Lightning Launcher - Português Português Diatosta Lightning é um lançador incrivelmente rápido e personalizável ao limite. \nÉ leve na memória e nunca fica lento. \n \nNão está mais restrito a páginas. Agora, o seu ambiente de trabalho é um bonito trabalho de arte numa tela infinita. \nAs possibilidades são infinitas. \n \nCaracterísticas mais importantes: \n•Planos e tamanhos de tela diferentes para ambos os modos de retrato e de paisagem \n•Painéis, ambientes de trabalho deslocáveis no topo da corrente página \n•A capacidade de prender itens de maneira a não se mexerem mais \n•Preferências de caixa: personalize a imagem de fundo, as bordas e margens de qualquer item \n•Modo livre: Grelha? Que é isso? Modo livre livra-se das linhas, e permite a rotação de itens \n•Múltiplos ambientes de trabalho \n•22 gestos diferentes com 29 acções (que também podem ser usadas com atalhos) \n•Use um dos seus ambientes de trabalhos como ecrã de bloqueio! (em beta) \n•Pontos de paragem: diga ao Lightning quando parar de rolar a lista \n•Direcções personalizáveis de rolagem \n•Total controlo sobre qualquer item, incluindo: \n1. fonte do texto, sombra e cor \n2. ícones personalizados da sua galeria \n3. escolhe quão perto e de que lado o ícone está do seu rótulo \n4. definições de caixa, com suporte para .9.png como fundo (procure por isto, .9's são fixes) \n5- transparência, e direcções dos gestos para iniciar qualquer acção (ex: Puxe para cima no ícone do Chrome abre o Dolphin Browser) \n•Salve o seu ambiente de trabalho personalizado em ou um cópia completa ou como uma opção \n•Exporte o seu estilo como um .APK \n------ \nO Lightning suporta transparência na barra de estado e de navegação em roms KitKat. \n------ \nComo as outras ferramentas poderosas como o Tasker, o Lightning tem uma curva de aprendizagem. Mas não há outro lançador que ofereça o poder de Lightning. \n \nZap! \n \nQuaisquer comentários, sugestões e relatórios de erros são bem-vindos. \nPode mandar-me um e-mail para o endereço:, como Pierre Hébert. \nSe quiser, pode juntar-se à comunidade do G+ para obter feedback de outros utilizadores, discutir recursos, responder a questões, ou entrar no grupo de beta testing. \nFicheiros de ajuda podem ser encontrados online ao pressionar longamente em qualquer definição. Não foi possível abrir a aplicação Adicionar item... Definições do Android Definições do Lightning Definições da pasta Editar disposição Adicionar item... App Atalho Widget LL Widget Pasta Ponto de paragem Apagar Personalizar item... Mover para ambiente de trabalho... Seleccionar um ícone Editar rótulo Seleccionar aplicação Escolher outro widget Mais... Posição... Prender Desprender Adicionar ao lançador Alternar escondidos Informação da aplicação Opções do widget Mover fora da pasta Bem-vindo! Lightning Launcher é uma leve, rápida e personalizável reposição do ecrã principal do Android \n \nLL vai agora preparar a lista de aplicações definitivamente. \n \nVeja os vídeos de tutorial para aprender mais. \n \nEspero que goste! Todas as aplicações Recarregar Aproximar Apenas visivel Apenas invisivel Todas as aplicações Toque longo para adicionar itens a esta pasta \nPersonalize o item de pasta para mais opções CIMA Todas as definições Geral Gestos, acções e mais Definições do ambiente de trabalho Estilo de item, layout e opções de rolagem Todas as aplicações Definições de todas as aplicações Forçar a paragem de aplicativos Parar aplicativos com Lightning Doar Quer suportar Lightning? Cópia de segurança Restaurar Rate Lightning Tell us what you think on Google Play Lightning Launcher on Google+ App update news, suggest a feature, or report a bug Lightning Drawer A highly advanced All Apps page. Customize Lightning Language options Install a language pack Select your language pack This will restart Lightning. Get another language Install from Google Play Contribute Create or update your own language pack Events & actions Control gestures and their actions Home button Menu button Search button Tap Long-press Tap an empty space Double-tap empty space Long-tap empty space Swipe left Swipe right Swipe up Swipe down Swipe left with 2 fingers Swipe right with 2 fingers Swipe up with 2 fingers Swipe down with 2 fingers Unset (Lock) Do nothing All Apps Zoom full scale Zoom 100p Toggle full scale/100p zoom Previous desktop Next desktop Edit layout Add item Customize Lightning Current desktop settings Launch an app Launch a shortcut Select a wallpaper Lightning Menu Toggle status bar Toggle status bar & Lightning Menu Expand notifications tray Search Move item Customize item Item menu Launch item Auto-edit Enter edit mode after adding an item Transition when switching desktops None Fade Horizontal slide Vertical slide Keep Lightning running This will shorten the time it takes to load, but uses more memory Select a shortcut Select a widget [Make a new style] What\'s it called? Remove this style? This style has fewer columns than the current one. Continue and reorganize items ? Style saved