diff --git a/test/conftest.py b/test/conftest.py
index 2fbc269e1f..decd2c85c8 100644
--- a/test/conftest.py
+++ b/test/conftest.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import functools
import inspect
import pytest
@@ -10,7 +9,9 @@ from yt_dlp.utils._utils import _YDLLogger as FakeLogger
def handler(request):
- RH_KEY = request.param
+ RH_KEY = getattr(request, 'param', None)
+ if not RH_KEY:
+ return
if inspect.isclass(RH_KEY) and issubclass(RH_KEY, RequestHandler):
handler = RH_KEY
@@ -18,9 +19,46 @@ def handler(request):
pytest.skip(f'{RH_KEY} request handler is not available')
- return functools.partial(handler, logger=FakeLogger)
+ class HandlerWrapper(handler):
+ RH_KEY = handler.RH_KEY
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(logger=FakeLogger, *args, **kwargs)
+ return HandlerWrapper
-def validate_and_send(rh, req):
- rh.validate(req)
- return rh.send(req)
+def skip_handler(request, handler):
+ """usage: pytest.mark.skip_handler('my_handler', 'reason')"""
+ for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handler'):
+ if marker.args[0] == handler.RH_KEY:
+ pytest.skip(marker.args[1] if len(marker.args) > 1 else '')
+def skip_handler_if(request, handler):
+ """usage: pytest.mark.skip_handler_if('my_handler', lambda request: True, 'reason')"""
+ for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handler_if'):
+ if marker.args[0] == handler.RH_KEY and marker.args[1](request):
+ pytest.skip(marker.args[2] if len(marker.args) > 2 else '')
+def skip_handlers_if(request, handler):
+ """usage: pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(lambda request, handler: True, 'reason')"""
+ for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handlers_if'):
+ if handler and marker.args[0](request, handler):
+ pytest.skip(marker.args[1] if len(marker.args) > 1 else '')
+def pytest_configure(config):
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers", "skip_handler(handler): skip test for the given handler",
+ )
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers", "skip_handler_if(handler): skip test for the given handler if condition is true"
+ )
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers", "skip_handlers_if(handler): skip test for handlers when the condition is true"
+ )
diff --git a/test/helper.py b/test/helper.py
index 7760fd8d7f..e7473120d1 100644
--- a/test/helper.py
+++ b/test/helper.py
@@ -338,3 +338,8 @@ def http_server_port(httpd):
def verify_address_availability(address):
if find_available_port(address) is None:
pytest.skip(f'Unable to bind to source address {address} (address may not exist)')
+def validate_and_send(rh, req):
+ rh.validate(req)
+ return rh.send(req)
diff --git a/test/test_http_proxy.py b/test/test_http_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1d7c53f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_http_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+import abc
+import base64
+import contextlib
+import functools
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import ssl
+import threading
+from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer
+import pytest
+from test.helper import http_server_port, verify_address_availability
+from test.test_networking import TEST_DIR
+from test.test_socks import IPv6ThreadingTCPServer
+from yt_dlp.dependencies import urllib3
+from yt_dlp.networking import Request
+from yt_dlp.networking.exceptions import HTTPError, ProxyError, SSLError
+class HTTPProxyAuthMixin:
+ def proxy_auth_error(self):
+ self.send_response(407)
+ self.send_header('Proxy-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="test http proxy"')
+ self.end_headers()
+ return False
+ def do_proxy_auth(self, username, password):
+ if username is None and password is None:
+ return True
+ proxy_auth_header = self.headers.get('Proxy-Authorization', None)
+ if proxy_auth_header is None:
+ return self.proxy_auth_error()
+ if not proxy_auth_header.startswith('Basic '):
+ return self.proxy_auth_error()
+ auth = proxy_auth_header[6:]
+ try:
+ auth_username, auth_password = base64.b64decode(auth).decode().split(':', 1)
+ except Exception:
+ return self.proxy_auth_error()
+ if auth_username != (username or '') or auth_password != (password or ''):
+ return self.proxy_auth_error()
+ return True
+class HTTPProxyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPProxyAuthMixin):
+ def __init__(self, *args, proxy_info=None, username=None, password=None, request_handler=None, **kwargs):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.proxy_info = proxy_info
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ if not self.do_proxy_auth(self.username, self.password):
+ self.server.close_request(self.request)
+ return
+ if self.path.endswith('/proxy_info'):
+ payload = json.dumps(self.proxy_info or {
+ 'client_address': self.client_address,
+ 'connect': False,
+ 'connect_host': None,
+ 'connect_port': None,
+ 'headers': dict(self.headers),
+ 'path': self.path,
+ 'proxy': ':'.join(str(y) for y in self.connection.getsockname()),
+ })
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
+ self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(payload)))
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(payload.encode())
+ else:
+ self.send_response(404)
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.server.close_request(self.request)
+if urllib3:
+ import urllib3.util.ssltransport
+ class SSLTransport(urllib3.util.ssltransport.SSLTransport):
+ """
