833 lines
21 KiB
833 lines
21 KiB
* stack.c
* This file is part of Emu48
* Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Gießelink
#include "pch.h"
#include "Emu48.h"
#include "io.h"
#define fnRadix 51 // fraction mark
#define fnApprox 105 // exact / approx. mode (HP49G)
#define DOINT 0x02614 // Precision Integer (HP49G)
#define DOREAL 0x02933 // Real
#define DOCMP 0x02977 // Complex
#define DOCSTR 0x02A2C // String
BOOL bDetectClpObject = TRUE; // try to detect clipboard object
//# Low level subroutines
static LPTSTR Trim(LPCTSTR cp)
LPCTSTR pcWs = _T(" \t\n\r"); // valid whitespace characters
DWORD dwFirst,dwLast;
dwLast = lstrlen(cp); // last position in string (EOS)
// trim leading and tailing whitespace characters
dwFirst = (DWORD) _tcsspn(cp,pcWs); // position of 1st non whitespace character
// search for position behind last non whitespace character
while (dwLast > dwFirst && _tcschr(pcWs,cp[dwLast-1]) != NULL)
dwLast = 1 + dwLast - dwFirst; // calculate buffer length
if ((pc = (LPTSTR) malloc(dwLast * sizeof(*pc))) != NULL)
lstrcpyn(pc,&cp[dwFirst],dwLast); // copy relevant data + EOS
return pc;
static INT RPL_GetZInt(BYTE CONST *pbyNum,INT nIntLen,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
INT i = 0; // character counter
_ASSERT(nSize > 0); // target buffer size
if (nIntLen > 1) // has sign nibble
--nIntLen; // remove sign from digit length
// check for valid sign
_ASSERT(pbyNum[nIntLen] == 0 || pbyNum[nIntLen] == 9);
if (pbyNum[nIntLen] == 9) // negative number
*cp++ = _T('-'); // add sign
--nSize; // dec dest buffer size
++i; // wrote one character
if (nIntLen >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
i += nIntLen; // adjust character counter
while (nIntLen-- > 0) // write all digits
// check for valid digit
_ASSERT(pbyNum[nIntLen] >= 0 && pbyNum[nIntLen] <= 9);
*cp++ = _T('0') + pbyNum[nIntLen]; // and write
*cp = 0; // set EOS
return i;
static __inline INT SetZInt(LPCTSTR cp,LPBYTE pbyNum,INT nSize)
BYTE bySign;
INT nStrLen,nNumSize;
_ASSERT(nSize > 0); // target buffer size
nStrLen = lstrlen(cp); // source string length
if ( nStrLen == 0 // empty string
// precisition integer contain only these numbers
|| _tcsspn(cp,_T("0123456789+-")) != (SIZE_T) nStrLen)
return 0;
bySign = (*cp != _T('-')) ? 0 : 9; // set sign nibble
if (*cp == _T('-') || *cp == _T('+')) // skip sign character
if (nStrLen == 1 && *cp == _T('0')) // special code for zero
*pbyNum = 0; // zero data
return 1; // finish
// nStrLen = no. of digits without sign
if (nStrLen >= nSize) // destination buffer too small
return 0;
nNumSize = nStrLen + 1; // no. of written data
while (--nStrLen >= 0) // eval all digits
TCHAR c = cp[nStrLen];
// only '0' .. '9' are valid here
if (!((c >= _T('0')) || (c <= _T('9'))))
return 0;
c -= _T('0');
*pbyNum++ = (BYTE) c;
*pbyNum = bySign; // add sign
return nNumSize;
static INT RPL_SetZInt(LPCTSTR cp,LPBYTE pbyNum,INT nSize)
LPTSTR pszData;
INT s = 0;
if ((pszData = Trim(cp)) != NULL) // create a trimmed working copy of the string
s = SetZInt(pszData,pbyNum,nSize);
return s;
