Eric House c4cdc24b78 initial changes to add a header to xwd format so that stuff like
number of words can be included.  Changed to build dicts and linux to
open them.  Android still needs to learn.  Also, some of the tools in
dawg/ need to be fixed to read old-format (pre-utf8) .xwd files.
2010-12-05 19:33:10 -08:00

462 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -CS
# Copyright 2004 - 2009 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Given a .pdb or .xwd file, print all the words in the DAWG to
# stdout.
use strict;
use Fcntl;
use Encode 'from_to';
use Encode;
my $gInFile;
my $gDoRaw = 0;
my $gDoJSON = 0;
my $gFileType;
my $gNodeSize;
use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR';
sub systell { sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR) }
sub usage() {
print STDERR "USAGE: $0 "
. "[-raw | -json] "
. "-dict <xwdORpdb>"
. "\n"
. "\t(Takes a .pdb or .xwd and prints its words to stdout)\n";
exit 1;
sub parseARGV() {
while ( my $parm = shift(@ARGV) ) {
if ( $parm eq "-raw" ) {
$gDoRaw = 1;
} elsif ( $parm eq "-json" ) {
$gDoJSON = 1;
} elsif ( $parm eq "-dict" ) {
$gInFile = shift(@ARGV);
} else {
if ( $gInFile =~ m|.xwd$| ) {
$gFileType = "xwd";
} elsif ( $gInFile =~ m|.pdb$| ) {
$gFileType = "pdb";
} else {
} # parseARGV
sub countSpecials($) {
my ( $facesRef ) = @_;
my $count = 0;
map { ++$count if ( ord($_) < 32 ); } @$facesRef;
return $count;
} # countSpecials
sub readXWDFaces($$$) {
my ( $fh, $facRef, $nSpecials ) = @_;
my ( $buf, $nRead, $nChars, $nBytes );
$nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
$nBytes = unpack( 'c', $buf );
printf STDERR "nBytes of faces: %d\n", $nBytes;
$nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
$nChars = unpack( 'c', $buf );
printf STDERR "nChars of faces: %d\n", $nChars;
binmode( $fh, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n";
sysread( $fh, $buf, $nChars );
length($buf) == $nChars or die "didn't read expected number of bytes\n";
binmode( $fh ) or die "binmode failed\n";
print STDERR "string now: $buf\n";
my @faces;
for ( my $ii = 0; $ii < $nChars; ++$ii ) {
my $chr = substr( $buf, $ii, 1 );
print STDERR "pushing $chr \n";
push( @faces, $chr );
printf STDERR "at 0x%x after reading faces\n", systell($fh);
${$nSpecials} = countSpecials( \@faces );
@{$facRef} = @faces;
printf STDERR "readXWDFaces=>%d\n", $nChars;
return $nChars;
} # readXWDFaces
sub skipBitmap($) {
my ( $fh ) = @_;
my $buf;
sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
my $nCols = unpack( 'C', $buf );
if ( $nCols > 0 ) {
sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
my $nRows = unpack( 'C', $buf );
my $nBytes = (($nRows * $nCols) + 7) / 8;
sysread( $fh, $buf, $nBytes );
printf STDERR "skipBitmap\n";
} # skipBitmap
sub getSpecials($$$) {
my ( $fh, $nSpecials, $specRef ) = @_;
my @specials;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nSpecials; ++$i ) {
my $buf;
sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
my $len = unpack( 'C', $buf );
sysread( $fh, $buf, $len );
push( @specials, $buf );
skipBitmap( $fh );
skipBitmap( $fh );
@{$specRef} = @specials;
} # getSpecials
sub readNodesToEnd($) {
my ( $fh ) = @_;
my @nodes;
my $count = 0;
my $offset = 4 - $gNodeSize;
my ( $buf, $nRead );
do {
$nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, $gNodeSize, $offset );
$count += $nRead;
my $node = unpack( 'N', $buf );
push( @nodes, $node );
} while ( $nRead == $gNodeSize );
die "out of sync? nRead=$nRead, count=$count" if $nRead != 0;
return @nodes;
} # readNodesToEnd
sub nodeSizeFromFlags($$) {
my ( $fh, $flags ) = @_;
my $bitSet = $flags & 0x0008;
printf STDERR "checking flags 0x%x with 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", $flags, 0x0008, $bitSet;
if ( 0 != $bitSet ){
$flags = $flags & ~0x0008;
# need to skip header
my $buf;
2 == sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 ) || die "couldn't read length of header";
my $len = unpack( "n", $buf );
$len == sysread( $fh, $buf, $len ) || die "couldn't read header bytes";
if ( $flags == 2 || $ flags == 4 ) {
return 3;
} elsif ( $flags == 5 ) {
return 4;
} else {
die "invalid dict flags $flags";
} # nodeSizeFromFlags
sub mergeSpecials($$) {