+ Modified version of urllib3 SSLTransport to support server side SSL
+ This allows us to chain multiple TLS connections.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, socket, ssl_context, server_hostname=None, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_side=False):
+ self.incoming = ssl.MemoryBIO()
+ self.outgoing = ssl.MemoryBIO()
+ self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs
+ self.socket = socket
+ self.sslobj = ssl_context.wrap_bio(
+ self.incoming,
+ self.outgoing,
+ server_hostname=server_hostname,
+ server_side=server_side
+ )
+ self._ssl_io_loop(self.sslobj.do_handshake)
+ @property
+ def _io_refs(self):
+ return self.socket._io_refs
+ @_io_refs.setter
+ def _io_refs(self, value):
+ self.socket._io_refs = value
+ def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.socket.shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
+ SSLTransport = None
+class HTTPSProxyHandler(HTTPProxyHandler):
+ def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ certfn = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testcert.pem')
+ sslctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
+ sslctx.load_cert_chain(certfn, None)
+ if isinstance(request, ssl.SSLSocket):
+ request = SSLTransport(request, ssl_context=sslctx, server_side=True)
+ else:
+ request = sslctx.wrap_socket(request, server_side=True)
+ super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
+class HTTPConnectProxyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPProxyAuthMixin):
+ protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
+ default_request_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
+ def __init__(self, *args, username=None, password=None, request_handler=None, **kwargs):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.request_handler = request_handler
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def do_CONNECT(self):
+ if not self.do_proxy_auth(self.username, self.password):
+ self.server.close_request(self.request)
+ return
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.end_headers()
+ proxy_info = {
+ 'client_address': self.client_address,
+ 'connect': True,
+ 'connect_host': self.path.split(':')[0],
+ 'connect_port': int(self.path.split(':')[1]),
+ 'headers': dict(self.headers),
+ 'path': self.path,
+ 'proxy': ':'.join(str(y) for y in self.connection.getsockname()),
+ }
+ self.request_handler(self.request, self.client_address, self.server, proxy_info=proxy_info)
+ self.server.close_request(self.request)
+class HTTPSConnectProxyHandler(HTTPConnectProxyHandler):
+ def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ certfn = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testcert.pem')
+ sslctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
+ sslctx.load_cert_chain(certfn, None)
+ request = sslctx.wrap_socket(request, server_side=True)
+ self._original_request = request
+ super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ def do_CONNECT(self):
+ super().do_CONNECT()
+ self.server.close_request(self._original_request)
+def proxy_server(proxy_server_class, request_handler, bind_ip=None, **proxy_server_kwargs):
+ server = server_thread = None
+ try:
+ bind_address = bind_ip or ''
+ server_type = ThreadingTCPServer if '.' in bind_address else IPv6ThreadingTCPServer
+ server = server_type(
+ (bind_address, 0), functools.partial(proxy_server_class, request_handler=request_handler, **proxy_server_kwargs))
+ server_port = http_server_port(server)
+ server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
+ server_thread.daemon = True
+ server_thread.start()
+ if '.' not in bind_address:
+ yield f'[{bind_address}]:{server_port}'
+ else:
+ yield f'{bind_address}:{server_port}'
+ finally:
+ server.shutdown()
+ server.server_close()
+ server_thread.join(2.0)
+class HTTPProxyTestContext(abc.ABC):
+ def http_server(self, server_class, *args, **kwargs):
+ return proxy_server(server_class, self.REQUEST_HANDLER_CLASS, *args, **kwargs)
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs) -> dict:
+ """return a dict of proxy_info"""
+class HTTPProxyHTTPTestContext(HTTPProxyTestContext):
+ # Standard HTTP Proxy for http requests
+ REQUEST_PROTO = 'http'
+ def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs):
+ request = Request(f'http://{target_domain or ""}:{target_port or "40000"}/proxy_info', **req_kwargs)
+ handler.validate(request)
+ return json.loads(handler.send(request).read().decode())
+class HTTPProxyHTTPSTestContext(HTTPProxyTestContext):
+ # HTTP Connect proxy, for https requests
+ REQUEST_PROTO = 'https'
+ def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs):
+ request = Request(f'https://{target_domain or ""}:{target_port or "40000"}/proxy_info', **req_kwargs)
+ handler.validate(request)
+ return json.loads(handler.send(request).read().decode())
+CTX_MAP = {
+ 'http': HTTPProxyHTTPTestContext,
+ 'https': HTTPProxyHTTPSTestContext,
+def ctx(request):
+ return CTX_MAP[request.param]()
+ 'handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ctx', ['http'], indirect=True) # pure http proxy can only support http
+class TestHTTPProxy:
+ def test_http_no_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['connect'] is False
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
+ def test_http_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']
+ def test_http_bad_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:bad@{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as exc_info:
+ ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert exc_info.value.response.status == 407
+ exc_info.value.response.close()
+ def test_http_source_address(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
+ verify_address_availability(source_address)
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'},
+ source_address=source_address) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['client_address'][0] == source_address
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('Urllib', 'urllib does not support https proxies')
+ def test_https(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPSProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['connect'] is False
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('Urllib', 'urllib does not support https proxies')
+ def test_https_verify_failed(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPSProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=True, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ # Accept SSLError as may not be feasible to tell if it is proxy or request error.
+ # note: if request proto also does ssl verification, this may also be the error of the request.
+ # Until we can support passing custom cacerts to handlers, we cannot properly test this for all cases.
+ with pytest.raises((ProxyError, SSLError)):
+ ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ def test_http_with_idn(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh, target_domain='中文.tw')
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['path'].startswith('http://xn--fiq228c.tw')
+ assert proxy_info['headers']['Host'].split(':', 1)[0] == 'xn--fiq228c.tw'
+ 'handler,ctx', [
+ ('Requests', 'https'),
+ ('CurlCFFI', 'https'),
+ ], indirect=True)
+class TestHTTPConnectProxy:
+ def test_http_connect_no_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['connect'] is True
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
+ def test_http_connect_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler(
+ 'Requests',
+ 'bug in urllib3 causes unclosed socket: https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/3374'
+ )
+ def test_http_connect_bad_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:bad@{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(ProxyError):
+ ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ def test_http_connect_source_address(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
+ verify_address_availability(source_address)
+ with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'},
+ source_address=source_address,
+ verify=False) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['client_address'][0] == source_address
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
+ def test_https_connect_proxy(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert proxy_info['connect'] is True
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
+ def test_https_connect_verify_failed(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=True, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ # Accept SSLError as may not be feasible to tell if it is proxy or request error.
+ # note: if request proto also does ssl verification, this may also be the error of the request.
+ # Until we can support passing custom cacerts to handlers, we cannot properly test this for all cases.
+ with pytest.raises((ProxyError, SSLError)):
+ ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
+ def test_https_connect_proxy_auth(self, handler, ctx):
+ with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
+ with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
+ proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
+ assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
+ assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']
diff --git a/test/test_networking.py b/test/test_networking.py
index d613cb5681..994467014d 100644
--- a/test/test_networking.py
+++ b/test/test_networking.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import sys
import pytest
+from yt_dlp.networking.common import Features
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
import gzip
@@ -27,8 +29,12 @@ import zlib
from email.message import Message
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
-from test.conftest import validate_and_send
-from test.helper import FakeYDL, http_server_port, verify_address_availability
+from test.helper import (
+ FakeYDL,
+ http_server_port,
+ validate_and_send,
+ verify_address_availability,
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import brotli, curl_cffi, requests, urllib3
from yt_dlp.networking import (
@@ -62,21 +68,6 @@ from yt_dlp.utils.networking import HTTPHeaderDict, std_headers
TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-def _build_proxy_handler(name):
- class HTTPTestRequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- proxy_name = name
- def log_message(self, format, *args):
- pass
- def do_GET(self):
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(f'{self.proxy_name}: {self.path}'.encode())
- return HTTPTestRequestHandler
class HTTPTestRequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
default_request_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
@@ -317,8 +308,9 @@ class TestRequestHandlerBase:
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(CertificateVerifyError):
@@ -329,7 +321,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert r.status == 200
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_ssl_error(self, handler):