static INT RPL_GetBcd(BYTE CONST *pbyNum,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,CONST TCHAR cDec,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
BYTE byNib;
LONG v,lExp;
BOOL bPflag,bExpflag;
INT i;
lExp = 0;
for (v = 1; nExpLen--; v *= 10) // fetch exponent
lExp += (LONG) *pbyNum++ * v; // calc. exponent
if (lExp > v / 2) lExp -= v; // negative exponent
lExp -= nMantLen - 1; // set decimal point to end of mantissa
i = 0; // first character
bPflag = FALSE; // show no decimal point
bExpflag = FALSE; // show no exponent
// scan mantissa
for (v = (LONG) nMantLen - 1; v >= 0 || bPflag; v--)
if (v >= 0L) // still mantissa digits left
byNib = *pbyNum++;
byNib = 0; // zero for negativ exponent
if (!i) // still delete zeros at end
if (byNib == 0 && lExp && v > 0) // delete zeros
lExp++; // adjust exponent
// TRUE at x.E
bExpflag = v + lExp >= nMantLen || lExp < -nMantLen;
bPflag = !bExpflag && v < -lExp; // decimal point flag at neg. exponent
// set decimal point
if ((bExpflag && v == 0) || (!lExp && i))
if (i >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
cp[i++] = cDec; // write decimal point
if (v < 0) // no mantissa digits any more
if (i >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
cp[i++] = _T('0'); // write heading zero
bPflag = FALSE; // finished with negativ exponents
if (v >= 0 || bPflag)
if (i >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
cp[i++] = (TCHAR) byNib + _T('0'); // write character
lExp++; // next position
if (*pbyNum == 9) // negative number
if (i >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
cp[i++] = _T('-'); // write sign
if (i >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
cp[i] = 0; // set EOS
for (v = 0; v < (i / 2); v++) // reverse string
TCHAR cNib = cp[v]; // swap chars
cp[v] = cp[i-v-1];
cp[i-v-1] = cNib;
// write number with exponent
if (bExpflag)
if (i + 5 >= nSize) return 0; // dest buffer overflow
i += wsprintf(&cp[i],_T("E%d"),lExp-1);
return i;
static __inline INT SetBcd(LPCTSTR cp,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,CONST TCHAR cDec,LPBYTE pbyNum,INT nSize)
TCHAR cVc[] = _T(".0123456789eE+-");
BYTE byNum[80];
INT i,nIp,nDp,nMaxExp;
LONG lExp;
cVc[0] = cDec; // replace decimal char
if ( nMantLen + nExpLen >= nSize // destination buffer too small
|| !*cp // empty string
|| _tcsspn(cp,cVc) != (SIZE_T) lstrlen(cp) // real contain only these numbers
|| (SIZE_T) lstrlen(cp) >= ARRAYSIZEOF(byNum)) // ignore too long reals
return 0;
byNum[0] = (*cp != _T('-')) ? 0 : 9; // set sign nibble
if (*cp == _T('-') || *cp == _T('+')) // skip sign character
// only '.', '0' .. '9' are valid here
if (!((*cp == cDec) || (*cp >= _T('0')) || (*cp <= _T('9'))))
return 0;
nIp = 0; // length of integer part
if (*cp != cDec) // no decimal point
// count integer part
while (*cp >= _T('0') && *cp <= _T('9'))
byNum[++nIp] = *cp++ - _T('0');
if (!nIp) return 0;
// only '.', 'E', 'e' or end are valid here
if (!(!*cp || (*cp == cDec) || (*cp == _T('E')) || (*cp == _T('e'))))
return 0;
nDp = 0; // length of decimal part
if (*cp == cDec) // decimal point
cp++; // skip '.'
