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synced 2025-01-09 05:24:44 +01:00
As expected, moves are no longer received instantly because the UDP socket isn't available for the relay to write too once the URL handler (relay.py) finishes.
247 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable file
247 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable file
import base64, json, mod_python, socket, struct, sys
import psycopg2, random
# try:
# from mod_python import apache
# apacheAvailable = True
# except ImportError:
# apacheAvailable = False
# Joining a game. Basic idea is you have stuff to match on (room,
# number in game, language) and when somebody wants to join you add to
# an existing matching game if there's space otherwise create a new
# one. Problems are the unreliablity of transport: if you give a space
# and the device doesn't get the message you can't hold it forever. So
# device provides a seed that holds the space. If it asks again for a
# space with the same seed it gets the same space. If it never asks
# again (app deleted, say), the space needs eventually to be given to
# somebody else. I think that's done by adding a timestamp array and
# treating the space as available if TIME has expired. Need to think
# about this: what if app fails to ACK for TIME, then returns with
# seed to find it given away. Let's do a 30 minute reservation for
# now? [Note: much of this is PENDING]
def join(req, devID, room, seed, hid = 0, lang = 1, nInGame = 2, nHere = 1, inviteID = None):
assert hid <= 4
seed = int(seed)
assert seed != 0
nInGame = int(nInGame)
nHere = int(nHere)
assert nHere <= nInGame
assert nInGame <= 4
devID = int(devID, 16)
connname = None
logs = [] # for debugging
# logs.append('vers: ' + platform.python_version())
con = psycopg2.connect(database='xwgames')
cur = con.cursor()
# First see if there's a game with a space for me. Must match on
# room, lang and size. Must have room OR must have already given a
# spot for a seed equal to mine, in which case I get it
# back. Assumption is I didn't ack in time.
query = "SELECT connname, seeds, nperdevice FROM games "
query += "WHERE lang = %s AND nTotal = %s AND room = %s "
query += "AND (njoined + %s <= ntotal OR %s = ANY(seeds)) "
query += "LIMIT 1"
cur.execute( query, (lang, nInGame, room, nHere, seed))
for row in cur:
(connname, seeds, nperdevice) = row
print('found', connname, seeds, nperdevice)
break # should be only one!
# If we've found a match, we either need to UPDATE or, if the
# seeds match, remind the caller of where he belongs. If a hid's
# been specified, we honor it by updating if the slot's available;
# otherwise a new game has to be created.
if connname:
if seed in seeds and nHere == nperdevice[seeds.index(seed)]:
hid = seeds.index(seed) + 1
print('resusing seed case; outta here!')
if hid == 0:
# Any gaps? Assign it
if None in seeds:
hid = seeds.index(None) + 1
hid = len(seeds) + 1
print('set hid to', hid, 'based on ', seeds)
print('hid already', hid)
query = "UPDATE games SET njoined = njoined + %s, "
query += "devids[%d] = %%s, " % hid
query += "seeds[%d] = %%s, " % hid
query += "jtimes[%d] = 'now', " % hid
query += "nperdevice[%d] = %%s " % hid
query += "WHERE connname = %s "
params = (nHere, devID, seed, nHere, connname)
cur.execute(query, params)
# If nothing was found, add a new game and add me. Honor my hid
# preference if specified
if not connname:
# This requires python3, which likely requires mod_wsgi
# ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
# connname = '%s:%d:1' % (xwconfig.k_HOSTNAME, int(ts * 1000))
connname = '%s:%d:1' % (xwconfig.k_HOSTNAME, random.randint(0, 10000000000))
useHid = hid == 0 and 1 or hid
print('not found case; inserting using hid:', useHid)
query = "INSERT INTO games (connname, room, lang, ntotal, njoined, " + \
"devids[%d], seeds[%d], jtimes[%d], nperdevice[%d]) " % (4 * (useHid,))
