mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 19:57:11 +01:00
200 lines
6 KiB
Executable file
200 lines
6 KiB
Executable file
import glob, sys, re, os, getopt, codecs
from lxml import etree
# sys.exit(0)
g_xmlTypes = [
{ 'elemName': 'item',
'attrType' : '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}title'
{ 'elemName': 'Button',
'attrType' : '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}text'
{ 'elemName': 'TextView',
'attrType' : '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}text'
{ 'elemName': 'CheckBox',
'attrType' : '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}text'
{ 'elemName': 'EditText',
'attrType' : '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}hint'
g_pairs = {}
STR_REF = re.compile('@string/(.*)$')
CLASS_NAME = re.compile('.*/([^/*]+).java')
def xform(src, dest):
doc = etree.parse(src)
root = doc.getroot();
for child in root.iter():
for elem in g_xmlTypes:
if child.tag == elem['elemName']:
value = child.get(elem['attrType'])
match = value and STR_REF.match(value)
if match:
key = match.group(1)
if key in g_pairs:
child.set(elem['attrType'], "loc:" + key)
# create directory if needed, then write file
dir = os.path.dirname( dest )
if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)
doc.write( dest, pretty_print=True )
# For my records: you CAN harvest a comment!!!
# def loadAndPrint(file):
# prevComment = None
# doc = etree.parse(file)
# for elem in doc.getroot().iter():
# if not isinstance( elem.tag, basestring ):
# prevComment = elem.text
# else:
# print "elem:", elem,
# if prevComment:
# print '//', prevComment
# prevComment = None
# else:
# print
# # doc.write( sys.stdout, pretty_print=True )
def checkText( text ):
text = " ".join(re.split('\s+', text)).replace('"', '\"')
seen = set()
split = re.split( '(%\d\$[sd])', text )
for part in split:
if 4 <= len(part) and '%' == part[0]:
digit = int(part[1:2])
if digit in seen:
# print "ERROR: has duplicate format digit %d (text = %s)" % (digit, text)
# print "This might not be what you want"
seen.add( digit )
return text
def printStrings( pairs, outfile, target, variant ):
match = CLASS_NAME.match(outfile)
if not match:
print "did you give me a java file?:", outfile
name = match.group(1)
fil = codecs.open( outfile, "w", "utf-8" )
# beginning of the class file
lines = """
* Generated file (by %s); do not edit!!!
package org.eehouse.android.%s.loc;
import android.content.Context;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eehouse.android.%s.R;
import org.eehouse.android.%s.DbgUtils;
public class %s {
public static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
protected static final int[] S_IDS = {
fil.write( lines % (sys.argv[0], variant, variant, variant, name) )
keys = pairs.keys()
for ii in range( len( keys ) ):
key = keys[ii]
fil.write( " /* %04d */ R.string.%s,\n" % (ii, key) )
fil.write( " };\n\n" )
if "debug" == target:
fil.write( " static final String[] strs = {\n")
for ii in range( len( keys ) ):
key = keys[ii]
fil.write( " /* %04d */ \"%s\",\n" % (ii, pairs[key]['text']) )
fil.write( " };\n" );
func = "\n protected static void checkStrings( Context context ) \n {\n"
if "debug" == target:
func += """
int nMatches = 0;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < strs.length; ++ii ) {
String fromCtxt = context.getString( S_IDS[ii] );
if ( strs[ii].equals( fromCtxt ) ) {
} else {
DbgUtils.logf( "unequal strings: \\"%s\\" vs \\"%s\\"",
strs[ii], fromCtxt );
DbgUtils.logf( "checkStrings: %d of %d strings matched", nMatches, strs.length );
func += " }"
fil.write( func )
# Now the end of the class
lines = """
/* end generated file */
fil.write( lines )
def getStrings(path):
pairs = {}
texts = {}
prevComments = []
foundDupe = False
for elem in etree.parse(path).getroot().iter():
if not isinstance( elem.tag, basestring ):
prevComments.append( elem.text )
elif 'string' == elem.tag and elem.text:
name = elem.get('name')
text = checkText( elem.text )
if text in texts:
print "duplicate string: name: %s, text: '%s'" % (name, text)
foundDupe = True
texts[text] = True
rec = { 'text' : text }
if 0 < len(prevComments):
rec['comments'] = prevComments
prevComments = []
# not having a name is an error!!!
pairs[name] = rec
if foundDupe:
print "Exiting: please remove duplicates listed above from", path
return pairs
def main():
outfile = ''
outfileDbg = ''
pairs, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:t:d:v:")
for option, value in pairs:
if option == '-o': outfile = value
elif option == '-t': target = value
elif option == '-v': variant = value
# Gather all localizable strings
pairs = getStrings("res/values/strings.xml")
# for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk('res_src'):
# for file in files:
# src = subdir + '/' + file
# dest = src.replace( 'res_src', 'res', 1 )
# xform( src, dest )
if outfile: printStrings( pairs, outfile, target, variant )
if __name__ == '__main__':