my ( $facesRef, $specialsRef ) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$facesRef; ++$i ) {
my $ref = ord($$facesRef[$i]);
if ( $ref < 32 ) {
$$facesRef[$i] = $$specialsRef[$ref];
#print STDERR "set $ref to $$specialsRef[$ref]\n";
sub prepXWD($$$$) {
my ( $fh, $facRef, $nodesRef, $startRef ) = @_;
printf STDERR "at 0x%x at start\n", systell($fh);
my $buf;
my $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 );
my $flags = unpack( "n", $buf );
$gNodeSize = nodeSizeFromFlags( $fh, $flags );
my $nSpecials;
my $faceCount = readXWDFaces( $fh, $facRef, \$nSpecials );
printf STDERR "at 0x%x before header read\n", systell($fh);
# skip xloc header
$nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 );
# skip values info.
printf STDERR "at 0x%x before reading %d values\n", systell($fh), $faceCount;
sysread( $fh, $buf, $faceCount * 2 );
printf STDERR "at 0x%x after values read\n", systell($fh);
printf STDERR "at 0x%x before specials read\n", systell($fh);
my @specials;
getSpecials( $fh, $nSpecials, \@specials );
mergeSpecials( $facRef, \@specials );
printf STDERR "at 0x%x after specials read\n", systell($fh);
printf STDERR "at 0x%x before offset read\n", systell($fh);
sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 );
$$startRef = unpack( 'N', $buf );
print STDERR "startRef=$$startRef\n";
my @nodes = readNodesToEnd( $fh );
@$nodesRef = @nodes;
print STDERR "prepXWD done\n";
} # prepXWD
sub readPDBSpecials($$$$$) {
my ( $fh, $nChars, $nToRead, $nSpecials, $specRef ) = @_;
my ( $nRead, $buf );
# first skip counts and values, and xloc header
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, ($nChars * 2) + 2 );
while ( $nSpecials-- ) {
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 8 ); # sizeof(Xloc_specialEntry)
my @chars = unpack( 'C8', $buf );
my $str;
foreach my $char (@chars) {
if ( $char == 0 ) { # null-terminated on palm
$str .= chr($char);
push( @$specRef, $str );
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, $nToRead - $nRead ); # skip bitmaps
return $nRead;
} # readPDBSpecials
sub prepPDB($$$$) {
my ( $fh, $facRef, $nodesRef, $startRef ) = @_;
$$startRef = 0; # always for palm?
my $buf;
# skip header info
my $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 76 );
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 );
my $nRecs = unpack( 'n', $buf );
my @offsets;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nRecs; ++$i ) {
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 );
push( @offsets, unpack( 'N', $buf ) );
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 ); # skip
die "too far" if $nRead > $offsets[0];
while ( $nRead < $offsets[0] ) {
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 );
my $facesOffset = $offsets[1];
my $nChars = ($offsets[2] - $facesOffset) / 2;
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, $facesOffset - $nRead );
my @tmp = unpack( 'Nc6n', $buf );
$gNodeSize = nodeSizeFromFlags( 0, $tmp[7] );
my @faces;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nChars; ++$i ) {
$nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 );
push( @faces, chr(unpack( "n", $buf ) ) );
@{$facRef} = @faces;
die "out of sync: $nRead != $offsets[2]" if $nRead != $offsets[2];
my @specials;
$nRead += readPDBSpecials( $fh, $nChars, $offsets[3] - $nRead,
countSpecials($facRef), \@specials );
mergeSpecials( $facRef, \@specials );
die "out of sync" if $nRead != $offsets[3];
my @nodes = readNodesToEnd( $fh );
@$nodesRef = @nodes;
} # prepPDB
sub parseNode($$$$$) {
my ( $node, $chrIndex, $nextEdge, $accepting, $last ) = @_;
if ( $gNodeSize == 4 ) {
$$accepting = ($node & 0x00008000) != 0;
$$last = ($node & 0x00004000) != 0;
$$chrIndex = ($node & 0x00003f00) >> 8;
$$nextEdge = ($node >> 16) + (($node & 0x000000FF) << 16);
} elsif( $gNodeSize == 3 ) {
$$accepting = ($node & 0x00000080) != 0;
$$last = ($node & 0x00000040) != 0;
$$chrIndex = $node & 0x0000001f;
$$nextEdge = ($node >> 8) + (($node & 0x00000020) << 11);
# printf "%x: acpt=$$accepting; last=$$last; "
# . "next=$$nextEdge; ci=$$chrIndex\n", $node;
} # parseNode
sub printStr($$) {
my ( $strRef, $facesRef ) = @_;
print join( "", map {$$facesRef[$_]} @$strRef), "\n";