# HTTPS server with too old TLS version
# XXX: is there a better way to test this than to create a new server?
@@ -347,7 +338,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{https_port}/headers'))
assert not issubclass(exc_info.type, CertificateVerifyError)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_percent_encode(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Unicode characters should be encoded with uppercase percent-encoding
@@ -359,7 +349,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.status == 200
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', [
@@ -375,15 +364,13 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.url == f'{self.http_port}/headers'
- # Not supported by CurlCFFI (non-standard)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi (non-standard)')
def test_unicode_path_redirection(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
r = validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/302-non-ascii-redirect'))
assert r.url == f'{self.http_port}/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87.html'
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_raise_http_error(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
for bad_status in (400, 500, 599, 302):
@@ -393,7 +380,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
# Should not raise an error
validate_and_send(rh, Request('' % self.http_port)).close()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_response_url(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Response url should be that of the last url in redirect chain
@@ -405,7 +391,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
# Covers some basic cases we expect some level of consistency between request handlers for
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('redirect_status,method,expected', [
# A 303 must either use GET or HEAD for subsequent request
(303, 'POST', ('', 'GET', False)),
@@ -447,7 +432,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert expected[1] == res.headers.get('method')
assert expected[2] == ('content-length' in headers.decode().lower())
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_request_cookie_header(self, handler):
# We should accept a Cookie header being passed as in normal headers and handle it appropriately.
with handler() as rh:
@@ -480,19 +464,16 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert b'cookie: test=ytdlp' not in data.lower()
assert b'cookie: test=test3' in data.lower()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_redirect_loop(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(HTTPError, match='redirect loop'):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/redirect_loop'))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_incompleteread(self, handler):
with handler(timeout=2) as rh:
with pytest.raises(IncompleteRead, match='13 bytes read, 234221 more expected'):
validate_and_send(rh, Request('' % self.http_port)).read()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_cookies(self, handler):
cookiejar = YoutubeDLCookieJar()
@@ -509,7 +490,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', extensions={'cookiejar': cookiejar})).read()
assert b'cookie: test=ytdlp' in data.lower()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_headers(self, handler):
with handler(headers=HTTPHeaderDict({'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'})) as rh:
@@ -525,7 +505,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert b'test2: test2' not in data
assert b'test3: test3' in data
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_read_timeout(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Default timeout is 20 seconds, so this should go through
@@ -541,7 +520,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/timeout_1', extensions={'timeout': 4}))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_connect_timeout(self, handler):
# nothing should be listening on this port
connect_timeout_url = ''
@@ -560,7 +538,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
rh, Request(connect_timeout_url, extensions={'timeout': 0.01}))
assert 0.01 <= time.time() - now < 20
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_source_address(self, handler):
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
# on some systems these loopback addresses we need for testing may not be available
@@ -572,13 +549,13 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert source_address == data
# Not supported by CurlCFFI
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi')
def test_gzip_trailing_garbage(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
data = validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'http://localhost:{self.http_port}/trailing_garbage')).read().decode()
assert data == ''
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not applicable to curl-cffi')
@pytest.mark.skipif(not brotli, reason='brotli support is not installed')
def test_brotli(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
@@ -589,7 +566,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'br'
assert res.read() == b''
