142 lines
5.6 KiB
142 lines
5.6 KiB
* Author: Eric Rechlin
CK1NoBlame ( one argument, attribute errors correctly )
CK&DISPATCH1 ( one argument... )
THREE ( ...check if it's a string )
DUP ( duplicate string )
ELEVEN ( last character + 1 to pull out )
1_#1-SUB$ ( pull out string of first characters )
"%%HP:" ( test string )
ONE ( search from first position )
POS$ ( find position of test string )
DUP ( duplicate position )
#0=?SKIP ( if header doesn't exist, skip secondary )
#5+ ( skip "%%HP:" header )
LAST$ ( pull out the rest of the string on level three )
DUP ( duplicate string )
";" ( substring to find )
ONE ( search from first position )
POS$ ( find position of substring )
2DUP ( duplicate string and position )
#1+ ( add one to bint...this is first char to take )
LAST$ ( pull out the rest of the string on level three )
UNROT ( 3 2 1 -> 1 3 2 )
1_#1-SUB$ ( take out the Kermit header at given position )
DUPLEN$ ( get length of header while keeping header on stack )
THIRTEEN #= ( header should be 13 characters long )
?SKIP ( don't error if header string is 13 characters long )
SETSIZEERR ( otherwise, give Bad Argument Value error )
RCLSYSF ( back up system flags to hex string in level one )
UNROT ( move flags backup to level 3 to get them out of the way )
DUP ( duplicate header )
FOUR ( " T(3)A(R)F(.)" )
SUB$1# ( ^ to ASCII code )
FORTYEIGHT ( ASCII code for 0 is 48d )
#- ( subtract 48 from ASCII code to get 0 through 3 )
UNCOERCE ( convert bint to real )
DOTRANSIO ( set ASCII translation mode to real on level one )
EIGHT ( " T(3)A(R)F(.)" )
SUB$1# ( ^ to ASCII code )
DUP ( duplicate ASCII code for D/R/G )
#52 ( ASCII code for R is 82d (52h) )
#= ( is it in radians mode? )
ITE ( do next semi if true, or the next one if false )
SEVENTEEN ( radians mode: flag -17 )
SetSysFlag ( set system flag -17 )
DROP ( drop extra ASCII code )
SEVENTEEN ( radians mode: flag -17 )
ClrSysFlag ( not radians: clear system flag -17 )
#47 ( ASCII code for G is 71d (47h) )
#= ( is it in grads mode? )
ITE ( do next semi if true, or the next one if false )
EIGHTEEN ( grads/degrees mode: flag -18 )
SetSysFlag ( grads mode: set system flag -18 )
EIGHTEEN ( grads/degrees mode: flag -18 )
ClrSysFlag ( must be degrees mode: clear system flag -18 )
TWELVE ( " T(3)A(R)F(.)" )
SUB$1# ( ^ to ASCII code )
FORTYFOUR ( ASCII code for , is 44d )
#= ( is the fraction mark a comma? )
ITE ( do next semi if true, or the next one if false )
FIFTYONE ( fraction mark: flag -51 )
SetSysFlag ( fraction mark is comma: set system flag -51 )
FIFTYONE ( fraction mark: flag -51 )
ClrSysFlag ( fraction mark must be period: clear system flag -51 )
KINVISLF ( translate, remove all CR's; we just need LF's )
DROP ( drop empty string )
SWAP ( get backup of system flags from level two )
DOSTOSYSF ( restore system flags to previous settings )
palparse ( get object from string, returns true or false )
NOTcase2DROP ( if conversion fails drop two objects and quit )
DUP ( duplicate object/composite )
CARCOMP ( return first object of the composite )
' xSILENT' ( put object xSILENT' on the stack )
EQ ( compare them )
NOT?SEMI ( if false skip to end of secondary... )
TWO ( get 2nd... )
NTHCOMPDROP ( ...object behind the xSILENT' )
ZERO ( ...check if it's not a string [actually, anything] )
EDITDECOMP$ ( make into string )
KVISLF ( translations, add a CR to each LF for Windows/DOS )
"%%HP: T(" ( Kermit pre-header )
GetIOPAR ( put IOPAR on 6 levels of stack, TRANSIO mode is in level 1 )
6UNROLL 5DROP ( don't need upper 5 levels, so just keep level 1 )
IOCheckReal %IP># ( make sure it's valid and convert to bint )
DUP FOUR #< ( make sure TRANSIO mode is less than four )
?SKIP ( don't error if mode is less than four )
SetIOPARErr ( error if mode is not less than four )
#>$ ( convert bint to string )
!append$ ( combine TRANSIO string with existing header string )
")A(" ( string between TRANSIO mode and angle mode )
!append$ ( combine strings )
SEVENTEEN ( radians mode is system flag -17 )
TestSysFlag ( check for radians mode )
CHR_R ( character R if radians mode )
EIGHTEEN ( degrees/grads mode is system flag -18 )
TestSysFlag ( check for grads mode )
ITE ( do next object if true, otherwise the next one )
CHR_G ( character G if grad mode )
CHR_D ( character D otherwise )
CHR>$ ( convert character to string )
!append$ ( combine angle mode string with header string )
FIFTYONE ( fraction mark: system flag -51 )
TestSysFlag ( check for fraction mark as comma )
")F(,)" ( fraction mark is comma )
")F(.)" ( otherwise, fraction mark must be period )
!append$ ( combine strings )
";\0D\0A" ( semicolon, CR, LF )
!append$SWAP ( combine strings, swap )
!append$ ( combine strings )