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synced 2025-02-10 20:47:50 +01:00
277 lines
9.4 KiB
277 lines
9.4 KiB
import os
import struct
from io import BytesIO, RawIOBase
from math import inf
from typing import Tuple
from .common import PostProcessor
from ..utils import prepend_extension
class LengthLimiter(RawIOBase):
A bytes IO to limit length to be read.
def __init__(self, r: RawIOBase, size: int):
self.r = r
self.remaining = size
def read(self, sz: int = None) -> bytes:
if self.remaining == 0:
return b''
if sz in (-1, None):
sz = self.remaining
sz = min(sz, self.remaining)
ret = self.r.read(sz)
if ret:
self.remaining -= len(ret)
return ret
def readall(self) -> bytes:
if self.remaining == 0:
return b''
ret = self.read(self.remaining)
if ret:
self.remaining -= len(ret)
return ret
def readable(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.remaining)
def read_harder(r, size):
Try to read from the stream.
@params r byte stream to read
@params size Number of bytes to read in total
retry = 0
buf = b''
while len(buf) < size and retry < 3:
ret = r.read(size - len(buf))
if not ret:
retry += 1
retry = 0
buf += ret
return buf
def pack_be32(value: int) -> bytes:
""" Pack value to 4-byte-long bytes in the big-endian byte order """
return struct.pack('>I', value)
def pack_be64(value: int) -> bytes:
""" Pack value to 8-byte-long bytes in the big-endian byte order """
return struct.pack('>L', value)
def unpack_be32(value: bytes) -> int:
""" Convert 4-byte-long bytes in the big-endian byte order, to an integer value """
return struct.unpack('>I', value)[0]
def unpack_be64(value: bytes) -> int:
""" Convert 8-byte-long bytes in the big-endian byte order, to an integer value """
return struct.unpack('>L', value)[0]
def unpack_ver_flags(value: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Unpack 4-byte-long value into version and flags.
@returns (version, flags)
ver, up_flag, down_flag = struct.unpack('>BBH', value)
return ver, (up_flag << 16 | down_flag)
# https://github.com/gpac/mp4box.js/blob/4e1bc23724d2603754971abc00c2bd5aede7be60/src/box.js#L13-L40
MP4_CONTAINER_BOXES = ('moov', 'trak', 'edts', 'mdia', 'minf', 'dinf', 'stbl', 'mvex', 'moof', 'traf', 'vttc', 'tref', 'iref', 'mfra', 'meco', 'hnti', 'hinf', 'strk', 'strd', 'sinf', 'rinf', 'schi', 'trgr', 'udta', 'iprp', 'ipco')
""" List of boxes that nests the other boxes """
def parse_mp4_boxes(r: RawIOBase):
Parses an ISO BMFF (which MP4 follows) and yields its boxes as a sequence.
This does not interpret content of these boxes.
Sequence details:
('atom', b'blablabla'): A box, with content (not container boxes)
('atom', b''): Possibly container box (must check MP4_CONTAINER_BOXES) or really an empty box
(None, 'atom'): End of a container box
Example: Path:
('test', b'123456') /test
('moov', b'') /moov (start of container box)
('helo', b'abcdef') /moov/helo
('1984', b'1q84') /moov/1984
('trak', b'') /moov/trak (start of container box)
('keys', b'2022') /moov/trak/keys
(None , 'trak') /moov/trak (end of container box)
('topp', b'1991') /moov/topp
(None , 'moov') /moov (end of container box)
while True:
size_b = read_harder(r, 4)
if not size_b:
type_b = r.read(4)
# 00 00 00 20 is big-endian
box_size = unpack_be32(size_b)
type_s = type_b.decode()
if type_s in MP4_CONTAINER_BOXES:
yield (type_s, b'')
yield from parse_mp4_boxes(LengthLimiter(r, box_size - 8))
yield (None, type_s)
# subtract by 8
full_body = read_harder(r, box_size - 8)
yield (type_s, full_body)
def write_mp4_boxes(w: RawIOBase, box_iter):
Writes an ISO BMFF file from a given sequence to a given writer.