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_deflate(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@@ -599,7 +575,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'deflate'
assert res.read() == b''
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_gzip(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@@ -609,7 +584,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip'
assert res.read() == b''
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_multiple_encodings(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
for pair in ('gzip,deflate', 'deflate, gzip', 'gzip, gzip', 'deflate, deflate'):
@@ -620,8 +594,7 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == pair
assert res.read() == b''
- # Not supported by curl_cffi
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi')
def test_unsupported_encoding(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@@ -631,7 +604,6 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'unsupported'
assert res.read() == b'raw'
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_read(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@@ -642,83 +614,48 @@ class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert res.read().decode().endswith('\n\n')
assert res.read() == b''
+ def test_request_disable_proxy(self, handler):
+ for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['http']:
+ # Given the handler is configured with a proxy
+ with handler(proxies={'http': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
+ # When a proxy is explicitly set to None for the request
+ res = validate_and_send(
+ rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'http': None}))
+ # Then no proxy should be used
+ res.close()
+ assert res.status == 200
-class TestHTTPProxy(TestRequestHandlerBase):
- # Note: this only tests http urls over non-CONNECT proxy
- @classmethod
- def setup_class(cls):
- super().setup_class()
- # HTTP Proxy server
- cls.proxy = http.server.ThreadingHTTPServer(
- ('', 0), _build_proxy_handler('normal'))
- cls.proxy_port = http_server_port(cls.proxy)
- cls.proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.proxy.serve_forever)
- cls.proxy_thread.daemon = True
- cls.proxy_thread.start()
- # Geo proxy server
- cls.geo_proxy = http.server.ThreadingHTTPServer(
- ('', 0), _build_proxy_handler('geo'))
- cls.geo_port = http_server_port(cls.geo_proxy)
- cls.geo_proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.geo_proxy.serve_forever)
- cls.geo_proxy_thread.daemon = True
- cls.geo_proxy_thread.start()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
- def test_http_proxy(self, handler):
- http_proxy = f'{self.proxy_port}'
- geo_proxy = f'{self.geo_port}'
- # Test global http proxy
- # Test per request http proxy
- # Test per request http proxy disables proxy
- url = 'http://foo.com/bar'
- # Global HTTP proxy
- with handler(proxies={'http': http_proxy}) as rh:
- res = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url)).read().decode()
- assert res == f'normal: {url}'
- # Per request proxy overrides global
- res = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url, proxies={'http': geo_proxy})).read().decode()
- assert res == f'geo: {url}'
- # and setting to None disables all proxies for that request
- real_url = f'{self.http_port}/headers'
- res = validate_and_send(
- rh, Request(real_url, proxies={'http': None})).read().decode()
- assert res != f'normal: {real_url}'
- assert 'Accept' in res
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(
+ lambda _, handler: Features.NO_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support NO_PROXY')
def test_noproxy(self, handler):
- with handler(proxies={'proxy': f'{self.proxy_port}'}) as rh:
- for no_proxy in (f'{self.http_port}', '', 'localhost'):
- nop_response = validate_and_send(
- rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'no': no_proxy})).read().decode(
- 'utf-8')
- assert 'Accept' in nop_response
+ for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['http']:
+ # Given the handler is configured with a proxy
+ with handler(proxies={'http': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
+ for no_proxy in (f'{self.http_port}', '', 'localhost'):
+ # When request no proxy includes the request url host
+ nop_response = validate_and_send(
+ rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'no': no_proxy}))
+ # Then the proxy should not be used
+ assert nop_response.status == 200
+ nop_response.close()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(
+ lambda _, handler: Features.ALL_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support ALL_PROXY')
def test_allproxy(self, handler):
- url = 'http://foo.com/bar'
- with handler() as rh:
- response = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url, proxies={'all': f'{self.proxy_port}'})).read().decode(
- 'utf-8')
- assert response == f'normal: {url}'
+ # This is a bit of a hacky test, but it should be enough to check whether the handler is using the proxy.
+ # 0.1s might not be enough of a timeout if proxy is not used in all cases, but should still get failures.