} # printStr
# Given an array of 4-byte nodes, a start index. and another array of
# two-byte faces, print out all of the words in the nodes array.
sub printDAWG($$$$) {
my ( $strRef, $arrRef, $start, $facesRef ) = @_;
die "infinite recursion???" if @$strRef > 15;
for ( ; ; ) {
my $node = $$arrRef[$start++];
my $nextEdge;
my $chrIndex;
my $accepting;
my $lastEdge;
parseNode( $node, \$chrIndex, \$nextEdge, \$accepting, \$lastEdge );
push( @$strRef, $chrIndex );
if ( $accepting ) {
printStr( $strRef, $facesRef );
if ( $nextEdge != 0 ) {
printDAWG( $strRef, $arrRef, $nextEdge, $facesRef );
pop( @$strRef );
if ( $lastEdge ) {
} # printDAWG
sub printNodes($$) {
my ( $nr, $fr ) = @_;
my $len = @$nr;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i ) {
my $node = $$nr[$i];
my ( $chrIndex, $nextEdge, $accepting, $lastEdge );
parseNode( $node, \$chrIndex, \$nextEdge, \$accepting, \$lastEdge );
printf "%.8x: (%.8x) %2d(%s) %.8x ", $i, $node, $chrIndex,
$$fr[$chrIndex], $nextEdge;
print ($accepting? "A":"a");
print " ";
print ($lastEdge? "L":"l");
print "\n";
sub printStartJson($) {
my ( $startIndex ) = @_;
printf( " start: 0x%.8x,\n", $startIndex );
sub printCharsJson($) {
my ( $fr ) = @_;
print " chars: [ ";
foreach my $char (@$fr) {
print "\"$char\", "
print "],\n"
sub printNodesJson($) {
my ( $nr ) = @_;
print " dawg: [\n";
my $len = @$nr;
my $newLine = 1;
for ( my $ii = 0; $ii < $len; ++$ii ) {
my $node = $$nr[$ii];
if ( $newLine ) {
printf( " /*%.6x*/ ", $ii );
$newLine = 0;
printf "0x%.8x, ", $node;
my ( $chrIndex, $nextEdge, $accepting, $lastEdge );
parseNode( $node, \$chrIndex, \$nextEdge, \$accepting, \$lastEdge );
if ( $lastEdge ) {
print "\n";
$newLine = 1;
print "\n ],\n"
# main
binmode( STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n";
sysopen(INFILE, $gInFile, O_RDONLY) or die "couldn't open $gInFile: $!\n";;
binmode INFILE;
my @faces;
my @nodes;
my $startIndex;
if ( $gFileType eq "xwd" ){
prepXWD( *INFILE, \@faces, \@nodes, \$startIndex );
} elsif ( $gFileType eq "pdb" ) {
prepPDB( *INFILE, \@faces, \@nodes, \$startIndex );
close INFILE;
die "no nodes!!!" if 0 == @nodes;
if ( $gDoRaw ) {
printNodes( \@nodes, \@faces );
} elsif ( $gDoJSON ) {
print "dict = {\n";
printStartJson( $startIndex );
printCharsJson( \@faces );
printNodesJson( \@nodes );
print "}\n";
} else {
binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n";
printDAWG( [], \@nodes, $startIndex, \@faces );
exit 0;