The iterator to be passed must follow parse_mp4_boxes's protocol.
stack = [
(None, w), # parent box, IO
for btype, content in box_iter:
if btype in MP4_CONTAINER_BOXES:
bio = BytesIO()
stack.append((btype, bio))
elif btype is None:
assert stack[-1][0] == content
btype, bio = stack.pop()
content = bio.getvalue()
wt = stack[-1][1]
wt.write(pack_be32(len(content) + 8))
class MP4FixupTimestampPP(PostProcessor):
def available(self):
return True
def analyze_mp4(self, filepath):
""" returns (baseMediaDecodeTime offset, sample duration cutoff) """
smallest_bmdt, known_sdur = inf, set()
with open(filepath, 'rb') as r:
for btype, content in parse_mp4_boxes(r):
if btype == 'tfdt':
version, _ = unpack_ver_flags(content[0:4])
# baseMediaDecodeTime always comes to the first
if version == 0:
bmdt = unpack_be32(content[4:8])
bmdt = unpack_be64(content[4:12])
if bmdt == 0:
smallest_bmdt = min(bmdt, smallest_bmdt)
elif btype == 'tfhd':
version, flags = unpack_ver_flags(content[0:4])
if not flags & 0x08:
# this box does not contain "sample duration"
# https://github.com/gpac/mp4box.js/blob/4e1bc23724d2603754971abc00c2bd5aede7be60/src/box.js#L203-L209
# https://github.com/gpac/mp4box.js/blob/4e1bc23724d2603754971abc00c2bd5aede7be60/src/parsing/tfhd.js
sdur_start = 8 # header + track id
if flags & 0x01:
sdur_start += 8
if flags & 0x02:
sdur_start += 4
# the next 4 bytes are "sample duration"
sample_dur = unpack_be32(content[sdur_start:sdur_start + 4])
maximum_sdur = max(known_sdur)
for multiplier in (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95):
sdur_cutoff = maximum_sdur * multiplier
if len(set(x for x in known_sdur if x > sdur_cutoff)) < 3:
sdur_cutoff = inf
return smallest_bmdt, sdur_cutoff
def transform(r, bmdt_offset, sdur_cutoff):
for btype, content in r:
if btype == 'tfdt':
version, _ = unpack_ver_flags(content[0:4])
if version == 0:
bmdt = unpack_be32(content[4:8])
bmdt = unpack_be64(content[4:12])
if bmdt == 0:
yield (btype, content)
# calculate new baseMediaDecodeTime
bmdt = max(0, bmdt - bmdt_offset)
# pack everything again and insert as a new box
if version == 0:
bmdt_b = pack_be32(bmdt)
bmdt_b = pack_be64(bmdt)
yield ('tfdt', content[0:4] + bmdt_b + content[8 + version * 4:])
elif btype == 'tfhd':
version, flags = unpack_ver_flags(content[0:4])
if not flags & 0x08:
yield (btype, content)
sdur_start = 8
if flags & 0x01:
sdur_start += 8
if flags & 0x02:
sdur_start += 4
sample_dur = unpack_be32(content[sdur_start:sdur_start + 4])
if sample_dur > sdur_cutoff:
sample_dur = 0
sd_b = pack_be32(sample_dur)
yield ('tfhd', content[:sdur_start] + sd_b + content[sdur_start + 4:])
yield (btype, content)
def modify_mp4(self, src, dst, bmdt_offset, sdur_cutoff):
with open(src, 'rb') as r, open(dst, 'wb') as w:
write_mp4_boxes(w, self.transform(parse_mp4_boxes(r)))
def run(self, information):
filename = information['filepath']
temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
self.write_debug('Analyzing MP4')
bmdt_offset, sdur_cutoff = self.analyze_mp4(filename)
working = inf not in (bmdt_offset, sdur_cutoff)
# if any of them are Infinity, there's something wrong
# baseMediaDecodeTime = to shift PTS
# sample duration = to define duration in each segment
self.write_debug(f'baseMediaDecodeTime offset = {bmdt_offset}, sample duration cutoff = {sdur_cutoff}')
if bmdt_offset == inf:
# safeguard
bmdt_offset = 0
self.modify_mp4(filename, temp_filename, bmdt_offset, sdur_cutoff)
if working:
self.to_screen('Duration of the file has been fixed')
self.report_warning(f'Failed to fix duration of the file. (baseMediaDecodeTime offset = {bmdt_offset}, sample duration cutoff = {sdur_cutoff})')
os.replace(temp_filename, filename)
return [], information