Style loaded Add LL widget Icon copy failed :( Sorry, this tool isn\'t available. Folder %s added Make Lightning the default launcher Extras Permission denied. For call shortcuts please install the LL direct call plugin Swipe left to preview changes Wallpaper Select a wallpaper, its tint color, or enable scrolling Grid lines Width, color, and position Folder windows Background, borders, animations Current folder window Background, borders, animations Layout Choose item placement mode (free/grid), grid size Scroll/zoom options Up, down, left, or right? Extra folder options Auto close, glitch fix This folder Miscellaneous Bar transparencies and orientation Color Width Height Use 0 for default Scroll the wallpaper May affect the performance Horizontal color Horizontal thickness Vertical color Vertical thickness Make transparent for no line 0 is 1 pixel thick Draw above desktop Title settings Display title Color Font size Animation Open Close Behavior Detach by default When adding an item, detach it from grid automatically Dual position Allow items to have two positions: one in portrait mode (primary), and another one in landscape Placement Grid columns Grid rows Mode Automatic Fixed number Fixed size Number Size Columns per page Width of each column Rows per page Height of each row Scroll direction Auto Horizontal only Vertical only Both No scrolling at all Overscroll animation Decelerate Bounce Disabled Snap to pages Always stop scrolling at a page boundary Fit desktop to items Desktop only scrolls as far as the items go Disable diagonal scrolling Only scroll in one direction at a time Pinch to zoom in or out Auto close Close the folder as soon as one of its app is launched Animation glitch fix Add a 1 pixel padding to fix a glitch that appears on some versions of Android Desktop orientation Sensor Portrait lock Landscape lock System default Hide the status bar Manage Load a style Overwrite current config with a style Save to a style Save current config to a style Are you sure? Reset current desktop Removes all items and loads the default style Text Icon Pos. Box + Main Display the label Set a custom label Font size Use a custom font… Font style Normal Bold Italic Bold & italic Maximum number of lines Colors Normal color Selected color Focused color Shadow Enable shadow Radius Offset X Offset Y Color Main Display the icon Select an icon Folder icon style Icon Grid Stack Layers Background image Overlay Mask Inner scale Smooth icon Scale Large scale uses a lot more memory. Use with caution. Reflection Enable reflection Overlap with the icon Size Scale Margin between icon and label Label position Left Top Right Bottom Center Horizontal alignment Left Center Right Custom Vertical alignment Top Middle Bottom Custom Seleccione uma ou mais áreas, \ndepois escolha cor/tamanho abaixo Size of selected areas Normal color Selected color Focused color Color of selected areas Clickable Enter edit mode to select a disabled item Transparency Might affect performance. 0 is completely transparent. Smooth when transformed Might affect performance. Normal Selected Focused Modo de pré-visualização \n(pode diferir do aspecto final) Modo de pré-visualização \nNão é possível efectuar acções Choose a .TTF or .OTF file Default font left top right bottom margin border padding content custom Select an icon from: Lightning File Manager Other file manager Compatible icon pack Tutorials Donate Other apps Introduction Customize objects Free mode Lock desktop Pin/dock items Desktop and navigation Color Picker Lightning Setting Lightning Action No backup available Backup in progress… Restore in progress… Backup saved to: \n%s Backup error, please check that there is enough storage space on the sdcard Restore error, please check that the backup archive is valid and can be read Are you sure? Reset System wallpaper Change the wallpaper The system wallpaper works across your entire Android device Desktop wallpaper Change the desktop wallpaper… This wallpaper overrides the system one, and can differ between desktops More Color Tint the wallpaper Long tap Tap Default Compact (small icons, small text) Readable (big icons, large text) List, icons on the right List, large text, without icon List, large text and icons Tiled, without text Flashy colors Zune like Hint To get help on a setting, long-press on it. Don\'t show this again Pin mode Not pinned Horizontal&Vertical Horizontal Vertical Gestures Lightning Desktop bookmark Lightning Launcher eXtreme The ultimate launcher. No compromise. More free apps From PierroX (tools, games, fun) Kill Killed (%dM freed) App killed Configure desktops Rearrange, delete, add, and select default desktops My Drawer Alphabetical Recently launched Recently updated Used often Edit layout Refresh Settings Folder settings Uninstall My Drawer A vista de "Minha Gaveta" permite personalizar a sua gaveta de aplicações \n \nNeste modo, os itens podem ser movidos livremente, e as pastas podem ser utilizadas para organizar aplicações \n \nExperimente