query += "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'now', %s) "
query += "RETURNING connname, array_length(seeds,1); "
cur.execute(query, (connname, room, lang, nInGame, nHere, devID, seed, nHere))
for row in cur:
connname, gothid = row
if hid == 0: hid = gothid
result = {'connname': connname, 'hid' : hid, 'log' : ':'.join(logs)}
return json.dumps(result)
def kill(req, params):
params = json.loads(params)
count = len(params)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('', 10998))
header = struct.Struct('!BBh')
strLens = 0
for ii in range(count):
strLens += len(params[ii]['relayID']) + 1
size = header.size + (2*count) + strLens
sock.send(header.pack(PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_DEVICE_GONE, count))
for ii in range(count):
elem = params[ii]
asBytes = bytes(elem['relayID'])
sock.send(struct.Struct('!H%dsc' % (len(asBytes))).pack(elem['seed'], asBytes, '\n'))
result = {'err': 0}
return json.dumps(result)
# winds up in handle_udp_packet() in xwrelay.cpp
def post(req, params, timeoutSecs = 1.0):
err = 'none'
params = json.loads(params)
data = base64.b64decode(params['data'])
udpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udpSock.settimeout(float(timeoutSecs)) # seconds
addr = ("", 10997)
udpSock.sendto(data, addr)
responses = []
while True:
data, server = udpSock.recvfrom(1024)
except socket.timeout:
#If data is not received back from server, print it has timed out
err = 'timeout'
result = {'err' : err, 'data' : responses}
return json.dumps(result)
def query(req, params):
print('params', params)
params = json.loads(params)
ids = params['ids']
timeoutSecs = 'timeoutSecs' in params and float(params['timeoutSecs']) or 2.0
idsLen = 0
for id in ids: idsLen += len(id)
tcpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcpSock.connect(('', 10998))
lenShort = 2 + idsLen + len(ids) + 2
print(lenShort, PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_GET_MSGS, len(ids))
header = struct.Struct('!hBBh')
assert header.size == 6
tcpSock.send(header.pack(lenShort, PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_GET_MSGS, len(ids)))
for id in ids: tcpSock.send(id + '\n')
msgsLists = {}
shortUnpacker = struct.Struct('!H')
resLen, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size)) # not getting all bytes
nameCount, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size))
resLen -= shortUnpacker.size
print('resLen:', resLen, 'nameCount:', nameCount)
if nameCount == len(ids) and resLen > 0:
print('nameCount', nameCount)
for ii in range(nameCount):
perGame = []
countsThisGame, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size)) # problem
print('countsThisGame:', countsThisGame)
for jj in range(countsThisGame):
msgLen, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size))
print('msgLen:', msgLen)
msgs = []
if msgLen > 0:
msg = tcpSock.recv(msgLen)
print('msg len:', len(msg))
msg = base64.b64encode(msg)
msgsLists[ids[ii]] = perGame
return json.dumps(msgsLists)
def main():
result = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
cmd = sys.argv[1]
args = sys.argv[2:]
if cmd == 'query' and len(args) > 0:
result = query(None, json.dumps({'ids':args}))
elif cmd == 'post':
# Params = { 'data' : 'V2VkIE9jdCAxOCAwNjowNDo0OCBQRFQgMjAxNwo=' }
# params = json.dumps(params)
# print(post(None, params))
elif cmd == 'join':
if len(args) == 6:
result = join(None, 1, args[0], int(args[1]), int(args[2]), int(args[3]), int(args[4]), int(args[5]))
elif cmd == 'kill':
result = kill( None, json.dumps([{'relayID': args[0], 'seed':int(args[1])}]) )
if result:
print '->', result
print 'USAGE: query [connname/hid]*'
print ' join <roomName> <seed> <hid> <lang> <nTotal> <nHere>'
print ' query [connname/hid]*'
# print ' post '
print ' kill <relayID> <seed>'
print ' join <roomName> <seed> <hid> <lang> <nTotal> <nHere>'
if __name__ == '__main__':