/* * Copyright (C) 1995 Sebastien Carlier */ #include #include #include #include "emu48.h" char A[16]={0,}; char B[16]={0,}; char C[16]={0,}; char D[16]={0,}; char R0[16]={0,}; char R1[16]={0,}; char R2[16]={0,}; char R3[16]={0,}; char R4[16]={0,}; char ST[4]={0,}; char HST=0, P=0; int OUT = 0, IN = 0; int SHUTDN=0, INTP=0, INTE=0, INTD=0, rstkp = 0, MODE = 16, CARRY=0; long rstk[8] = {0,}; long pc=0, d0=0, d1=0; char CARDSTATUS = 0; char *eprom; char *rom = NULL, *ram, *port1, *port2; char *data[6]={NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; int ucfg[6]={1,1,1,1,1,0}, bank1, bank2; long base[6]={0x00100,0x80000,0x7F000,0x7E000,0x7E000,0x00000}; long size[6]={0x00040,0x40000,0x01000,0x01000,0x01000,0x100000}; unsigned short crc; unsigned long t1=0xf, t2=0xffffffff; unsigned long saturn_speed = 0; int quit = 0; int load_state = 1; void calibrate_timer() { saturn_speed = 4000; return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char c; printf("Emu48 version "VERSION", Copyright (C) 1995 Sebastien Carlier\n"); printf("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"); printf("under certain conditions; see COPYING for details.\n"); for (i=1; i