diminuir o zoom e seleccionar "Edição de layout": as aplicações podem ser colocadas em páginas à esquerda, à direita, no topo e em baixo, permitindo-lhe gerir as aplicações à sua maneira Pasta vazia \nArraste e largue itens para a pasta Importing LL setup An installation of Lightning Launcher has been detected. \n \nAll data will now be imported. When this is done you can safely uninstall Lightning Launcher and use Lightning Launcher eXtreme instead. Ready! Something went wrong during file copy! Auto exit Close the app drawer upon app launch Icon pack Apply an icon pack or revert to default icons Apply an icon pack Works with icon packs designed for ADW and a few others This icon pack as no app/icon table Revert custom icons This includes inner scale and icon effects. Please wait… Item is not installed. Search Google Play, or pick another app? Google Play Dynamic text Data Text to display Unread SMS count Unread GMail count Missed phone calls Date & Time Storage Battery level Heap max Heap free Easy format Date Time Date & Time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Expert format Long-tap for more info Display when empty Error in format Select storage Internal External Display format Normal Short Percent Bytes What to display Space left Space used Available Transparent status bar Only on supported devices Swap items Swap items if they overlap (grid mode only) Rearrange items Warning: please read the help first (long press) Backup & Restore Go to home desktop Go to home desktop, then zoom 100p. Ask desktop to go to Restart app Settings below apply to: Portrait & Landscape Portrait Landscape Please confirm: Applying template… Unable to apply this template! Templates Browse and apply templates, export for APK Apply Load an installed template Browse existing templates Get fresh new themes Export for APK Long tap to read the tutorial Select a template Exporting… Export done Export error! Opening template… Unable to read this template! Need to update This template has been designed for a newer version of Lightning Launcher, would you like to update now ? Get LLX Warning Continue anyway The template is ready to be applied but some warnings have been found: - this template has been designed with Lightning Launcher eXtreme, it may use some features not available in this version. - this template does not exactly match your screen characteristics. Some elements may not be displayed correctly. - your device is not able to restore widgets automatically, you will need to manually recreate them. O widget não foi encontrado \n \nPressione para escolher outro Select desktops to export Close topmost folder Close all folders Screen on Screen off Search app Honor pinned items in edit mode Stop point Behavior Stop scroll Stop drag Barrier Desktop wide Snapping Direction Left to right Right to left Top to bottom Bottom to top Always show stop points Stop points are always displayed, even in normal mode Layout editor Backup Open a folder Select a folder Backup name Select an action Rename Delete Send Delete this archive ? Restore this archive ? Gmail label Copy to desktop… Placement When using custom alignment Left Top Fade in / out Match edges Left Right Top Bottom Background images Long tap for documentation Normal background Selected background Focused background Background image None Open / Close Slides to right Slides to left Slides to bottom Slides to top Switch to portrait Switch to landscape Go to specified desktop&position Close other folders Allow only a single opened folder at a time Transparent navigation bar Left Top Width Height Angle Scale X Scale Y Skew X Skew Y Geometry editor Panel Panel settings Detach from grid Attach to grid Move out of panel Panel size Use desktop size Use the desktop size to compute the cell size, not the panel size Lock Unlock Menu key (long) Back key Back key (long) Items… Compact Sort a-z Sort z-a Unlock screen Not locked yet Lock screen Select the desktop to be shown on the lock screen. Long tap for a tutorial. Select or disable the lock screen Select a desktop, tap and cancel to disable it The lock screen has been disabled. Unlocker The Unlocker Plugin is not installed yet. Tap to install Before to lock, please ensure that this desktop can be unlocked safely, either using an unlocker or an \"Unlock screen\" action. Selection effect Plain Holo Material Stop points conflict with the \'Snap to page\' option: it has been automatically turned off. Rotation Rotate the item upon screen rotation Name New Delete Edit… Help Unknown or deleted script, a new one has been created. Untitled script Script name Please confirm This script may be in use in other actions. Are you sure to delete it ? Syntax check result The syntax looks good Run a script View script Disable Script editor Position changed Reached event Load Go back Template Overwrite with backup Overwrite with template Appear in: Lightning menu Item menu Custom menu Scripts… Custom scripts menu Replace: fully replace the current setup Merge: keep