// count decimal part
while (*cp >= _T('0') && *cp <= _T('9'))
byNum[nIp + ++nDp] = *cp++ - _T('0');
// count number of heading zeros in mantissa
for (i = 0; byNum[i+1] == 0 && i + 1 < nIp + nDp; ++i) { }
if (i > 0) // have to normalize
INT j;
nIp -= i; // for later ajust of exponent
for (j = 1; j <= nIp + nDp; ++j) // normalize mantissa
byNum[j] = byNum[j + i];
if (byNum[1] == 0) // number is 0
ZeroMemory(pbyNum,nMantLen + nExpLen + 1);
return nMantLen + nExpLen + 1;
for (i = nIp + nDp; i < nMantLen;) // fill rest of mantissa with 0
byNum[++i] = 0;
// must be 'E', 'e' or end
if (!(!*cp || (*cp == _T('E')) || (*cp == _T('e'))))
return 0;
lExp = 0;
if (*cp == _T('E') || *cp == _T('e'))
cp++; // skip 'E'
i = FALSE; // positive exponent
if (*cp == _T('-') || *cp == _T('+'))
i = (*cp++ == _T('-')); // adjust exponent sign
// exponent symbol must be followed by number
if (*cp < _T('0') || *cp > _T('9')) return 0;
while (*cp >= _T('0') && *cp <= _T('9'))
lExp = lExp * 10 + *cp++ - _T('0');
if (i) lExp = -lExp;
if (*cp != 0) return 0;
// adjust exponent value with exponent from normalized mantissa
lExp += nIp - 1;
// calculate max. posive exponent
for (nMaxExp = 5, i = 1; i < nExpLen; ++i)
nMaxExp *= 10;
// check range of exponent
if ((lExp < 0 && -lExp >= nMaxExp) || (lExp >= nMaxExp))
return 0;
if (lExp < 0) lExp += 2 * nMaxExp; // adjust negative offset
for (i = nExpLen; i > 0; --i) // convert number into digits
byNum[nMantLen + i] = (BYTE) (lExp % 10);
lExp /= 10;
// copy to target in reversed order
for (i = nMantLen + nExpLen; i >= 0; --i)
*pbyNum++ = byNum[i];
return nMantLen + nExpLen + 1;
static INT RPL_SetBcd(LPCTSTR cp,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,CONST TCHAR cDec,LPBYTE pbyNum,INT nSize)
LPTSTR pszData;
INT s = 0;
if ((pszData = Trim(cp)) != NULL) // create a trimmed working copy of the string
s = SetBcd(pszData,nMantLen,nExpLen,cDec,pbyNum,nSize);
return s;
static INT RPL_GetComplex(BYTE CONST *pbyNum,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,CONST TCHAR cDec,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
INT nLen,nPos;
cSep = (cDec == _T('.')) // current separator
? _T(',') // radix mark '.' -> ',' separator
: _T(';'); // radix mark ',' -> ';' separator
nPos = 0; // write buffer position
if (nSize < 5) return 0; // target buffer to small
nSize -= 4; // reserved room for (,)\0
cp[nPos++] = _T('('); // start of complex number
// real part
nLen = RPL_GetBcd(pbyNum,nMantLen,nExpLen,cDec,&cp[1],nSize);
if (nLen == 0) return 0; // target buffer to small
_ASSERT(nLen <= nSize);
nPos += nLen; // actual buffer postion
nSize -= nLen; // remainder target buffer size
cp[nPos++] = cSep; // write of complex number seperator
// imaginary part
nLen = RPL_GetBcd(&pbyNum[16],nMantLen,nExpLen,cDec,&cp[nPos],nSize);
if (nLen == 0) return 0; // target buffer to small
nPos += nLen; // actual buffer postion
cp[nPos++] = _T(')'); // end of complex number
cp[nPos] = 0; // EOS
_ASSERT(lstrlen(cp) == nPos);
return nPos;
static INT RPL_SetComplex(LPCTSTR cp,INT nMantLen,INT nExpLen,CONST TCHAR cDec,LPBYTE pbyNum,INT nSize)
LPTSTR pcSep,pszData;
INT nLen;
nLen = 0; // read data length
cSep = (cDec == _T('.')) // current separator
? _T(',') // radix mark '.' -> ',' separator
: _T(';'); // radix mark ',' -> ';' separator
if ((pszData = Trim(cp)) != NULL) // create a trimmed working copy of the string
INT nStrLength = lstrlen(pszData); // string length
// complex number with brackets around
if ( nStrLength > 0
&& pszData[0] == _T('(')
&& pszData[nStrLength - 1] == _T(')'))
pszData[--nStrLength] = 0; // replace ')' with EOS
