, toolbar, R.string.navigation_drawer_open, R.string.navigation_drawer_close);
@ -175,46 +166,45 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
String documentToOpenUrl = sharedPreferences.getString("lastDocument", "");
Uri documentToOpenUri = null;
boolean isFileAndNeedPermission = false;
Intent intent = getIntent();
if(intent != null) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if(action != null) {
if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)) {
documentToOpenUri = intent.getData();
if (documentToOpenUri != null) {
String scheme = documentToOpenUri.getScheme();
if(scheme != null && scheme.compareTo("file") == 0) {
documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.getPath();
isFileAndNeedPermission = true;
} else
documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.toString();
} else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) {
documentToOpenUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
if (documentToOpenUri != null) {
documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.toString();
// Uri documentToOpenUri = null;
// boolean isFileAndNeedPermission = false;
// Intent intent = getIntent();
// if(intent != null) {
// String action = intent.getAction();
// if(action != null) {
// if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)) {
// documentToOpenUri = intent.getData();
// if (documentToOpenUri != null) {
// String scheme = documentToOpenUri.getScheme();
// if(scheme != null && scheme.compareTo("file") == 0) {
// documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.getPath();
// isFileAndNeedPermission = true;
// } else
// documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.toString();
// }
// } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) {
// documentToOpenUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
// if (documentToOpenUri != null) {
// documentToOpenUrl = documentToOpenUri.toString();
// }
// }
// }
// }
if(documentToOpenUrl != null && documentToOpenUrl.length() > 0)
try {
&& ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{ Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
} else {
// if(isFileAndNeedPermission
// && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
// ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{ Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
// //return;
// } else {
if(onFileOpen(documentToOpenUrl) != 0) {
if(intent != null && documentToOpenUri != null && !isFileAndNeedPermission)
makeUriPersistable(intent, documentToOpenUri);
// if(intent != null && documentToOpenUri != null && !isFileAndNeedPermission)
// makeUriPersistable(intent, documentToOpenUri);
// }
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
@ -447,16 +437,15 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
} catch (IOException e) {
String cKmlType = null; //"S";
Pattern patternGlobalTitle = Pattern.compile("\\s*Title\\s+\"(.*)\"");
Pattern patternGlobalModel = Pattern.compile("\\s*Model\\s+\"(.*)\"");
Matcher m;
for (String calculatorsAssetFilename : calculatorsAssetFilenames) {
if (calculatorsAssetFilename.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".kml") != -1) {
for (String calculatorFilename : calculatorsAssetFilenames) {
if (calculatorFilename.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".kml") != -1) {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("calculators/" + calculatorsAssetFilename), "UTF-8"));
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("calculators/" + calculatorFilename), "UTF-8"));
// do reading, usually loop until end of file reading
String mLine;
boolean inGlobal = false;
@ -473,12 +462,10 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
if (inGlobal) {
if (mLine.indexOf("End") == 0) {
KMLScriptItem newKMLScriptItem = new KMLScriptItem();
newKMLScriptItem.filename = calculatorsAssetFilename;
newKMLScriptItem.filename = calculatorFilename;
newKMLScriptItem.title = title;
newKMLScriptItem.model = model;
title = null;
model = null;
@ -535,19 +522,18 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
String cKmlType = null; //"S";
Pattern patternGlobalTitle = Pattern.compile("\\s*Title\\s+\"(.*)\"");
Pattern patternGlobalModel = Pattern.compile("\\s*Model\\s+\"(.*)\"");
Matcher m;
for (String calculatorsAssetFilename : calculatorsAssetFilenames) {
if (calculatorsAssetFilename.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".kml") != -1) {
for (String calculatorFilename : calculatorsAssetFilenames) {
if (calculatorFilename.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".kml") != -1) {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
Uri calculatorsAssetFilenameUri = Uri.parse(calculatorsAssetFilename);
Uri calculatorsAssetFilenameUri = Uri.parse(calculatorFilename);
DocumentFile documentFile = DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(this, calculatorsAssetFilenameUri);
Uri documentFileUri = documentFile.getUri();
InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(documentFile.getUri());
Uri fileUri = documentFile.getUri();
InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(fileUri);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8"));
// do reading, usually loop until end of file reading
String mLine;
@ -565,12 +551,10 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
if (inGlobal) {
if (mLine.indexOf("End") == 0) {
KMLScriptItem newKMLScriptItem = new KMLScriptItem();
newKMLScriptItem.filename = kmlFolderUseDefault ? calculatorsAssetFilename : kmlFolderURL + "|" + calculatorsAssetFilename;
newKMLScriptItem.filename = kmlFolderUseDefault ? calculatorFilename : "document:" + kmlFolderURL + "|" + calculatorFilename;
newKMLScriptItem.title = title;
newKMLScriptItem.model = model;
title = null;
model = null;
@ -1050,9 +1034,9 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
final int GENERIC_READ = 1;
final int GENERIC_WRITE = 2;
Map<Integer, ParcelFileDescriptor> parcelFileDescriptorPerFd = null;
int openFileFromContentResolver(String url, int writeAccess) {
int openFileFromContentResolver(String fileURL, int writeAccess) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(fileURL);
ParcelFileDescriptor filePfd;
try {
String mode = "";
@ -1072,6 +1056,19 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.On
parcelFileDescriptorPerFd.put(fd, filePfd);
return fd;
int openFileInFolderFromContentResolver(String filename, String folderURL, int writeAccess) {
Uri folderURI = Uri.parse(folderURL);
DocumentFile folderDocumentFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(this, folderURI);
for (DocumentFile file : folderDocumentFile.listFiles()) {
final String url = file.getUri().toString();
final String name = file.getName();
//Log.d(TAG, "url: " + url + ", name: " + name);
if(filename.equals(name)) {
return openFileFromContentResolver(url, writeAccess);
return -1;
int closeFileFromContentResolver(int fd) {
if(parcelFileDescriptorPerFd != null) {
ParcelFileDescriptor filePfd = parcelFileDescriptorPerFd.get(fd);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<vector xmlns:android=""
android:pathData="M19,19H5V5h7V3H5c-1.11,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v14c0,1.1 0.89,2 2,2h14c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2v-7h-2v7zM14,3v2h3.59l-9.83,9.83 1.41,1.41L19,6.41V10h2V3h-7z"/>
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<vector xmlns:android=""
android:pathData="M21,3L3,3c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v12c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h5v2h8v-2h5c1.1,0 1.99,-0.9 1.99,-2L23,5c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM21,17L3,17L3,5h18v12z"/>
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<!-- Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines. -->
<dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen>
<!--<dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen>-->
<!--<dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen>-->
<dimen name="nav_header_vertical_spacing">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="nav_header_height">176dp</dimen>
<!--<dimen name="nav_header_height">176dp</dimen>-->
<dimen name="fab_margin">16dp</dimen>
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
<string name="action_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_open">Open navigation drawer</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_close">Close navigation drawer</string>
<string name="nav_header_title">Emu48 for Android</string>
<string name="nav_header_subtitle"></string>
<string name="nav_header_desc">Navigation header</string>
<!--<string name="nav_header_title">Emu48 for Android</string>-->
<!--<string name="nav_header_subtitle"></string>-->
<!--<string name="nav_header_desc">Navigation header</string>-->
<string name="nav_new">New...</string>
<string name="nav_open">Open...</string>
<string name="nav_save">Save</string>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath ''
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
Reference in a new issue