the current setup, import the template as new desktops Update: keep desktops and items, apply style from desktops in the template only Make a backup first You are about to apply the template \'%s\', do you want to make a backup of your current setup first ? Launch unlock Apps launched from the lock screen will unlock at the same time Load the wallpaper No scroll limit The desktop can be scrolled beyond its limit Hierarchy… Item infos Identify this item with a label Back Item menu Expert mode Unleash the power of LL by displaying advanced options (take effect upon reload) Color Background image Preview Run scripts Allow scripts execution Warning: script execution is currently disabled in general settings Your apps are here. \nYou can launch apps from there and start adding apps to the desktop: long press on some app and select \"Add to launcher\". \n \nTap to learn more. You just added a folder. Folders can contain apps, widgets or even other folders. \n \nDrag some item over it, wait a bit for the move to be confirmed (at the end of the animation), then drop the object: it will be moved inside the folder. \n \nTap to learn more on folders. Your first panel is here. \nPanels behave a bit like folders: drag item over it, wait a bit for the move to be confirmed (end of the animation), then drop the object. \n \nTap to learn more on panels. Hint This is your desktop. Long tap to add objects (apps, widgets, folders, more) and access settings. \n \nPages are created as soon as you drag objects over them: to the left and right sides, but also to the top and bottom sides. \n \nTap to learn more on LL concepts. Concepts Wiki Select shortcut Paused Resumed Action bar Background image Hide the action bar Ok Google Speak into your device Display the action bar on scroll Image Picker Delete image Camera External file browser Background color Delete this file? Icon pack File Application Launcher images Touch Script data Send Load a script… Script loaded successfully Unable to load this script Browse the app store Unrecoverable error Set a name When reaching a side, items from the other side are displayed as if the desktop were a sphere Colorize Use alpha to adjust the saturation Status bar and content overlap Navigation bar and content overlap System bars Set status and navigation bars visibility, transparency, etc. Status bar tint color Navigation bar tint color Status bar Navigation bar Play Store User menu Settings screen style Light Dark Material effect mask Constraint the ripples inside the item\'s boundaries Icon font Themes Page indicator Ind. Style Dots Horizontal line Vertical line Mini map Textual Text format Horizontal spacing Vertical spacing Outer radius Outer color Outer width Inner radius Inner color Map border color Map border width Map background color Screen border color Screen border width Screen background color Background color Background width Cursor color Cursor width Gravity Center Right or Bottom Left or Top Icon & Text Container Dynamic content More Text Icon Side bar Badge Navigation Bookmark Blank item A side bar is a customized folder. Drop items here to move them into the side bar. Tap on the icon to toggle the side bar, or assign it to a gesture or any other event. Change the window alignment values to dock it on other sides. Exit edit mode A page indicator displays the current page position in the desktop. By default this is item pinned and not clickable. Enter the edit layout mode first to change its style, color, etc. A stop point is a tool to create custom scrolling scheme: the desktop will stop scrolling at stop points. Long tap on a stop point to edit its properties. Stop points are only visible in edit mode. A bookmark saves the current position and scale of your desktop. Once the bookmark has been created you can move it anywhere else, tapping on it will automatically bring you back to the memorized desktop position. It works inside panels and folders too! Swipe from the left edge to reveal the drawer Actions Options Word wrap Seamless mode X Seamless mode Y The seamless mode is automatically disabled in edit mode, otherwise empty pages wouldn\'t be reachable. Be aware that some items may then suddenly disappear when entering edit mode: they are just displayed at their original position in the desktop instead of being "wrapped". \nSeamless mode is enabled again when exiting edit mode. Selected: Wallpaper tap Wallpaper secondary tap Start here User community Tips & tricks Backup & Restore Hint: in order to create a new page, simply add or drag some item on it. \nThis works for pages above and below too, try it! \n \n(you can safely delete this hint) Hint: use one or two fingers swipe up to reveal the user menu (you can customize it), long tap somewhere to display a contextual menu. \n \n(you can safely delete this hint) Zoom Import… The Script Importer is not installed Would you like to install it from the Play Store? Categories Select visible app drawer categories At least one category need to be