// search for number separator
if ((pcSep = _tcschr(pszData+1,cSep)) != NULL)
INT nLen1st;
*pcSep = 0; // set EOS for 1st substring
// decode 1st substring
nLen1st = RPL_SetBcd(pszData+1,nMantLen,nExpLen,cDec,&pbyNum[0],nSize);
if (nLen1st > 0)
// decode 2nd substring
nLen = RPL_SetBcd(pcSep+1,nMantLen,nExpLen,cDec,&pbyNum[nMantLen+nExpLen+1],nSize-nLen1st);
if (nLen > 0)
nLen += nLen1st; // complete Bcd length
return nLen;
//# Object subroutines
static TCHAR GetRadix(VOID)
// get locale decimal point
return RPL_GetSystemFlag(fnRadix) ? _T(',') : _T('.');
static INT DoInt(DWORD dwAddress,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
LPBYTE lpbyData;
INT nLength,nIntLen;
nIntLen = Read5(dwAddress) - 5; // no. of digits
if (nIntLen <= 0) return 0; // error in calculator object
nLength = 0;
if ((lpbyData = (LPBYTE) malloc(nIntLen)))
// get precisition integer object content and decode it
nLength = RPL_GetZInt(lpbyData,nIntLen,cp,nSize);
return nLength;
static INT DoReal(DWORD dwAddress,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
BYTE byNumber[16];
// get real object content and decode it
return RPL_GetBcd(byNumber,12,3,GetRadix(),cp,nSize);
static INT DoComplex(DWORD dwAddress,LPTSTR cp,INT nSize)
BYTE byNumber[32];
// get complex object content and decode it
return RPL_GetComplex(byNumber,12,3,GetRadix(),cp,nSize);
//# Stack routines
LRESULT OnStackCopy(VOID) // copy data from stack
TCHAR cBuffer[128];
HANDLE hClipObj;
LPBYTE lpbyData;
DWORD dwAddress,dwObject,dwSize;
UINT uClipboardFormat;
_ASSERT(nState == SM_RUN); // emulator must be in RUN state
if (WaitForSleepState()) // wait for cpu SHUTDN then sleep state
InfoMessage(_T("The emulator is busy."));
return 0;
_ASSERT(nState == SM_SLEEP);
if ((dwAddress = RPL_Pick(1)) == 0) // pick address of level1 object
MessageBeep(MB_OK); // error beep
goto error;
switch (dwObject = Read5(dwAddress)) // select object
case DOINT: // Precision Integer (HP49G)
case DOREAL: // real object
case DOCMP: // complex object
dwAddress += 5; // object content
switch (dwObject)
case DOINT: // Precision Integer (HP49G)
// get precision integer object content and decode it
dwSize = DoInt(dwAddress,cBuffer,ARRAYSIZEOF(cBuffer));
case DOREAL: // real object
// get real object content and decode it
dwSize = DoReal(dwAddress,cBuffer,ARRAYSIZEOF(cBuffer));
case DOCMP: // complex object
// get complex object content and decode it
dwSize = DoComplex(dwAddress,cBuffer,ARRAYSIZEOF(cBuffer));
// calculate buffer size
dwSize = (dwSize + 1) * sizeof(*cBuffer);
// memory allocation for clipboard data
if ((hClipObj = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,dwSize)) == NULL)
goto error;
if ((lpbyData = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(hClipObj)))
// copy data to memory
GlobalUnlock(hClipObj); // unlock memory
#if defined _UNICODE
uClipboardFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT;
uClipboardFormat = CF_TEXT;
case DOCSTR: // string
dwAddress += 5; // address of string length
dwSize = (Read5(dwAddress) - 5) / 2; // length of string
// memory allocation for clipboard data
if ((hClipObj = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,dwSize + 1)) == NULL)
goto error;
if ((lpbyData = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(hClipObj))) // lock memory
// copy data into clipboard buffer
for (dwAddress += 5;dwSize-- > 0;dwAddress += 2,++lpbyData)
*lpbyData = Read2(dwAddress);
*lpbyData = 0; // set EOS
GlobalUnlock(hClipObj); // unlock memory
uClipboardFormat = CF_TEXT; // always text
MessageBeep(MB_OK); // error beep
goto error;
if (OpenClipboard(hWnd))
if (EmptyClipboard())