+ with handler(proxies={'all': ''}, timeout=0.1) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(TransportError):
+ validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers')).close()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
- def test_http_proxy_with_idn(self, handler):
- with handler(proxies={
- 'http': f'{self.proxy_port}',
- }) as rh:
- url = 'http://中文.tw/'
- response = rh.send(Request(url)).read().decode()
- # b'xn--fiq228c' is '中文'.encode('idna')
- assert response == 'normal: http://xn--fiq228c.tw/'
+ with handler(timeout=0.1) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(TransportError):
+ validate_and_send(
+ rh, Request(
+ f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'all': ''})).close()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
class TestClientCertificate:
def setup_class(cls):
@@ -745,27 +682,23 @@ class TestClientCertificate:
) as rh:
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.port}/video.html')).read().decode()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_combined_nopass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'clientwithkey.crt'),
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_nocombined_nopass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.crt'),
'client_certificate_key': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.key'),
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_combined_pass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'clientwithencryptedkey.crt'),
'client_certificate_password': 'foobar',
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_nocombined_pass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.crt'),
@@ -824,8 +757,8 @@ class TestRequestHandlerMisc:
assert len(logging_handlers) == before_count
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
class TestUrllibRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_file_urls(self, handler):
# See https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/8227
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
@@ -847,7 +780,6 @@ class TestUrllibRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_http_error_returns_content(self, handler):
# urllib HTTPError will try close the underlying response if reference to the HTTPError object is lost
def get_response():
@@ -860,7 +792,6 @@ class TestUrllibRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
assert get_response().read() == b''
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert_error_text(self, handler):
# Check the output of the error message
with handler() as rh:
@@ -870,7 +801,6 @@ class TestUrllibRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.https_port}/headers'))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('req,match,version_check', [
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/987b712b4aeeece336eed24fcc87a950a756c3e2/Lib/http/client.py#L1256
# bpo-39603: Check implemented in 3.7.9+, 3.8.5+
@@ -1202,7 +1132,7 @@ class TestRequestHandlerValidation:
- # scheme, expected to fail
+ # proxy scheme, expected to fail
('Urllib', 'http', [
('http', False),
('https', UnsupportedRequest),
@@ -1228,30 +1158,41 @@ class TestRequestHandlerValidation:
('socks5', False),
('socks5h', False),
+ ('Websockets', 'ws', [
+ ('http', UnsupportedRequest),
+ ('https', UnsupportedRequest),
+ ('socks4', False),
+ ('socks4a', False),
+ ('socks5', False),
+ ('socks5h', False),
+ ]),
(NoCheckRH, 'http', [('http', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
- ('Websockets', 'ws', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
(NoCheckRH, 'http', [('http', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
- # key, expected to fail
- ('Urllib', [
- ('all', False),
- ('unrelated', False),
+ # proxy key, proxy scheme, expected to fail
+ ('Urllib', 'http', [
+ ('all', 'http', False),
+ ('unrelated', 'http', False),
- ('Requests', [
- ('all', False),
- ('unrelated', False),
+ ('Requests', 'http', [
+ ('all', 'http', False),
+ ('unrelated', 'http', False),
- ('CurlCFFI', [
- ('all', False),
- ('unrelated', False),
+ ('CurlCFFI', 'http', [
+ ('all', 'http', False),
+ ('unrelated', 'http', False),
- (NoCheckRH, [('all', False)]),
- (HTTPSupportedRH, [('all', UnsupportedRequest)]),
- (HTTPSupportedRH, [('no', UnsupportedRequest)]),
+ ('Websockets', 'ws', [
+ ('all', 'socks5', False),
+ ('unrelated', 'socks5', False),
+ ]),
+ (NoCheckRH, 'http', [('all', 'http', False)]),
+ (HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('all', 'http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
+ (HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('no', 'http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
@@ -1293,28 +1234,54 @@ class TestRequestHandlerValidation:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,fail,scheme', [
+ ('Urllib', False, 'http'),
+ ('Requests', False, 'http'),
+ ('CurlCFFI', False, 'http'),
+ ('Websockets', False, 'ws')
+ ], indirect=['handler'])
+ def test_no_proxy(self, handler, fail, scheme):
+ run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={'no': ',github.com'}))
+ run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={'no': ',github.com'})
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme', [
+ ('Urllib', 'http'),
+ (HTTPSupportedRH, 'http'),
+ ('Requests', 'http'),
+ ('CurlCFFI', 'http'),
+ ('Websockets', 'ws')
+ ], indirect=['handler'])
+ def test_empty_proxy(self, handler, scheme):
+ run_validation(handler, False, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={scheme: None}))
+ run_validation(handler, False, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={scheme: None})
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('proxy_url', ['//example.com', 'example.com', '', '/a/b/c'])
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme', [
+ ('Urllib', 'http'),
+ (HTTPSupportedRH, 'http'),