selected… Please unlock Lightning to use this feature Upgrade to the Full Lightning version to benefit from more features: \n \n- Advanced app drawer (folders, action bar, categories). \n- Add, remove, rearrange desktops at will. \n- Per desktop wallpaper. \n- Unread count, badges and dynamic text. \n- Customizable lock screen. \n- Integrated app killer. \n \nIf you already unlocked Lightning in the past, please select "OK" to re-activate this version. Please wait… Thank you for supporting Lightning! Sorry, an error occurred… Canceled This feature is not available in the trial version Unleash Lightning Upgrade to get the most out of Lightning Thank you for testing Lightning! \n \nThe app will run in trial mode for 7 days: all features are enabled and can be used without restriction during this period. After the trial period, the app will still be usable but editing will not be enabled anymore. \n \nIf you like this app and wish to support it, please consider purchasing the key to unlock it. \n \nThank you! About Lightning You are a long time user of the free version of Lighting Launcher, thank you. \n \nAlthough this version has been replaced with a trial version, you will still benefit from all previously existing features for free, as well as most improvements made in the full app since the last update. \n \nIf you wish to support this app, please consider purchasing the unlock key at a discounted loyalty price. \n \nThanks! %d days left for the trial Lightning need your feedback! \n \nWould you like to take a few seconds to rate this app on the Play Store? \n This is a sample lock screen that you can customize at will. \nAdd apps or widgets then activate it through the lock screen settings (tap here). Image cropper Position Center, unscaled Fit width and height Crop rectangle Solid color Search… Select a script Image pool size Please read the documentation before to change this value Visibility… All Only visible Only hidden Text color Custom view Custom views are designed for advanced use cases. It enables Android view creation through scripting and as a consequence it requires advanced scripting and Android knowledge. Create script Destroy script Undo Redo Hide edit bars Show edit bars Duplicate Multi selection Snap Properties Desktop settings App drawer settings One or more widget will be deleted. Widget deletion cannot be fully undone and you may have to recreate the widget content. Do you wish to continue? Copy the style Paste the style Style copied, now use \'Paste the style\' to replicate it. Actions… No option Lightning Folder Run in: Desktop App Drawer Lock screen Background Lightning Script No script I think I already told you there were no script ;-) Please do not insist, there is no script here. Hey! Can\'t you read? Well, that\'s enough, please stop. Otherwise I\'ll have to create a script. OK, if this is the only way to be in peace, let\'s go, I will now create a script… Make me turn Move to first Move previous Delete Set as home desktop New Duplicate Move next Move to last Copy of New desktop Broken icon pack No icon to display No custom view. \nTap to try again. Switching to \'My Drawer\' view for customization Bindings Add binding… Property Value Position on the grid Position detached from the grid Dummy Visibility Enabled Label Item properties Select… Date & Time Pick an existing variable Second Minute Hour (24) Hour (12) AM/PM Day Month Week Year Day name Month name Battery Level Status Voltage Plugged Storage Internal Total Internal Free External Total External Free Internal Total (numeric) Internal Free (numeric) External Total (numeric) External Free (numeric) CPU Usage User Nice System Idle I/O Irq Softirq Screen Orientation Other Set a variable Variable name (without $) Lightning Variable Do nothing (lock) Launch the App Drawer Zoom full scale Zoom 100p. Zoom toggle full scale/100p. Previous desktop Next desktop Edit layout Add object Customize Lightning Customize current desktop or folder Launch app Launch shortcut Select wallpaper Launcher menu Show/hide status bar Show/hide app menu & status bar Show notifications Search Move item Customize item Item menu Launch item Use auto scroll stops Automatically stop scrolling at desktop edges Select a backup archive to restore Nenhum Abrir/Fechar Fade in/out Apagar escala/rotação Rolagem de um só dedo em modo editar Alternar retrato/paisagem Velocidade de rolagem Backup then apply Only apply Default icon Transparent bars and content overlap Background image, visibility Seamless mode Blank image Minimize memory usage Lightning will use less RAM, but might slow down a bit. Requires restart Show hidden Hide hidden Mover para a frente/trás Snapping None Center Edge Center & Edge Carregue num item para copiar o seu estilo Cópia de estilo cancelada O estilo foi copiado Copiar um estilo App… Folder settings Items Fonts, colors, icons, box settings, and more Add folder Add page indicator Long tap for the description First steps Hit menu to show it Lightning Launcher English