else // clipboard open failed
return 0;
LRESULT OnStackPaste(VOID) // paste data to stack
#if defined _UNICODE
HANDLE hClipObj;
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// check if clipboard format is available
if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXTFORMAT))
MessageBeep(MB_OK); // error beep
return 0;
SuspendDebugger(); // suspend debugger
bDbgAutoStateCtrl = FALSE; // disable automatic debugger state control
// calculator off, turn on
if (!(Chipset.IORam[BITOFFSET]&DON))
// wait for sleep mode
while (Chipset.Shutdn == FALSE) Sleep(0);
_ASSERT(nState == SM_RUN); // emulator must be in RUN state
if (WaitForSleepState()) // wait for cpu SHUTDN then sleep state
InfoMessage(_T("The emulator is busy."));
goto cancel;
_ASSERT(nState == SM_SLEEP);
if (OpenClipboard(hWnd))
if ((hClipObj = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXTFORMAT)))
LPCTSTR lpstrClipdata;
LPBYTE lpbyData;
if ((lpstrClipdata = (LPCTSTR) GlobalLock(hClipObj)))
BYTE byNumber[128];
DWORD dwAddress;
INT s;
if (bDetectClpObject) // autodetect clipboard object enabled
// HP49G in exact mode
if (cCurrentRomType == 'X' && !RPL_GetSystemFlag(fnApprox))
// try to convert string to HP49 precision integer
s = RPL_SetZInt(lpstrClipdata,byNumber,sizeof(byNumber));
if (s > 0) // is a real number for exact mode
// get TEMPOB memory for HP49 precision integer object
dwAddress = RPL_CreateTemp(s+5+5);
if ((bSuccess = (dwAddress > 0)))
Write5(dwAddress,DOINT); // prolog
Write5(dwAddress+5,s+5); // size
Nwrite(byNumber,dwAddress+10,s); // data
// push object to stack
// try to convert string to real format
_ASSERT(16 <= ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber));
s = RPL_SetBcd(lpstrClipdata,12,3,GetRadix(),byNumber,sizeof(byNumber));
if (s > 0) // is a real number
_ASSERT(s == 16); // length of real number BCD coded
// get TEMPOB memory for real object
dwAddress = RPL_CreateTemp(16+5);
if ((bSuccess = (dwAddress > 0)))
Write5(dwAddress,DOREAL); // prolog
Nwrite(byNumber,dwAddress+5,s); // data
// push object to stack
// try to convert string to complex format
_ASSERT(32 <= ARRAYSIZEOF(byNumber));
s = RPL_SetComplex(lpstrClipdata,12,3,GetRadix(),byNumber,sizeof(byNumber));
if (s > 0) // is a real complex
_ASSERT(s == 32); // length of complex number BCD coded
// get TEMPOB memory for complex object
dwAddress = RPL_CreateTemp(16+16+5);
if ((bSuccess = (dwAddress > 0)))
Write5(dwAddress,DOCMP); // prolog
Nwrite(byNumber,dwAddress+5,s); // data
// push object to stack
// any other format
DWORD dwSize = lstrlen(lpstrClipdata);
if ((lpbyData = (LPBYTE) malloc(dwSize * 2)))
LPBYTE lpbySrc,lpbyDest;
DWORD dwLoop;
#if defined _UNICODE
// copy data UNICODE -> ASCII
lpstrClipdata, dwSize,
(LPSTR) lpbyData+dwSize, dwSize, NULL, NULL);
// copy data
// unpack data
lpbySrc = lpbyData+dwSize;
lpbyDest = lpbyData;
dwLoop = dwSize;
while (dwLoop-- > 0)
BYTE byTwoNibs = *lpbySrc++;
*lpbyDest++ = (BYTE) (byTwoNibs & 0xF);
*lpbyDest++ = (BYTE) (byTwoNibs >> 4);
dwSize *= 2; // size in nibbles
// get TEMPOB memory for string object
dwAddress = RPL_CreateTemp(dwSize+10);
if ((bSuccess = (dwAddress > 0)))
Write5(dwAddress,DOCSTR); // String
Write5(dwAddress+5,dwSize+5); // length of String
Nwrite(lpbyData,dwAddress+10,dwSize); // data
// push object to stack
while (FALSE);
SwitchToState(SM_RUN); // run state
while (nState!=nNextState) Sleep(0);
_ASSERT(nState == SM_RUN);
if (bSuccess == FALSE) // data not copied
goto cancel;
// wait for sleep mode
while (Chipset.Shutdn == FALSE) Sleep(0);
bDbgAutoStateCtrl = TRUE; // enable automatic debugger state control
return 0;