+ ('Requests', 'http'),
+ ('CurlCFFI', 'http'),
+ ('Websockets', 'ws')
+ ], indirect=['handler'])
+ def test_invalid_proxy_url(self, handler, scheme, proxy_url):
+ run_validation(handler, UnsupportedRequest, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={scheme: proxy_url}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,fail,handler_kwargs', [
(handler_tests[0], scheme, fail, handler_kwargs)
for handler_tests in URL_SCHEME_TESTS
for scheme, fail, handler_kwargs in handler_tests[1]
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_url_scheme(self, handler, scheme, fail, handler_kwargs):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), **(handler_kwargs or {}))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,fail', [('Urllib', False), ('Requests', False), ('CurlCFFI', False)], indirect=['handler'])
- def test_no_proxy(self, handler, fail):
- run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://', proxies={'no': ',github.com'}))
- run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://'), proxies={'no': ',github.com'})
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,proxy_key,fail', [
- (handler_tests[0], proxy_key, fail)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,proxy_key,proxy_scheme,fail', [
+ (handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail)
for handler_tests in PROXY_KEY_TESTS
- for proxy_key, fail in handler_tests[1]
+ for proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail in handler_tests[2]
], indirect=['handler'])
- def test_proxy_key(self, handler, proxy_key, fail):
- run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://', proxies={proxy_key: 'http://example.com'}))
- run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://'), proxies={proxy_key: 'http://example.com'})
+ def test_proxy_key(self, handler, scheme, proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail):
+ run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={proxy_key: f'{proxy_scheme}://example.com'}))
+ run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={proxy_key: f'{proxy_scheme}://example.com'})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,req_scheme,scheme,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], scheme, fail)
@@ -1325,16 +1292,6 @@ class TestRequestHandlerValidation:
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{req_scheme}://', proxies={req_scheme: f'{scheme}://example.com'}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{req_scheme}://'), proxies={req_scheme: f'{scheme}://example.com'})
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', HTTPSupportedRH, 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
- def test_empty_proxy(self, handler):
- run_validation(handler, False, Request('http://', proxies={'http': None}))
- run_validation(handler, False, Request('http://'), proxies={'http': None})
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('proxy_url', ['//example.com', 'example.com', '', '/a/b/c'])
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
- def test_invalid_proxy_url(self, handler, proxy_url):
- run_validation(handler, UnsupportedRequest, Request('http://', proxies={'http': proxy_url}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,extensions,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], extensions, fail)
for handler_tests in EXTENSION_TESTS
diff --git a/test/test_websockets.py b/test/test_websockets.py
index b294b0932b..bc9f2187a1 100644
--- a/test/test_websockets.py
+++ b/test/test_websockets.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import sys
import pytest
from test.helper import verify_address_availability
+from yt_dlp.networking.common import Features
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import random
import ssl
import threading
-from yt_dlp import socks
+from yt_dlp import socks, traverse_obj
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import websockets
from yt_dlp.networking import Request
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ def ws_validate_and_send(rh, req):
@pytest.mark.skipif(not websockets, reason='websockets must be installed to test websocket request handlers')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
def setup_class(cls):
@@ -129,7 +131,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
cls.mtls_wss_thread, cls.mtls_wss_port = create_mtls_wss_websocket_server()
cls.mtls_wss_base_url = f'wss://{cls.mtls_wss_port}'
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_basic_websockets(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url))
@@ -141,7 +142,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
# https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455.html#section-5.6
@pytest.mark.parametrize('msg,opcode', [('str', 1), (b'bytes', 2)])
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_send_types(self, handler, msg, opcode):
with handler() as rh:
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url))
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert int(ws.recv()) == opcode
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(CertificateVerifyError):
@@ -160,14 +159,12 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert ws.status == 101
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_ssl_error(self, handler):
with handler(verify=False) as rh:
with pytest.raises(SSLError, match=r'ssl(?:v3|/tls) alert handshake failure') as exc_info:
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.bad_wss_host))
assert not issubclass(exc_info.type, CertificateVerifyError)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected', [
# Unicode characters should be encoded with uppercase percent-encoding
('/中文', '/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87'),
@@ -182,7 +179,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert ws.status == 101
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_remove_dot_segments(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# This isn't a comprehensive test,
@@ -195,7 +191,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
# We are restricted to known HTTP status codes in http.HTTPStatus
# Redirects are not supported for websockets
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('status', (200, 204, 301, 302, 303, 400, 500, 511))
def test_raise_http_error(self, handler, status):
with handler() as rh:
@@ -203,7 +198,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.ws_base_url}/gen_{status}'))
assert exc_info.value.status == status
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('params,extensions', [
({'timeout': sys.float_info.min}, {}),
({}, {'timeout': sys.float_info.min}),
@@ -213,7 +207,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, extensions=extensions))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_cookies(self, handler):
cookiejar = YoutubeDLCookieJar()
@@ -239,7 +232,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert json.loads(ws.recv())['cookie'] == 'test=ytdlp'
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_source_address(self, handler):
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
@@ -249,7 +241,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert source_address == ws.recv()
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_response_url(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
url = f'{self.ws_base_url}/something'
@@ -257,7 +248,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
assert ws.url == url
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_request_headers(self, handler):
with handler(headers=HTTPHeaderDict({'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'})) as rh:
# Global Headers
@@ -293,7 +283,6 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
'client_certificate_password': 'foobar',
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_mtls(self, handler, client_cert):
with handler(
# Disable client-side validation of unacceptable self-signed testcert.pem
@@ -303,6 +292,44 @@ class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
) as rh:
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.mtls_wss_base_url)).close()
+ def test_request_disable_proxy(self, handler):
+ for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['ws']:
+ # Given handler is configured with a proxy
+ with handler(proxies={'ws': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
+ # When a proxy is explicitly set to None for the request
+ ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'http': None}))
+ # Then no proxy should be used
+ assert ws.status == 101
+ ws.close()
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(
+ lambda _, handler: Features.NO_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support NO_PROXY')
+ def test_noproxy(self, handler):
+ for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['ws']:
+ # Given the handler is configured with a proxy
+ with handler(proxies={'ws': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
+ for no_proxy in (f'{self.ws_port}', '', 'localhost'):
+ # When request no proxy includes the request url host
+ ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'no': no_proxy}))
+ # Then the proxy should not be used
+ assert ws.status == 101
+ ws.close()
+ @pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(
+ lambda _, handler: Features.ALL_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support ALL_PROXY')
+ def test_allproxy(self, handler):
+ supported_proto = traverse_obj(handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES, 0, default='ws')
+ # This is a bit of a hacky test, but it should be enough to check whether the handler is using the proxy.
+ # 0.1s might not be enough of a timeout if proxy is not used in all cases, but should still get failures.
+ with handler(proxies={'all': f'{supported_proto}://'}, timeout=0.1) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(TransportError):
+ ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url)).close()
+ with handler(timeout=0.1) as rh:
+ with pytest.raises(TransportError):
+ ws_validate_and_send(
+ rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'all': f'{supported_proto}://'})).close()
def create_fake_ws_connection(raised):
import websockets.sync.client
diff --git a/yt_dlp/networking/_curlcffi.py b/yt_dlp/networking/_curlcffi.py
index 10751a1050..f2df399e34 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/networking/_curlcffi.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/networking/_curlcffi.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from .exceptions import (
from .impersonate import ImpersonateRequestHandler, ImpersonateTarget
-from ..dependencies import curl_cffi
+from ..dependencies import curl_cffi, certifi
from ..utils import int_or_none
if curl_cffi is None:
@@ -166,6 +166,13 @@ class CurlCFFIRH(ImpersonateRequestHandler, InstanceStoreMixin):
# See: https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL.html
session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1)
+ # curl_cffi does not currently set these for proxies
+ session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_CAINFO, certifi.where())
+ if not self.verify:
+ session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
+ session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
headers = self._get_impersonate_headers(request)
if self._client_cert:
@@ -213,7 +220,10 @@ class CurlCFFIRH(ImpersonateRequestHandler, InstanceStoreMixin):
max_redirects_exceeded = True
curl_response = e.response
- elif e.code == CurlECode.PROXY:
+ elif (
+ e.code == CurlECode.PROXY
+ or (e.code == CurlECode.RECV_ERROR and 'Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT' in str(e))
+ ):
raise ProxyError(cause=e) from e
raise TransportError(cause=e) from e